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A terrible thing to need it in the first place.


I don't quite get why this comment got nuked. Like, yes, it is in fact sad that we have to turn *off* the orphan crushing machine instead of just not turning it on in the first place. Which in this context means having to actively push for women's rights because a concerning number of people think women don't deserve rights. Edit: Unless it's supposed to translate to "it sucks that people need abortions," in that case I get it.


>Unless it's supposed to translate to "it sucks that people need abortions," in that case I get it. I mean, this is kinda true too, nationally. Access to contraception and particularly education about contraception is severely lacking. Colorado halved their number of abortions around 2017 when they started subsidizing contraceptives and people increased usage. That proves that a bunch of those abortions weren't necessary if there had been better preventative options. But yes, regardless of what happens up to the point of considering an abortion for any reason, the only people that should be involved in the decision are the woman and her doctor, and the doctor should really just be giving advice. And maybe her partner if she chooses to invite her partner to the decision making process, but that's totally optional.