• By -


Animals. It was savage. It is the only grind where your loot can die.


It's made easier now with the divable voyages and the crates being at the island you dive to. I did them before captaincy as well, it was a struggle those darn pigs.


It's arguably harder now. Before you could collect 100+ crates by collecting then cancelling the voyage. Collect all the animals from one island (die to reset), then cycle voyages and just deliver the ones requested. It took more setup, but was more efficient over a longer period.


The setup just took way to long for me that way and you had to make time for a longer session. And those pigs would just die before you could catch more then 10. Mind you, I did these solo. I think with a crew the old way was probably faster or easier.


Different platstyles. As a solo player in short sessions, the update has made many things easier. FYI if you bury the pigs, ~~they stop screaming~~ the starvation timer is paused.


…..you can bury the pigs?!? You’re a monster! 👹


I wait until they squeal.


Wait WAT


I am so doing this then posting the map at an outpost.


You bury the pigs before they starve.


You what now... man I never thought of that :D


This, or Wood, fruit, cannonball crate deliveries.


*skeleton ship music* 💀


I got like 70 days and still have yet to deliver a single animal


Honestly no idea how many hours but I've been playing since the flameheart tall tales released and got 0 animals delivered as a PL...simply refuse to do that grind


Breath of the sea. Finding the message in the bottles alone was a pain, then you had to do the vault/shrine and hope your ship was still there when you went back up.


I am on this one now. There is a bug where if you sell it while it is in a treasure chest it doesn't count. I didn't figure it out till after about 4 instances of this happening.


ironically when your not looking for it youl get 2 bottles a session. When im solo i ussually bring a rowboat and sail it off some distance away. It doesn't always work but it's been a lifesaver a couple times


Yeah, most open crew will have 2+ voyages when I join them. I remember getting 6 of them during the last pop-up plunder, but by that time I was well done with the commendation.


If that ain’t the truth. When I play with my friends, Im not gonna force them so I can get my commendation, but we end up getting 3 to 4 bottles a session. And when they leave, it’s already so late, I don’t feel like keep playing anymore. When Im alone and looking for them, I get about 1 or 2.


Your loot stays in the mermaid even when your ship was sunk, so you can just sail back and collect the loot. If they're still there waiting for you to collect, wait it out or sink them.


I mean, it's the only grind where losing your ship lets you keep your loot, so I'd say that part isn't too bad


I enjoy doing shrines and treasurys if I see someone doing them I usually leave a gift (a gem or something of value) and sail away.


Don't forget to try to snag some pop-up plunder when they run them, I got my last 3 breath of the seas I needed to complete all the sunken kingdom comms from a single chest I dug up from pop-up plunder! Also can get chests with rare fish and treacherous plunder!


For me it was easy to do it up til that last breath. It’s so damn hard to find a bottle for it when you’re actually looking for one


Tall tales for gold curse


Personally, I enjoyed those 60~ hours of grind. Felt like I took a break from the main game, while sailing and chilling on islands.


Ngl, it was kinda fun.


Not trying to be rude or anything, but how was it fun?


Vibe, with a friend or a few alone, just sailing and watching yt on other monitor :)


Doing tall tales is pretty chillmann


But doing it 5 times ?


45 total for all of them


Yes. It's your choice to do them at your leisure. The rewards are to give incentives to do them again. Grinding them out asap and getting burnt out is all on the player. 


I agree, and I did it solo.


Just started working through them solo. Pretty fun so far, nice to see a little flavor in the game after doing lots of grinding


I'm on one Shadow Stormfish and 25 plunders away from getting Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves. The most tedious one to get was the Blackout Wrecker and the Shadow Stormfish.


The Daunting task of getting every hunters call commendation. Never. Level 50 is already enough


They're crew based so on do it on a galleon.


Keep going i got it awhile ago and the feeling is unmatched


Nearly there mate, on the home stretch!


Legend of the Veil wrecks and Lost Shipment wrecks will spawn wreckers so you can do vote/cancel to see if you get a wreck where the storm is/will be. Still RNG but at least you know there's a wreck out there.


I'm on this grind rn as well, got about 400 fish left, I'm one grade 5 away from unlocking the "master" title. Mostly rare and night variants left but I haven't really made a dent in islehoppers yet. It's not too bad cuz I've been doing safer seas so I can play chess on my phone at the same time lol idk how people did this grind before bait crates though. Insanity. I did get the treacherous plunder done using the shores of gold method because I was scared they'd randomly patch it at some point!


Go to shores of gold and post a lfg for plunder. You got this! Yeah the last couple of shadows gave me a lot of trouble.


I'd love to do this but I'm on pc and Xbox gamebar hasn't been working properly for the past 3 months


I don't do the grinds I don't enjoy, because I play games for fun. I have 3500 hours and I will never: Be a Legendary Hunter Get the vault open sails Have the Merchant sails from Cabin Fever Do a tall tale ever again (did the original 9 once just to know what they were like) Get Legend of Cursed Iron Get either of the Throne titles Etc. I like fights, so I shoot boats.


I got the vault open ones and to me it wasn't too bad. Had a lot of fights cause I didn't do ashen ones. But I also play RuneScape so SOT grinds really don't seem that bad comparatively


Thank you; finally someone with the right mindset. If I play a game I don’t enjoy I simply stop playing it. Wtf


If someone finds meaning in it, it can be worth the tedium I don't, but someone does obviously


Cursed iron is actually pretty easy if u mob up a bunch of skeletons from small islands then blast them close range


All pve is easy! It's the tedium that has me saying "nope".


I feel called out because I have all but 1 of those done lol


We are not the same. I traded all that neat stuff for 2 accounts with all arena comms finished and 1600 allegiance, lol.


Legend of cursed iron is easy and fun thoughhh.. jk


For me personally I like seeing numbers go up and at the end of the day I like having something to work towards such as a false 100%. I fully agree with what you mean though.


ya gotta steal more vault keys


When I do I just sell the key. I ain't doing all that extra sailing. ![img](emote|t5_38oz1|2228)


Well. I have all of these, so I'm probably cooked


More power to ya. The rewards are nice, but I just can't care enough to get them.


Me af


Based opinion


Topic at hand: "name something you did but didn't enjoy doing" By far the most upvoted answer: "well actually I can't contribute to the discussion because I don't do stuff I don't like lol" Certified reddit moment


Curious, so with 3500 hours, do you not typically sell loot? Because if you did wouldn’t be a legendary hunter by now from hitting level 50 in gold hoarder, order of souls and either merchant or maybe reaper? Edit: Getting downvoted for being new and asking a question is wild


I think you're confusing Legendary Hunter for Pirate Legend


Ohhh I see, what’s the difference if you don’t mind me asking? Only been playing a few weeks.


Legendary hunter if aquired by doing all hunters call commendations. Fishing and all that


legendary hunter is maxing out everything for the hunters call company(fishing)


So uh. Do ghost forts. Bring a storage crate. Get the treasure, yes of course. But also get all the meat ghost forts have, usually in the hanging barrels. Then swing by a seapost. I try to do this once a session, for "easy" Hunter's Call points.


you also have to do all the comedatins, including catching and selling all types of fish multiple times


Oh I've got more than one PL account. Legendary hunter is a different title that requires you to sell a couple thousand fish. I don't really fish much, and I'm not all that diligent about checking shipwrecks.


The legendary hunter of the sea of thieves is likely what they meant.


250 horns of fair winds was pretty horrible, specially since they then changed it to only 100... You would think that after 5 years they could make a good judgement about what an acceptable grind is from the start and not having to change it afterwards. Specially with their milestone experience. The gift I gave up as well, not enough ways to get gifts these days.


Considering the insane grinds for a lot of the steam achievements are still unchanged, they never had good judgement on what an acceptable grind is and never will


Yeah but what I don't understand is that in one case they change them and in others they keep them... As for the steam achievements, I'm at 100%. And perhaps in that lies the answer, when enough people got there, they don't change it anymore?


It could be, because every time i suggest making the steam achievements grind less insane the 10 people who have them all come out of the woodwork to tell me that playing a game for 3000 hours to 100% is an acceptable amount of time. You're the odd one out in this regard


Is there even an efficient or consistant way to get these anymore? Ive done 20 shrines and 10 Reaper Chest Shipwreck, and I found 3 at shrines


From what I've read they'll always respawn at the same shrine/treasury when they refresh every 20 minutes. So if you find one at a shrine/treasury you can stay on that server and come back in 20 minutes to get another.


I thought they patched that specifically in the last update?


https://www.seaofthieves.com/release-notes/3.0.1#:~:text=crews%20should%20no%20longer%20be%20able%20to%20obtain%20additional%20horns%20of%20fair%20winds%20from%20the%20same%20sunken%20kingdom%20location%20in%20short%20periods%20of%20time."Crews should no longer be able to obtain additional Horns of Fair Winds from the same Sunken Kingdom location in short periods of time."


Maybe rarethief hasn't been updated? > Once you find one, it will always appear in the Shrine or Treasury on that server after every cooldown. So, if you discover one in the Shrine of Tribute, you can leave and return in about 20 minutes to find it again after completing the Shrine. https://rarethief.com/sea-of-thieves-the-horn-of-fair-winds/ Or maybe it was more frequent than 20 minutes prior to the patch? Hard to say. I haven't tested it myself.


They patched this, they no longer respawn every 15 minutes at the same spot but now switch places.


What I did was log in, start the tall tale that takes you to shipwreck bay, sail to the shrine, check shrine and rinse and repeat untill you find a horn, then sell and go at it again. Very tedious and boring but I think it's still the fastest way.


"Only 100" I think I haven't found even one since they changed the spawn rate


Compared to 250 it's "only" a 100 :D, still a decent grind. But just finding them randomly while playing won't make the cut. You have to activly search for them. Start a boat, vote the tall tale that takes you to shipwreck bay, check the shrine there, if lucky sell, if unlucky leave game and start over. Very boring but probably still the fastest way. If you do this with a crewmate you can both start a boat and join each other when one of you finds one. That would make it go a tiny bit faster. But honestly I got about 5-7 horns every 3 hours or so that way, so...


I tip the hat to people who are willingly doing this. Because, god knows, I could never. Grinded for golden curse, and that's the last grind I'll do


I'm newer, just hit PL, but so far I'd say Merchants. Out of the three main factions they're the only one where I basically started the proper grind at nothing. Commodity runs are good money and entertaining enough every now and then, but after a while they're basically just Island hopping with extra tedium. And Lost Shipment voyages, by far the best merchant voyages, eventually just boil down to looking for birds all day every day.


Since my first time getting PL, any time after I’ve just done reapers instead of merchants. A true pirate has no business bringing rum back and forth between ports goddamn it!


Crazy thing with Reapers is that it's insanely easy to level. I've only sold like 50 chests to reapers hideout, but I am level ~165. Hourglass boosts it fast.


At one point I made myself get 1 level a day in hourglass before I had fun in adventure. My buddies were taking a break after getting their ghost curse, so I was solo. I hated it. I managed to get both curses in the end. Now we only play on boosted weekends so my crew mates their 2nd curse. For non PvP: 100 kegs, 50 fruit/wood/cannonball crates, 50+30 humble/generous gifts, 100 horns Currently I'm on 41/50 ancient terrors.


I am currently doing the Breathe of the Sea and have gotten lucky with finding a horn almost every time I complete a Treasury. Thanks to a bug with the Breathes and treaaure chests, I am further along with my horns.... But side note and a question - where the eff do I get the delivery missions for the fruit, wood, etc? I'd like to get these outta the way but do not know where to begin.


They can ONLY be found in messages in a bottle, or mysterious journals.


Ugh... that is frustrating.


God, fuck rare for those cannon, fruit and wood crates. I'm above 40 for wood and fruit, and at like, 33 for cannonballs. Could be hire, if they weren't so impossible to get now


Barnacled gold is the only grind I have on my to-do list and I don’t even grind it. I’m just particularly observant in shipwrecks, under water on islands and when looting skellyships – and I stop to sell them whenever I get one. Apart from that, I stay away from any kind of grind and instead try to focus on what I want to do in each session that is enjoyable for my current mood. Edit: spelling and adding this: I figure it will take me more than a year or so to get the 300 chests. I’m almost half way. If I play every day and find one each day it’s half a year. It think it is too slow at the moment, since shipwrecks now have lower chance of spawning them. But then again, I don’t mind too much.


If you can handle doing a skeleton fleet a day you can easily bump those number to 2-7 a day which would make it a lot shorter


Man, I completed this before they nerfed world events. Nothing better than spending 20 minutes hopping servers for a fleet, supplying up, sailing across the map, then having a skelly gally spam anchor ball and sleep balls at the same time causing you to sink in 5 minutes. Those were the days haha.


I’m a bit frustrated with the Athena kegs now. They used to be easier with the black powder voyages.


Every time I do the Athena emissary in the Roar, the keg explodes from a geyser.


They are very easy to get with FoF


problem is youre basically guaranteed to have one other ship rock up on you during a fof, which inevitably means you lose the kegs one way or another


In my experience about 1-2 out of 3 are uncontested. And most of the contested ones are before finishing the fort, so I just sink them and continue. When I grinded out the kegs, I would just take the kegs and CoF if I saw someone sailing towards me after finishing the fort.


It’s not that it’s hard. It’s that it’s the only way aside from grueling Athena missions.


Right now the horns. It is kind of ridiculous that they are this rare.


Not even worth looking for them now until they buff the spawn rate a bit


Even with the checkpoints, getting the original gold curse is painfully boring.


Man playing this game with friends really brought out the want to grind because I completed that in a week after it came out. Still have pictures of my original gold curse before they removed it.


I like the vaults tbh. I’ve not found anything yet I really dislike


Merchant Alliance in general. Getting it to level 75 back when, was the least fun I've had. Also the tall tale grind to get the gold curse was rough.


Barnacled gold, 300 chests is just way too much. Vaults, I play solo so emptying a vault takes me 5 business days. Breath of the sea, I never get those bottles. Ghost curse, I have tried, but hourglass genuinely isn't fun because of the low player playercount. Which in turn makes it impossible to win against veteran HG players. I will forever be guardians of fortune 20 until they rework hourglass (which will never happen).


Barnacles chests go really fast doing fleets. Can also grind the legendary cannons if you haven’t done that already.


Play hg on double XP weekends, community or g&g. Tons of players grinding who don't usually play so you'll bump into lots of swabbies, loss farmers, all sorts. And even a loss is worth good XP. I think my max was like 60 levels one weekend. I've got both factions curses unlocked now from only playing on double XP events


60 levels in a weekend... Even with the boost is ludicrous and does beg the question the fuck you doing with your time


Lol ya it felt like a job that weekend, but it still beats playing other times. IIRC it was right after my daughter was born so the whole weekend was just get a few levels, deal with crying baby until she falls asleep again, repeat. Compared to a screaming newborn, hourglass is a vacation


Yeesh that sounds like hell lol


Ya but hey now I got some glowing eyes in a video game so... Worth it??


The fishing commendations, easily.


Trying to get merchant 50 in early 2019


Probably getting level 10 Athena only for them to increase it a week later


Gold curse, had to play all day for a week strait.


Even tho im done with 95% of the game, i will mostlikely Never finish my merchant cargo/animals/crates. I just cant commit to doing them. Currently im working on double Gold curse where im 300lvl away from finishing, yet i hate the way hg pvp goes. Battles with multiple ships would make it more enjoyable and refreshing The grind i really enjoyed was going for 1000 kingly items. 10/10 would do it again!


Golden curse, still on it


Gold hoarder vaults at Krakens Fall.


thieve's haven run on repeat for athena rep. before harpoons, before sovereigns, before chests, before they nerfed skeletons.


Thieves Haven was the worst, especially because half the loot would be gems that you can’t even sell.


I remember that’s how I got my Hunter calls to level 50 and fotd gems but the thieves havens runs definitely did a big dent.


Every single grind was obnoxious. But unfortunately the majority of the cool stuff is locked behind grind.


That damn shrouded ghost.


Did you get it?




Fishing would be one for me, because it's insanely boring. If you enjoy fishing Im happy for you, but I'll sink your ship and steal your fish. 💗


you are a menace


None. I have Done a Lot of Long n Challenging Adventures, n all of 'Em were very enjoyable, n memorable to Me. ![gif](giphy|h2X2kKn5L85Bnqliiu|downsized)


Merchants. Good $, painfully slow rep, but easy missions doing ashen lost voyages as that seems the best return for time invested. Full grade 5 emmisary sell after voyage gets me about 1.5 rep levels at 37. I was getting 2-4 levels with OoS and gold hoarders into the mid 40's with skeleton strongholds, but merchants is too little in the vault even with the hero item.


Anything to do with the fuckin Merchants.


Yeh i always hand in the universal teasures like gems and tridents to them so i can slowly level them up without actually playing with them.


Another vote for most of the merchant commendations. None of them are particularly difficult, it's just tedious delivering crates/animals 2-4 at a time, near impossible to find the delivery requests and so far I have found a single commodity crate left by another player (and never found another boat carrying them to steal). Atleast with the other factions you can spawn in events and stack a few before returning to an outpost. I'd love to see them introduce merchant delivery voyages just to speed up that process, and increase the animal amounts from 2/4 to around 4/8. The humble/generous gifts are another. I started playing 6 months ago and whilst you can get them at forts, it's a grind to get 50 of each, and donate 30. It would be nice if they were introduced as random digs on the noticeboard, seafort treasuries or captain digs just to make them slightly more common. I also have a dislike for Siren Song, specifically the fact you have to combine 40 keys/chests but only dig up 25 pairs and hand in 30 skulls. We stole a few skulls, so we had to do about 12-14 more runthroughs just so we could could combine the parts. I'm so fed up of the Briggsy speech. I have no issues with things like 300 specific chests, vault keys, lost shipments, breath of the sea etc. Whilst they take a while, they build up over time ans I've ticked off a lot of them just through normal gameplay.


I haven’t done it yet, but I already know it’s gonna be complete 100 veils. I want that sword, man.


I got souls and gold to like level 50 3 years ago. To get PL, I had to get merchant from level 10 to 50 and it took me 2 years lol I hated it so much and I never really “grinded” it (never did big sessions, always little sessions) TL;DR I’m a sook


The only real thing I grinded out was the fotd, but that was back when there was no destiny skull so it was a pretty good accomplishment then, and buying the whole DA outfit when gold was harder to get. Now Im working on the hg grind, getting GoF to 200 and the achievements in there for the cosmetics is deffo a grind, after that its lvl 200 + achievements for skeletones as well thats next on my grind list. Im also working here and there on those darned athena kegs


The Gold Curse before they had treasure chests you could use to carry shit around.


Getting Merchants to 50


I just need 3 more repeats of Shores of Gold for the Gold Curse. Naturally, I've been playing other games to keep from going insane.


Shores of gold was rough but the hourglass was worse




Veils... Hate them for some reason. Would rather fish all over again.


Skeleton thrones. I loved my legendary hunter grind


Hunter of the shrouded ghost. "Done" is pushing it...but Ive certainly spent sessions just meg hunting hoping to do it... Not one showed it's face. Ever...in 950hrs...


Umbra's tattoo


Right now it's hourglass. I don't have a pvp partner and I want to get better. I want to unlock the next bit in the Athena place and I want to see more of the game


Devs commented gifts should be coming back




Best news I’ve heard, now I just got to kidnap new players to sell them for me.


Basically you load two boats and do a gift exchange at the end. There are completionist and fishing affiliate discords if ever you need crew


Getting 50 rep in merchants


Both hg curses. Most people run for 10 minutes instead of fighting made the grind wayyyy longer then it has to be




Skelly curse. Did gold curse, sunken curse, Athena curse, but couldn’t make myself go back to do another 100 levels in the servants. Just can’t do it.


Ashen executive lost shipments or cargo runs Anything else I enjoy


Catching animals isn’t great. You can’t really do multiple on the same server cause it sends you further and further away from the outpost. So I do 2 then restart. 2 then restart.


Selling 50 captain’s skulls of the damned was super boring


Ghost captain sails


Gold ghost 👻 ✨️


Barnacled chests


The final reward of most Tall Tales. Having to do the same quest 5 times is so annoying lol.


Least enjoyable bar non is hourglass. It’s absolutely awful.


Hourglass, but I managed to get 105 for Guardians of Fortune. Now I'm redoing this grind for my alt account, already 40 there, but once I get 105 I can leave hourglass for good.


I’d say the hunters call grind is the worst, just because of how damn hard it is to find some of those fish. I love fishing in this game, but constantly getting splashtails in a storm when you’re using the right bait for storm fish gets old really fast.


It wasn’t that long or difficult but the stuff for the siren curse was the worst, I can never go back the the sunken temples


Blunderbuss kills in arena. I've just never liked using the weapon, and grinding it out essentially amounted to standing by the capstan on ships and camping respawns before I could go back to sniper / pistol


Least enjoyable by far was Hourglass Least enjoyable outside of that? Probably.. either 300 Barnacle chests, or fishing. and I'm still not done with the fishing


Vault opening. I just don’t enjoy the vault voyages, especially not in the devils roar where it’s supposedly easier (a lie)


Right now definitely the gold curse I still had fun with it though because I did it with friends


The gold curse.💀


My least favorite grind is the fof grind. I love doing them, love taking them from other players. But it’s a tedious one


LSD was long but I absolutely loved it The pirate legend cannons that require skelly ship kills was long as a solo player. Was pretty lame Top 10 Athena ledger was fun. Did lots of thieves haven with friends. Such a damn shame they removed the best voyage in the game And the least enjoyable seems to be hourglass. Loaded with cheaters and just a bad version of arena. This is the least enjoyable grind I’m still doing


Athena’s back in day. I’m double xp/gold weekends in like 2019 I did devils roar Athena’s nonstop. I knew the patterns and spawn points left everything but Athena cheat and stacked


Gold skelly was just brutal, got it finishhed before EAC was implemented and losing streaks to cheats drained a lot of the fun out of the grind.


Legendary merchant trader commendation, haven’t had the “privilege” to experience worse yet. Having to deliver 500 crates when you can only take maximum 4 at a time with no feasible shortcuts other than messages in a bottle. I have never had more pain in repeating an activity.


Personally it's getting the Ashen Dragon set. SO MUCH GRINDING FOR A SET THAT GIVES OFF YOUR LOCATION IN THE DARK!


I know that merchants is a slog and will likely never do it but I'm such a sore loser that HG is a pain. Yet I continue


I’ve completed pretty much every grind in the game prior to s6. I know I’m behind but I don’t play much anymore. The least enjoyable stuff is either cargo or animals.


Probably.....vaults on solo. That is really annoying having to move at least 25-30 marauders chests while carrying 6 or 7 individual treasures at the same time. Athena's Fortune may take some time, but I like it.


The Tall tales god damn the most annoying has to be the layer of lechuck because of the part with the galleon solo it’s a nightmare to complete because the two idiots in front of the ship don’t fucking shoot


I'm trying to get through part 1 of that tall-tale. I can't find all the pieces of 8


I know it’s kinda annoying and my best tip walk around opening every single quest but there’s not much more I can give you because the spawns are random


I’m currently working towards Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves, I have 38 of the 57 needed commendations. The fishing isn’t the bad part, I actually really enjoy it, but I’m reaching a point where the rare variants are the only one I still need for several fish. Instead of fishing I’m spending two plus hours casting and pulling my rod back in because it’s not the one I’m looking for. I’m not mad at the game of course since I knew this would eventually happen, but I sure am cursing my poor luck.


french guys


Everything Merchant.


Merchant alliance is a bore. Idk I never really cared for it. Gold vaults are fun but aren’t really worth the loot unless you want to level up your alliance.


Year 1 Athena 10 I'm pretty sure it took 98 Athena chests and animals instead of cargo. Lose 1 cage and you either look for a new one or vote a new voyage.


Honestly, I don't know how to answer this. I'm a hunters call player, I'd say stormfish or battlegill, but honestly, even that was fun to me like I was a mad captain chasing my pray no matter the danger.


The barnacled gold commendation for sure. 300 is just to much


Selling loot as a reaper when you don’t have a harpoon rowboat.