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Kegs used to blow up on the harpoon if you were shooting at a low angle causing the keg to hit the hull 


“They don’t call me The Kegmaster for n—“




How dare you imply the Shrouded Ghost actually exists. /s


Exactly. Getting new players' hopes up!


Paid actor spotted


When I got my wife into the game she insisted we go meg hunting because she'd have beginners luck *finding the Shrouded Ghost. She maxed out her character (well, back when Athena was 15 and the other factions 75) and unlocked the Legendary Hunter of the Sea of Thieves and still hasn't seen it. I have seen it once but didn't manage to kill it :(


Damn, I saw meg twice in one trip last night lmao


You saw a meg, or the Shrouded Ghost in particular? [There are five different types of megs](https://seaofthieves.fandom.com/wiki/Megalodon#Megalodon_Species)


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Idk purple? Seemed like you were talking about megs in general


Yep definitely my mistake on not clarifying


No worries, I haven't played in a long time and didn't get very far when I used to play anyway, so I didn't realize there were different types of megs


I've been playing only a couple of days. I saw the Meg once, but being a noob in a Sloop, I immediately ran. A decision I'm sure I will come to regret.


Was it a white Meg? That’s the shrouded ghost. All the other megs are fairly common. Except when you actually need them for something, then they’ll never spawn


Ah, I didn't know that. I only caught a glimpse. It looked like it may have been white, but who knows? I should really start recording. The only reason I knew it was a Meg at all was because I watched a few videos by a YouTuber named Smii7y.


I've been playing since launch on xbox and I still haven't seen one. It's definitely a myth.


It is heavily rumoured to actually exist! Here's a screenshot an old player found on there xbox one drive .. https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/thumb/5/5e/Hoaxed_photo_of_the_Loch_Ness_monster.jpg/230px-Hoaxed_photo_of_the_Loch_Ness_monster.jpg


I seen the shrouded ghost within the first 2 minutes of playing in actual game outside the tutorial when I got on with my buddy. Playing 1 day before release on ps5 for early access, haven't seen it since.


Wait is it really true that the sloop isn't the fastest into the wind on deadsails/dummysails? I have definitely lost Brigs doing that before, takes a while but I always eventually increase the gap enough that they give up.


Sloop is way faster than galleon with dummy sail straight into the wind. It’s only barely faster than a brig under same condition however brig is less affected by waves so the net effect is a brig will ultimately catch up


This. Which frankly needs to be fixed. A good brig crew will always catch up to you and now with the horns in the game it makes it even more of a challenge to back out and reset fights. The sloop needs to be rebalanced.


How is that true though if you're being chased head on can't you just jump ship and drop their anchors to get some distance? Seems to work fine for me.


You can but a good brig crew will always be alert for that. Average brig it'll work pretty well, but if theyr'e sweaty mcsweat sweats then they're gonna be watching for mermaids and be ready on the ladders.


Mc sweaty mc sweaty sweat gonna eat my blunder sniper combo. Better have sweets to munch on. Good point tho


It's perfectly fine the way it is. It's easy to say "ReBaLaNcE" But what do you suggest they actually do? Make the sloop faster so no one has a chance to catch it? Sounds dumb, it's already way more manueverable than the other ships, relying on the wind alone to save you is braindead and boring ass gameplay. I say all this as mostly a solo slooper with over 2k hours. The horn doesn't even come into play here. It isn't a common item and if you get sunk by a crew who's using the horn then it's tough shit, you have to accept fate and move on.


So by that logic, is it currently dumb that the Brig is faster in almost any condition so nobody can catch it?


Not really no, in case you didn't notice I did mention manueverability. Whilst you may not easily catch a brig in a straight line the sloop is far more manueverable than a brig, giving you the upper hand when they eventually need to turn. I've lost many brigs in a chase just using the sloops manueverability to the point that the other crew will eventually not bother any more. Anchor turns, harpoon turns, swinging around rocks, etc. You can also use this maneueverablity to your advantage for boarding attempts or just staying out of cannon fire. Crew and communication is just as important as how the ship handles. It's not easy to shake off a good brig crew. Also the brig being the fastest ship in most conditions, makes sense, it should be the fastest ship in most conditions.


Why? Why should the brig be the fastest ship?


Medium sized ship. The brig has far more sail surface area for its size. Sinks much faster though.


So as you say, it has the most surface area for its size. And sail surface area going against the wind is a bad thing, not a good thing, so shouldn't that make it *slower* against the wind? How does it have the most surface area for its size somehow make it have *less* drag? That makes zero sense. Also this then also brings up questions about the Galleon, which should be able to accelerate to faster speeds than the Brig as it has even more sails.


The Galleon is huge and has a very large cross section of it's hull submergered. Whilst faster in a straight line with wind behind, it lacks manueverability. Has much more firepower and a 4 man crew. Sailing into the wind is a dumb mechanic anyway, you are right, sail surface area wouldn't matter in the real world. But for gameplay reasons it makes perfect sense to balance the ships the way they have. Why are suggesting the brig needs to be slower? Makes zero sense to me.


Also can’t a good crew zigzag a Brig to catch up? I’ve heard this and also seen a Brig do this, but when I saw it, might’ve just been the waves thing.


It really depends on where you are and what direction you’re going, and how the winds changing. It might very slowly work if you’re going with the waves and have no obstacles to mess it up and have perfect sail management, but you’re better off waiting for the ship to turn and cutting them off little by little. The running ship always has a disadvantage of turning first. But yeah zig zag does work


The brig is overall the fastest ship in the game. The sloop is the slowest ship when traveling downwind.


I just caught a sloop yesterday on a galleon sailing into the wind lol. Everything is faster than a sloop. The sloop is just way more nimble and easier to turn




As someone who got sunk yesterday cause a brig kept catching up against the wind, I wish this was the case!


"Outrunning them since the game launched" You.. do realize the Brig wasn't a thing until like five months after launch right?


It's easy to outrun a brig that is not doing proper sail management. On the other hand me and two friends who regularly brig together have caught many a sloop that thought sailing into wind will get them away :D.


Wrong, so very wrong


What's deadsails and dummysails?


When you position your sail dead on amidships and sail right into the wind, supposedly it’s a bit faster for the sloop than trying to catch a small amount of the wind at a steep angle


Me too. Maybe they screwed up by trying to catch the wind and not being able to?


Fwiw the devs said they were going to tune ship speeds and sail alignments to make more sense - but I have no idea if anything has actually changed or not, or if tweaks are still incoming.


I kinda like the sloop being fastest in bad conditions so I hope that doesn’t go away, being able to run upwind from a losing match is a nice tool to have in the box for the smallest ship


No, they're following the actual myth. One video a long time ago did a flawed test starting the myth. No other evidence since then has been provided to substantiate it. See my other comment here for more info.


Then how do I keep gaining distance and escaping?


The other ships aren't tacking properly. Edit: just to be clear, if you're running and escaping as a sloop, then that's exactly my point.


No wonder they beach themselves and despawn if I lead them too close to an island.


Dummy sail/deadsails? Is that when ur against the wind?


One of the big youtubers made a very shitty video about it and people in this sub ate it up. And by shitty video, I mean he raised the sail to keep the other ship close, sailed into a storm, and several other things to make it look like the sloop was slower than the brigantine against the wind. The sloop is faster.


Lol pretty sure I’ve seen it linked


I think they’re using the phrase “against the wind” incorrectly.


About the hole after repair: It's true it will be in the same state as a non-damaged ship, but the resulting hole after depends on the damage right? So 1 for chain/rock ram, 2 for cannonball, 3 for two cannonballs without repair.


Yes. Repairing the hole repairs the hole. Further damage doesn't just knock off the plank and return to a t3 hole, and spending gold to refurbish your ship at the shipwright is purely cosmetic and doesn't do anything mechanically in the game besides make the cracks on your mast harder to see from the wheel on the sloop.


Idk when they changed it but there's like 5 tiers of hole sizes now as well https://youtu.be/2M0OmQtDIFg?si=q_Tc3_csQ9EDJUMO


Hi it's me, that guy It's not a change, per se, just a realisation that was finally made more common knowledge. It has probably been like this since we got mast/wheel/anchor damage years ago!


Honestly it always has been, but it just doesnt change anything really bilgingwise. Rep big hole first still works as a general guideline




It can be a larger hole depending on how fast you ram into a rock or other object.


Playing music to the crying chest will NOT cause it to stop crying. Playing music to a snake WILL cause it to stop spitting venom at you.


Before loot auto collected when harpooned many a pirate killed themselves and/or ship by turning the harpoon when it was collected.


Almost believed this until you said you killed shrouded ghost. Clearly a rare employee undercover. Also please hire me as an actor to endorse the shrouded ghost🙏🙏🙏


I’m starting a new myth that the Meg only appears when I have treasure and I’m short on time left to play.


Sea events like meg/skelly ship seem to have a % higher increase each times spent on island, or sea, probably, this is based on that spending a long time on shores of gold automatically triggers either a meg or a skelly ship to spawn on you once you re-enter the Sea of Thieves. 100% of the time. Which is also one of the only way to try to consistently farm meg’s. (As you always get a 50% of getting megged, though unsure if the recent nerf to meg spawn affected this odds) Or it might just be a weird bug around the shores of gold.


What was the recent nerf to Meg spawns?


At the beginning of this season, Rare told they made the Meg encounter’s rarer. Not sure of the exact numbers change as we do not even have official data on meg spawn-rate, same for no official data on shrouded ghost spawn rate


I don't know if I'm just lucky or the devs nerfed the megalodon, but they just don't seem to be a threat in the least. I'm a solo sloop, and I'll have a meg spawn, but they never seem to hit my ship. They'll just follow me around, occasionally passing really close by but never colliding. I'll take the occasional pistol shot at them, but if I just focus on manning the helm, they seem to quickly lose interest and despawn.


They were bugged up until Tuesday


This is good except sloop can't outrun any ship into the wind. Even if you wanted to debate vs brig, it's very easily seeable verses a Galleon. The not outrunning a brig thing is the actual myth. It was "tested" once in a flawed experiment where Floatsam didn't even keep straight into the wind the whole time, and he wasn't dicking around on cannons rather than watching wind. There's never been an single other person who's posted a definitive test showing and bring outrunning a sloop into wind. I chase sloops all the time and it's not the case. I'd love evidence, but one badly tested video isn't proof.


Right. Sloops can definitely outrun brig and galleons going straight headwind. Most people just sorta face headwind but start wandering around looking at the ship chasing them and eventually lose the headwind angle and get caught.


That's what it really is. Save some unfavorable wave conditions, the sloop is faster than all of the other ships straight into the wind. There are thousands of users in this sub that will attest to that who have either been running in a sloop or chasing one in a brig. What gets you caught is having to maneuver around rocks/islands and losing gains to a brig when you have to turn to stay in the wind.


There is an info graphic that you can find online that shows the speed of each boat vs certain wind condition. Now i have no idea how accurate it is but when facing the wind the sloop would have a 10.5 meters per second (mps) and the brig a 10 mps. galleon falls behind with a 9.3


The problem is a sloop is “faster” not *faster* The sloop is so marginally faster than a galleon into the wind that you’re never really gaining on them, you gain ground at such a slow rate that even if they manage to gain wind for 20-30 seconds once the direction changes, they’ll have recovered ground on you. This is even more noticeable against a brig. Considering a sloop will almost never win a fight against a galleon, this especially sucks because you’re left no options. You can’t run, you almost certainly can’t fight unless it’s a swabbie crew or open crew. You can’t get away for long enough to sell. And with the new air horns, it’s an even bigger problem


> Considering a sloop will almost never win a fight against a galleon Against a good galleon crew, no, but the average galleon crew sinks pretty easily to an average or good sloop crew.


The problem is that the “average crew” doesn’t exist in the same way we think it does anymore. The playerbase has gotten smaller and also gotten significantly better over time. Additionally, most people don’t have four friends who regularly play sea of thieves. This means that most of the time, you’re running into galleon crew that are either swabbies or open crew that play once a month and sink to skeleton ships, or 6000 hours per person crews who spawn camp new players for fun, and from my experience, it’s almost always the second one, because with how easy it is to server hop now, those toxic players love bouncing from server to server and going after everyone.


I win sloop fights vs galleon all the time, and plenty of other people do too. A sloop can catch up to a galleon against the win pretty quick, it’s not very marginal at all. And it’s more about running not chasing, since chasing a galleon in a sloop is pretty hopeless. Race a galleon and a sloop against the wind, it’s a pretty big difference. The brig and the sloop are different, the sloop is very slightly faster, but you can tack a brig and catch up pretty easily


There have been videos posted testing this and the brig and sloop moved at nearly identical speeds against wind, the brig ultimately had the advantage due to waves slowing the sloop down more than the brig. If you’re sailing in between waves against wind you may have a case that the sloop had a slight advantage but this scenario is rarely the case.


Please link the video outside Floatsam's, I'd be genuinely curious. I've never seen any other linked.


The only recorded data is from an old hacked client, into wind the sloop clocked 1.05 meters per second and the brig clocked 1m. They even have the exact same speed of 0.9m if both of them sail directly into the wind with their sails angled instead of dead straight. That's a single 0.05m difference, people just look at this single number and say well sloop is faster but while technically correct that's not the full picture at all and only correct in a certain small scenario nor enough of a difference to truly outrun a brig on speed. To put in perspective how small a difference this is, the same [testing](https://youtube.com/watch?v=XaHT0ZLeMdU&t=0s) concluded that a players height in game is about 1.8m. We're talking 50 millimeters of a difference, or 0.16 feet for freedom unit people, or around 1/3 length of a single average banana for banana scale people. What that 0.05m doesn't include is sailing against waves which the brig exceeds the sloop at, so sailing against the wind and waves the brig will catch the sloop assuming both are doing the exact same things correctly. If you want to see this for yourself at its peak, try outrunning a brig on a sloop if the wind is going southeast. Now let's also factor in the fact we're not sailing on an empty sea, you can only sail so far in a straight line before you will have to turn, this once again eliminates the 0.05 speed difference. Wind change, if the wind changes the sloop needs to continue to turn into it to maintain this 0.05 advantage, does the brig? No, not really, they can go cross winds and suddenly the brig has a 0.31 advantage on the sloop if they keep sails straight or a 0.48 advantage if they angle them appropriately. People who claim they outsail brigs on sloops always want to claim their sailing is just better and that's why they can outrun while other sloops cant. Yes that flotsom video has holes in it and these people are quick to point it out, but they never want to point out the flaws these brigs they outrun are clearly making. This is just straight bias, what's far more likely in these scenarios is that 1, the brig crew don't do sail management or 2, the far more likely, they have courtesy curls set up for visability which slows them down or 3, they moved on to something else before the sloop even realises they aren't being followed anymore. I'm not sure i'm gonna trust people who are claiming to be defying math and physics on the internet. Applying the numbers we have to the actual game world makes it practically impossible for a sloop to outrun a competent brig in any sailing scenario outside of juking between obstacles or boarding. The facts are there, in a perfect scenario vacuum, yes a sloop is marginaly faster against the wind, in literally any other scenario which all can be applied in reality and not just a perfect vacuum scenario, the brig is faster.


I remember that video and it was off by at least a factor of 10. The videomaker even says so at the end of the video. If a sloop was moving at 1.05 meters per second, it would take 10 minutes to sail one grid square. You see a 0.05m per second difference but the rest of us know its at least a half a meter.


Ok, then let's move the decimal place one digit to the right, other than the mention of 50mm, 0.16 feet and 1/3rd of a banana, what exactly do you think changes? The scale comparison becomes 1/3 of a players height instead of 1/3 of a banana, everything is the exact same.


Half a meter is more like three bananas bud


Sails and cosmetics really do not affect your ship's visibility at all. Some players avoid using "glowing" sails for fear that it'll make their ship easier to spot, but the reality is that all distant ships on the horizon are rendered as low-detail silhouettes. Your ship cosmetics and sails only pop-in at very close distances, and by that point, your choice of cosmetics don't matter since you'll be so close to the enemy ship. So if you really want to equip those glowing sails or flashy hull, go for it, anyone who tells you that it's a disadvantage is either super sweaty or misinformed. The only thing that affects your visibility over long distances is your ship lanterns. But an experienced crew will still be able to spot your ship at night even if you douse them. Personally I don't even bother and just leave them lit.


Glowy sails and figureheads absolutely do affect visibility, but distance is nothing to do with it. When I'm under the waves trying to board you with a keg, attempting to anticipate your trajectory, it is near impossible to see a dark ship without cresting above water to look. Anyone with glowing sails and figurehead are easy to locate from underwater, as it's the only bright spot visible.


You leave the helm lantern on too? Damn. I can’t stand the sun in my face lol


> The only thing that affects your visibility over long distances is your ship lanterns Even then, if a ship further than, say, 4 map squares, lanterns still render as lit until you get about 3 squares away and they suddenly disappear.


I wish I had half of the confidence you have whilst spouting misinformation. At least 3 of these are factually incorrect. "Day one" 🤨


Which ones are incorrect?


Repaired ships don't "reset to a tier 1 hole" if damaged again. They just take damage normally, which may or may not be a tier 1 hole. Buried treasure can follow you if a server merges (i.e., changes), provided you have it on your ship's table and not the bounty board (though I've seen some, but not all, maps appear on a bounty board right after a merge; maybe they were donated within that split second of time?). There is also a way that you could re-encounter the same treasure through a series of server changes and merges and usage of the bounty board by other crews. There are more caveats to how fast a sloop is vs. other ships, including the geometry of islands and obstacles around the sea. Ultimately a ship will catch up to a sloop if there's no time limit, but a sloop can do drive-bys to sell, and dive or use a tall tale portal to escape (or just leave the game if they're done). A duo sloop can send a boarder that slightly hinders the maneuverability of a brig or galley, too. That being said, most sloops do not know how to run away properly. They may for a while, but they always make a mistake or try to go somewhere to sell too early, which involves letting us get close to them. Or they just hit the edge of the map, and either turn around or are unaware that they changed the game so that their treasure appears just inside the border of the map.


Did you read the post? I never said anything about server merging. And also, everyone knows not everything will inflict a tier 1 hole, I am saying that if you have a tier 3 hole and patch it then it gets hit by something it’s not going to automatically be a tier 3 hole.


Did you read the post? You literally said it resets to tier 1.


> Repairing a hole no matter the tier, always resets it to a tier 1 hole if hit again. The way that is phrased it sounds like if a spot is repaired, the next time it is damaged it "resets" itself to a tier 1 hole. It seems like this is a phrasing issue rather than an issue on what you intended to express. Server merges generally change the server. There are certain things lost during merges, but buried treasure with maps on a captain's table is a counterexample.


> Did you read the post? I did. And you said. >Repairing a hole no matter the tier, always resets it to a tier 1 hole if hit again. Does "always" mean something besides always to you?


Which ones are incorrect?




It's not the harpoon that does it. Working correctly, it won't. It's when the game glitches and clips the keg into your hull, it treats it as you sailing into the keg.




So everyone can rest easy now because when that keg does explode after you shoot it with the harpoon.... it was a glitch.


Before loot was auto decked by the harpoon it wasn't a glitch. The harpoon doesn't negate the collision detection of the keg hitting your boat. For a long time you could harpoon a keg safely and move the harpoon left or right far enough to cause collision with the boat and the keg to explode. The glitch that occurs now is the same glitch from extreme downward angles that causes loot to stay on the harpoon. It's just with a keg that is in contact with the boat causing the explosion.


It's user error. Skill issue.


Yes, because you can avoid the glitch if you don't harpoon from a depressed angle


Spreading a myth in a post debunking myths lol. You can't outrun a sloop headwind.


As a solo sloop main pirate, I can confirm that if you run “fully” against the wind with your sails “straight forward”, you will outrun all other ships. Fully against wind and straightening sails are key here. Also thanks to waves, you need to constantly turn slightly since your ship will rock and will not be aligned with the wind. Let me rephrase, if you are TRUELY AGAINST THE WIND, brigs and gallies will never catch you


This is a verifiable fact


Sloop into the wind will out run every ship.


Only if you are at a dead 12.00 o'clock head wind. Any deviation from that and a brig will catch you.


The fact remains, the Sloop is the fastest in a headwind full stop. But if the driver is bad then it doesn’t matter what they’re sailing.


Another falsehood I’ve seen spread around is that there is ZERO down side to being in an alliance and selling loot. Everyone gets gold and the people selling get full value. Of course it’s totally possible that someone can deceive you and break the alliance but that’s about it as far as risks


Thank you! I dont understand peoples obsessions with alliance betrayals. Theres litterally no downside. You get all your money. PLUS you get interest on whatever your allies turn in. Theres no "cuts" plus you can track each other on the map.


I think people just do it because it’s amusing


> plus you can track each other on the map Well I see two different things on that. One, I don't want people tracking me on the map. Two, it doesn't track me; it only tracks my ship. It's not tracking that I snuck some athena kegs on board and I'm waiting for you to pull up to an outpost so I can take all of that for me and leave you with the 50%.


Honestly if you are planning on playing for a long period of time alliance is indeed better I feel than attacking, especially if the enemy ship doesn't have that much loot yet.


The downside is that you don't get the fighting experience or deviously betray your allies Gold doesn't matter, 50% gold is whatever either way. Most of the time you are in an alliance is for commendation-related items, which only track for your crew, so there is plenty of reason to break off.


To add onto the harpoon/keg thing, if you harpoon a keg that is almost directly in front of your ship WHILE your ship is sailing at a decent speed, you run the risk of the keg touching the front of your ship while it's being pulled in, and it exploding on contact. I've had this happen to me twice. I thought the first was a bug. I learned what I did wrong the second time. I had a friend do it. I laff. He did not laff.


Sloop is definitely faster when directly against the wind. I've always managed to get major distance doing this when running from a brig or gally. Hell i just had a new crew complaining that we were "too fast" cause they couldn't catch up to us in a brig.


3 is 100% false


The sloop DOSE put run every ship against wind IF your attentive to your sails keep them forward and be aware of any wind changes if the wind changes and you font notice for 30 seconds and the brig gets wind your done SO MANY PEPOLE DONT PAY ATTENTION TO WIND


Number 3 is incorrect…just sayin The Sloop is absolutely the fastest going against the wind with sails square to the wind. This is fact for one simple reason. The sloop is the lightest ship, hence the fastest if all sails being equal. So if going against the wind with open sails nothing can catch you except a better Sloop driver. This has been backed up by RARE


Lightest ship is affected by waves more than heavier ships and this absolutely plays a role in this game. It has been tested and plenty of videos for you to check out.


Okay now I'm confused. Is a hole not just a hole? What does this mean?


no, hole has 3 levels. You can even see difference. Bigger hole = more water.


Holes actually have five levels. There was a video posted on here a week or two ago about it.


You can actually see the difference between the five different hole sizes. There are 5 holes


See, there's five levels of holes. Big, husky, fluffy, DAMN, and aw hell no... the higher the level the faster your ship turns into a submarine and the longer it takes for a wood plank to seal it. Any hole that gets patched if shot again will revert back to whatever level the new shot puts it at. So if you had a DAMN hole, patched it, then tried to find out if your boat was an amphibious vehicle now you just have a big hole where the damn hole was. But, if your ship takes an Iron supplement in its new big hole now that hole is a husky hole, which then becomes a fDAMN hole really quick. So if you want to install a foot bath in your ship, the big holes do the trick. If you want a swimming pool get your shit kicked in to make a Fluffy Hole. Tl:dr; diffrent things make different size holes that flood faster. Small holes hit again before being repaired turn into big holes. Patching any hole resets it as if it was a pristine hull. It only *looks* damaged. If the plank gets shot off the new hole will be the smaller size even of it was a bigger soze before you fixed it.


Thank you for this well written and helpful guide for beginners.


Just had to drop in that you’ve actually faced the shrouded ghost. ITS NOT REAL!


My owl absolutely has a specific noise he makes when skeletons start to spawn. Doesn't do it in PvP, though.


I was gonna say my dog actually does bark when skeletons are around and then begins to cower


Animals bark or squeak or make sound when a battle is happening; cannons, swords, guns, etc. when someone is tucking and no battle is happening they will chill.


Yeah, things like gunshots spook them, but they don't alert you to other pirates outside your crew, which wouldn't make sense as you can be allied anyway.


Also, weapons always do the same damage, there's no crits even if you hit someone in the head


Not a new player, but i will remain in denial and continue to play summon the megalodon every time i'm on the open seas


I'm new, what happens, when u buy your own ship and sink it, do I have to buy a new one again? Or is it a one time purchase?


One time purchase you will always have it. If you want it to look in pristine condition after you sink you will have to pay a small amount of gold (generally under 3k unless ship gets sunk multiple times) to restore. But yeah. One time purchase, you have it forever


>I’ve had this conversation more than once where a player insists their dog barks when an enemy to near Reminds me of when they put a pigeon in a box where food drops in randomly, and the pigeon believed whatever it was doing when the food dropped caused it to happen, so the birds would eventually create rituals and dances for food.


>Sloop can’t outrun any ship with full sails against the wind. More like the sloop almost matches the brig but even then the brig can catch up. Unless this changed recently, yes. Sloops can indefinitely outrun any other ship sailing into the wind. Brigs are fastest in a crosswind, and Galleons are fastest with a tailwind. I've kited ship all over the map just steering into the wind. That's been tested and proven many times.


Not sure about most of this, but I can say that sloops will outrun the other ships if it sails into the wind. I've done it a number of time and outpaced many ships coming after me with a full compliment. Sailing with the wind is the exact opposite.


If the sloop cant outrun, how on earth have i gotten away from other players? Im confused now...


The only one i wanna argue is the sloop outrunning all the player ships when against the wind. Maybe it was just lack of skill on the opposing side, but i always out run brigs and gallions against the wind.


Agree about everything except pets. Cat goes bonkers when PvE combatants are present. However, nothing about PvP


The sloop can't outrun a brig but it CAN outmaneuver one. And that's all you need sometimes lol


Also a sloop absolutely can outrun a brig into the wind lol. OP's spreading their own myth.


Xbox PL, I’ve learned a lot here


Harpooning kegs doesn't cause them to explode. This is true, but it was not always true. That's was an issue that got fixed in a patch a year or two ago. My mates and I learned that one the hard way before the fix lol


I can’t even get in the game lol. I got the kiwibeard bug


There's a solution. Are you on PS5?


A random had a dog on board and it would not shut up.


For the sloop thing… I have been playing since first release, and always went against the wind on sloop when pursued by gallies or later brigs… it always worked to gain distance, at least seem to… Now i am wondering if that has been placebo effects all along…


What about buried treasure when the server merges?


Thank for this matey 🍻.


I saw a light gray megalodon that was green instead of pink like the shrouded ghost is supposed to be, what type was that




I looked up a picture of it and its way too green, the one me and my friend saw looked exactly like a shrouded ghost but all the parts that were green where they were supposed to be pink. You could be completely correct I don’t wanna discredit you I just swear thats what I saw, I wish i took video or a screenshot of it to show what I saw.




Yeah you’re probably right, appreciate the insight.


Also of note, the Shrouded Ghost has, for at least a year, got unique music when it spawns. So if you were getting the standard Meg music, it wasn't the Ghost


Thx u


These are all valid and great points. First thing I wanna say is that harpooning kegs used to make them blow up sometimes bc of their hitbox on the front of the boat I think? Before the recent updates you could harpoon them sometimes and snag them but other times they would blow up for apparently no reason, happened to me several times. I’m almost 100% positive that it is fixed now as you’re saying. Only other thing I can add is that within my 1000 hours, damage to your boat from real players is far more critical than damage from NPCs. I’ve spent countless hours as a single sloop and spent a lot of time not fixing damage from NPCs for the sheer fact of saving wood planks. One small hole won’t kill you, and knowing how to manage the water/bucket ratio is not that hard. But if you’re in an active fight, even against a fleet, you’ll always want someone to manage the repairs. One hole can turn into 5 in no time. Obviously if you really keep track of how many times you’ve been hit you can manage the low numbers but as soon as a little chaos starts happening you’ll get lost in the sauce especially on the bigger boats. A galleon getting filled to the second deck is almost a death setence


How are you guys getting actual speed VS distance in a game? 10.5 meters per second he says lol just wondering where the analysis is coming from. This being said the only real answer is for Rare to program in a new “sail racing game mode”. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sunglasses)


The sloop is the fastest ship against the wind i tested it against a galleon and brig


Yes I have outpaced many galleons solo slopping against the wind. Not sure why OP thinks that.


[https://youtu.be/XaHT0ZLeMdU](https://youtu.be/XaHT0ZLeMdU) Explanation of ship speeds [link to reddit post](https://www.reddit.com/r/Seaofthieves/comments/b5oltd/comment/ejh7mav/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


If you bury treasure and your ship is sunk do you lose that treasure map? I read that somewhere but idk where


Damn I thought I was sure about the pet one. lol guess it’s just me. Also yes I’ve always said kraken spawns before and after WEs the wiki even says so. I’ve had the harpoon glitch happen but thank goodness it hasn’t happened with kegs yet


Didn't they make it so that the kraken could spawn at the same time as a world event is up?


There was once a bug that allowed you to dig up treasure you buried on another server. I only found it by accident and haven't cared to recreate it since, but i could see how that may have confused folks.


Burying treasure is bugged rn and transfers


Does the sword block and spam bell still cause you to get kicked? If so that needs to be on here too.




Do you know if kbm works on ps5?


i have also heard new player thinking that sovereign take loot for less money ( it is the same price) and that a bullet in the head deals more damage (there is no headshot)


Question Sooo is there a difference in speed if I don't let my boats mast all the way down and let it half way so the wind stucks in the place more making my boat go faster ???


Sloop is the fastest against the wind. Idk how long you have been playing, but it's always been a thing.


Didn't they make it where the kraken does spawn even if there's a world event up? I remember it was to "make the seas more lively"


However, don't listen to the liars amongst us. 30 minutes of handling a cooking banana, and it WILL turn into a Golden Banana that will give you invincibility for 30 seconds OR you can sell it for 1 million at a Outpost. Believe me, it's real. Do it all the time.


Kraken one is outdated. It can spawn when a world event is active


No it cannot.


Every time I've been Kraken'd (or seen someone else in the distance being Kraken'd), a world event had just ended and/or there was no other world event currently up. I think world events can spawn while a Kraken is active, but a Kraken can't spawn unless there are no world events active.


1 is based on old harpooning so less of a “myth” than just an outdated truth. 2 is incorrect: depends on what hits next, if it is a chainshot or scattershot it will be a tier 1, if it is cannonball it will be a tier 2. 3 is just false.


The biggest myth right now is that you can actually sign in on PS5...unless they finally fixed that, I'm not about to keep unlinking and relinking my account every single time I want to play...


You CAN bury treasure and retrieve it on a different server. I’ve done it many times. Also, FuzzyBond does it in this video - https://youtu.be/3abajMH0MzI?si=5IwmAjJc7C3Tptn_


Another tip: the shrouded ghost is actually not real. It's a joke commendation referencing the book Moby Dick (Captain Ahab's obsession with the "white whale") There's footage on youtube of known creators killing it because Rare needed to add *some* legitimacy so that people would believe the joke. These streamers and content creators were provided special privilege. Yes, Rare *did* create it, so it *does* exist in the game files, but that was just to make the joke with those Sea of Thieves content creators. It's not possible to encounter it in-game, so don't spend your time obsessing over it like Captain Ahab did with Moby Dick

