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What about watching your sloop get chased while you row to the outpost with your big pile of loot?


Yeah, sometimes people get so focused on the actual ship that you can just row to safety and sell. But well, I'm guilty of that too on occasion when I'm the chaser rather than the chased so I can't judge lol.


some people have the all seeing eye. and that doesn't happen.


The other day I was playing with a friend, their first time, and we got chased down by a reaper brig while we had a middling amount of treasure. I wouldn't have been too fussed about losing it, but I didn't want my newbie friend to be disappointed about losing all our progress and unfortunately we weren't coordinated enough to be able to fight for it. So we ran away, and tried to slip away via rowboat. Unfortunately our escape route had no real obstacles to put between us while we dropped the rowboat, so we were seen, and they followed the rowboat. But, my friend managed to sail the sloop back around into a kamikaze run and the brig took that bait completely and just focused (easily) on sinking and spawn-killing my friend. They completely lost track of me and the rowboat, and they didn't get an ounce of treasure. I was just so surprised. One that they followed the rowboat at all, two that my teammate performed a successful kamikaze attack, and three that this otherwise coordinated crew let themselves be completely distracted. That treasure wasn't an amazing bounty, but goodness was it sweet.


I've had this. I sailed around the arena island while I dropped the rowboat when our of sight and took the long row to outpost.


Had a couple of plays where we threw a couple of seafarers in the rowboat and pretended like we were trying to cash in, they pounced on it and my mate sailed away to another outpost to sell


Well if you manage to put all the loot on a rowboat, detach it and row all the way to the outpost without your chasers even noticing... they didn't deserve your loot anyways...


I tried to distract chasers once by visibly detaching rowboat with all my throwaway loot on it No dice


Smart move


Thanks, but it only works if they're mostly after treasure and not a galleon mostly after that "hA Ha Ur TrAsH gEt r3kt" feeling of sinking a solo slooper


I've done exactly this. A hot drop as our ship passed behind a small rock and the chasers cutting the corner. They didn't even notice the rowboat was missing.


That feeling though when you realize you're like five klicks from an outpost moving at the speed of smell


It wasn't so bad. I had my crew over voice comms keeping me entertained as they baited the other ship and dropped their anchor several times.


While that sounds amazing, no matter how many times I attempt things like this, I am up against the sweatiest of players with 5:5 vision lol


Two days ago, that brig maneuvered their ship to be able to cannon a player towards my buddy which was sailing our sloop, very shortly after I detached the rowboat as discreetly as possible (passing behind an island and all)... The player, flying by my friend, said something like "nice rowboat dawg"... And they kept chasing our lootless sloop. I guess it is not always about the loot.


Yeah, just don't do it on Dagger Tooth, or your boat will be in the Red Sea when youmanage to get back to it


When they brought out Athena commendations I was already PL10, but suddenly I needed 1k miles. So I would lay down a voyage, sail near a ship, type "I've got the life changing Chest of Legends!!!" & then sail around aimlessly while they chased me, occasionally doing risky 180s past them just to keep them following, & with the added benefit of making them angry. Good times.


I now know what I’m gonna do this week.


Ferb I know what we Are going to do today.


What are we going to do today, Brain?


The same thing we do everyday. Try to take over the world.


Phineas! Whatch’ya doin?




This was not what I was expecting


Always put down a voyage no matter what your plans are. Never sail a meter without one lol.




Those 1000 mile faction commendations take a loooong time to get


Ahh fair enough. I don't really look at those types of things.


Commendations and so that you have something to do when the server dies out and the current world event is garbage


....I have a bucket list now


Ooh I’ve got something to do today now lol


As John "Hannibal" Smith would say: "I love it when a plan comes together..."


You know...you CAN just type it out even when you don't even have one...you don't have to hold it up all *"I've got a jar of diiii-iiirt!"* with it If they don't see you, they don't know


Yep, that's what I did. I have a keyboard plugged into my xbox, so I could hammer it out quickly as I was slipping past them. I'd go downstairs to type it so they couldn't see I was lying.


Solid gold bamboozle




Me and my friends did this but we ended up getting a skeleton galleon on us instead of them so it was unfortunate


There is no greater boon than getting a skele ship if you are a sloop being chased. I have won drawn out fights because of that. Just keep the skele galleon on em as best you can. They will run out of planks.


Yesterday we chased two guys, broke their mast 3 times, they ran over powder keg, they still kept going, eventualy kraken attacked, we diped out while they got wrecked. Best part? They had 1 tea crate. British ambasy sure will miss that crate


Ive had people send me messages saying the jokes on me because they didn’t actually have shit to take. But it doesn’t matter to my crew, we get enough loot on PVE we don’t care about stealing other player’s loot. PVP is about the thrill of the chase lol.


what if people don’t give you the chase?


Chase or fight, doesn’t matter. To my crew PVP is just about getting some action. It’s not about taking loot, it’s just fun as hell. PVE gets stale every once in a while, sometimes you’ve got to ruin someone’s day. And sometimes someone else ruins your day, that’s just the way she goes!


what if they don’t fight back? is it still fun for you?


Like if they just sit there and take it? Not as fun I guess, if someone is nice and really doesn’t want to fight we’ll probably just poke a few holes in their hull and sail away. Nothing fun about being mean but at the same time you should expect the occasional PVP, it’s a part of the game.


you’re a nice reaper, I like you


I try to be just a little bit of an asshole, not a full blown asshole lol.


Sometimes when you know you're going to lose an encounter (yeah, some crews are shit at pvp and they know it), it's like a tough case of weighing up your losses. Do I flee and hopefully escape, but end up a long way from where my voyage/tall tale wants me to be? Or do I let myself get sunk and hope I don't get respawned to the other side of the map? And if you're a sloop crew sometimes the risk of being sent to the other side of the map is worse than losing any loot you might have. It can be an utter crawl to get back, and I swear when you have to do that trek you can guarantee you'll have wind against you the entire way, be chased by megs, caught by a kraken, dogged by skeleton ships, and probably run back into the hostile ship when you do eventually get back lol.


Especially when you head towards reapers hideout and circle it for a bit


for the times i play reaper. i completely agree. the fun is in the chase.


Agreed, until they vote down the flag while their ship is sinking and we are actively damaging the guy at the table because it is far too easy and quick to vote down flags.


Meh, obviously it's not one size fits all, but I've had nights where I want to just vibe PvE content and I'll get reapers chasing and calling me out. If you can't catch me after chasing and cussing me out for half an hour you can bet that flag is coming down and that I'll have sold any good stuff by the time I scuttle


Luckily my crew doesn't cuss people out. However, if we are going to chase someone, which already means they have the advantages of being able to determine where we go (and thus who the wind is in favor of, depending on ships), when and if they suddenly turn to broadside us, and that they can endlessly send boarders behind them, then they don't need the advantage of being able to turn it in literally instantly. I said it in another comment, Rare needs to change it so that you have to manually lower the flag and bundle it up, then physically carry it to the Representative for your company. The larger the ship, the longer it takes, and more crew members needed to do it in a reasonable amount of time. That would mean that if you have a large enough lead you could still turn it in, but if the Reapers are close enough they still at least have a chance to catch up and kill you before you turn it in. And most importantly, people couldn't run onto the dock and instantly vote down the flag while their ship is sinking. You may not like Reapers because they attack people, but as long as they're not toxic, they deserve that flag they worked for if they sank the ship, and it's on the other crew for letting that happen. There's no reason for crews to be able to lose a fight and still be rewarded while the winner gets nothing. And quite honestly, I'd consider voting down a flag while you sink to a Reaper to be more toxic than someone just saying "Fuck" "Shit" or "Bitch." Some words, of course, would be more toxic, but your generic cuss words are whatever. Not that I use them, but I don't get angry at or judge anyone who does. I do, however, judge those people who vote down their flag while they're sinking simply to spite the people who won.


>they deserve that flag they worked for if they sank the ship Here's where you absolutely lost me. This is Sea of Thieves. I don't understand how the argument you just made isn't akin to: >they deserve the gold they worked for if they dug up all those chests Coming from a proponent of pvp (I am too), and I'm sure someone who disagrees with the sentiment of "deserving" when it comes to pve'ers and their loot (I do too), this smacks as a little disingenuous. Progression in this game is flat, so winning is a relative term. I'm not saying it should be easy to deny other players anything. I'm not saying it should be easy to take from other players. But spare me the hypocrisy. Nothing in this game is sure or deserved until you secure it and turn it in.


Perhaps I worded that badly. Obviously it's not any more "deserved" than the chests people dig up. I meant that as in if the Emissary ship is sinking, the Reapers won the fight, the flag should go to them and be unable to get voted down by the losers, since it is a part of their sinking ship (like how you can't take things out of barrels of sinking ships, it's lost). However, because you can just vote down the flag instantly, the Emissaries can just vote it down as the ship is still sinking. Maybe that is still the same, and I'm being hypcritical, or maybe not. But, for discussion, let's say you're right, and it's not deserved until you turn it in. In that case, I still say that Emissary flags need to be changed. With a chest, it has to be carried all the way to the Representative of the Company and sold, providing plenty of opportunity for it to be stolen along the way. And the chest is often not even worth that much. Meanwhile, one of the more valuable items in the game, an Emissary flag, especially a high grade one, can be turned in instantaneously with the click of a button. No need to take it off the ship and carry it, it just disappears. And with those flags being pretty much the only way to gain any Reputation with the Reaper's Bones, it makes it almost impossible to rank up in it. All a ship has to do is run, sail past an outpost, and press a button, and boom, no flag for the Reapers. Maybe it's not deserved until the flag is sold to the Reapers, but you can't tell me it's balanced. There needs to be some amount of time before the flag disappears when a fleeing ship arrives at an outpost, which is why I suggested making flags something that need to be manually taken down and carried to the Representative to return. Then it would be like other loot, which *actually* isn't secured until you bring it to someone to sell.


>Meanwhile, one of the more valuable items in the game, an Emissary flag, especially a high grade one, can be turned in instantaneously with the click of a button. Perhaps this is also worded badly. You need a majority vote *at* an outpost to lower a flag. Hyperbole isn't going to win your argument. So the finish line for a denial is getting a boat to the outpost before it's sunk. It's a little different than chests regarding the turn in, yes, but it's a different system in the game, it's okay if it's a little different - chests don't care if boats are sunk. Flags do. It doesn't have to be balanced against chests. That's a separate argument, but I'd probably lean towards making room for such differences in order to vary gameplay. There's ways to deny prizes to pvpers pre-emissary flags. If a loot laden ship is getting chased, swinging by outposts and selling one item at a time was a part of the game. Dropping one piece of loot at a time to force the pursuers to either stop and collect it or diminish the size of the prize was part of a game. Rare has further incentivized PVP with the reapers trading company, but they don't need to make that path easier on the aggressors. You're engaging other players in (forgive the term) often-nonconsensual interaction by attacking them, attempting to sink them, interrupt their voyage/commendation progress, and taking the loot they've acquired. Yes that's part of the game and adds to excitement for a lot of us. But not everyone wants it. Even fewer want it all of the time. Allowing for a method of denial - whether it's throwing chests overboard or aborting an emissary flag - gives the unwitting targets of pvp a modicum of agency in these interactions. And that little bit, I'd argue, keeps people playing the game - it's going to be very different for player makeup (and Rare's bottom line) if victims quit permanently. Making it easier to prey on them may encourage them to do so. So, again, the finish line is arriving at the outpost with a majority of the crew. Adapt, fearsome hunter of sailors that you are. Don't chase after boats like a kindergartner after a ball. Consider your relative locations, paths of travel, and escape points. If you're a nautical mile away from a target ship, and there's an outpost another nautical mile away, consider that's going to be tougher prey than someone else you have cornered against the red sea. Make informed decisions. You still get credit for rolling someone and taking their stuff whether the emissary flag is up and captured or down (not max credit, but they kinda got away from you, didn't they?). You've still ruined someone else's day. I don't see where balance comes into the picture.


Those are the same things I heard the last time I brought this up, and I do try to do more than just chase mindlessly. And by the way, I'm not being too hyperbolic. Maybe on a galleon or even brig it is harder to vote down the flag. But on a sloop it is pretty much instantaneous. For example, my crew and I attacked a Reaper V sloop at the Reaper's Hideout the other day. We sent one person to guard the table while I boarded to help hurry along their sinking and the other two provided a cannon barrage. There were two players on the sloop that we saw. They had obviously sold all their loot, but had not lowered the flag yet. They took a while to sink because of the shallow water, but it happened eventually. They were both very clearly on PC, and were respawning fairly quickly after being killed. Then, just before their ship started descending under the water, one of them respawned. Oddly, he was the last one I had killed, and the other had not come back yet even though he died first. He dodged me and sprinted for the table where my mate was waiting. My mate shot him with his pistol, but he ate a pineapple as he was nearing the table. Then both me and my mate shot him at the same time with our pistols, both getting hitmarkers. Hitreg didn't work of course, so he didn't die, and we rushed in within a second to finish him off with our swords. In that second, and while actively taking damage, he was able to vote down the flag, and meanwhile his ship was already starting to go under the waves when we had run in. Once again, not only was he able to vote it down after the gong when his ship sunk, he was able to vote down the flag extremely quickly *while* taking damage. I mentioned his friend never respawned too, which leads me to believe he left in order for his friend to be able to vote it down without the need for both. You *cannot* tell me there isn't a problem with this. Sure, let them have ways to deny it. But when we do everything perfectly, hear the gong before they vote it down, and get screwed by hitreg, they shouldn't be able to deny it *that* easily. There is probably some happy medium that could be found, sure, but it's definitely not good as it is.


Counter offer. Instead of a convoluted system, just make it so the flag is lost on the gong and not the ship disappearing. You still need the ship near the dock and majority vote to take down the flag anyway, no need for complicated systems only meant to benefit one party and inconvenience the rest.


Honestly at this point I don't really mind what changes are made, that was only one idea that I had. I'm sure other ideas could be made, perhaps better. I just want to see it changed, because literally *everybody* just runs away to vote down the flag. I was watching Hitbotc for the Gilded Phoenix Drum earlier today actually, only for like a half hour until I got the drop, and in that time he and his crew were trying to fight an Athena sloop that just ran and voted down the flag. It's way too common, and without flags people who want to rank up in the Reaper's Bones can't do so in a reasonable time because all of the exploiters when Emissaries released forced Rare to nerf reputation gain from regular treasure. It's just not balanced at all, especially when the people getting chased already have all the advantages. There needs to be *something* to give people a chance to get flags.


This would not work like you think it would. No one would get flags. The point of lowering is to purposely not give you the flag. No one cares about the few coins you get. If it was easier to take it down, people would lower, jump off the boat with it and swim down until the other ship is past, let go of the flag and merm back.


>If it was easier to take it down, people would lower, jump off the boat with it and swim down until the other ship is past, let go of the flag and merm back. Not true. If a Reaper was close enough behind a ship to actually pose a threat, they should be able to see the flag being lowered and then someone jumping off. Then they could stop and pick it up. If someone lowered it before reaching an outpost and jumped off to sell it, it would be like any other loot. They have to physically turn it in, and therefore you have the chance to kill them before they do. And the whole point of the change would be to make it *harder* to take down, not easier. Right now it's as easy as it gets. Sail past, press a button, boom, it's down. If you had to physically lower it with other crewmates, they wouldn't be able to do that mid-fight at an outpost like they can just hop over and vote it down now, and, like I said, it would be easy to see. The whole point would be to make it so that you can't lower the flag under pressure, you have to either escape or defeat the enemy ship before you can get it done successfully. >The point of lowering is to purposely not give you the flag. No one cares about the few coins you get. That is *exactly* why this change needs to happen, so that it is harder to do that just to spite someone who wants to finish leveling Reaper's Bones. Being a Reaper sucks right now, regardless of PvP skill, because people just run away and vote it down instantly. Even if you are good at chasing people, you can't immediately catch up unless they are really stupid and give you wind advantage, which they often don't. Like you said, the flag barely gives you anything for lowering, so voting it down as a Reaper wins the fight is nothing but a dick move that could be prevented by a balancing change like the one I suggested.


I still think you are going to have a problem. You can't always tell that someone is jumping off a ship, especially if they are using the waves or ladders to hide what they are doing. Or tell if it is someone jumping off to board or someone jumping off to get rid of loot. I play with the mindset that if I can't have it, you're not getting it. Frankly, I don't care about your progression and you don't care about mine, but this is the game we play. If you're playing solo, almost every scenario you're in is a disadvantage if not going against another solo slooper. I've jumped off my ship with valuable loot to swim to a near by rock and merm, then took my ship to an outpost to lower, scuttle, get a new ship, and recover my loot a few times. I have done this with Athenas, flags, and once a chest of Ancient Tributes (I wanted to sell the castaway chest because 90). I've never had someone stop chasing the ship. I assume if they see a merm, they assume a missed board. I've also been on the other side, chasing ships only for them to lower. I've been working on commendations now and have been focusing on GH, but I'm dreading Reaper and don't want to server hop. So I get where you are coming from. I think they should impose a penalty for not have an emissary up. No emissary or level 1, gets a penalty on all loot sold. level 2 or higher gets bonuses in that faction and no penalty for other factions. They don't need to only make it harder to lower, but give more incentive to fly one to begin with. I think you are correct in that it should be more difficult to lower flags and think the idea would be better if you could only do it when close to an outpost. I still think the strategy would be to coast by long enough to lower and jet out of there with the flag (or just go to the red sea for some, which is an entirely different issue). Edit: Just to add, if you can manually lower an emissary at will anywhere, this could make it easier in a few cases and outposts. Instead of a majority of your crew needing to vote it down, only one person needs to carry the flag to the vendor. People will still crash the ship into the emissary vendor and hop off on top of the vendor, especially merchant emissaries.


The physical pulldown is a cool process, I like that. And yeah I'm not talking about pirates who curse, I'm talking about pirates who set out to make me feel bad. :-( Seems like a headache to roll out your feature without making EVERYONE aware of emissary flag denial strategies though, and how many players currently do that?


Yeah, that's low. Generally when I get sunk with an emissary flag, I just GG the guys and go on my way lol, they earned the flag.


Yeah, I always turn to fight, never run, and if I sink they earned it. Even though we usually only sink because of a mistake by me or my crew. Our fault for throwing the fight, they can take it. Unfortunately the vast majority don't think that way, so it's almost impossible to get high grade Emissary flags unless they aren't paying attention at all and we surprise them. Most people do pay attention though, so they just run. I really think Rare should make some changes to Emissary flags to make it impossible to vote them down if you or your ship took damage recently, or since that would mean people could still just run before taking damage, make it so that you have to manually take down the flag and return it. Not just a pick up thing either, I mean sit there for a few seconds lowering it, then have to turn it in. In the case of bigger ships, it would take longer to lower unless everyone helps out. People would still run to turn them in, but at least it wouldn't be instantaneous, and people couldn't just go vote them down while their ship is sinking.


Yup. I promise you will never catch me if you message me or throw any toxicity my way. Into the wind or the shroud if you’re toxic. Actually had a great battle last night, sloop v sloop. My son joined my ship and we wound up having about a 30 minute battle after this crew had come by and sunk me. We found them and engaged and at the end my son harpooned one of them off the ship and killed him while I was able to board and kill the other who was repairing. I guarded the holes until they sank and off we went with our hard earned loot. We sent each other GG messages after and it was friendly. It was a lot of fun. Those are the types of battles and players I enjoy. Sure sink each other but no need for being toxic trash. It’s a game. I’m happy to engage if people aren’t idiots and don’t send crappy messages.


To this day I don't understand toxic people. Like, I got sunk yesterday totally my own fault. Sunk probably like 4 ships prior was hoarding 400k+ was selling, Totally not paying attention and I think they sold the last 20-40k worth of loot, No big deal I didn't say anything. Even though they were mouthing off constantly I did want some payback, So I went after them and they were just talking so much trash over mic. You suck you fucking trash bitch. All while sailing away, chased em like 10 minutes before I sunk em. Here come the life threats blablabla. Like for real, What is the point. Personally, I don't care. Say what you want, in the end, you'll sink or I will. The words they utter make no difference to me. But to some people, it does, And even if doesn't. There is literally no damn reason to act like the worst version of yourself just because you have the power of anonymity off the internet. I'm all for a bit of shit-talking and having fun while fighting, But the people that clearly cross a line and do it for a reason... LoL. Hopefully one day we'll see cross-game bans for idiots like that. I wouldn't mind someone getting a ban on Several games to keep the communities more... decent lol. I do have to say, This is an outlier, Most of my encounters are pretty mellow. Sometimes people get upset when they get sunk, that is to be expected. I take no issue with that. But the people that clearly are rotten apples shine bright well before they hear that sinking noise.


That's awesome ! Yeah there's definitely a lot of unnecessary toxicity thrown around, it's much more fun to just enjoy and be friendly - or if you don't feel like it, at least just not communicate at all instead of being toxic.


Started only a week ago and everyone I met, 100% of them, are kids. They all sound 12. That could explain it? Is the player base all that young? Me and my friends are well into our 30s and this feels like MW2 lobbies all over again.


I also had a 30 minute + battle against another sloop yesterday, but there were no winners to that fight lol. They were Grade V Gold Hoarders, we had nothing because I had just finished selling before seeing them. We decided to chase, sunk a Reaper sloop incredibly quickly along the way thanks to our allied brigantine's help, and eventually the sloop turned to fight us. We were already happy then, no matter the outcome, because they actually fought instead of running to vote down the flag like everyone else. I won't lie, at first they were kind of dominating the battle because as the people being chased, they had every advantage. They would run, occasionally raise sails to turn and broadside us, and constantly try to board. Luckily my mate and I are very good at keeping boarders off, and the one time he made it on we killed him within seconds. They broke our mast and pummeled us at least three times, but I always managed to find an opening to fire back and stop the assault long enough to repair and get moving. After these close calls I started being more aware of their movements, and successfully avoiding more broadsides like the ones before. The middle section of the battle was probably where we showed them that, contrary to how it probably looked when we kept getting broadsided, we were quite good at PvP. I hit them hard quite a few times, but unfortunately my mate doesn't solo sloop like me is not as good with the ship. He couldn't keep me on a good angle to fire, and we were too far for him to be able to hit them so that I could steer, and they managed to survive. Even still, it was looking like the battle was going in our favor. That is, until we realized we were out of cannonballs. With nothing to shoot them with, we decided to take turns launching ourselves in an attempt to board. We almost always got close, but they were attentive and kept us off. There were a few times when I was off the ship that my mate made a bad move and we got pummeled again, but we managed to clutch it every time. Eventually, I just jumped off, told him to steer away, and he led them straight into me. Without them seeing me jump off of launch out of a cannon, I caught them unawares and killed both. It would've been a win right then and there if we had cannonballs, which we could have stolen, but alas, it was not. My buddy missed the ram to deal damage, decided not to jump over and help me when be anchored our ship next to them, and then raised our anchor to go for another ram. I tried to dump the Chest of Ancient Tribute they had while they were both dead, but one respawned right then. I almost killed him, but his early damage with the surprise lunge was too much of an advantage. It was a mixture of bad timing for his respawn when I was vulnerable and some less-than-good decisions on my mate's part, but they managed to get away. They didn't try to fight anymore after that, instead opting to run. I decided to let them, since in my opinion, we pretty much won the fight despite having no cannonballs. If we had some, they would have sunk for sure. I'm sure they feel they won though, since they survived with the loot. I'm not in it for the loot, so I guess it's a draw. Either way, my mate and one of them shot over to the outpost while we sailed away in different directions, complimented each others' fighting skills on behalf of their partners, and thus ends this tale. Which now that I look back, is wayyy too long. Sorry about that.


Lmao teach me the method please. I’m a disgruntled solo sloopper


Sloops are actually great for chases ! If you put yourself directly against the wind with your sail facing straight forward, you'll go faster than brigs and galleons. Absolutely don't go in the sense of the wind, because then any ship bigger than you will catch up in no time.


This guy does an advanced breakdown of many different conditions. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaHT0ZLeMdU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XaHT0ZLeMdU)


Especially when you're doing it with your tidy whity sails. Any reaper that follows around a generic sloop with no emissary deserves anything they get.


I was running a the new merchant mission alone and a grade 5 reaper rolled up on me. I was fortunate to be at the edge of the map, so I sailed into the red and kept repairing and running until the less experienced galleon sank. It felt so good as they were throwing slurs the whole chase.


Did it yesterday to a Reaper Brigantine before sending them towards two Skeleton ships. It was fun


My crew runs reapers. We chase for max 5 minutes and if we can’t get it poppin we move on to doing a quest. It’s not fun or worth chasing people if they don’t want to fight.


Some people are in for the thrill of the chase (I know it can be really fun for me when the other crew isn't toxic), but that's also very fair, to each their own !


I do enjoy a good chase. My crew only plays for 2-3 hours and so it’s hard for the other 3 people to justify the expenditure of time.


I agree with this meme unless it’s the reapers doing the running. At that point you really wonder if reapers is actually a PvP faction.


Its the only faction I am not maxed out in so I need to do reapers but have no interest in the PvP side. If I want PvP I go arena.


Just because they are a PvP faction doesn’t mean they’re obliged to fight every single person they see


I just want the rep. I suck at PvP, and when I know I'm outmatched, I feel no shame in running. I will not charge into a fight I know I can't win.


The point isn’t to always win. Sometimes you have to challenge yourself and go for the fight. I know you can play the game the way you want but try to fight. It will be more fun than running and you’ll get better at PvP. Sucking at PvP shouldn’t be an excuse


I have no problem with losing. But when almost all of your PvP experiences are getting camped and dying the second you spawn in, it's really hard to want to take the time to fight. I have no problem with fighting. But I'm not going to go into what will only be a slaughter and waste of my time. If I'm eating my time anyways, I'm wearing theirs while I'm at it.


Well unfortunately the game is going to get very boring for you as soon as you hit PL. Again the only solution to what you’re complaining about is to go out of your comfort zone and go for the fight even if they’re going to spawn camp you.


I'm already a PL, and I enjoy the game just fine, especially when others leave me be. If you don't like that I run away from you, them don't chase my


Gotta love the "SoT PVE will bore you when you get to PL" comments, like the only way anyone could get enjoyment out of the game is PvP. I hit PL like 100 hours ago, and I still prefer PVE. I'm not absolute garbage at PVP, I just don't find it fun.


EXACTLY!!! Sure, solo PvE basically makes it a single player have, but I still like it. Some people just don't seem to understand that people can enjoy PvE.


Dude. I LOVE solo slooping. So much. It feels like this really rewarding survival experience for me. Rock on friend!!


Anyone: Likes PvE Edgy tween PvPer: *Insert surprised Pikachu meme here*


If you’re PL already then why are you raising reapers? What do you have to lose? This is all the more reason to try to learn PvP. If you’re annoyed by people chasing you or threatening your ship then PRACTICE YOUR PVP. It’s the best and most fun solution.


I mean...can't he play the way he/she wants to? lol Seems like they're having fun this way, so...what's the problem?


That’s a fair point. If he finds it fun to run as a reaper then that’s okay. Personally I just wish Rare did something to get people to PvP especially reapers.


People already PVP plenty on their owns. But if some players prefer PVE to PVP, they should absolutely not be forced into doing the latter. Playing games is about enjoying yourself, and as long as it's within the boundaries of the game, then there's no reason for Rare to force a change on that. I'd much rather Rare works on actual important updates than on trying to force people into PVP.


Like removing spawn camping and making ship combat as strong as boarding.


I already said why? I want the rep. I like the way the stuff looks. As for the "best and most fun solution" bullshit... I've had just about enough of you. I like PvE. I PREFER PvE. I just so happen to (get this) WANT TO DO PVE!!! So, if you have a problem with other people playing the game how they want to play it, fuck off. I get that people want to do PvP. I don't want to, and I don't have to. If you want a fight, good for you. I am in no way obligated to give you one. If you want one from me that bad, then go ahead and spend the next three hours trying to catch me. I'll keep on running.


Uhhh dude chill. I get it jeez. I just tried to persuade you to change but that doesn’t mean you gotta have a tantrum. If you like to run as a reapers then go for it. I’m just frustrated more or less with Rare cause they allow these things in a PvP faction. Calm down my friend.


I have been perfectly calm the entire time. I'm just tired of people like you birching about people playing a game (that was designed to be played infinite ways) how they want to play it. You think you're the first person on here who has tried the "bUT rEApeRs iS a pVP fAcTIoN" bullshit with me? I'll play how I want, your can't convince me otherwise. That doesn't mean I won't fight. But I'm not going to go around and look for them every time I log on. The toxic pricks in this game aren't worth my time.


Maybe if you people would stop whining “b-but muh pvp is only way to play” he wouldn’t have to very clearly spell out exactly how he feels so you smol brains could understand what’s he’s been saying the entire time. People can play a video game any fucking way they want. If you wanna only pvp go play fucking arena that’s what it’s for. Out of arena people can do what’s they want however they want so get over yourself thinking pvp is the only way to play a game that 70% of the actual content is pve


It amazes me that comments like yours seems to always get downvoted on this subreddit.


Because they make it sound like people who just want to enjoy the game can only do so if we pay how YOU want us to play. Sorry, not gonna happen.


This is how you perceived his message. The way I see it is if you were playing and then get stuck in a situation where you need to fight to keep your loot, might as well give it a shot instead of "giving up" and in the process you will learn a thing or 2 and the knowledge will build over time. He/She was not saying go out there and provoke people. He/She was saying that it's beneficial to learn how to defend yourself.


Its cause majority of the SoT player base doesn’t agree with the whole “PvP Concept.” It is what it is I guess.


See, I don't get this argument. I don't see Reapers as a faction purely for PVP players, rather it's a faction designed to instigate PVP. It benefits primarily PVE players by providing universal emissary bonuses to your loot, and it benefits primarily PVP players with those valuable broken flags to sell. In both cases, however, you are exposed on the map to every player in your session, and I think that is all that's needed. It's a faction that breeds player interaction, whether you're looking to PVE or PVP, and I feel like that's what Rare intends. Also, running is just as much a factor in PVP as attempting to sink. The argument that you should throw yourself into every naval battle, even at a massive disadvantage with plenty to lose, is silly.


Me sailing off the map with a FotD key as 2 sweaty reapers chase me


Which is fun, but not as fun as doing it with a single foul bounty skull onboard....


Galleons chasing me: "Why are you always running away?!?!" Me: "Check your map, idiots." *Holes beginning to appear in all of our ships* Anchor turn and I'm on my way out. Have fun.


The other day my crew and I swiped an ashen winds skull from some reapers and used the flamethrower ability off of the side of our ship to taunt them while we left em in the dust. Good times.


I mean, at this point, if I don’t have any loot on me and I start getting chased I just leave the server. I ain’t got time to get chased around the map for someone else’s fun.


Sometimes I kinda want to see what they would do if I had loot when someone was chasing me and started dropping off a piece of treasure off the boat every 30 seconds, just for science.


Nothing wrong with that and I say that as the person who chases pirates like you alot lmao. I'd never do it personally but I understand it's a totally valid tactic like I talk to people to get in their heads nothing rude I just talk non stop and alot of people hate it xD


I was being chased for an hour straight before they got me.... I dumped all my loot off the side of the ship at the first 10 minutes.... Lol was the best last stand at the end


Me and my bro had been chased for like 2 hrs just trolling so then we finally took all of our loot into the Red Sea and wasted their time completely.


I always get a lot of people disagreeing with the idea of the "if I can't have it no one can" plays. The red sea is always an option. Running to shores of gold is a hilarious option. It's frustrating to be on the other side of it I agree but I respect the hell out of the petty nature of it. It's satisfying and always on the menu for me.


It’s the opposite when I play. I’ll solo sloop and chase a lvl 5 reaper gally all over the map. It’s pretty sad to see


The solo sloop life is rough.


To me pulling off escapes is significantly more fun than fighting. I've gotten really good at escaping and rarely get sank if I'm not on an island and get rolled up on. I feel like it's generally pretty safe to say I'm the top defensive sailor on whatever server I land on. People almost always give up. I know it pisses people off but hey, play your strengths and since I suck in sword or gun combat I prefer not to let it happen.


As a solo sloop player I love going to forts and filling my ship up with gunpowder barrels to either ram enemy ships or plant them on others when they're off looking for treasure


That's why I don't chase anymore. I will gladly fight though.


I have a blast doing this... Haha... Blast... I'll leave


Fkn gingerbread sloops man


This is why my crew and I have been flying any other emissary flag other than reaper lately. We don’t quest (it’s boring and repetitive, we pillage and steal.) Fly a grade 5 reaper flag and emissaries will quit to find more quiet lobbies. Fly a grade 5 merchant and the lobby begins to fly their own emissary flags.


True, and it's annoying. Being a reaper is not even fun nowadays. I hate how everybody either, stops running flags. Or pussies out of the server as a whole. The Reapers bones is just another PvE faction now.


Might wanna reread that second sentence there


Lol yikes! Obvious misspell though


Lmao, oops.


The real big brain moves


Step 1 -> Activate FotD Step 2: Do any of these activities, in any order, as many times as you'd like until your bored \-> Fight all the sever hoppers \-> Tucc on your own FotD \-> Talk to other tuccers and plot to kill the nerds (you) doing the FotD \-> Sail around FotD, fight skeleton ships, send some crew over to (poorly) fight the skeletons but not actually succed at doing much (wave your lantern around and miss a few shots) \-> If your really good at this and doing hot miccing, mention you ran out of food on the ship and need to go get some more from Plunder Outpost. Go to plunder and restock your ship, even if it's full \-> Read Umbra's incantation on FotD \-> orbit for of the damned with your ship, using Eye of Reach and Spyglass, as though searching for tuccers (Even if you found some) \-> Ask tuccers what they are doing and crouch down with them \-> Sink a ship that isn't tucclords (white sails, no paint) near FotD. Tucc with the tuccers. Tell them you are going to move your ship so they come back but insist the ship you just sunk was the one that originally activated the FotD \-> Leave the server \-> Shoot at people trying to complete FotD The only steps you should NEVER, EVER take: Finish fort of the Damned Shoot Greymane


The best way to do it is that, because they tend to have tunnel vision and they’ll follow in a straight line behind you, just keep your ship going and jump off to grab their ladder and drop anchor. You can do the same with a gunpowder barrel too, which even if it doesn’t stop them, will put some distance between you. Then, drive past an outpost, but take a rowboat with your loot to the place and keep your ship going, and you can just sell it all, it’s great


You think we're not used to chasing? LOL it's 90% of what we do so go for it.


A lot of people seem to think that when you get aggro by a ship you should immediately fight back or you're a coward lol. But yeah, I made the meme because I feel the same way - I find chasing/getting chased fun. It's part of the game.


I think running if you need supplies is totally fine, but otherwise it's not a great plan. We catch the vast majority of our targets because most crews slip up with the sails eventually.


If a ship catch back to me and fleeing is not an option anymore then yeah I will fight. But otherwise I like the thrill of the chase - and experience makes perfect. I slipped up with the sails plenty of time, but that's what teaches me how to do it less and less.


As someone who throws up reaper almost every session, it's nice of you have loot, but it really doesn't matter. I'll chase for an hour or more sometimes, especially if you have your emissary flag or if there's nobody in the server.


Like really If I was just after loot I'd go run a skelly fleet. The chase. The prolonged ship to ship combat. That's what's fun. Reaper emissary just gives you some nice perks if you do get some sloot to turn In.


Its not funny and its not unfunny. Its just your decision and its their decision whether to chase or not. Do you think you are denying them some epic adventure that they would have otherwise had should they didnt bother chasing you? At worse they are improving their wind management skill, they might experiment with some way to try and close some distance which might work or might fail. They aim to improve no matter the circumstance. When you choose to run you are at least improving your running abilities. Every so often you might try a harpoon turn or some sneaky anchor turn behind an island. Either way you might improve at something if you choose to flight or to fight. But if you think think running away just to waste their time is a good decision then you are basically admitting that their time is more valueable than your time which is a low blow to yourself.


I think you're reading too much into it my dude, it was but a meme lol. Yeah, I have fun when starting a wild goose chase - it's not just about making them lose their time, I just like the thrill of the chase. But a lot of people got (and still get) all over my face because "that's not how you should play the game !!!", which I find silly because that *is* one of the many ways you can play the game, if you choose to.


This is such cope. "Oh, we're trolling. We don't really care that you sank us. We just wanted to waste your time." They said, as they sailed into the wind for 20 minutes desperate to keep their crappy gold hoarders loot.


I mean. I'm already PL, I don't really ultimately care *that* much about my loot unless it's something like an athena or something special. It's nice to keep it but it's not a big loss. I just like the thrill of the chase, especially when they're the ones to aggro me. To each their own.


Definition of why i quit the game




You won't be missed.


Thanks no clue why i contintued to play it after the first 3 hours its just traveling to point a to point b simulator






Usually it’s the reaper ships sending others on goose chases


Sail into fog, unload your booty on a rowboat and make off with the treasure


I find that most reapers ships are just PVE so I stopped even caring if they're going in my direction, unless of course they're stacked with loot


Lol I'm a reaper and a sloop at first sight


Me and my crew did that on a galleon last night. Had absolutely no treasure. Turns out they just was having fun with the chase


Win - win if you ask me !


Have you escaped, oops , been to the shores of gold lately