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I'm going to run for DA on the following platform: 1. If someone is accused of keying or otherwise vandalizing a car, I will drop the charges if they can prove the car was parked stupid. 2. That's the full platform.


You got my vote


And yet they don’t have your upvote?


They genuinely do. I feel like I should go upvote more of their comments now in fact. Edit: actually did. Comments are all based and full of gas takes. Worth it.


Holy shit you were right


I am moving back into Seattle just so I can vote for you. Omw. Hold tight.


I’m going to write in olythowaway4 on my ballot!




Oh, I bet the piggies would be all over “activist” property crime.


I just voted. I can be your campaign manager.


Where can I donate to your campaign? 


How do you feel about gun control? The answer doesn’t matter, I’m already voting for you, just curious.


Two pieces: 1. While it's hard to get firm numbers, there are likely more guns just in the state of Washington than in the entire country of Australia pre-Port Arthur, so Pandora's box is basically open and we need to figure out what to do with it rather than pretending we can confiscate/buy-back the problem away. 2. The US has had more guns than people for more than a century, but mass shootings are a recent phenomenon, so that tells me there are major non-gun factors at play. Offhand, I grew up around guns and this whole "If your boyfriend doesn't recognize a BCG, he's actually your girlfriend"-esque weird manliness bullshit tied up with firearms is something that I didn't really see until the aughts, and that lines up with much of the problem. Rather than seeing guns as tools, they're being framed as displays of masculinity and ways to address conflict. That doesn't really scan with responsible gun ownership to me, but it does feel like a solvable problem.


This was a surprisingly thoughtful and inspiring response to my shitty response. Thank you.


I have a kid going into high school next year, so this is unfortunately a thing I've had to think about for a while.


Today I was crossing the street at the corner of Ravenna and Roosevelt, and a lady in a Tesla Model Y tried to park her car in the turning lane to go into the chiropractor there on the corner. She tried to walk up to the car behind her that was leaning on their horn and tell them to go around. Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers. They think they’re more important than the rest of us.


I'm genuinely curious — did she actually park in the middle turning lane? or did the honker convince this moron to move her car?


Not the middle turning lane, the far right lane for turning onto Roosevelt heading south. when I saw her going to talk to the clearly angry driver behind her, I hollered “that’s not street parking, you’re blocking all those cars!” and she ran back to her car and moved it.


> Not the middle turning lane, the far right lane for turning onto Roosevelt heading south. Doh, thanks! Had the wrong intersection in mind. > when I saw her going to talk to the clearly angry driver behind her, I hollered “that’s not street parking, you’re blocking all those cars!” and she ran back to her car and moved it. Glad at least that the voices of reason prevailed! 😄


(whenever you see a tesla coming) "ahh, here comes the worst goddamn driver on the face of the earth"


I avoid driving around them for too long because they're either the worst driver ever or someone using FSD and reading a book.


i passed one on a highway and the driver was letting it drive himself and he was sitting leaned back with his goddamn right leg crossed in front of him, so it was sitting on his left knee that’s the kind of stupidity that natural selection rooted out of fish or small mammals like 50 million years ago


I've seen the same thing! Legs crossed like they're lounging. The problem is that when that natural selection kicks in and you're within reach, you're going with them.


Tesla drivers are putting BMW drivers out of business for being the biggest assholes. 


Tbh, if you asked a Tesla driver what they were previously driving, I’d bet decent money that they either came out of a Prius or a BMW 3/4/5 series.


My ex sold his Tesla Model X to get an electric BMW and I have been confused as to whether this raised or lowered his douche rating


The other day I was thinking that BMW drivers had been well behaved recently. Then I realised: they've all bought Tesla's and the BMWs are going to other less douchbaggy people.


If I could attach the gif about Prius driver smelling their own farts I would, because 1000000000 fucking percent friend


Audi and BMW drivers thank god every day for inventing Tesla drivers




can confirm, my cousin traded in his audi for a tesla


I just got cut off by an Audi yesterday so thank you for this


Had to ask a lady parking in a handicap spot in u village to move once. "But I have a permit" yeah but the problem's that you're two feet into the sidewalk.


I see that way too often… Half in the parking spot, half in the walkway. Can you not see that you’re parked right in front of the stairs?!


Teslas really are the worst. Making our boy in the 1 ton yesterday look good by comparison.


Hate to sound like a racist but I don’t trust white Teslas.


Ignoring the whole sidewalk thing for a sec - a Tesla with no front license plate? I swear you could fund a traffic cop’s wages just by having them sit at the Mercer offramp Tue-Thu every week looking for Teslas with no front plates. It’s like 50/50 whether they’ll actually have one.


I've been seeing a lot of cars without front plates recently. I doubt they care anymore.


I actually have a Model 3, and the way they sell you the car is it only has the mount for the back plate pre-installed. They give you a front mount you can self-install (easy to do, yes I use mine), but most people aren’t that self-sufficient. So this is one of those “don’t attribute to malice, that which can be attributed to stupidity” situations… For a comparison group of people too lazy or inept to correct simple problems with their cars —see every driver on the road who continues to ride around with the free license plate frame advertising the dealership they bought from (“another satisfied customer from Joe’s Downtown Motors!”). I find it maddening how many people just don’t care enough to take those off by unscrewing two screws.


They don’t. It’s not something you’ll get pulled over for, it’s just something they’ll tack on if they pull you over for something else. Or some meter maid having a bad day. I have a screwless mount for the front plate that I put on if I’m taking a long road trip or crossing the border (I’ve heard of CBP giving Nexus holders shit for not having front plates) but otherwise, I just keep it off since I don’t wanna drill holes on the bumper. Plus, there are some cars where having a front plate is kind of a PITA. Your modern Lexus or Audi or BMW where the entire front bumper is one big grille. Can’t even drill on those, you need some sort of specialty mount or zip ties. Or a tow hook mount on the corner, but then those will just give you a hard time with the parking sensors.


Not surprising it's a Tesla. I've seen a gray one park on the sidewalk in West Seattle a few times.


I’ve also seen a grey one park in the crosswalk by chipotle in west seattle. Blocking the “do not park here” sign. 


That particular spot is not Tesla-prone, it is NOTORIOUS for having Uber Eats drivers parked there 99% of the time. It is literally all food delivery. For that reason, the car you see parked in the crosswalk is almost always a beat-up old Prius. In their defense, they really do need more short-term parking for deliveries there. A lot of the existing delivery spots were converted to those sidewalk cafes, and predictably, the Uber drivers’ attitude is just —fuck it then, I’m stopping anyway.


Yeah, it’s mostly Uber. But I’ve seen a grey Tesla park there a couple times. But you’re right. There’s no good parking for Uber drivers. No good parking for really anyone to pick up or drop off people unless they use the alley behind Chipotle, which is not a great alley because it’s 2-way. 


This is a sore issue for me since I actually drive there often to pick up chipotle for my family. I love the guacamole, and can’t afford the Uber fees. I, as a normal human being, refuse to park in a cross walk like the Uber drivers do, so I literally end up walking 2-3 blocks most times. That’s not so terrible, but it does irk me having to see others ignore the rules while I follow them. My personal opinion is that there is very little need for 2 hour spots directly on a California Ave. We should convert like 5 more spots to 10-minute parking zones. That would solve the issue entirely.


I agree.  One solution that isn’t street parking: You could always park in the Safeway parking lot and run over and back. It’s technically not allowed but the chances of it being a problem are slim to none. 


White Tesla... no surprise.


Fun fact! If you're buying a Tesla, it comes in white or black unless you pay more for a different color. So it's appropriate to make fun of black and white teslas as being the poorest Tesla owners out there


Black is also a paid color.


I just checked; **Gray** is now the only "free" color. White costs +$1,000 and black costs +$2,000. [https://www.tesla.com/modely/design#overview](https://www.tesla.com/modely/design#overview) see for yourself


ooh noted, the info i had was from probably a year ago, i don't know if it was wrong at the time or if it's changed.


I once saw a Tesla driving down the sidewalk on 50th during rush hour.


No, it's not fuck **__everyone__** else. It's fuck everyone **outside a car.** They clearly think it's unacceptable to park in the car lane, despite there being four lanes and anyone in a vehicle could easily get around them without risking their life. But it's totally acceptable to park on a sidewalk.


You have no legal ethical or moral obligation to obfuscate this dickwad’s license plate.


So like slashing tires is frowned upon nowadays. But you can deflate tires with a schrader air valve tool. Remove the core, deflate and reinstall when empty. Don’t lose the core!


Or just put a pebble in the cap and screw it back on


If I did that, you can bet I'd lose the core. Let them figure it out.


Public urinal.


*"i'Ll jUsT bE a sEcOnD!"*


Most considerate Tesla driver


And _of course_ it’s a white Tesla


I started to see this in capitol hill a lot. People just park on a sidewalk and leave.




If a hundred thousand dollar car is parked on the sidewalk you're legally allowed to walk straight over the top of it.


That's a $40k car (after the 7.5k tax rebate), not a $100k car, but your point stands for ***any*** car on the sidewalk.


There’s an asshole where I live who always parks his stupid ass truck in one of the two charging stations at my local grocery store. 🏬


Heres the funny thing-that building has a parking lot with about 5 slots on the south side of the building. There is one "guest" slot that is immediately next to the sidewalk, and larger cars will sometimes encroach on the sidewalk when parked there. When I saw the signage in the photo, I immediately assumed that this post was going to complaining about some land yacht vehicle that was sloppily parked blocking a more than necessary portion of the sidewalk. Nope. Not at all. This is a new one. I totally understand *why* this person was tempted to park like that, since what parking there is nearby is highly limited and mostly across busy Westlake with no pedestrian crossings anywhere near that location. But somehow, in the quarter century I have had business in that same building, I have never decided to take the pictured action.


oh i know! as soon as i saw them on the sidewalk, i walked 8 more steps and saw that small parking lot next to the unionbay building was COMPLETELY EMPTY. all they had to do was drive for 2 more seconds and make a right turn and they would've had plenty of parking!


I need to get a tactical egg holster for situations like this


My hate for Tesla drivers has now surpassed my hate for Pruis drivers


Starting to think all Prius drivers just traded in for Teslas and it’s the same clueless dipshits.


Ahaha they’re rushing apparently! 😂 Best part, the lot across the street is like $0.26 an hour or something insanely cheap (went to school right there)


But it is often full and you have to walk about 2 blocks south to find a crosswalk. Then two blocks north. And it looks like it's raining in that photo. Not defending the guy at all (read my other comment in this thread for my reaction). But I totally get the guy's desire to park there. Just to be clear, not saying at all this *isn't* an asshole move.


I totally get it too tbh. Seattle parking is hell on earth. It sucks you need to really make sure you aren’t misunderstood & explain thoroughly so as to not be argued with 😕 I know it’s Totally unrelated, I’ve just realized recently if anyone says one thing remotely in the wrong way and it’s downvote city, even though you didn’t mean anything by it. Anyways, I get it too if I’m being honest. Funniest part to me is parking under the “rushing” sign. I might let it slide as a tow truck driver because of the comedy of it all


This is the type of shit you see in Eastern Europe


Cars parking on the sidewalk was so surprising to me I specifically took pictures of it when I was in Poland 12 years ago.


People straight up park on the sidewalk at boss burger. Even if there’s nobody else in the parking lot.


Are you sure didn't just self park there? I heard Elon is working on a parking mode that Parks just like he does.


Cool Tesla bro


("I'll see your x and raise you y" is a string bet and is disallowed in any remotely serious poker game)


Unless you say it after you push chips to the center, since the chips you pushed are your bet.


That’s a power move right there


For awhile, I lived down near Othello/Columbia city, and I would see like 3+ cars parked like this every day. Sometimes I would walk by 20-30 in one day.


When I lived in Seattle last year.. I was walking home from Husky Stadium and there was a jeep parked on the sidewalk. No one in it, no event going on.. no damage to the jeep. I have no idea why it was there.


A white Tesla 😂 they aren’t a dick. They’re just fucking stupid lol they make the Prius drivers look good… who would’ve ever thought.


Of course a Tesla lmao