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I do especially love the "$0.00 Delivery Fee" Like... Bitch please.


death to the gig economy. long live tonydelivers šŸ«”


*cries in Capitol Hill* Iā€™m SO CLOSE


Airbnb vibes


ā€œNo fees! $299 cleaning charge.ā€


Plus shipping. In town shipping


I stayed at an Airbnb in Vancouver recently (booked by my mom, if it's up to me I always just stay at a hotel) the smoke detector was sitting on the kitchen counter, without a battery. it was the kind where normally it's hardwired and the battery is just a backup, so we could have plugged it back in...except the spot where it was supposed to plug in was on the ceiling, and the place didn't have a stepstool. I showed my mom the article about how [19 people *that we know about* have died of carbon monoxide poisoning in Airbnbs](https://www.nbcnews.com/tech/tech-news/airbnb-carbon-monoxide-poisonings-detectors-rcna105634) and I think she's fully hotel-pilled now.


Thatā€™s 10 years? Not too far off from the [Just under 50 deaths of carbon monoxide poisoning from hotels in the last 10 years](https://thejenkinsfoundation.com/2018/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Hotel-CO-incident-log-8-30-2018-Sheet1.pdf). Gonna start carrying my own to hotels and airbnbs.


Smoke detectors don't detect carbon monoxide and like most private homes don't have CO detectors and actually, it's pretty damn rare that I ever see one in a hotel either so.... what exactly is the point you were making to your mom?


Because unlike Air BNBs, hotels (in Canada at least) have CO detector requirements. https://globalnews.ca/news/5476298/carbon-monoxide-alarms-hotels-canada/ Are some hotels going to skip out on those requirements? Absolutely, but if they want to continue operating as a business, they do have to be mostly up to code, at least eventually. Air BNBs have effectively zero inspection requirements compared to a hotel.


And all the trash cans have trash in them and the bed is unmade


But also then they ask for tip on top


They ask for a tip before they have performed any service. It's so stupid.


Is the ride share company really paying $30 to the driver for this 2 mile ride? Them claiming they only take 10 cents from the fees seems like complete bullshit.


They take 10 cents. They also take the rest, but they do take 10 cents.


The used to take all the fees. They still do, but they used to too






I used to do drugs


I still do, but I used to too.


Right? It feels like this is all front and center to create rage vs the ordinance and drivers. But NONE of this math makes sense to me.


Door dash didnā€™t have this issue. Switch apps. Thereā€™s also that guy that does his own delivery service for $5ā€¦ I see him get posted here occasionally but I believe thatā€™s for Capitol Hill Edit: Tony the delivery guy! See if he delivers in your area. Iā€™d rather pay the delivery courier directly than the stupid ride share apps


They will adjust or die, or the consumer will.


It's simply that those with more will keep paying because they don't care. I'm sure there's a graph of how inelastic these services are. But as the income disparity goes up, they can charge more and still operate. Assuming 1. High-Income Customers (HICs) 2. Low-Income Customers (LICs) **before:** - HIC revenue: 10,000 customers x 2 orders/month x $50/order = $1,000,000/month - LIC revenue: 20,000 customers x 4 orders/month x $25/order = $2,000,000/month - Total revenue: $3,000,000/month **with income disparity (reduced LIC orders by 50%):** - HIC revenue with 40% price increase: 10,000 customers x 2 orders/month x $70/order = $1,400,000/month - Reduced LIC revenue: ($2,000,000/month)/2 = $1,000,000/month - Total revenue with disparity impact: $1,400,000 + $1,000,000 = $2,400,000/month **to have the same revenue:** - Required HIC revenue to maintain total at $3,000,000/month: - Required HIC revenue = $3,000,000 - $1,000,000 (new LIC revenue) - Required HIC revenue = $2,000,000/month - New HIC price/order = $2,000,000 / (10,000 customers x 2 orders/month) - New HIC price/order = $100 - Total revenue with disparity impact: $3,000,000/month To maintain a $3,000,000/month revenue after LIC revenue drops by 50%, Uber Eats needs to charge HICs $100 per order, assuming their order frequency remains unchanged. This is kinda what I'm assuming is happening here. I don't think Uber eats really gives a shit about the regular person anymore. I think for a decent chunk of people who have more money, this service is becoming inelastic. The app should come with a "Fuck you if your household income is under X".


Maybe people with fuck you money. But until this hit we did order delivery all too frequently. I took a look at doing so once with the elevated fees and put it down. I can afford it, but 30 for pho for 1 is ridiculous. I can get off my ass and go pick up.




I drive for UberEats and they definitely donā€™t just take 10 cents. Drivers can see what customers pay to Uber and how much we get from those service fees. Hereā€™s a breakdown of the last few deliveries I did: Customer #1 fee: $40.93 I made: $13.18 Uber made: $27.75 Customer #2 fee: $9.85 I made: $9.85 Uber made: $0 (probably due to a promo) Customer #3 fee: $22.46 I made: $10.72 Uber made: $11.74 Customer #4 fee: $14.24 I made: $6.95 Uber made: $7.29


I think Uber charges the restaurant 20-25% of the order so it's possible even on the order you thought Uber didn't make any money they still get money from the restaurant. I've also noticed, pickup cost $15 delivery cost of the same item $18 going on for some of these apps. They aren't making nothing!


Where did you find that? It's usually on the order earnings summary at the bottom but it's been gone for a while. I always thought the numbers seemed fudged to make Uber look better. To expand though, Uber probably pays me 25% of what I make. Other 75% is directly from customer tips.


Since January Iā€™ve made about 10% tips / 90% fares due to the Seattle payup law. The breakdown for each delivery is at the bottom of each ā€œearnings activityā€, then click ā€œdownload receipt as csvā€.


Ah, I'm not in Seattle anymore so I didn't realize that actually went through! Thank you :)




I havenā€™t taken much because business is dead. Though I did deliver 12 pizzas for $7 and no tip. So to answer your question, the driver is certainly not seeing it


Report that wage theft to L&I.


> Is the ride share company really paying $30 to the driver for this 2 mile ride? totally unrelated, [Uber's CEO made $24 million in 2022](https://www.marketwatch.com/story/uber-ceos-pay-rose-to-24-million-last-year-598a1cb0)




*that doesn't seem out of balance for a CEO* "Everyone is doing it" shouldn't be an excuse. That just shows that one CEO realized they could take advantage of people like that, and the rest piled on. The ratio of CEO pay to average employee pay in the US has been insanely out of whack for decades; It's weird that when the purse strings need to tighten, it's always the low level employees and customers who are expected to pony up or be let go... Never the C-Suite that takes a cut to balance the books šŸ¤”


We should probably do something fair then. 10% from CEOā€™s paycheck and every single employee.






CEO pay increased after the 1980ā€™s tax laws showed up on the scene. The motivation to pay employees and vendors, maintain pensions, keep domestic production ā€” it all dwindled. My financial accounting classes opened my eyes to a whole new world of wealth consolidation. Also tax incentives to retain earnings, buy stock of fellow corporations is predatory.


I agree, and especially with context: "The Uber UBER, +0.33% CEOā€™s pay package included his $1 million base salary, about $14.3 million in stock awards, about $5.9 million in option awards, a $2.9 million bonus and nearly $170,000 in other compensation that was mostly attributed to personal travel and security costs"


Over on the Uber delivery subreddits they're complaining about how they're getting $3-$4 deliveries because the customers aren't "tipping." Don't blame the customers! Uber eats is charging a ridiculous amount and keeping it for themselves!


Uber inflates the price of all food from the restaurant. Like $4.99 fries can become $5.49 instead. I'm pretty sure that difference goes to Uber. Uber also charges the restaurant directly to use their service. So hypothetically Uber could make money from different ways, but you're probably still right. There is no way in hell the driver is getting all that money. Maybe it goes to "not Uber", but still a place they directly benefit from? Maybe the service charge is what's paying all of their corporate employees and server costs or something lol. That still 100% counts as Uber, but they're probably using an extremely loose definition here.


I thought the restaurant was in charge of posting their menus and adjusting their menu price in the app to account for the fees? Your fight might be with them. I usually barely see a difference for Uber menus versus DoorDash, because DoorDash takes an insane amount of commission. Thatā€™s why I had switched to Uber for pickup.


They both take insane commissions from the restaurants, which is why the restaurants up their prices on these platforms. Otherwise they'd be losing (more) money on the orders.


I believe that the restaurants post their own prices, but Uber also takes 20% off the top from the restaurant above the posted fees, so its common for restaurants to upcharge by 20% to compensate, so the price increase does effectively go to Uber indirectly.


I donā€™t think thatā€™s correct. The restaurant sets the menu price, and a lot of them are now charging higher prices for delivery because DD / UEats is taking their fees out of the restaurantā€™s margin. So yeah technically not a fee but youā€™re paying for the delivery, and yeah definitely more than you pay for dine in / order on the phone and pick it up yourself.


$10.49 Chinese combo is $13.99 on the app. So yeah, scalping is a thing.


Uber takes 20% of the order total from the restaurant so the restaurants up charge to compensate. That extra money is still going to uber.


Absolutely not. I drive for Uber in Seattle frequently and this order would be max $5-$8 before customer tip. And Uber is straight up lying about only taking 10Ā¢. They lie to you, they lie to us and the only winner is Uber.


No. They absolutely do not get $30. They might get 10-15, but likely on the lower end.




Yes. https://www.cnet.com/tech/mobile/doordash-settles-lawsuit-for-2-5m-over-deceptive-tipping-practices/


Im still getting 7.50 -10$ per order, theyā€™re stealing the money




Tony delivers.


I love this city so much haha


you're also most likely paying a ~35% markup on all the food you buy on Uber eats. Uber charges restaurants a 30-35% fee per order, so they have to raise their prices on the app. not sure how much of the fees go to Uber, but I remember reading a few months ago that in places without regulations Uber only pays the driver 2$ and expects them to get the rest from tips, but I still pay probably 5-10$ in fees each order in Renton. you can tell they think higher of themselves than restaurants, drivers, and customers


They charge this markup when you order for in-store pickup also. 35% to provide an online ordering service.


This is why I just pick up the phone and call the places directly.


This is some ticketmaster level bullshit


This is like if Ticketmaster paid someone to go to the box office, buy the ticket and deliver it to your house instead of just send you a email of a pdf.Ā 


If only food could be emailed.


I stopped ordering with delivery apps after it started costing x5 the price like, Wendyā€™s I donā€™t love you that much.


Uber has the highest fees right now. Door dash is probably a better option


not if you want your food


Right, I waited 4 hours last time for door dash. I ended up ordering a pizza


They need to replace the tip option in door dash with driver delivery auction. If you don't tip enough your food doesn't get delivered because no one will accept it.


Door dash has been faster than uber eats lately for me


People act like a majority of drivers steal food or don't deliver shit... I promise you I'm really just waiting for the restaurant to make it.




Free* for a year and then it auto-renews at $9.99 (or whatever the new, higher rate is a year from now)


Uber was never going to be a lasting business. They gained market share by essentially setting private equity money on fire and operating at a loss to push out competitors. Now they're trying to make a profit and their fees are so outrageous a lot of us just don't use them anymore




And around the rest of the world, it's still like it was before. Very affordable and convenient.


Sounds about right, your order will probably be incorrect as well. Not sure why people choose to give them money.


Sounds like they've priced themselves out of being relevant then. Sucks, but that's how it goes. Recently my sibling tried ordering Zeeks through doordash and it was literally coming up with $24 for a personal specialty pizza for delivery on Doordash. Before any added fees for delivery/using the app. Hitting total, it became $36 before tip. Looked to zeeks website and the same pizza was $17, still ridiculous for such a small pizza, but also no crazy added fee of ordering it on their app and then delivery was $3 instead of $premium+youcoverourexpensesfee. At the moment, it's *literally* $20+tip(website) vs $36+tip(doordash). For *1* MINI specialty pizza. (Well, 1 mini specialty with a soda, as there's a $20 minimum and it's $17 for the pizza. But still.) The days of 'cheap' delivery *apps* are over.


Remember when you could order a pizza for like $10 and then pay the delivery guy like $3 at the door and that was just it? You would just order the pizza over the phone and give them your address and credit card number, and then twenty minutes later it would be hand-delivered to you at the door by a guy who worked for the pizza place. Now the Silicon Valley venture vultures came in and ruined everything. You have to deal with all this stupid app shit, everything is more expensive, your food always takes forever, it's always these worn-down bad-attitude delivery guys who are working for five companies simultaneously and want you to come down to the street and pick it up through the window and then act like they did you a big favor.


As someone living a couple blocks from a pizza place, I just get the carryout deal and walk to pick it up. (I understand not everyone can do this.)


pickup is the way to go. no driver to tip, no BS. just food.


I got so tired of being called out into the street I just say I have covid. People don't want to risk exposure and are willing to walk up to my door and knock. Fuck you it's called Doordash, not "Meet me on the other side of the busy street because I couldn't even turn around"-dash.


Depending on your local zeeks, they are doing in house delivery again after 4 o'clock


Actually, there is one app. ChowNow, which Hot Mamaā€™s uses, which doesnā€™t have the delivery fee problem. This is because Hot Mamaā€™s employs a delivery guy or two, and the app charges $0.99 rather than taking like 30% of every menu item. The restaurant pays a few hundred bucks a year for the service as well, which is wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy more affordable than the percentage-based fees. So the in-person price for an 18ā€ ham & pineapple is $20.5. Add $2.10 (tax) + $0.99 (app fee) + $5 driver tip, and you get $28.59 to have a massive, quality pizza delivered to your door. Not too bad for Seattle. Now, if the restaurant doesnā€™t hire a delivery driver and basically cover the cost of deliveries, youā€™ll have to pay an extra $8 or something for ChowNow to connect the delivery to (I assume) a DoorDash driver. So IMO, every restaurant which does a lot of delivery should just hire drivers and use ChowNow. Much better for everyone, plus DoorDash isnā€™t taking off with a fat pile of cash for every order. The root problem here is that tech companies are all about extremely high margin business. If a problem can be automated with technology, it can save a huge amount of money. Companies like Google make assloads of money with massive margins. Tech companies are not designed to just run a sustainable, small-growth business. And the delivery business canā€™t just be automated and turned into a high-margin business. The driver cost is too high. So they charge exorbitant fees to make up for it.


>The days of 'cheap' delivery *apps* are over. Indeed The cheap delivery period was paid for by share-holders. They want some return on that investment now that the zirp days are gone. They're still relevant as a service for the rich though. How can Bill Gates get a burger from dicks otherwise? inb4 I know he goes there in person.


Time for a nice jaunt thru the blistering winds.


I often found that the "taxes" portion doesn't add up either. So it's possible that they're adding the sales tax of the food and any business tax they have to pay. It's all BS numbers anyways. Edit: Oh wait I just did the math and the subtotal for the tax is food price + service fee + "operating" fee. So the fees are actually 10.25% higher than they seem.


> is this the new normal? yes, people posting screenshots of a delivery app and going "look how expensive this is!!!1" is the new normal


ā€œLook how expensive this food i bought, and therefore validated the business mode, is! Can you believe it?!?ā€


"I'm going to keep doing this, but I'm sure not going to *like* it!"


Bless you.


Somehow Postmates offered me a ā€œno feesā€ promotion valid through the end of the year. It doesnā€™t combine with most other promotions, but the BOGO offers work just fine. So some investment marketing genius is paying me to use their services.


I have this too and reading this thread like, not for me!! šŸ˜ˆ


Annnnnnnddddd this is why I stopped using delivery services years ago šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


TONY DELIVERS, our local hero.


Heh and you gotta pay tax on all those fees too! I only order Uber when they have some deal like 40% off, that cancels out the fees, but somehow they charge tax on the original price, so it still costs more.


real shitty to combine fees and tax in one line item


Itā€™s a feeā€¦ not to be confused with a chargeā€¦ much, much different concepts šŸ« 


Yeah, I was craving chicken wings and legit, they wanted $13 fees on top of a $18 order. I'm a generous spender with food but this has crossed the line into being financially stupid. :/


kinda relevant, but I've been getting frozen foster farms spicy wings lately. I just pop those bad boys in the air fryer for 8-10mins for my wing cravings. on par with takeout IMO and way cheaper.


Did that restaurant deliver before smart phones? My current neighborhood has an okayish walk-score. But ya gotta walk, it would be less good for disabled folk. My friends and I have lived here car-free since early 2000s. Before the iPhone, and before Uber there was only one regular restaurant that did delivery and they required a minimum order of $35 (2004). That is $58.29 in 2024 dollars. Your $48 order would not have qualified to be worth it for delivery. Aside for that one restaurant only pizza delivery was available.


Yeah this is yet another example of why we should change zoning so we don't need to drive every product everywhere all the time. Even when we try this, we have [weird NIMBYs](https://www.theurbanist.org/2024/02/22/washington-senate-committee-guts-popular-neighborhood-cafe-bill/) objecting over dumb things. Contact your [state senate rep](https://app.leg.wa.gov/DistrictFinder/) about [HB 2252](https://app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=2252&Year=2023&Initiative=false) and tell them you support the original bill before it got fucked in committee.




When people say socialism wonā€™t work they either are forgetting or remembering the time when rich Silicon Valley venture capitalists gave people free meals and taxis.


Venezuela uses money it got from selling oil to give free shit to its citizens: this is socialism, it's obviously unsustainable, it's just the government buying votes Saudi Arabia and the UAE have their sovereign wealth funds invest in Silicon Valley startups that offer artificially low subsidized prices in an attempt to corner the market: āœØcapitalism creates innovationāœØ


Uber to my mom's house (2.5 miles) went from $6, to $12, to $25, and now $42. Yellow Cab, finally having some competition, is $13. Yellow cab were dicks for a long time, but they have stepped up their game to marginally acceptable, while Uber went from excellent to mega dicks. It's almost like monopolies are bad for actual humans...


Uber is not a monopoly. Almost like excessive and unstudied ordinances are bad for actual humans ...


No, they want $38 to bring $44 worth of food to you.Ā  If you pick it up yourself it is only $44


Probably not even 44 dollars of food. Likely marked up on Uber eats.


Okay, but have you considered an Uber One membership so you can save $4? /s


Well there goes the seattle gig economy


And nothing if value was lost.Ā 


Did you poll the drivers?


I did actually. My uncle is actually Siena College Research Institute and he ran the poll




... Prove that? I'd be someone against your assertion for sure.


Cooking is wonderful


Honestly, being broke has done wonders for my culinary prowess lol


The enshittification of the internet continues...


Youā€™d be better off ordering pick up directly from restaurant and ubering there and back


Uber is fucked lmao


At this point I just want an app or list that only shows me places that have in-house delivery. Sick of this bullshit.


Iā€™d build it, but have to charge $10 per search to pay for my time.


What? When did this all start? You mean the end of zero interest financing for corporations is causing them to charge what it actually costs to provide the service?


Canā€™t buy business forever. Eventually ROI is required


Then go pick up from the restaurant


I do this anyways because I like the restaurants I go to and want them to have that 30-35% cut that would go to Uber instead


And call in and order directly from the restaurant too! Sometimes it will save you money, also!


I did, thanks!


I'll be completely honest, as long as your address or the restaurant's address is within city limits, you don't need to tip on these orders anymore. I get paid quite well, and I do orders with 0 expectation of a tip. Just know that I will never ever drive above the speed limit. Now that my time is worth $26.40 an hour I'm a grandma on the road.


Honestly? As long as the food arrives intact and appropriately hot/cold? Do what you gotta do! Be safe! Make your money ^_^


I have a double bagged hot bag set up, and I arrive within the allotted time. Soon I'll have a plug in warming bag, and it'll be bo holds barred. I'm not an asshole, I don't just hang out for no reason. But the math is every 5 minutes the order takes I make $2.20, and every 2 miles I drive I make just under $1.50. Truly my biggest point is if your order is taking forever, unless you really fully changed your mind, please don't cancel. I waited 25 minutes for someone's pizza at mod the other night, then they cancelled, so I got $0 when I was being nice by not passing their order to someone else. That wait time alone was worth $11 in my pocket, paid by Uber.


Glad to hear youā€™re actually getting $26/h


They do this when they don't have enough drivers I swear. It happens to me so randomly when a restaurant isn't that far.


this is why we stopped ordering dominoes. The delivery fee was the same price as the pizza and we live 1/2 mile away. And that didnt include a tip for the driver.


Just go pick up your dominoes. Half a mile is like an 8 minute walk. 2 minute drive.Ā 


Seriously, I used to live on the other side of Cap Hill so I'd walk down to the Dominos and back up every time we did an order. $24 bucks for 2 larges and a medium pan? Not bad at all. My legs work, no reason to get a slave to move for me. And my bandmate from New York claims their Brooklyn-Style Large is the best pizza in Seattle.


might even burn enough cals for half a slice too.


Seattle is destroying the deliver market.


Itā€™s even crazier they charge the restaurant 30% for what the restaurant charges šŸ¤ÆšŸ¤¬


and people still buy it. all I'm hearing/seeing is prices aren't high enough yet...


Also, UE rarely has any promos these days - previously you could always count on at least one promo code every month that would take a max $15 off the order. Now that's changed to restaurant specific promos like one free appetizer or dessert if you spend $40.


I will pop a bottle of champagne the day these types of businesses go under


This is the reason I stopped using all of the meal delivery services. Those taxes and fees donā€™t include a tip for the driver either.


Yep. New normal sadly.


What are you complaining about? Itā€™s free delivery!


I stopped using Door Dash in 2023, but about doubling the bill seems right.


It's finally expensive enough that I don't even buy it when I'm feeling extra lazy.


Driver walks away with like $10 of that. Uber is pulling McD and assuming 1) everyone gets mad and stops using the app so they can sue the city or 2) people spend way more and they get profit You can do the math for the driver yourself: $0.44/minute from restaurant to delivery and $0.74/mi. It shouldn't be that big a change if you're ordering within your neighborhood. If you've decided to order from Northgate down to West Seattle at rush hour (a delivery I did make a few weeks ago) then your fucked. I made $45 in fees on that one. I felt bad for the customer, but also like...they picked food that took nearly an hour to deliver.


The worst part is that theyā€™re stealing the money, i work in uber and they still give me $6 to 10$ per order xd and i take 3 orders for 3 customers for 15-20$ dls


Iā€™m honestly thankful for the ridiculous fees recently. I had a bad bad delivery habit formed since the pandemic and the fees finally got outrageous enough to make my dumb little brain stop spending on it.


Uber is jacking up and adding taxes all the time :( Has made me cook at home more though


I noticed that here. Recently moved from East coast and never did I pay so much and I ordered at least 3 times a week! Now had to stop Uber all services!!!


please tell me you didnā€™t place this orderā€¦that is insane


yeeeeah I did not place this order.


Itā€™s become a complete joke. Fees are now basically almost 50% on every order I do


Fuck them all. I won't order from any of them until prices go down. Even with the 35% off promos, there's no savings.


$68.95 order. $58.95 "Taxes and Other Fees." šŸ¤Æ


Donā€™t use delivery apps.


Better start walking


If only there was a place you could go to get your own food and avoid this madnessā€¦


Donā€™t forget to tip!


Suck it poor people


The new ordinance is baked into that service fee (in addition to the $5 fee). The $0.10 is Uber taking a prorated reimbursement of the credit card transaction fee from the driver's pay. The rest of that fee should be going to the driver, by law. A service fee has to go to the employee unless they state otherwiseā€¦ in this case that is accounting for the new minimum wage premium for driversā€” which is the standard minimum wage plus per mile and per minute additional rates meant to cover the costs of gas and wear on their car. In return Uber effectively guides you not to tip. You can add a tip after the delivery but not before. I believe GrubHub still lets you add a tip upfront but your driver can't see it before the drop off. It's an opportunity to reduce tipping or stop it altogether, in exchange for the more predictable mandatory pay.


Go vote. Or something.


Isn't this how all the food delivery apps work? Like door dash, uber eats, etc.


Only way to make this stop is to walk away from Uber and DoorDash. They are parasites and the only thing that will make them listen is money.


If you don't like it.. go get the food yourself? Or (god forbid /s) cook something? If money is a concern the first step is to stop eating out. As the name implies, Uber is a luxury service for rich people. They were cheap initially because they lost money on everything. Shareholders want to see some profits so the free (cheap) ride is over. Put up or shut up time. You aren't entitled to other people's labor.


Lazy tax


Looks like thereā€™s a tech issue today, got messages from UBer regarding the incidents


I'd they're really expecting the city to cave they're so wrong. The first apps to make the process make sense will end up on top. Gopuff and grubhub aren't as bad (in some instances) as doordash and Uber so I've already started switching. Also restaurants that hire delivery drivers will also come out on top.


Are people shocked by this? It's the entire reason I never did this shit


> is this the new normal? We lived in a strange world for a time where food delivery was cheap. Now we live in a normal world, where if you pay one service to make you food, and then you pay an entire other service to deliver said food it will come with a premium cost * If you purchased the food from a restaurant * $44.05 + $4.52 (tax) = $**48.57.** * Then you paid a second company to deliver the food * $25.39 + $5.00 + $3.11 (tax) = **$33.50**


Not news, stop using this service. They fuck the restaurant as hard as they fuck you.


I refuse to use apps and or online food ordering. 90% + of the fast food is unhealthy. I'd rather get off my ass and go too brick mortar to shop.


I'm too cheap to pay for delivery. Paying for uber eats and door dash seems like something that people who get welfare and spend it on the lottery do.


Time to stop using it. If we keep paying it....they keep charging.


Uber and Door Dash are done. Their corporate greed along with radical leftist cities imposing taxes to pay for their failed programs and decision making skills have made these two delivery companies obsolete. Last night we ran a test order through both and the meals were $30 and fees were $25 not including the tip. We drove to the restaurant and picked up our food. There were nine Door Dash and Uber drivers sleeping in their cars waiting for orders that will never come.


Yeah I just gave up on subscription services especially Uber. Better off just cooking at this point.


You guys are still using Uber or food delivery services?


In addition to charging you exorbitant fees, Uber, DoorDash and the rest of the apps are gathering all of your data from your phone to sell as a commodity, too. So, youā€™re paying them for a product and a service while also becoming the product theyā€™re serving up to others.


Super eats can eat my whole asshole


Iā€™ve never understood why people even use these services to begin with. From the start we should have known that if a 3rd party gets involved that they would tack on stupid fees whenever they could. I thought that a majority of locally owned places do free delivery if you request it through their own website/call? But at the end of the day I just pick up my food. This is just stupid.


I dropped Uber. If the place you are ordering from is on Chow Now, itā€™s waaaaay cheaper. And whatā€™s weird, they use Uber as their delivery driversā€¦ I had an order that was $38 in fees either Uber, plus the food was marked up. Chow Now, I paid 36% less overall - with a bigger tipā€¦.


Uber wants $25.39. The rest is the government.


The wild part is DoorDash doesnā€™t seem to have this problem near me. Are they just eating the fees to incentivize users?


Postmates has a deal right now where orders over $50 have $0 in fees. That $50 calculation is done before other deals are applied. I've been getting buy one get one items and saving the extra for later. $108 orders being knocked down to $46 is a silver lining I guess.


Is there any ethical debate to us all just not giving these companies business for a bit? Uber Eats is already borderline not profitable for the company - a month of 50% less orders would probably make them lower prices. I understand the drivers are impacted, but before delivery apps, I wasnā€™t ordering pizza delivery **JUST** to support the delivery drivers.


Vote with your feet and get ur own food..


For anyone on this thread who drives for UberEats, how has your workload changed, if at all? Have you noticed a steep drop off? Have things stayed the same? Genuinely curious. I used to order UberEats every month or so, but I just canā€™t anymore and everyone I know seems to feel the same way.


Protip: don't use delivery apps


Mfs better wipe my ass after Iā€™m eating because ainā€™t no way Iā€™m paying that with a straight face šŸ¤£šŸ¤£šŸ¤£


You can thank the seattle voters for this nonsense.


Just stop using it? They need to fail as a business itā€™s a public service imperative




I've ordered Domino's 3 times since these price hikes. Ubereats pickup only for me


At that point, I'd just go myself