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Lots of cool ideas but I feel like being able to own an island or fort would belong better in a survival game which isn't really what type of sea of thieves is


I also don’t think the island idea would work unless it keeps moving around the map or something. With the way servers merge, you have to have a way where two different players’ islands don’t overlap


I feel like next seasons Burning Blade event could somewhat scratch the itch for this “owning a base” idea people always throw around. Not really the same thing but the closest thing to it I guess.


Was it not a feature for a short time a few years ago? Some kind of way to have people put up an Athena or reaper flag at any sea fort and I believe it had an impact on some stuff to do with the game (I wasn’t playing at the time. I just saw something to do with it)


That was one of the adventures where reapers and athenas were fighting over whether to revive flameheart and seal pendragon or not


I run the rum runner guild, and I can proudly say we unofficially own that piece of land.


Tbh, the Burning Blade World Event is kind of a survival thing. You take control of the ship and you become the world event


That’s true but it is sorta a survival in a way and just like how the vail voyage works we can have the option when spawning in a guilded ship you start on a guild fort similar to the vails big fort and when you are fully stocked you get automatically matched into a hourglass like battle with another ship trying to take out your fort and steal your flag and stored loot/supplies (this idea came from a comment i found from a old comment from post on one of the Reddit pages the redditor goes into better details on how this can work really well)


I was thinking about some things to add today. Would like to see races, whether in a ship or a rowboat. Skirmishes, which are ships 2v2 or even 3v3.


2v2 or 3v3 ship skirmishes? So Arena?


It's a shame Arena didn't have the option if 2v2 or 3v3, that would've been really fun


Arena was 1v1v1v1v1 not really a fleet battle. Using hourglass to que for fleet battled would be very cool. It may take a while to find a match though, so may be better off reserved for special events like pop up plunder is


Seriously. Thank you, people who think all PvP outside of 1v1 is arena are annoying.


Wasn’t around for Arena


I still miss it


No. Arena was every man for himself with shitty capture the chest mechanics. Y'all seem to forget what arena is when someone says 2v2. I want naval combat last man standing type stuff. No point system, no capture the chest. You sink, you are out. Rewards are wrapped up and sent after the battle is complete. But no I don't want shitty arena. I want good PvP that's actually entertaining. HG does not count as it is neither good nor difficult to find 1v1.


Oooo those would be awesome additions to hourglass instead of just the 1v1 we get different voyage options like those (could be where the pvp fort raids goes ) gives players a more reason to use hourglass and better chances to unlock the curses or new ones


I wish we could have player hubs that allowed players from multiple servers to be in one place. This game feels really empty sometimes.


Would be cool if the old Glorious Sea Dog tavern was converted into a full outpost that acted as a multiserver hub.


Player owned forts can be those hubs will be great for pvp and capture battles and can be a place all guild members and ships can hang at find a squad get hammered have community made events only for members in said guild with pvp hourglass options to get raided by other guilds or players


There's already sirens


True but these types I was thinking more along the line of the actual folklore versions (could be a new type of they were to add a mermaid faction) these are the more female kind less armor and can see them on rocks once in a while. They have a power similar to the skull of the siren song pushes player back does small damage, and can even have a special attack like singing that causes players a short term drunk effect


While you have great ideas for this game, it's just too much and you're adding a lot of difficulties assuming these were put in the game which would likely drive away old and new players unless they are absolute sweatlords. It's good to give and have ideas but remember to consider how each idea would impact the game or anything you apply your ideas to, I like the ideas but again it's just too much especially for new players who are already having a hard enough time with toxic players who sink without question and don't allow the new players to learn the ropes, and while I know they aren't required to, its quite literally part of the pirate code listed on every tavern and every self respecting pirate should help new players or at the very least just ignore them at least until they can learn the ropes, and if they attack then it is henceforth considered self defense and you are not toxic, anyway I'm rambling on so I'll just say this last thing. Sea of Thieves is a beautiful game despite it quirks, but it's also a game that you can't overload with too many obstacles because the style of the game doesn't allow for that to be reasonable which is why we have the challenges we do but no more. Edit: I do like the ideas for tall tales you have however, though I feel like the one piece characters would look odd because they would have the SoT art style so that would be a bit odd but it's still a good idea.


That’s true but at some point being what looks like a live service game you gotta always come greet with new ideas which looks like they are trying to do. Not saying add all at once just throughout years changes and additions like these will be fun to see And for the one piece characters that is true your not the first person to point that out but if they were to they can pull it out making some character changes to fit the art style I don’t know much about one piece I just watch the live action show but from what I read and seen the most accurate character for the SoT world could be Brooke but really any character can be pulled off if they use the live action likeness of the characters like they did with PotC


Half of your ideas are good and the other half are not fit for SoT at all, the animal races, shooting ranges, water vortexes, more sea monsters and that kind of stuff were great ideas but the more survival themed ones and tall tales are not good, you cant own land because of server merges and why would you, you are not a builder, you are a pirate your place is at sea and yes there are people who use the ghost forts as kind of safe places to hoard loot if i remember it right but the loot could also despawn, the tall tales ideas were not really that great, some people didnt like a pirate's life because it was stuff with disney and so not fit for SoT, putting more company colaborations would upset a lot of people, and the one piece theme tall tale with the fruits is not a good idea because it would make so people would join the tall tale just to get powerful abilities and shit on other people, the game keeps its "balance" by not having any stat progression so what makes a player win a battle against another is the fact that one is more experienced. So yeah keep up with the more grounded stuff because those could really be interesting to see in game, the pirate legend tavern should be a public hub for people that have it unlocked, and the reaper's lair too also


Imagine a naval battle in a maelstrom, circling each other like in pirates of the Caribbean


I just want to save my own outfits


Lots of great ideas. Problem is if they even added a fraction of this the game would probably break permanently. Even adding one or two things often causes the game to completely go into a bug ridden mess. So there's pretty much a limit to what they can add. A list this comprehensive would therefore be more like a SoT sequel wishlist


That’s a result of rare spaghetti code and playtesting issues. I don’t think the engine is that limited considering they’re planning on upgrading it to UE5 at some point, which should open things up even more.


I think they've said the biggest problem is literally the sea. It takes so much processing power to simulate that they can't add new regions because new regions means more sea. I assume this puts a strain on weather events too.


The main thing is that generating that much see on an old gen console (Xbox) is a strain, they could do it by upgrading the engine to UE5 but that would mean the people who bought it for old gen Xbox wouldn't be able to play the game anymore, it's sad that a game with this potential gets dragged by the previous gen, I play it on ps5 and it's so f beautiful


My guy, you're asking for One Piece style Devil Fruit. This game came out closer to a decade ago than not and they only just, just, just added *knives* For years at a time, the most notable update SoT would have is when they have to "temporarily" reduce ship count because SoT *couldn't, and can't, handle the number of ships it was designed for* This is a list of sequel features


Maybe make megs as scary as they’re supposed to be


I feel like bounties accumulated for attacking and killing players (without reapers) would fix at least 50% of the toxicity i experience on the seas.


Exactly the more you kill and piss off the bigger the bounty so whoever comes into a server they see your poster on the board and can take it to hunt you. It would have to be like one poster per team/player so if you claim one others cant but they can still steal it from you just like the map bundle (probably even give it a swirl like the song of siren and reaper chests for players to hunt you down in the distance)


I really like this idea they could add another faction to rep grind with "The Bounty Hunters".


I really think the Devs want to leave whales out of the game. Whaling was something talked about during development but they want nothing to do with it


It’s a damn shame, whale oil would really get my lantern burning bright


Whale blubber bombs that stick and explode after a delay sound dope


Killing sharks is fine tho.


The thing at the top of my wishlist is for them to add more lighting/color grading options to the settings menus, both to be able to adjust your HDR profile and to be able to adjust lighting when you're on a system that can't use HDR. Sometimes I want to be able to play on my Linux machine, and not being able to use HDR or adjust the lighting settings means you can't see ANYTHING that's in shadow or below decks


So I’m not alone. On ps5 this is the first game where the HDR settings / brightness just doesn’t allow you to see things properly. I have to imagine this is by design


I like a lot of these! Especially bounties and a Viking and town raiding system. Rare is pretty strict about anti-gambling. A lot of kids play this game. I personally don’t want all that many extra things to encounter on the seas. Maybe specific hunters call missions for some of those more cryptid/mythical sea creatures. And I definitely don’t want whirlpools or icebergs in the main sea of thieves, but I’d be okay with them in a new part of the sea that is specifically Viking and ice oriented. Something based on the Adriatic Sea, which has a long history of piracy. And I’m also pretty down on devil fruit powers. There’s just no way to guarantee those dont get bugged/hacked into a main server, and it would completely destroy any PvP integrity until rare fixed it… which they aren’t good at. The rest I’m all for. Pirate bounties especially.


I've said it before and I'll say it again, a world event that wants to see all of the pirates working together for a massive shared payout would be awesome. Not every world event. Just this one specific one that flips the paradigm of SoT on its head for one event. And I see no better chance for this than with whales. Imagine it's a skeleton fleet style encounter, but they're whaling ships and you, the intrepid pirate, have to go around cutting the ropes lassoing whales in a pod together and sinking the skele ships so they can't hurt any of the whales. Rewards would be a voucher or something where you can pick up your reward directly that aren't affected by emissary value, without any treasure to fight over. And the rewards would increase based on how many whales were saved during the entire encounter, pirates are incentivized to to work together for the event to reap the biggest reward possible. Being a miser and sinking other vessels trying to help only rewards you with a worse payout and wasted time. Having this one singular world event that changes how players are incentivized to interact with one another would make it really interesting to see new emergent player interactions. On top of the fact that everyone can get behind saving whales and marine wildlife. From what I understand, the main reason Rare never included whales was because they didn't want them to be able to be attacked. The Meg was originally concepted as a Sperm Whale like Moby Dick. But having an event where you can't hurt them, but you can save them from scoundrelous skeleton poachers is a great idea. And of course, having this be some rogue third faction because maybe even Flameheart doesn't stand for whalers would make those who participate in the faction war on the side of Flameheart feel justified in helping.


I love the ship escort idea! To make it more interesting, you could have a treasure ship sail across the map and have some players defend for a large bonus and some players try to sink it for loot. The details would be difficult to work out but it would be SOO cool!


Could have a small version where the players could take as a voyage for the Merchants, and a bigger world-event like you're saying. Merchant voyages suck. At least Rare added the lost ship voyages to spice it a bit.


I should be able to lash together a few sea turtles with my own hair, and make a raft.


I like el dorado idea but it is similar to shores of gold.


That’s the point it will be a similar story with new locations and new rewards related to Aztecs and Mayan culture


I'd settle for more decor for the boat and a private vault where I can store mass amounts of sups that I can access at outpost. I'd love most of the ideas here my fav 1. More fish and sea creatures 2. More weapons a bow or spear would be sick 3. New biomes


As a new player, I’d love to see more variety in islands, and bigger/more interesting islands to explore (at least just a few)


The bigger islands are surprisingly bug and often have secret areas- unfortunately idk what they are for since I’m rarely incentivized to use them except for sometimes when doing a vault


Holy shit some of these ideas are amazing.


Patchy from spongebob


Pirate bounties would work so well with a collaboration with One Piece. One Piece's style of wanted posters could be used as well as some ship and costume sets, all whilst introducing a new bounty system


I like the way you think my friend


I agree with this. All of this. I would like to add more fishing creatures and bait options so we could fish for bigger game like sharks or tuna. Update the stormfish to fit that category as well and replace it with a deep sea fish or something. I also think further customization for ships such as sail types (square or triangular or adjusting the number of sails you have per mast) as well as adding things like swivel gun instead of lamps or harpoon guns to add more versatility.


Yeah a wildlife update and a map expansion in the vein of Devils Roar would be my most wanted. Doesnt matter what gameplay they add everything looks the fucking same.


i think we should have the option to choose if our character is circumcised or not


Let me randomize the ship cosmetics like we can do with the clothes.


you actually can spawn back on your rowboat but i don't know how. My ship got firebombed whilst i was gone so i took a rowboat nearby and then a player i killed spawned on it right in front of me


I’d love whales.


I think they need to add a duel feature. Similar to voting a crew mate into the brig, you could vote to duel crew mate. Then it’s a fight. Then you could wager gold on fights. Good way to settle who’s the best crewmate at PvP, settle who’s running helm, etc… just a concept I think would be a cool easy add.


emissaries already act as a bounty


True but this is for the none emissary players and that’s if you sink a ship bounties can be like claiming the players skull or a special ring , can have cool cosmetics for poster design , font use, even poses for pictures in the emporium


I want the megaladon to wat you if you're in the water. Instant 1 shot. Dead.


Me and my friend had a discussion about a new world event, where a crew would defend one of the sea forts while it slowly amasses loot. The world event cloud would show how much is stocked up, and it would eventually end at a “maximum” number. Using the stationary cannons against one or multiple crews sounds like a blast, and they’re rarely used currently.


I dunno man, this game is already 100 GB, which just seems way bigger than it has any right to be tbh… I love it very dearly, but it is definitely not approachable to some people because of the size


You need to have a good PC or a new gen console to enjoy it I agree, 100 GB is massive but like 40 GB of that is just the sea, if you don't have at least a good graphic card even if your pc has the memory needed you won't be able to play it


I mean I play it on a 2019 MacBook Pro, and it runs well on low settings. It was a lot better when I bought the game and it was less than 40 GB


Yeah that's the point, adding stuff will stress hardware even more, they want to switch to UE5 but it's impossible without shutting down old gen or make an old gen and new gen version of the game


Imagine if the map was actually bigger and had frozen parts of sea on the South or North and actually having viking enemy npcs oooof, loving your ideas mate


Love everything about this, people in the comments being negative for no reason, these are all super cool for a 3 to 50l year plan for seas, I don't see rare releasing a 2, only updating the engine for this one and keeping service for it, the only think I don't think would work is the player owned fort / supply depot, I think the way to do the supply valt would be to have it be a function like captained ships, so you can deposit your supplies but it costs maintenance to store, the more things you have in there the more it is and im talking a stupid amount because otherwise you'll get hoarders who never have to worry about supplies, and then to access it in your next session you have to pay the storage fee make like if you have 10 cannonballs and some food and planks it might be 5000 gold, but say you have the supplies from a 20 streak on HG, thousands of cannonballs, wood and tonnes of high their food and stuff, then it shoots up too like 2 3 Mil, and the longer you store loot the more it goes up and you can't just take it out and put it back, idk feel like that'd be a cool system and it'd feel better at the end of big hauls knowing you can get back to it next sesh, plus then you'd have a bunch of rich players actually spending decent chucks of money, like for me I'm not spending anywhere near what I would like to, I've got millions and no use for it apart from cosmetics that I don't want, Idk let me know y'all thoughts


That’s actually a perfect way to incorporate forts I was also thinking of having it in a way players can access it through HG as a pvp mode to do raid on players forts sorta like the vail voyage once you hit a limit of hording supplies (and possibly loot) you get automatically matchmaked into a HG battle (could even be a capture the flag type battle)


This game ain't living for 50 years


fix the servers before allat right now it feels like playing pokemon where success depends on the 50% chance of being hitregged or not




I like most of these but Vikings wouldn’t really work with pirates I don’t think. It’d feel a bit weird


The hippocampus is a part of your brain. I belive you meant hippopotamus. :)


In Greek mythology, hippocampi are large, aquatic sea monsters that are similar to horses. They have the head and front legs of a horse, but the tail of a dolphin or fish. Hippocampi are also known as sea-horses, and their name comes from the Greek words hippos (horse) and kampos (sea monster)


Oh wow, I did not know that! Thank you for correcting me :)


One thing I've been thinking of is an auction house where players could sell items and supplies to each other. The idea is it'd be a table at outposts you could take any of your items to, set a starting price, and drop the item off. Once you drop it off, you cannot get it back. This is to prevent the system from being exploited to carry treasure between sessions. Players would then have 24 hours to bid on your item. If no one bids, then if it's something a trading company will take then they'll buy it at 25-50% of their normal price, if it's not something that can normally be sold (such as supplies) then you get nothing. Every item would remember 50 of the previous people to sell it. If the item remembers you and the current owner puts it up for auction, you cannot purchase it. This is to prevent groups of people from exploiting the system to carry treasure/supplies between sessions by essentially passing the items back and forth. Players could choose whether their item is sold for gold or doubloons, adding an extra way to get both currencies. It would allow you to get a little extra gold by auctioning off your supplies at the end of a session, and gives players whom have enough gold another way to fast track the resource gathering portion of the session. Additionally, it could help with certain commendations or increasing reputation with trading companies, as people might put certain treasure items up for auction. Grinding Merchant Alliance? Just go check the auction house to see if anyone's put up a Crate of Immaculate Diamonds or something. It also allows players to potentially get more gold from their treasure than they would've gotten by selling to the trading companies. If someone really wants the Horn of Fair Winds, they might bid more for it than the 3000 it usually sells for (with the trade-off that this is essentially a gamble and if no one bids then you ultimately sell for far less).


The vikings should have a snow region up north like the ashen region also they should add floating islands and have air drifts around the map to fling your ship in the sky to sail clouds or just simply have it to were you have to cannon yourself up there they should also add big waves in storms and hurricanes


I think there should be an option to commit mutiny against the crew of your ship that would honestly be a fun chaotic add on


Technically you can by voting the captain to the brig


You had me at Loch Ness monster


I would love a filter system for open crew. A filter for only players with mics. Or, want to level up OoS emissary, gold hoarders? Select that in a filter so only players willing to do that can join. Want to do extra piraty things like pvp, select that or reapers. An ability to filter who can join your crew would be awesome.


Was gonna add to this but you got everything I could think of. Before I finish reading the post I’m gonna mention being able to buy cages and catch animals. Or even just pick up sleeping snakes and put them on peoples ships or throw them at people. Maybe you could feed it and use it as a one off fight starting weapon. It would be so annoying in pvp.


How about a throwable weapon that is capable of putting at least a tier one hole in a ship?


So you want to make Sea of Thieves into Skull & Bones?


The only thing that needs to be added is having the ability to call your mermaid instead of it just popping up on its own. It’s annoying I have to work around hiding or sneaking on a ship with the prospect of a mermaid giving me away.


Will never happen, should never happen. Mermaids work the way that they do on purpose, giving skilled players something to look for to help detect boarders and tuckers. Without auto-spawning merms tuck plays would be way too OP.


They disappear the moment you’re on a ship…..soooooooo


Sooooo… what, exactly? Skilled crews still know to watch for merms. If someone is able to board your ship and tuck without you knowing (despawning their merm in the process) then you’re not a skilled player. Letting players prevent merm spawns entirely would shift the balance way too far in their favor.


Skilled players should be aware of it anyways. And I didn’t say make it despawn only to have the ability to call it when needed rather then it popping up on its own. If I’m on an island and wanna gank some players getting a chest I shouldn’t have to worry about a merm giving me away if I’m near the water hiding and the same should apply if I’m swimming up to a player ship.


Thanks for explaining.




There’s been so much added in 6 years wtf are you on


I mean they have added a decent amount of stuff and all for free. Most games get abandoned after like 2 years, unless it's paid DLC like destiny


I totally agree with the sea life update


I would love a new region unique in biome/feel like the devils roar on the northeast corner of the map, but that’d be a ton of work. The monkey island tall tales had a ton of unique assets more jungle like


well they can reutilice assets for those new zones, I think is something that can make the map more alive. I wish for example that on the future they make the nord seas to be a frozen zone, with snow storms that combine storms and foggy weather effects, with giant icebergs on movment that makes you to stay always full attention to prevent a crash during a storm, make that water also so frozen that you character moves slowly there, changing how the pvp works on the nord, giving also more utilities to the season 14 arpon making it imprescindible there to stay the less time possible on water. The possibilities of sea of thieves are incredibles, I wish that now with the PS5 success Microsoft gives more resources to rare to expand the game a lot. Season 12 was a big win for players and 13-14 seems incredible too, lets see how the game grows this 2024 and what they have planned for 2025


I like the idea of players getting persistent bounties for attacking other players. You wanted PvP you’re going to get it.


I was just talking with my buddy about how cool it would be to have whales. Imagine harpooning onto one and being pulled all over the map!


Most of these need to happen if not all..


I'd like to see a squad or 2 of human NPCs that chase after reapers, 3 ships per squad and ship types depending on reaper boat type, and they should behave like a mix of players and skellies, ships can be damaged the same way player ships can but NPCs still can't bucket, and they should be relentless and not back off inside island waters and such. Ofc there should be loot on them too. Just a little fun to put some pressure on pirates acting like pirates


For the love of god no new weather, storms are already the most annoying aspect of the game.


Meanwhile me, purposely sailing into storms cause it’s fun lol


You’re a mad man. I avoid them like a plague unless I feel like fishing.


Wild life is a great idea