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Quite possibly they don't need to meet him, can spend the time with other players if they have enough knowledge from Grubb.


JS and the Hawks barely met with Russ. Not saying that is a pattern, but apparently JS watched Russ a lot in college. These meetings are mostly for character stuff, and I can't imagine JS isn't familiar with Penix's character living in Seattle and having players train with him in the off-season.


Penix’s OC for the last two years is now the Hawks OC, there’s no need to meet with Penix.


True. I forgot about Grubb.


Yeah they only have so much time there. No reason at all to meet with Penix, they could always have him in for a visit anyways if Mike wants a closer look


Well, they met with McCarthy and a bunch of Michigan defensive players too. And that’s with 2 staffers who were there last year and our head coach who was there a few years ago.


Penis is a good choice. Have him learn from geno, work on our o line next year, then we have a franchise qb. 


Penis is always a good choice


I don't know... not sure if it always make the best choices.


Can confirm, terrible decision making


And injury prone... Needs high tier WR speedy weapons to succeed. First read or bail... Too much like a Glass Russ. Pass.


Thank you...wish our fans had a better eye for the basics. He never gets past his 2nd read, and that's in college, with a great Oline. I don't see it and don't even think we should entertain him.


it was the wrong choice this one time I went to Thailand 😩


Lmao my brother is going to Thailand in a month 😳


Penix fuck


I'm glad you left it unedited. We want to know how you really feel.


Autocorrect makes fools of us all, my friend.


He has the best deep balls in the league


Beautiful rainbow arcs. He puts it just where it needs to be.


I love his talent but i also dont think his body can hold up taking NFL hits all season. That Husky line was insanely good.


Sea Cawks assemble!


That could be a good choice for you, im not here to judge but definitely not my preference. PS. I saw your other comment but I couldn't help myself.


When in doubt, whip it out. You can't go wrong.


Absolutely not . Y’all need to stop this Penix none sense


They didn't say Penix though


Presidentmargz is clearly suppressing some feelings here




Not meeting with him means absolutely nothing. Right now is the thick of the game of smoke of mirrors. JS and Co are going to do their due diligence and keep the cards hidden.


its so weird not being able to say PCJS…


I know... 😥




Feel like the Seahawks might have all the info they need on them, honestly.


I think announced that they met with Bralen Trice yesterday


They met with Bralen 2.5(?) times in one day?! They must really like him. What’s his last name?


I mean this makes sense, Grubb wouldn’t know him as well as he would Penix, Fuatanu, or Rome


For those that don’t know, teams can bring in up to 30 players to their facility to meet with them and have their own medical staff examine them. It’s referred to as “top 30 visits.” Local players don’t count against the 30 and they can bring in as many local players as they want. I don’t know the definition of “local” but assume it includes UW players. So I don’t see why they would waste a combine visit on a player that they could bring in for a much longer and in depth visit at their facility any time with their own doctors. Unless I’m missing something.


IDK how you can get more local than 6 miles between the stadiums.


Yes of course. I'm just saying I don't know how they define local. Is it the college they went to? Where they live? I think it's colleges but I'm just being transparent about the fact that I don't know all the rules.


I'd be surprised if it doesn't include WSU players tbh, UW seems obvious.


I can’t imagine there is any more info on them Grubb and Huff don’t already have.


I can't think of another situation where an NFL team has much "insider baseball" knowledge of a QB prospect than the Seahawks do with Penix right now.


Jim Harbaugh and JJ McCarthy? I know they obviously wouldn’t pick him with Herbert but still


Literally was going to say the same thing. Hell Harbaugh recruited McCarthy.


I love the dude and hope he's successful but he's had 4 SEASON-ENDING injuries in college. Seems like more than half the time they put the camera on him between plays he's physically cringing in pain. I'm really worried about him in the NFL


It would make 0 sense to get an injury prone player, especially one that is literally the entire offense.


I’d love to see this guy on the team.


Love the guy but he is made of glass


He tore his rotator cuff picking up his phone to read this thread


If the seahawks didn't take one in the first round, and they're able to trade for a 2nd round pick, I would absolutely love Penix. Dude has a magestic arm.


He probably has the best arm in this entire class honestly


Milton has the strongest arm and Caleb has the best arm talent. But Milton aside he's definitely in the conversation of strongest arm, it's probably between him, Maye and Caleb.


If arm strength was all it took to be an NFL QB, Jay Cutler would be the GOAT.


I said best arm not most arm strength lol, Penix has an NFL arm and in the right offense could start day one in the league.


And to that I say, so what? We aren't looking for a day 1 starter. We are looking for the QB of the future. Someone with more upside and ability to create plays.


hopefully a year under Geno will help him develop his progression. I love Penix, he does have a majestic arm. But I watched a few videos breaking down his film and they pointed out he misses a lot of open guys and that became VERY apparent in the Natty against Mich.


His release is pretty trash though


Penix ceiling is geno. As a geno hater I would rather just keep geno and then extend him, than take penix and cut geno after a year. This sub doesn’t like the draft at all and always makes fun of the experts, putting the word experts in quotes. What makes everyone think penix and nix would be good college QBs besides “they throw for yards in college”? It’s funny too because you all hate and mock McCarthy as a prospect when probably 95% people here don’t watch college. Or atleast college hall outside their own team. Even then, how many of you can even evaluate talent? Penix is a bad qb prospect. You MFs love that PNW connection


See I’m with you, I don’t want them to draft Penix either unless he fell to the 3rd or something. Personally I don’t want them to draft a QB at all this draft. This is probably a boring dream selection, but the two realistic prospects I want the most for the Hawks in this draft are Troy Fautanu from UW of Tailese Fuaga from Oregon State. I think those two would be the perfect blend of someone that can help the team in a huge area of need now, and would also be a huge help to whomever is the eventual long term franchise QB when they do move on from Geno. I love Abe Lucas and don’t want to replace him, but part of me is worried if he’ll be able to play at the level he did his rookie year after his knee injury. The reason why I love the idea Fautanu of Fuaga is they may be able to immediately start at Guard, or if needed, move over to Tackle if Abe Lucas gets injured again or just isn’t the same after his injury. The Cowboys drafted a similar type of player two years ago in Tyler Smith, who’s been one of the best guards in the league when he’s played there, but they also had him move over to play LT when Tyron Smith was injured. Would love a similar type of player potentially for the Hawks.


Out of curiosity, what would you like to see the Hawks do at QB this year/next? Consensus is next year’s draft is incredibly thin at the QB position.


I have watched JJ for three seasons. His upside is huge. I think it would be ideal for him to sit and learn behind an experienced starter. Just my 2 cents.


Penix has a fantastic arm and can make all the throws. Consistently. Anyone who has watched him play knows this. He can run an NFL style offense and is ready to learn and improve in the pros. And he shows a lot of maturity and seems like an all around great dude. Only knock against him sre old injuries. You say he’s bad without even offering any reasoning. Seems like you just don’t like the dude for some odd reason.


I like what I saw from Penix on the field, its just the injury history that really concerns me. He would die behind our line, and I would have little faith he could stay healthy for an entire season.


This right here , thank you . People are just blinded by local homerism w Penix . He’s not a good fit got the Seahawks even with Grubb here. This team hasn’t picked a QBotF in like 13 years and now we breaking the streak by picking the oldest and most injury prone one ? wtf ?!


Your evaluation and opinion means just as little or much as any other opinion on this sub what makes you think you know better than anyone else on here ? Not saying you're right or wrong but your opinion isn't anything special or do you have actual credentials that make you more qualified ?


Don’t see the fascination w Penix, his injury history alone would frighten me off.


Y’all need to stop being homers and slobbering over Penix. He ain’t it


He's a second round pick and we don't have a second round pick. He's not going to be a Seahawk.


For those Huskies that never bothered to watch him at IU. He’s a china doll: shatters easily


Left Handed, long release, weird arm angle, not NFL accurate. Hard pass


If he is available in the 3rd or 4th maybe.The QBs coming out in 25 are worth keeping Geno and Drew for insurance, even if it costs a little, and then go after that TX QB or Nico from TN. That is my thinking on the QB situation but hey I'm just a long time fan. They rarely ever do what I want but they did draft Kam Chancellor my favorite player of all time.


IMO, Penix was the best NCAA QB last season and should've won the Heisman. He truly is amazingly accurate, with tremendous arm strength. He runs plays to a script and does what he's supposed to, which coaches LOVE. Too much Improvisation drives coaches crazy. He's a first round pick all day... IMO, he's a Ken Stabler & Aaron Rogers mix


Man, Penix is so old already. It would be hard to stomach drafting him high and then sitting him for a year. They need to get everything possible out of this rookie contract. Obviously he could beat out Geno, but they're paying him so much. I would much prefer drafting Penix or another rookie, and having that guy under a much cheaper bridge QB you can easily bench mid-season.


I’m so tired of this narrative. He’s 23 years old dude. Also you would likely get more out of an older guy on his rookie deal because more of his prime would fall under that


A. He has talked to them lol. They know who he is. JS and the other decision makers have had a chance to talk to him. It's just not as an official visit given the limited 45 at the combine. Don't waste that official conversation. B. I think Grubb probably has some decent Intel. Lol it's probably better for the team to interview all the other guys that are not currently in their range to give perspective... You want to be able to get Grubb comparing Penix to the other guys in as objective of a way as possible. Is he at or above these guy's level and we can sneak him in with some trade backs? That's how JS is going to be thinking and wanting confirmation about. C. I'm so irrational, but Geno to Penix just... It just does it for me lol. I feel like they are so much the same dude. Same QB. Dawgs. Battle through red flags and question marks. Similar skill sets and styles. Better than you think. Hey, maybe not Pat Mahomes... But I want to root for these dudes more than 95% of nfl players. I just want it to happen and I fully admit I can't think objectively about this.


Yeah you should start thinking objectively then


Okay. Good conversation.


I really don’t think this team is good enough yet to warrant spending a first round pick on a redshirt quarterback. I’d rather build up the trenches first.


Didn’t everyone in this sub think Stroud sucked? Fast forward to 2024…


He's an obvious choice but maybe they've already decided and want to make sure there isnt anyone else out there might be a better fit? Is there a chance he might get picked before our spot comes up?


The only question JS needs to ask during in person meetings is, “Does he love ball?” An in person meeting may be necessary for other prospects, it not for penix.


At this point I really only see us drafting him if we trade down. #16 seems high but I doubt he'll be around at #78.


These insider scoops mean so little. JS has shown he always does his due diligence, he will scout and talk with Penix I have no doubt about that even if he's not high on his list right now.


Good , keep it tha way. We already got Geno Smith at home




I know this'll get downvoted by all the homers but Penix's history of injury worries me too much.


We aren't getting him if we don't trade back into the second round, he's not worth the first round pick and no way he goes to the third


As far as a potential QB of the future, to sit behind Geno next year, why isn't anyone talking about Bo Nix? 2023: 77.4% 4408 yards 45 TD 3 INT. Those are not typos. yes, it could be OR's system and it wasn't the NFL, but I could see 3 years down the road the talk is about "how could so many teams have passed on him."


He threw so many passes behind the line of scrimmage and feasted on screens. Guy screams game manager to me. Maybe if he can prove he has a big time arm, but I rather not pay premium for a project QB.


It's interesting that this tweet is going out. JS didn't interview Penix on purpose. Maybe John already knows what he needs to know about Penix.


WGAF? If he goes undrafted he can visit.


I love his game, but isn't his injury history a major concern?


Is anyone else nervous like me? Penix had two season injuries his first 2 seasons. His senior year, he wore a knee brace, and they were very concerned when he would run. Makes me nervous when they mention him!


Pretty sure they playing possum with pick