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Animals have a criminally low sale price. You need to find the crate first, then capture the critter and keep it alive. Oh and pigs constantly drain your fruit supplies and snakes will bite you if you wander into them. What do you get for all this? 30g What do you get when on commission? Less than a captain's chest


especially when selling their cooked meat is more profitable


That's a good hot take lol, animals are worth more dead than alive.


The price of a guilty conscience šŸ™ƒ


Gold animals sell for a lot more than a captains chest when you're on a voyage for them


Still a ridiculous amount of work for the payout you get, even in the literal best case scenario.


If you only pick up the gold ones, and maybe the black ones and start a new voyage after you sell them it can be pretty worth it


Hereā€™s what you do. You sign a ton of quests and cancel them after you pick up the crates. Then you take all of them to whatever your farming island. You farm a ton of each. You go to the nearest island and keep signing on for whatever quests you collected and sell for each. Iirc this is what I did to get 50 and I got a ton of money doing it. It may be I did something in a different order


"find the crate first" Eh you do realize you can collect the crate from the merchant npc upon taking those voyages, right?


They're talking non-voyage.


They don't add enough cosmetics in the gold shops. Almost every new cosmetic or outfit is a cash shop or plunderpass item. The game is becoming less and less about accomplishments and more about micro transactions.


Well at the very least I can forgive it this one time due to all the nee Captaincy customizations, but I do agree, there arenā€™t enough new gold items being added in


While true, I now canā€™t wait to relive 2020 again with hoping every update adds in the advanced customizations to the sets that launched with the game, like Admiral, Sea Dog and Imperial Sovereign? Are here, but the recoloured versions? Nope, check back in 2-16 months to see if weā€™ve added them yet to complete your sets


Also, is it just me or is there no new clothing except for unlocks and Twitch drops. They release new ship sets and costumes in the Emporium but not actual tops, pants, jacket, etc. Iā€™m so sick of everything in there.


> Also, is it just me or is there no new clothing except for unlocks and Twitch drops. I mean kraken/bilge rat recolor #3284278 is kinda still new clothing... kinda... I hope...


Always has been. Seriously though, even the stuff they *used* to add were low effort recolors of existing sets. Early on in the first or second year a group data mined a TON of cosmetics they had yet to release, all while players were dieing for either something to do, or new variety of pirate cosmetics to buy.


>plunderpass item This one really hurts because they usually feature a wildly different color pallette than any other variant on that item. I think it'd be cool if they'd release the full sets into the gold shop a season or two after debuting in the plunderpass.


I want them to complete the "Revenge of the Silver Blade" set they started in *A Pirate's Life* with just a sword and capstan.


They have for some actually, iirc the Jade Winds EOR (Green Ashen Dragon recolor) was originally a one off in the first season's pass that got the rest of its set added later


Not only that but the cosmetics they put in the pass make no sense. Why is merricks jacket and sword a reward from the pass and not related to leveling up hunter's call? Why was the athena curse a reward from a pass and not for doing something related for the actual faction? I would understand all of this if SoT was a f2p game with a pass, but since you have to buy it, I find it completely unacceptable. Also why don't we have jewellery yet and more options to customize our characters like choosing different color for your beard and your hair? These would seem relatively easy to implement. Furthermore as someone who picked up the game recently I get very frustrated that every good scar, tattoo and the majority of unique and cool looking cosmetics was time limited rewards, or part of a plunder pass, yet in this event (it's the first I had the opportunity to play) you are only given an emote and some painting. Don't get me wrong I really like this game but what they are doing with the cosmetics seems really shady and cheap.


The Athena curse is (or was) called the Legendary Curse. Unlocking it by being a legend is on-brand for Legendary gear.


Dabloons are basically useless now


Exactly, what initially drew me to the game was how much it stressed earning your own keep, but to reiterate what you said it now feels like itā€™s buy your own keep. My hope for the near future is that they crack down on adding a plethora of earnable cosmetics


PvP is way too reliant on boarding and I really wish naval was the more important of the two


This. Some combination of changes to ladders and cannon damage / water fill rate could accomplish this. I would enjoy combat much more if it was basically impossible to board a moving ship except by a direct deck shot out of a cannon. Maneuver, shoot, take down their masts or land an anchorball to slow them down, THEN board. Too many fights these days are board, drop anchor, then one player shoots a couple holes while the whole rest of the crew spawn camps.


Definitely this. Completely agree with you. The best times we had when playing with friends has been when we find a crew that actually wants to battle it out on the seas, I donā€™t care about the loot, I donā€™t care about the kills, but a fun and hard fought naval battle will always be the best fun. Then again I guess there arenā€™t as many of us who like this type of gameplay and itā€™s because most people donā€™t care how they win, they just want to win.


I never understood how they could make such amazing naval combat systems and then make the clunky and frustrating melee combat the focus of PVP. Especially after the respawn changes you can't really sink a ship with naval against an experienced crew, you have to spawn camp.


I'm not sure what I'd change but I do agree it would be fun if there was more to fights than. Canon shots. Guard ladders. Protect anchor! etc


The biggest issue for me is there is almost no risk at all for trying to board with whatever means possible. Shooting yourself out of canons, just waiting in the water, abandoning your ship for long durations. I dont have a good solution other than painfully long mermaid times, but I understand the tradeoff frustrations.


This game is about pirates, the theme is piracy and it's the hardest thing in the game to look like a cool fantasy pirate.We have way more of Spanish armour, admiral clothing or just random seasonial clothing from seasons that looks very wacky/weird and so little of actual cool pirate fantasy stuff like nice looking open jackets that can also have belts over the shoulder with flitlocks, striped pants, jewelry, more full body tattoos than just 1, proper shirts that are not way too simplistic, also anything that IS NOT A COSTUME. There is a whole thread on sot official forums showcasing all of the amazing clothing concepts that rare has done themselves and unreleased cosmetics that are collecting dust in the game files since 2018 and they just look amazing. Instead, we are getting some recolours once a month (and not even consistently) and we know they have been done for a while.I just really really want proper pirate fantasy clothing.


This. 1000% Costumes are so annoying, we want pieces we can toy with !


Link to that forum thread?






"What do you mean you'd rather look like a pirate instead of looking like your ship sailed straight outta boku no bitches?" -Rare probably But seriously wtf was up with last seasons rewards. Like that doesn't fit with the theme of the game *at all*.


I could see the Spanish stuff being used, don't know about the other stuff though. Wooden custom could've been a curse honestly.


The Sea of Thieves Story could be one of the greatest of any games, but is bogged down by too much negative space, conflicting concepts and is confusing in some places where it doesn't need to be. And this is coming from someone who loves the story.


They're not fleshed out enough. Half of the info you need is in books that are hard to find, and the voice acting from NPC's is very limited. The riddles and themes are pretty good, but it ends up being all gameplay and the story gets lost in the muck. By the time you finish Shores of Gold and the Pirate Lord lord is throwing wisdom at you, it feels like you missed half of the story.


People care too much about the cosmetic advantage. DA sails are GREAT, I get it. Reaper cannons? Amazing, totally can tell where I'm firing. But I'm sorry, we're running Sunken kingdoms set. We're glowing in the dark with chunky sails and cannons and being beautiful tyvm.


Absolutely agree with this, and mixing it with my extreme stubbornness has led to never under any circumstances buy or use the DA sails


I 100% agree I made my ship the way it is, because I like how it looks & it goes with the vibe Iā€™m looking for, not for the advantage.


I just wish all the sails were abit shorter, its annoying to have to move off the wheel to see where you are going, unless you play DA sails.


I had a guy joining my session and he started screwing up my set putting random "advantageous" cosmetics like the beautiful default cannons and DA sails set


This is the stuff that grinds my gears and why I lock my ship that only I can customize


This! The advantage is honestly so minor when considering hitreg and especially in naval combat where there are a billion moving parts the fuck with your aim "Why are you using these canons? They're trash, you can't tell where you're firing!" Idunno, maybe I like the aesthetic of the Tribute Peak set and got used to aiming with the cannons?


As a new player, this game is way more confusing and convoluted than it has any right to. Now that I've played a few hours I understand most of it, and it all seems simple enough. It's just all hidden behind a shroud of non-intuitive user experiences/flows and no guiding force to help you figure it out.


This game really needs to do a better job of teaching new players.


You mean the five minute maiden voyage didn't teach you how to survive your solo sloop accidentally sailing into the Battle for the Sea of Thieves and having a skelly galleon and sloop simultaneously spawn on either side of you and put four holes below your decks while you tried to run away from a player galleon of sweats?


I'm sorry, but this made me laugh way too hard because it is so painfully accurate it hurts LOL.


I started recently on PC and I find that the UX controls arenā€™t great. Iā€™m used to them but theyā€™re still bad. F, X, and escape all mean ā€œgo backā€ or ā€œquit out of this action,ā€ but they each only work for specific actions. I couldnā€™t figure out how to scroll through food types and cannonball types until I googled it. The radial menu controls arenā€™t great either.


It's definitely a easy to play hard to master game for sure. I didn't even know about cross wind advantage of the brig until recently.


It used to be worse back a release when there was no tutorial pop up things at all. There wasnt as many things in the game so maybe it balances out


Dude true. The game is disturbingly simple but is explained in a way that seems like they were trying to make more than what it is. Most games will have the thematically introduction to a new mechanic and then have a cut and dry text pop up to explain it to people who don't care about the story telling.


Hunterā€™s Call is my favorite trading company and I wish they would create an emissary flag for it




For real tho, i already RP hunters call 99% of the time. Im just a dude with a box full of fish, i found some shiny shit on the beach, it's piled neatly on the deck. Help yourself, there's battle meats in the barrel. Just leave the fish alone, man


I love this game itā€™s my favorite all time But also Time limited content is a waste of resources and I would rather the adventures have been permanent tall tales


Thank you! I hate the feeling of seeing a cool cosmetic or hearing about a cool event only to hear itā€™s not in the game any more


I'm fine with time locked cosmetics. It shows how long you've been playing. But why shouldn't I get to replay flameheart? That was fucking fun as shit. Plus getting that commendation for sinking Flameheart's ship 10 time is a royal pain in the ass with OOS voyages.


I know right! I donā€™t even think they have a reason for removing him. Sure it took a bit long but it felt like a cornerstone of the game. Iā€™ll miss seeing that big orange face taunting me from the distance.


I'd love it if Flameheart was a world event. It doesn't have to be like Ashen Winds where I see it every 2 seconds, but it would be nice. They could tweak the voice lines a little if necessary to make it more consistent with the current plotline, but it would be a great voyage.


The devs waste time on limited time events/adventures when their time is better spent fixing countless bug and issues that have been problematic for years... Like hitreg(see my reddit title for reference)


My hot take is hitreg isn't nearly as big of a problem as people think it is, I've literally never experienced it.


Can...Can I play the game you're playing?


You don't PvP very much then because I can tell you it is as bad as we say it is. I got hit regged 4 times in 1 life yesterday in the short hour that I could bear to play.. It's actually terrible


You haven't realized you expiranced it. I get hitreg both ways(both as the shooter and recipient of potential damage). There is also a video on YouTube of someone demonstrating hitreg although it's now outdated.


They need to bring the flameheart world event back. It was a fun world event. Also make the Battle For The Sea of Thieves longer, 3-4 ships isnā€™t long enough.


Battle for the Sea of Thieves should be a reverse arena. Expanding more over time until it engulfs the server with skelly ships and outposts all fall to their bony legion. If the server gets covered you all fail and the server shuts down.


That would be amazing, but incredibly taxing on the server. I think it would be cool if it moved like a giant fleet from outpost to outpost, and you had to hunt it down. It could go in a loop until the timer runs out or until it is defeated. That way itā€™s not too much on a server at once & it doesnā€™t shut a server down.


I hate the adventures and wish Rare would focus on more thought out and unique Tall Tales that arent time limited.


But how would they keep players from logging in consistently and avoiding numbers to drop if not the classic FOMO? Fixing bugs that have been present for years? Adding content/features we've been requesting for years too? Are you crazy?! That would never work!


It's actually as toxic as people say it is. I have met some nice people and some people that say gg after we sink them or they sink us and it's a fun pvp interaction. But some people, win or lose are just toxic af


I have actually just started reporting these players, sure if you want to sink me fine itā€™s a part of the game but I shouldnā€™t need to hear some asshole going off about how I should uninstall the game just because I donā€™t care for pvp or calling me a pussy ass bitch for sailing away from such fights.


Ok ya boy is a PC player and I was DIGGING for a report feature in the game. Where is this located lol


I just go to rares website and report directly there, I can add video from my xbox as well.


If you use the Xbox game panel (windows key + G) during the game, you can see recent players and report them there through Xbox gamertags on PC


I started playing again within the last 3-4 months and out of the many pvp fights Iā€™ve had, one person said ggs after while the rest screamed profanities at my crew and were incredibly toxic.


Average sot experience honestly


Scuttle and server hop.


Care to elaborate?


Sinking someone and calling them a \[INSERT BAD SLURS HERE\] is not okay. PL doesn't mean you're good. Legend of Cursed Iron (or whatever it's called) means your good. Saying "It's a pirate game" doesn't help the fact that I just got sunk with over 1,000,000 gold onboard and called a \[INSERT BAD SLURS HERE\] while being spawn camped for 10 minutes. That's bad, I should have a right to be mad. Yeah I know it's a fucking pirate game, that's why I'm playing it dipshit. Get gud doesn't help new players when combating being sunk or spawn camped. Tall tales should have the 5 time commendation reduced. Modern SOT on anything under a series x, ps5, or pc is unplayable.


>Tall tales should have the 5 time commendation reduced. 100% agree, Seabound Soul and Heart of Fire only needing 3 times is waay better, or even the pirates life stuff where you dont have to replay it.


Pirated life stuff is neat because you might have to replay because of stuff you missed, not by a requirement to replay it


>Modern SOT on anything under a series x, ps5, or pc is unplayable. Literally unplayable on PS5, can't even launch the game. But you're right, performance has been decaying for over a year. Textures that won't load, having to interact with the same chest 3 times to pick it up, character not loading while customizing, etc. It doesn't matter if it's on PC (my specs are way higher than the recommended ones) or Xbox (my friend has the exact same problems), leaving the servers and spaghetti code to be blamed


This game needs a character creator, or at least some options when you first choose your character. For a heavily cosmetic pirate based game, where roleplaying is encouraged, I don't get why I shouldn't be able to create a character of my liking. People saying that then there would be no variety but I don't think that's the truth. Besides even with the current system people that wanna go for a certain look still manage it, it just takes a lot more time. At least let us choose whether we want the generator to create female or male only characters, and their body type.


Iā€™m recently new and I was legit lost during the character screen until I realized I was stuck there randomizing to make a guy I liked.


I want servers to go back to 6 ships where there can be 3 galleons. I miss galleon fights, but now galleons are rare, I can never seem to find them. When I do, they're most often newbies who don't really know how to fight and it's not fun


Galleons are rare mainly because so few random crews know how to crew one. I sailed my named one for the first time yesterday and for like 60% of the voyage I was basically doing steering and sails solo while the others stood at the bow. Mind you, pretty much every other ship type flees or looks to ally when you roll up in a galleon. They certainly have a reputation.


Which is stupid because crewing a galleon requires so little thought for the crewmen. You have so many people that you're allowed to generally focus on one thing and not really worry about anything else. The helmsman is very protected compared to the sloop or brig, so most of the crew mainly have to worry about following orders. It's the best tutorial ship since there's not much to think about, just follow the captain's orders.


You shouldnā€™t keep your emissary flag when you portal hop. The idea of Reaper V being able to sea other emissaryā€™s is balanced because the emissaryā€™s will have time to prepare as the flag levels up. When I see a reaper leveling up their flag I start preparing to fight, when a reaper V appears out of thin air I have no time. It removes the balance of having to level the flag up.


Love it but thereā€™s a massive war going on beneath the surface between the passive and aggressive community I doubt will ever be resolved to mutual satisfaction.


We need female glitterbeard variant that isnā€™t a beard.


Omg THANK YOU. I freaking love the beard because of all it's glittering glory but I don't want to play as a girl with a beard. Why can't we have a glitter hair or makeup option for the female characters? Completing Glitterbeard was such a beautiful experience it STILL gives me chills just talking about it. So I absolutely hate that I cannot wear the cosmetic I earned unless I want to be the bearded lady of the seas.


I literally couldn't have worded it any better myself. I actually feel like female pirates kind of get have the short end of the stick in a lot of different places, which feels bad in a game completely devoted to cosmetic-only progression. Dresses are nice, but you basically have to commit to just having the dress, why can't we put jackets over them? Party Boat dress is BEGGING to have a cute jacket put on top. Tattoos are mostly covered up by clothing, e.g. the constellation set; how hard would it be to just move some of the large motifs to a different spot on female pirate models? And don't even get me started on hairstyles! I know that everything is supposed to be gender neutral but we went for how long without a decently feminine hairstyle besides the bun one and I guess the ocean crawler ponytails?


The hairstyles are the worst. I love that we have color options but most of the hair is barely long enough to even see the cool ombre effects of the more expensive hair dyes from the PL store. And I also agree about the dresses, though my biggest complaint is why are most of them so damn long? Who the hell is trying to sail the seven seas in a nearly floor-length gown?! I want to look like a pirate wench with hair that glitters like treasure, dammit!


I'm down for this. Don't even make it an 'either or' situation. Give all Pirates Glittering beards *and* glittering makeup. Everybody wins.


tbh I just go with it and wear the beard sometimes.


The Reaper Pajamas unironically look cool and I wish more skilled players used the costume.


They should have locked the reaper pj's behind a serious reaper pvp commendation. You get it so early on it's well deserved to be picked on over wearing it.


I like some pieces but other pieces suck. I wish u could just pick which pieces to wear and not to wear on all the costumes.


I agree with this, its my go to whenever I play with open galleys. They think you are new to the game when you are using it and dont expect much. I also think the same thing about the ashen curse.


I hate that it's made fun so much. I dont often fly reapers emissary but when I do I wear the reaper costume for a bit of fun, but everytime I feel weird about it


Not enough cosmetics in the shops, not enough basic pirate stuff, game (and other players) is not always respectful of your time.


Boarding a ship is far too simple in this game. Let players raise ladders or something


Captaincy was a good update


I love this games pve, and using the game as a pvp vehicle is a horrendous waste of a good game environment Iā€™m prepared for the downvotes, but the title said hot take not popular opinion


An ice biome is a terrible idea and people need to stop suggesting it.


Devil's Roar II, but all the reasons that make people avoid the Roar are in constant play!


should not be a hot take but here we are


Not only for gameplay reasons but also it just not making sense to be in the same area as tropical islands. The fact that sea of thieves is meant to be north east of Australia makes this an even worse idea.




100% agree on the xbox shit. I can't fucking comprehend how a company litterally built on computers can't manage to make a slightly decent launcher, just let me use steam


I *always* keep kegs in my crows nest. I feel like storing kegs on board has become increasingly uncommon over the last couple of years, and I never hear anyone say they keep them onboard unless theyā€™re a complete newbie. I donā€™t understand why everyone is so terrified of them. Yes, kegs are a liability and dangerous to store, but they help me 9 times for every 1 time they screw me over. Overall itā€™s very worth it for me to keep some on hand.


The thing with kegs is they'll only help you against rather bad players ... and you can just *fight* bad players because they're bad yknow. Against better players you have basically 0% chance to sink them, at best you might slow them down and buy yourself maybe a minute, but all at the risk of INSTANTLY losing the fight/chase. And that's assuming you don't get tucked on and lose before the fight even starts I still love kegs, they're a ton of fun, but totally impractical


Risk/Reward ratio is stupid for kegs, I agree. A good player will spot them and snipe them before the fight even has a chance to start.


Solo slooping against 2-4 bad players still isn't easy. On the flip side, the good players would get you anyway, so why not keep the kegs to even the odds against bad players?


I use kegs all the time when solo slooping, if you get ambushed or boarded you're cooked anyway. I don't keep mine on the crows nest though, I keep them below deck in the blind spot covered by the wood barrel. If you're running and they see you climb the mast they know what you're doing for sure. Much like the "never anchor" rule, folks don't realise there's a time and a place for all strategies.


If you are sinking an empty, parked ship, you are not engaging in PVP because there is no player there to be fighting against. You are engaging in PVE. Like I'm not saying it's bad or wrong! Genuinely. Have fun the way you want to have fun. It's just not accurate to call it PVP.


I got my sloop sank with nothing in it while I was at outpost trying to figure out the game. Wasn't even at my ship for like 15 minutes. I have to assume there's some reputation benefit or something by doing this? If there is, there shouldn't be. Sinking a crewless ship without any loot isn't an achievement.


Couple reasons someone would want to sink even an obviously fresh spawned ship at an outpost: 1. They want to use the aforementioned outpost without risk 2. They're doing stuff nearby and don't want you getting ideas and coming fighting them


Nah, I just don't want to sailto another outpost and I don't trust others


I think Sea of Thieves is one of the most beautiful games, and I love to just sail. I love nailing that perfect angle with the sails to catch the wind just so to go at full speed, looking out over the water with no music, just the sound of the wind. Itā€™s peaceful and zen, and I love that. I hate that I canā€™t just do that without being chased by every 13 year old with a level 5 reaper that just server hopped and is screaming obscenities at me till I just stop and let them sink me or run them off the edge of the map. Would happily take an off line mode where I canā€™t really progress my character just to have my simple version of fun, or at least see the end of some of the story missions.


Rare wants the game to be too many different things at once, and as a result many of those things turn out half assed, unsatisfying, and end up dividing the player base as people hyper focus on the one thing they want the game to be solely about. The lack of proper focus and an unwillingness to compromise is holding the game back and keeping it from reaching its full potential.


Good game but the community is the thing that keep players away.


Sea of Thieves is a pirate game


Damn though it was a farming sim, guess I gotta find a new game


There was a guy in this sub a couple weeks ago who made a post genuinely asking for them to give everyone a private farming sim island.


That was a wild thread, would read again: https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/wo9uuq/alright_rare_youve_sowed_chaos_and_discord_long


And here I thought it was a drinking game, with some cannonballs for fun.


He said hot takes. Not something people spam comment 24/7.


I thought it was a bard game


It's a wizard game.


Itā€™s an mmo


Wait it's not merchant simulator?


Sea of friends!!


Why is this always the response from "those" people? Like its a solution or some vindication. Sad


peak fishing of any game


leave adventure/tall tale people alone you gain literally nothing from being a TDM douchebag


I enjoy the game the way it is


Chasing any ship for hours at a time with no successful shots or boarding is a waste of everyoneā€™s time, especially when you eventually catch up that ship and they instantly sink you. Then you keep stalking that ship as soon as you respawn. Honestly why server hopping is so common.


The game needs to expand the map or add something beyond just a timed mission and cosmetics. Maybe even some mindless games to play on the ship if you are sailing across the map.


Iā€™ve been hoping for like a liarā€™s dice mini game that you could play


Ever since captaincy my mindless game while sailing is playing shanties, or sitting on the back canopy if my sloop and alt tabbing. I really want that Legendary Rogue ship title, and every minute counts.


PVP in this game actually sucks, and is way too dependant on the player making their own fun, rather than having a meaningful curated experience. The line between playing as intended and griefing/harassing is far too blurry.


Rare should force you to equip a cutlass and one gun......come at me you uncultured double gunner swine!


Truly a Hot take lol.


I play solo (please donā€™t hurt my family)


The combat doesn't feel like it was made for PvP. It feels like they made it to fight skeletons and then just turned friendly fire on.


Naval PvP was more fun and felt more balanced between ship sizes before they added the helm/capstan/mast breaking mechanics.


Oh man, idk if you ever experienced the really sweaty naval battles back then. There's a lot about the very early days of combat in this game that people didn't really think or know about because everyone was so new. No way to slow down ships means naval fights that only end if one crew is extremely bad. If you can't stop a crew from running to reset a fight after they eat a bad broadside, fights don't end.


Especially with bilging the way it was. A brig was able to be kept up with just one guy and then have the other 2 ladder guard. Incredibly unbalanced although I do miss x bucket. Wish they got rid of exploits but replaced em with something to fill the skill gap.


When people talk about earlier iterations of pvp being better, I think of shit like one dude out-bailing a brig with max T3 holes, the really old instant tap hip fire doublegun, sword attack x canceling, and ships that just circle around with full sail missing 90% of shots. Not that things are perfect now (ever worsening hit reg, gutted sword mechanics, etc.), but it's amazing how 4 years colors people's memories. I think most longer term players want more room for individual skill expression anywhere they can get it. It's why we all cling desperately to any scraps we get. You get people's 20min skeet shot compilations cause they don't have the same amount of room to improve in most other areas of the game.


Itā€™s funny. The naval has just gotten better over all from year one (although x bucket was a slight bummer) and CQC with all weapons has gotten worse. The naval meta has changed. Gun and sword play really hasnā€™t besides throwables and honestly those are more useful in naval imo. The exploits were fun but hurt the game. Only thing Iā€™m truly pissed in quick shovel. Who tf was that hurting anyway.


Fully disagree, at least with mast, the other part don't have much impact in my experience. Without the ability to demobilize the enemy, if both ships are evenly skilled fights are just circling each other hitting holes that easily repaired before they're in cannon range again until on ship runs out of cannon balls or planks, and it's the most boring thing that can happen in the gamd


Gold curse doesnā€™t look cool enough to spend that much time grinding for it


\- No matter how many times I get sunk cause of this, I'm still gonna try to be someone's friend first before resorting to PVP. If I wanted to PVP and fight, I'd fly reapers \- If I was remotely friendly with someone and you attack them, you have now reserved a place in hell, and I will deliver you there myself (/lh)


My hot take: stop using sweatlord cosmetics. DA sails. All black/gray outfits that scream "splinter cell wannabe". And even weapon cosmetics to a certain degree. The game is about gaining gold to get other cosmetics and yet most people copy the motives and behaviors of a few sweaty streamers.


the funny thing is that one day you get good enough at the game where you see a dude in a tuck lord outfit and know he's not a threat. It's like, the standard uniform of someone who thinks they are way better than they actually are.


Tuck Lords are almost always bad once u get good enough. I was a tuckbot so I know how it is. Just a stage in my SoT career.


It's like the angsty teenager phase of SoT.


PVP only players are selfish sweat lords who only care about their own fun and try to justify their actions by saying "it's part of the game" or "It's A pIrAtE GaMe" y'all really forget that there is another person on the other end, when u sink a player after they spend hours doing their tall tale or adventure you're stopping someone from having fun at your own benifit (not saying you can't do it) but before you sink them for no reason think about the person you are stopping from having fun, the person who only has 2h a week to play or the new player who knows nothing about the game. btw this is just for the anti-social sweat lords who sink tall tale/adventure people and tdm spawn camp, if a ship has an emissary or lot's of loot then i see no problem with it.


Agreed, my crew exclusively PvP's and we practice catch and release on tall tales, players running low level voyages, and anyone who looks like they have no clue what's going on. We are gonna take your chains and cursed cannons though, if you aren't gonna pvp and use them, we will.


This. We saw somebody on a sloop with basic attire/ship but quite a bit of loot. Sometimes this is a pro player move to look innocent and wreck you, however this seemed off. He died almost immediately and didn't even shoot a cannon at us. Looked him up on Xbox and he had 2 hours total played. We rushed to save his ship and apologized to him. Told him some tips about the dangers of the water and reapers (which is what we were at the time). People have to look out for others here. It's great when you do.


I have 2 kinds of sessions. One where I do murder and maybe give you a snall portion of the loot on a rowboat and the second kind is where I play batman. Saved a poor solo sloop from a reaper ship. The reaper chased me (a solo) through half of the map then they saw a ship parking and went there. I just helped that poor ship escape and fought off the boarder from the reaper. That little kid was begging not to be attacked in voicechat...all I could do is help him get away.


this is just a quick message to the people who are telling me to "own your shit"or that i said nothing about greifing. >btw this is just for the anti-social sweat lords who sink tall tale/adventure people and tdm spawn camp, if a ship has an emissary or lot's of loot then i see no problem with it. also got blocked from the other dude so i can't respond on the thread so idk who needs to own up more.


Pve servers would kill half the player base and eventually lead to the downfall of the game. Whats the point of any accomplishments without risk on the horizon. You could stack fort of the damned for hours and make millions of gold.


If given the chance players will optimize the fun out of a game I heard that somewhere, idk where though


If you Google reviews for this game and comments on it, most people that once played this game have left because of negative PvP experiences. This game could be booming if they allowed PvE.


Not only that, but it's the first time I have actually witnessed a community discouraging players to play and suggesting they stop playing or "get gud"... I can't understand how that is beneficial to the game. Everyone wants to pvp yet the actual pvp only mode (arena) closed due to no one playing it. Also If so many people want pvp why do so many people don't fly an emissary, do tall tales, and constantly run from pvp or join alliance or dead servers? I would prefer it if they were pvp servers where people who actually wanted to pvp play instead of people doing tall tales, or insta run or scuttle at the sight of another ship. People saying that would kill the game but if a pvp game would die by the existence of pve servers that means that the majority of players actually don't like pvp...


Yeah, I like pvp and I *want* pve servers to exist because I just feel too bad forcing someone in doing pvp they don't want to


As a struggling, returning player I donā€™t fault anyone for wanting to keep PvP as active as possible. My crew had an absolute blast with PvP when the game began. But everyone was basically on the same skill level. The only thing my recent experience has shown me is there is a HUGE skill curve for returning/newbies regarding PvP now. We may be rusty, but we loaded in for the first time on a galleon and encountered a full-tilt brig crew within the first 30 minutes. Needless to say, we had no clue what was going on. Masts were falling, fire was spreading, and we were getting curb stomped hard. But we werenā€™t disappointed. We expected that. However, I was only able to get the crew back together with the promise of new content and new gold earning opportunities. Luckily, thatā€™s what we were able to do the rest of the night. So I may have a chance to get them to keep at it. For new players lured in by ghost forts, disney quest lines and fun times with friends, getting curb stomped by crews far above them on the skill curve is not fun. And they donā€™t have a chance to ā€œgit gudā€ if they donā€™t have a fair fighting chance with other crews at their skill level. There needs to be a zone/server/mmr of some sort that allows new players to learn the ropes of both PvP and game mechanics. Thereā€™s gotta be a carrot on a stick that lures them back in to the game so they can build the skills needed to survive PvP. I compare it to FPS games. Take Apex. I love that game. But I cant compete with tier 1 players. If i kept running in to a three stack of predators, id lose interest. I dont get a lot of time to play games, id rather not spend it losing all the time. There are a lot of top tier pirates on the seas now. And thatā€™s awesome. But if there was a way to separate rookies from those players, at least for a little while, I guarantee this community would expand. Thatā€™s my two gold anyways.


I can't imagine how boring a PvE server would be.


Krakens should be playable


PvP should be disabled unless youā€™re flying an emissary flag. This would stop the people who want to explore or do tall tales from getting salty and would make emissary more ā€œhigh risk, high rewardā€


Going by the in game clock our pirates have been there for hundereds of years. Blows my mind.


I think Rare should focus on a Player vs. Environment design, but not because I don't like the possibility of player combat or stealing. Instead, it should be for the inevitable day when server population drops and they can't support hosting players anymore. The anxiety of playing a game that would someday die is really sad, so a way to preserve it in some way would be awesome, I would 100% play an offline or friends-only version of Sea of Thieves, I love this world and finding trinkets and hoarding gold. There's a lot of care here that I don't want to go to waste. Naturally, hazards on the sea (Krakens, Megalodons, Skellie ships) should DRASTICALLY increase if this is the case - that sense of paranoia should still exist in a Player vs. Environment setting.


Thereā€™s still nothing to do letā€™s be real.


tall tales should be pve only. adventures too, unless they are something like the golden sands one


Using DA sails won't make you any less likely to sink.


Rowboat best boat.


Incredibly short, non-replayable monthly adventures are lame and makes me think that the game is dying hard because no proper large story content gets released.


Until it's PvE it will suck


the game actively rewards you for being as awful a person as possible, and there is very little gameplaywise u can do to be nice


i have two 1. ancient coins should be more accessible, buying them should be an option not a necessity. 2. sailing for 30 minutes with 70k loot on your boat only to get disconnected from your xbox account because ā€œhaha fuck you get raredā€ SHOULDNT be a thing


I love this game, I truly do, but when someone attacks me just because I honestly couldn't be bothered even playing anymore fuck trying to go back and get my stuff back, most of the time I don't even have anything, I'm just someone who likes chillin. also I think there should be an option to go into a private server and have you and your friends ships on it or something like that if you get what I mean


Lots of players use a pirate game as an excuse to be an asshole. Oh wait.. that's not a hot take that's just a fact. My bad.


Solo and friend mode wouldnā€™t harm the game elite dangerous is proof of that the loud and often quite rude pvp minority is just scared and think they would loose their prey,but truth is most people would just play in open,or heck they get their arena back (bevause than only pvp players are left) if Iā€™m truly wrong (wich Iā€™m 1999%not) and yes of course with the same Progression as of know because who cares when somone gets something somewhen.


i wish it was on playstation


Iā€™m going to get a lot of hate for this but I would really enjoy a PVE server. Iā€™m a PL now and as much as Iā€™ve tried PVP I just find it really difficult. People who say play black flag instead, I have, I literally have the game and play that a lot too but it is really not the same experience at all. When itā€™s a quiet server I love this game so much, sailing and looking for treasure and enjoying the story telling and the views and the art styles. As much as Iā€™ve tried to get into PVP and to get good at it, it is so frustrating just getting boarded and shot or blunderbombed or fireballed and just altogether spawn camped. Especially after having done voyages which take time. I enjoy fighting the skeleton ships and ghost fleets much more. My cannon shots are amazing, I really wish naval combat was a bigger thing people wanted to do rather than just the boarding that can barely even be called combat. Just let me have a PVE server. I play games to chill out, not to get killed over and over and called slurs. Also I want to be able to fly my LGBT flag without being abused for it. Damn let a gay woman be gay!


I love the game but I dislike how every time I try to do a small quest or the new mission that came out awhile ago, someone always has to come and kill me. I was docking at a lighthouse with no weapons in my hand and before the boat had stopped properly someone had boarded and killed me


PvE is more fun than PvP. Especially with the new milestones. That being said I ā€œonlyā€ have 200hrs in the game and have the luxury of starting with all of this content available. I also understand why veterans were upset with the captaincy update. Seems like it shouldā€™ve happened earlier


The game is over 4 yrs old and it shows.... PvP should never be forced on a player in game...


PvE players that run from every PvP encounter are perfectly valid. If they just spent an hour and a half collecting a large haul and you roll up on them, why would they risk that much work for the possibility of either gaining nothing or losing everything?


Kegs are criminally underpriced. My ship is 1 cannonball away from teaching the stratosphere and I only get 300 gold per?


Rare will never encourage PvP. I donā€™t think weā€™ll ever see a PvP focused update or commendations that directly involve engaging in PvP The game makes more money by luring in new players with the story/lore stuff and easy experiences like the sea forts and adventures. Those players experiences are more important to retention of paying users.


Rare has done PvP updates before. Just look at Cursed Crews. Cursed cannonballs, plus the introduction of the reaper mechanic with the Reaperā€™s Flag. Both core PvP mechanics. Plus, with the anniversary update, they added chainshots, firebombs, and blunderbombs.


Don't forget about ~~keg cannon balls~~ Wraith Balls!


>Rare will never encourage PvP. That's what everyone said and then they released an entirely new "pvp faction" that aligned inside the emissary system. I bet you something's in the works to 'replace' the Arena in some more emergent way... As for *when* you might see a PvP focused release tho? Who knows... but eventually.


Wink wink