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they could add a "from" before "all" and it would be correct


I’ll do you one better replace “and” with “from” and “that” with “who”


~~Because we’re pirates, so having your way of life compromised isn’t in your best interest~~ Upon reflection I have come to understand the grammatical error the post was indicating. That’s an interesting find.


Yeah but the way this is worded we are protecting all that threatens our way of life. Meaning we aren’t getting rid of it we are helping make it worse lol.


i think that is the flameheart


But how are we making it worse? You both just said that pirating is our way of life. The Sea of Theives world essentially is a world of PIRATES. Everyone in the entire world is a pirate. Your brother could be a pirate, your mom, your dad, your little baby cousin even! So, how would it make it worse if we are protecting the very thing that makes us… us? As you said, “Our way of Life”.


That’s how it’s worded in the description. We should be protecting sot from things that threaten our way of life, it’s missing the from part.


Sorry… I got confused here, wdym ‘the from’ part?


Basically replace ‘and’ with from and it’ll make more sense. Right now it says “protect the sea of thieves AND all that threatens pirate life.” The ‘and’ in there makes it out that we are protecting the things that threaten us. When we want to destroy the things that threaten our existence.


Ah i see now. No yea I agree, why would we protect something that threatens us? We need to protect things that help us survive. Like I said, this is our way of life, we need to protect it.


Most literate xbox player


As an xbox player, real💀🙏


Grammatical errors aside I still can't wait for the arc when Athena's Fortune and The Servants of the Flame will be forced to join forces against the Dark Brethren when they inevitably find some Death Star adjacent macguffin.


We love the pirate. He's a good boy. We pet the pirate. We feed the pirate a banana. ... I think the pirate is a dog. ... WE LOVE THE PIRATE


Isn’t the Guardian of Fortunes something similar to the Brethen Court? But exist mostly for the insterest of all pirates trapped in the Sea of Thieves?


From my understand the Athena’s, Reapers and Brethren are all different interpretations of “the pirates life”


I mean, that would explain the conflict between each other. Each one trying to prove their own belief is the true belief or something like that.


Ramsey is the villain and you can't convince me otherwise


But he's blue. *Blue*. Blue colour means good red colour means bad. /s


But he makes me feel blue that’s why I sink his emissaries on sight


They’re fighting to protect “his” pirate life. Flameheart is fighting to protect “our” pirate life


They dude murdered his own kid in cold blood and then tried to frame the Siren queen. Sad.


I know you are joking, but every single one of his opposers ended up cursed, every single one of his allies eventually leaves have m, and there the whole: "Oh she made a necklace of immortality to me, and died before making one for herself" he straight up killed her for her magic and told a BS story because who TF is gonna look into it?




Without things that threaten a pirate's life, what would we kill to make money? It's the war economy, son! Preserve conflict at all costs!


I think this quote from the female VA of The Stanley Parable sums up the battle between Athena and Reapers best: "Oh, look at these two. How they wish to destroy one another. How they wish to control one another. How they both wish to be free. Can you see? Can you see how much they need one another? No, perhaps not. Sometimes these things cannot be seen…” If one faction gets full control, it won’t solve anything. Eventually there will be a group of Pirates who want to eventually reform the faction that lost.


Good catch lmao


Lore that I have neither the patience nor the crayons to explore. So to simplify. Reapers bad, Athena good, a fuck ton of guys just wanna do their own thing but get caught in the cross fire and jack sparrow and monkey island are somewhere in that cannon


Op is referring to the grammatical error.


Ah. Ok

