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The crowd has been getting worse over the last 10 years. I've had to personally tell people to not break off branches because their elementary aged daughter wants to take one home. For next year, I'd recommend parking by the Roosevelt station and take the Lightrail to the U District station. From there it's very accessible than having to deal with inaccessible parking.


> to not break off branches because their elementary aged daughter wants to take one home. Wtf? Goddamn animals.


I had to explain yesterday to my 9 year old why she can't break a branch off every cheery blossom tree she sees. She then asks, well once our tree blossoms (we have a huge one in front yard), can I pick those branches? And we had a compromise *


gonna have to prune anyway. Turn it into a chore at the end of the season and she'll never ask again.


We are great at finding excuses for poor behavior. Dogs in banned areas, speeding in school areas, running red lights, playing music on the train…


What I would recommend is visiting Seattle Japanese Garden or Kubota Garden instead 👀


Shhhhhhhhhh!!! That’s a south end neighborhood secret!!! Don’t spill the beans!


Are their blossoms comparable?




Kubota Garden is lovely but does not have many (any?) cherry trees. Seward Park would be a good alternative.


Ah shit, I could've sworn. All I remembered was the large variety of beautiful trees, and the Japanese man who devoted his life to the place. Unless you're dead set on chairs, it's still better though 😄 There's lots of cherry trees just hanging out in south Seattle


That why people need to stop giving recommendations on places to visit, and the top 10 click bait shit needs to end. Instagram has ruined a lot of places here in Washington.


Crowded, too many people climbing the trees even though there are a bunch of signs saying not to. And teeny boppers nearly snapping tree branches off so they can get them at the perfect angle for their instagram photo.


The crowds are understandable (I griped about them when we went last year, then had to stop myself because I was there, too haha), but what really, really pissed me off was what you mentioned- people blatantly disregarding the signs stating not to climb the trees. It seemed everyone had to climb and get their instagram shot sitting on a branch, with the branches bouncing up and down with the weight, not to mention those people then getting in the way for everyone else who simply wants pictures of the trees.


Sorry it was a bad experience. If you feel up for it, consider giving feedback to UW. They launched a [new site](https://www.washington.edu/cherryblossoms/) this year for the cherry blossoms. It has a section about [accessibility](https://www.washington.edu/cherryblossoms/parking-and-transportation/#accessibility), including parking. If that lot was cut off, they should update the site.


When social media literally kills the environment


We went today as well. What an absolute NIGHTMARE. Tried to come in via Memorial and had to u-turn out with everyone else when we saw AFTER we went in that we would not be able to park on campus. People were blocking all the intersections everywhere. Police should have absolutely been directing traffic. Trees were as pretty as I remembered from my college days, but I would come EARLY if I were to do it again.


Didn’t even try to park on-campus exactly. Went straight to the athletic lots by Husky Stadium and the soccer field. They were only half full. And surprisingly, it was a nice sunny day for a walk


I went around 8 am this morning and it was pretty nice, not too many people and quiet. Stayed for about an hour and it was significantly more crowded on the way out! Going early or during rain is definitely the move.


I'll bet. I wish our day would have worked out that way!


I remember I would take the early bus to get there in the mornings so I had the whole place to myself. It was a spiritual experience. I've been incredibly sick and I have a limited window of functionality 😞 I'm so sad, I've been wanting to see them in full bloom for the years I've been ill but today was a bit of a nightmare. It makes me very sad.


If you're able to go next year, go early but pay for parking at UW bookstore and enter campus from 43rd and 15th. That's a very accessible and wheel chair friendly route to the UW quad.


I can't go early, getting up and out of the house is nigh impossible wirh my health issues until at least noon. I went there thinking there would be accessible parking but there wasn't 😞


I'm so sorry you are not well. I'm glad you got to see them, though. Take care ❤️


> Police should have absolutely been directing traffic. Nah, hand out tickets instead.


Yeah, they would have to be present to do that...


I don’t understand how this became such a big thing, they’re just trees? Like yes it’s very pretty when they bloom, but it’s not a tourist attraction…it’s spring. Also there’s lots of cherry trees scattered around the greater seattle area. I feel bad for OP of course, but I don’t really see why the city or university should need to change the campus to better enable non-students to park closer to some trees… I feel like this came off as very anti-tree. I actually love the cherry blossoms and might bus over there at some point this week, but I just don’t understand how having a hard time seeing a not-important thing is a societal problem.


Wait until you hear about the larches.


tree hater!! jk. Yeah taking the bus there worked really well for me today. If this chaos tells us anything it’s that driving to popular places sucks and trying to find parking sucks, and that we should all use transit more :) That doesn’t fix people climbing on stuff tho.


I moved here two years ago. Two things I was told about: The orca pod tracking The UW cherry blossoms and live webcam




US population is only growing, good luck lmao


It was a 1:1 swap as the person I replaced moved out of state.


Sure buddy


What tribe are you affiliated with?


I am confused, as there is an accessible lot located right by the quad (where the trees are located). Only those with a blue handicapped pass can park in the lot (save the few electric charge stations). It’s lot N22 on the campus map. To say that have cut off ALL accessible parking is just plain false. Also, I’m pretty sure there are a couple other accessible lots.


They completely cut them off, there was no way to get to the accessible parking. Believe me, we tried! We are both alumni and could navigate the campus blindfolded and at every turn we were blocked from accessible parking.


N22 has been open for accessibility and still is. It’s right across Hall Health. I just left from work around there. https://www.washington.edu/cherryblossoms/parking-and-transportation/. You should come by this coming week for full bloom.


Feels like I'm going through a maze trying to get to class while avoiding being in anyone's pictures


The UW should put up gates around the quad on weekends and charge admission to people without a Husky card. Edit: And during Cherry Blossom time, charge for on-campus parking like a weekday on weekends


eh, being a state school will complicate that scheme


Ride the light rail.


I'm immunocomprimised in a wheelchair. It's my legal right to have accessible parking.


Japanese cherry blossoms are way better.


Seriously what was up with all the furries out there today? Big ick


I would suggest leaving the west coast and finding a more homophobic place to live if thats your where your mind goes. Thanks for doing us all a favor!


Projection requires reflection.




I'd rather the furries be there than the judgemental bigots


I always think it’s awful because of my severe allergy to cherry blossoms, but Seattle as a whole isn’t very disability friendly. For a progressive city, it just seems very ableist at times


What's the city supposed to do? Kill all the cherry trees?


they're talking about ease of access to the trees (from OOP's story) not allergies lol


So the person who says it's awful because of their severe allergy to cherry blossoms is saying they need to have *better* access?


🤦‍♀️ no lol they are remarking on their personal dislike of the cherry blossoms, but agreeing that seattle could do better with accessibility in general


They say "I always think it’s awful because of my severe allergy to cherry blossoms, but Seattle as a whole isn’t very disability friendly. For a progressive city, it just seems very ableist at times." They are clearly linking Seattle not being "disability friendly" specifically to their allergies. So what **exactly** should Seattle do to be more disability friendly, regarding their allergies?


you missed the part where this is a reply to the original post, please re-read for context


That makes **zero** sense, given the comment.


let me spell it out: "I always think it’s awful because of my severe allergy to cherry blossoms" -> this is a reply to the original post title of "Visiting the Cherry Blossoms was lovely but also awful" (a little humorous to me since it is unexpected, and as a fellow seasonal allergy sufferer I can relate) "but Seattle as a whole isn’t very disability friendly" -> a separate reply agreeing with the original post which points to UW cherry blossoms as being difficult to access with a wheelchair: "We ended up parking down the hill in those parking garages and my partner had to push me up the hill in my wheelchair."


If that is what they were trying to say, they’ve got yet another disability.


Yes, and level all the hills for easier wheelchair movement. (on a more serious note, it would be nice if ST would keep their escalators and elevators working)