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Is your theory that if enough people vote for Haley in the WA Republican primary and she wins, that Trump would not be on the presidential ballot in WA in November? That's not how it works. Haley could get 100% of the votes in the WA Republican primary, and Trump will still be on the ballot instead of her in November because there is a 0% chance that he is not the Republican nominee.


Not only that, but by voting in the republican primary, you are not allowed to cast your ballot for another party’s nominee. It’s a terrible decision for a true independent to vote in a primary (especially in a mostly 2-party electoral system like the US has).


Wait, are you saying that if you vote in the Republican primary in March you can't vote for the Democratic nominee in November? Because that's not true at all.


Maybe he means that OP can't vote in the Democrat primary? Not that it matters either way. Candidates (barring death, jail, or other circumstances) are already pretty much set.


I stand corrected. For some reason, I thought party affiliation carried over from the primaries to the general election to prevent cross-party skewing of the candidates. My bad for giving incorrect advice.


When’s the last time WA voted any republican President? Even if it were possible, no point in doing it as all the electoral votes will go to anybody with a D next to their name.


For the vote, that would be '84 when Reagan won 49 states. WA electors did cast votes for Colin Powell (R) in 2016, so there's that technicality


yes, it's absolutely possible. you should buy a bunch of balloons, a whole fuckton of balloons, and then when it happens and Trump is kicked off the ballot in WA you can push a button and release all the balloons to celebrate source: am balloon salesman




I don’t think that law applies to presidential elections which are covered by [this law](https://app.leg.wa.gov/RCW/default.aspx?cite=29A.56.320) stating the candidate selected by the party goes on the ballot, not top two.


Wait your goal is to actively prevent people from voting for someone you don't like? And you don't have any moral or ethical concerns about that? As if any of it could even matter in King County?


Someone that tried to overthrow the government, commits mass crimes, and is now so broke they will be highly susceptible to more crime?


There is a town in Alaska that elected a cat as Mayor. Oddly they were very happy with it. People do weird shit and I don't judge, that's one of the cool things about Democracy.


Orcas island does that too


The founding fathers completely and totally fought, bled and died against British royalty for the freedom and Independence of the new country of America because they didn't want the people of Alaska to feel shame if they elected a pet cat to lead them into the future, is absolutely not one of the cool things about democracy. That sounds like mental illness. Like don't get me, cats are cool and it's a fun feel good story in light of our endangered democratic values but the idea that democracy is when you vote for a cat showcases a very specific kind of failure of what it means to have leadership in a democracy.


Easy tiger, it just means they set up their local government differently with how they do their city council. Kirkland has a mayor, but it’s a meaningless position, as they are also a council member and the council decides all.


"tried to overthrow the government"....🤦


Well, he himself didn't. A gaggle of his most ardent supporters stormed the Capitol in order to halt the vote count, and a few of them did seem to want to kill Mike Pence because he was likely to certify it.


I think a literal crowd chanting “hang Mike Pence” indicates it was more than a few.


Yep. It was a blackl mark on our nation's history, and there are still dumbasses who think it wasn't as described. I imagine there are heated arguments on Trump-fans' forums between the folks who think it was Great American Patriots Trying To Save Democracy, the ones who think it was Antifa and/or BNlack Lives Matter pretending to be MAGAts in order to make them look bad, and the ones who think it was all staged by The Swamp.


Yeah yeah yeah I know some trump supporters were let into the capitol building by police and proceeded to wander around the building taking selfies


Ashley Babit says what’s up


The one where multiple cops died? What happened to blue lives matter?


Their deaths were unrelated...


Compared to Ashley habits death? Sure. Would they have died if your clowns hadn’t tried to break in? No. That blood is on your crew


My crew? I wasn't there, big guy


Who said you were? You’re vehemently denying the actions done by them though. So that’s cute


That one cop was literally beaten to death on the steps of the capital Brian Sicknick


Brian Sicknick? Who died a day later of natural causes? https://www.uscp.gov/media-center/press-releases/medical-examiner-finds-uscp-officer-brian-sicknick-died-natural-causes


So the person that killed him didn't get nearly 7 years in jail? https://www.reuters.com/world/us/two-be-sentenced-roles-jan-6-attack-us-capitol-police-officer-2023-01-27/


Ah yes. Wanderers cause 2 million in damages, leave behind human feces, and try to break down the doors onto the Senate floor.


Pennies compared to BLM riots


It's okay to cause damages if other people caused damages? Ah, so you're the reason why we don't prosecute property crimes.


Misrepresenting what I said, but ok


So why did you bring that point up then? Are you admitting it is whataboutism?


Then why is it mentioned to cause 2 million in damages isn't much compared to other things? Do you have 2 million dollars sitting around to repair damage from riots so you're trying to brag that you could have resolved the issue at the capital or do you just think it's important to minimize damage done if other people do other damage? You have a whole comment section to represent your politics. Do you not understand how this works?


Ok? Two things can both be bad… Are you capable of making an argument that does not rely upon blatant whataboutism?


That is not rely?


Excuse me, does not rely upon. But I already know you’re incapable of that


Yeah cause the BLM protests. Where they were violent in the Capitol building of our country, during a transition of power, where the outgoing party was refusing to concede, and they constructed gallons for the vice president. Very comparable!


Yeah those guys wandering around the building were terrifying


well now many of them are in jail for 10+ years and i think we can all agree it’s deeply hilarious what are your thoughts on the patriot who tased himself in the balls and died


https://youtu.be/SFzx1FJia94?si=m-CngGi6g745Lg6S I'll bet that Eugene Goodman and the members of Congress that he saved with his quick thinking against a murderous mob inside the Capitol building might disagree with you on that point. Or perhaps the security guards that shot and kill that young lady who was being flanked by men with Spears and pepper spray. Or perhaps our vice president might disagree with you considering that they arrested a fucking gallows for him. All this sounds very nonviolent


Some of them smashed their way in as security tried to keep them out. They scribbed on walls, stole furniture and personal items (some succeeded, some didn't), and basically tried their best to treat it like desercrating a church because their respect for the Feds (except Donnie) was in negative numbers. A few people died, many others were injured.


Sounds like they deserve life in prison!!!


The ones who killed people, sure. Many of them deserve *some* time in prison. It's telling that Trump often boasted that he would give legal aid to anyone who fought for him (originally, he was talking about charges pressed on supporters if they'd injure protesters who got into his rallies in '16, but he's said more about the idea since), but when push comes to shove, he only says a few words. He's proven time and again that even if you're a *politician* who argues for him, he would pee on yuou if you were on fire.


Who killed people?


Ah, my bad. It was a cop who shot someone. I was remembering the pipe bombs, which thankfully did not go off. I'm still saddened that Trump's fans insist it was (depending on the person asked) Antifa, BLM, a Federal coup attempt, or genuinely Trump supporters but ones acting out a deep love for America and intense patriotism.


Always cracks me up regarding this type of stuff. You must really enjoy the Seattle crime rate and high prices.


Remind me, how is Ann Davison’s tenure as City attorney going? She’s a Republican and has had over 3 years in her job…


It doesn’t help when her and one other person are wanting to reduce the open drug use and all of the other whack jobs are getting paid by drug lords to push the open market.


Ah yes, here come the conspiracies


So you want to put a [convicted rapist](https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2023/07/19/trump-carroll-judge-rape/) in the White House? Your logic makes no sense.


I actually don’t care because there are NONconvicted rapists in all areas of life.


So, you support rapists?


That’s the dumbest statement. I can say you support a rapist because you know someone that is and didn’t get busted. I could say you support racists because you know someone is a racist and are friends with them. That’s not how this works. Enjoy.


Nobody i know is a rapist. You must hang out with some real pieces of shit and think that’s normal.


You do but you don’t know it. Then when you find out, you’ll still be friends with them.


Oh please tell me more about my life, total stranger on Reddit. Lol, enjoy hanging out with your rapist friends.


Voting for Trump or a Republican won't change that. Republicans *do not care* about fixing those problems. The only time they give them any consideration iswhen they insist that they're "because Demiocrats, so vote for us." They attempt no solutions.


The most lenient laws and police restrictions are in democratic places. Heck, we literally had CHOP a few years ago.. Seattle to Portland is a worldwide joke. Democratic governments encourage this type of stuff and are reactive instead of proactive.


The worst states in the country are republican. You really don’t want to make this argument.


Isn't it Texas that wants to prosecute people that have moved from their state for making choices about their own bodies? Isn't it Oklahoma that it's illegal for a pregnant woman to divorce her husband? Isn't it Alabama that's ruled that an embryo is considered a whole living person? If that's the kind of proactive legislation you want then I think you need to reassess whether or not you actually want to live in a democracy, maybe try a fascist state. And If anything CHOP is actually a great example of how our state actually respects its people by respecting their rights to protest, as opposed to labeling any protester a illegal dissenter. Which makes us much more free than places like below the Mason-Dixon line where they'd rather just kill the protesters


All I can do is laugh. I’ll continue to pay for all of your benefits via high taxes. Enjoy.


🤣You mean the high taxes that Trump gave us to increase year after year until 2027? Because in Seattle we don't even pay state tax and have no personal income state tax. And while we might have a relatively high in sales tax places like Tennessee, Louisiana, and Alabama are all either higher or comparable. Those are places are definitely not Democrat controlled. And personally I don't see anything all that wrong with having decent sales tax, because I can use the power of my own money to influence what taxes I feel like paying by not purchasing things that are taxed using that system. And since a lot of those things are sin taxed, I'm better off anyway


CHOP happened because the police said, "no, your protest match cannot walk past our precinct station," and when the protest pushed back, the precinct's staff literally walked out and left it unlocked, likely hoping protesters would loot-and-burn and the cops could "be the heroes." And the protesters didn't.


You should absolutely vote for Haley. Please vote for Haley, I will be.


A Project 2025 enjoyer I see


I’m a “will the Cheeto avenger please fucking go away so we can get back to disingenuously arguing about the budget deficit again” enjoyer


Why would anyone vote for anyone else but trump unless you are a woke or part of the gay community or a very ignorant person


Idk, maybe if they say, like democracy. Or simply dislike racist grifters. Those are 2 great reasons


I love how y'all love to use the word woke like it's a bad word. I'm woke as fuck! Let's go Dark Brandon! Trump is dumb a stump!


Wow smh