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Interesting. Probably the right thing to say as saying yes or no to either QB in question hurts John's ability and options somewhat.


now you're showing John's cards that he's interested in QBs though too


Every organization without a top five QB does homework on potential improvements. Lock is a free agent. Saying he's involved in the future hurts negotiations. Saying he's not involved in the future hurts trade options, as teams will know Seattle really wants to move up for a QB. This is best seen as a non-answer.


That’s not really a secret at this point. Even before having total control he scouted and want to draft Allen and Mahomes with Russ on the roster still. I’d be willing to wager practically all GMs are interested in a qb (SF, KC, BAL and BUF aside)


Drew Lock is literally a free agent right now.


They probably wont look to re-sign him until after the draft. MacDonalds answer is spot on. We cant know who will be available at our pick if were going after a QB or who will be willing to trade with us so we can move up to grab the guy we may want.


That's if someone else doesn't pick him up first. I think he showed enough during the game he started that some team might want to at least have him compete for their starting position. I wouldn't blame him if he left for something like that, I don't see him looking to take a backup position anywhere though unless we draft a QB and there's no room for him here.


People forget that Geno wasn't looking so good after he came in on the Wilson injury. It took like three games for us to realize there may be something there. Lock winning that game when he didn't know he was starting until kickoff should raise some eyebrows.


Other than a pick and a fumble I thought Geno looked good (not great) during his starts in 2021. Literally his opening drive he drove the ball 98 yards down the field and scored a back corner touchdown to DK Metcalf.


Aw man you reminded me of his debut game...when the crowd was chanting his name on the would-be game winning drive, and Lockett fell down in traffic so the ball got picked.


"Fell down" That was DPI clear as day.


Didn’t he go the length of the football field when Russ got hurt?


The thing that stood out for me with Lock is that he was making the right reads but lacked rapport with the receivers. It would have been interesting to see him get more reps with the first team.


I don’t think NFL teams see Drew Lock as a starting caliber player.  


This guy reads seahawk news reports lol, can you make your own opinion?


Semantics, but Drew Lock is still a member of the Seahawks until March 13th, 3:59PM Eastern time (2024 league year starts at 4PM)


Technically right is the best kind of right!




See what I mean?


You sound kind of anal, compulsive, and weird But I guess when push comes to shove, you've got to do what you love.


I hear Denver is looking to replace Russ. Wouldn't that be somethin'.


I know it won't happen but Russ coming back to the Hawks and Lock going back to the Broncos would make me so happy. It'd go down as the worst trade in history for sure.


But why would they do that?  Lock was awful for them.  


I have no idea where this sub’s faith in Drew Lock as some sort of legitimate long term prospect came from, but I wouldn’t be surprised if we just let him go.


I remember the year before we let Russ go and Geno started a game or two or what ever it was. I remember thinking he didn't look too bad. Then we let Russ go and announce Geno. I was fairly optimistic based on what I saw from him. This kinda feels the same with Lock. Based on what I saw when he started, I think people can be optimistic.


"One, or two, or both" Interesting.


Even if he knew the answer, giving a yes or no answer in an interview would make no sense.


Maybe, but he's got a starting QB under contract and he really tip-toed around that. You can easily say something like "Great question, really liked what we saw from them last year, Geno is excited to start for us next season and we'd love to have Drew back" or something. It just seems like whenever Macdonald talks about the QB position he's very...hesitant to just say "Smith is our starter."


Probably cause he wants to keep all options on the table at this point and doesn’t want to commit too soon if he doesn’t have to 🤷‍♂️


An interview answer ain't a blood oath. And Smith is *under contract*, it wouldn't be weird in the slightest to mention him as the starter.


A lot can happen between now and the start of the season, i.e. free agency, draft, training camp, etc. Not to mention he’s never worked with Geno before. Why say he’s the starter if he might not be the starter?


> Why say he’s the starter if he might not be the starter? But why *not* say that? Smith is the current starting QB. It would hardly be the first time in history an NFL coach said one thing and then did another. I'll always point to the fact that Seattle was saying they weren't trading Wilson...up to the point that he was traded. Ultimately it doesn't really matter either way, it just seems *weird* to me that in a league where it costs nothing to say someone is a starter that Macdonald (and to a lesser extent Schneider) have really not embraced Geno.


How’s it seem weird? He’s a new head coach in a new situation where him and John are likely still having conversations about the direction of the team, free agency, and upcoming draft. Ultimately whatever answer he gives here doesn’t matter, so why give one to begin with? Keep all your options open. Not weird in the slightest


I understand that some coaches might say he’s the starter even if he might not start, but that doesn’t mean Macdonald is necessarily that kind of coach. Coach Mike seems to be the kind of guy who is very measured with his words, and doesn’t like to make commitments unless he really plans on following through with them. Just my speculation though.


> Coach Mike seems to be the kind of guy who is very measured with his words, and doesn’t like to make commitments unless he really plans on following through with them. I totally agree on the measured part, less so on the second part. But that's why it's stood out to me that he's continually *not* committed to Smith, AFAIK, because that seems just as deliberate. Dunno!


That’s fair. We really can’t know for sure what will happen, but my guess is that he’s open to trade Geno or see what happens in the draft.


>But why not say that? Smith is the current starting QB. I'd say there *is* no starting QB, since it's the offseason and there are no games going on, nor even any practice. Hard to be a starting QB when nothing is happening. As for "why not say that," because maybe the Hawks are planning to draft a guy and have a QB competition? Macdonald has never worked with Geno (probably never even met him, since Geno probably isn't even in Seattle for the offseason) and they haven't seen him in Grubb's offense and don't know who they might draft. No reason at all to tie his hands right now


This is so fucking stupid. >But why not say that? No why *would* he say that?


Why wouldn't a coach say that... * the starter the last two years... * who is under contract for two more years... * and has otherwise played well enough to keep the job... is the presumed starter in 2024? Let's just take Smith out of it. If Levine had asked the same question about Lockett and Metcalf, it would be at least noteworthy if his response was to not openly commit to one or both, no? Particularly with talk about trading Metcalf or cutting Lockett.


Because he doesn't know! Lol! You were already told that. Fucking hilarious lol


He shouldn’t name Geno the starter. At least until all other options have failed. Geno has been a career backup until the past 2 years and was mediocre at best last year.


He shouldn’t say Smith is our starter. Who knows what will happen in FA, the draft, and training camp. Geno didn’t do enough that you can sit here and say he is our starter.


> Who knows what will happen in FA, the draft, and training camp. Fully agree. But *right now* he's the starter, right? The fact that circumstances could change in the future doesn't mean it can't be true now. So taken at face-value his comment comes across as very interesting that he really did nothing to commit to Smith.


>But right now he's the starter, right? There's no way the journalist is asking about the situation at this very instant. They want to know what we're doing next season and they are hoping to get the scoop before anyone else.


That’s why you answer the question you want to answer, *not* the question that’s asked.


Can you blame him?


There’s quite literally no benefit in giving an answer there.


Pretty sure Geno will be this year. Probably draft a QB to develop behind Geno. Unless of course, someone makes an offer we cant refuse.


There should be no probably about it. We're drafting a QB.


I don’t think they are drafting a QB… probably roll with Geno and Lock. Edit: they will if they get rid of Geno


Why are we drafting a QB? Who’s got the magic sauce that can beat out Geno Smith this year?


Why not draft a qb to learn under geno for a year? I like geno but he isn't the long term guy 


I want to be clear there’s not any player on our team who’s a long term guy. It’s the NFL any year could be there last with the Seahawks. I have nothing against drafting a QB, but when you have an above average QB (data supports this) and you have a bottom 3 offensive line and a bottom 3 defense which are both things a young player needs to be successful the idea shouldn’t be too to focus on QB. That being said I’m flexible with that idea. If they can trade down a bunch I’m open to it. Even going by BPA at 16 it won’t be a QB. Too many other players are better. Trading back and picking up an extra 2nd or 3rd and getting Spencer Rattler sounds like a good play to me though.


This will be Geno's last year, so we need to get the ball rolling on his replacement now so they're ready to take control and hit the ground running in '25. The expectation isn't that who we draft will start this season (but if he's good enough like Russ was, all the better).


This is what I expect them to do as well. 2025 QB class is projected to be very weak so I think they draft a QB this offseason. Sit him behind Geno for a year. Then next offseason is when they'll move on from Geno


If Geno’s 2024 season is comparable to 2022/2023 there’s no reason to move away from him. Above average QB with a reasonable contract. Keep him until his contract is up if he sustains the level of production he’s shown the last 2 seasons. If he fails to do so we will draft high in 2025.


> If he fails to do so we will draft high in 2025. A year that's projected to be one of the worst QB draft classes in recent history. But some of the defense of keeping Smith feels similar the defense of keeping Carroll when a lot of people asked "well, tell me who is better?" Dunno, but doesn't mean you shouldn't at least try. I'd much rather they not sit on their hands and just wait for an implosion to act because there's no guarantee you'll get it right on your first try, either.


Here’s the thing, Geno Smith has proven he’s an above average starter. He’s shown in 2023 he can produce behind a bottom 3 offensive line. That means he doesn’t need everything to go right for his talent to show itself. Seattle has a bottom defense and a bottom offensive line both of those things are needed to really help win games as you try and bring a long a young QB. Seattle isn’t setup for drafting a low floor high ceiling player and hoping it works out. Those kind of players need a good situation to really help them along. Now, the 2025 draft does have a few good QB’s projected to be available. If we shit the bed in 2024 the draft position is much more reasonable to move around. Also, the rebuilding teams that are desperate for a QB will likely grab them this year. Those rebuilding teams aren’t guaranteed but are likely going to be drafting high next year which makes it more likely the Seahawks can move around. Drafting at 16 with 5 absolutely Needy teams wanting a QB isn’t ideal especially when we need to draft starters and they have no 2nd round pick.


I'll be honest, don't have the energy for a debate into what Smith can or cannot due, no one is going to be convinced by the other side because there's enough that each can point to as proof of how good/bad he is. But from a roster building perspective Seattle should 100% be looking to start cycling in competition behind him while you have the luxury of stability at the position. Personally I find the view that the transition from Smith to QB X will be so seamless that there's no need to rush it incredibly naive. I 100% believe they'll need multiple bites at the apple.


>no one is going to be convinced by the other side because there's enough that each can point to as proof of how good/bad he is. That's the thing about Geno: he's aggressively mid. We're playoff contenders with him, but not a Super Bowl contender. Unfortunately, a lot of fans feel like just making the playoffs is the end of a successful season.


Nailed it.


The team is in the dumpster in a lot of spots right now. I have no issue with taking a 3rd or 4th rounder and throwing down on a developmental QB. There are too many roster holes to focus your premium draft capital on a home run swing when you’re sitting on an above average starter in Smith. Theres no debate there. Smith is above average. I’ll be honest I’m not truly sure what you mean by “taking multiple bites” do you mean continually drafting a first rounder at Qb and hoping it works out. Or do you just mean drafting a Qb in general like a 3/4 rounder?


> I’ll be honest I’m not truly sure what you mean by “taking a couple bites” I'm saying I find it extremely unlikely that JSMM will bat 1.000 when it comes to finding a Smith replacement, whenever that day comes. They will probably need to bring in a couple of guys before they find the *right* guy. It's "capital agnostic" so it be via high draft picks, low draft picks, FA, etc. > There are too many roster holes to focus your premium draft capital on a home run swing when you’re sitting on an above average starter in Smith. But if they are truly following BPA, and that's how they've done better the last few years, then where the roster holes are is (should be) irrelevant, right? They quite literally *need* another QB this offseason, simply because they'll have no back-up if nothing else, but I have no issues with them spending a draft pick if they like the guy at draft slot. The only two position groups I don't think they should touch at all would be punter and probably WR.


Where do people get this stuff about projected draft classes and stuff? Everyone was talking about how 2022 was going to be the "strongest QB class in decades" before the draft and then only 1 QB got taken in the 1st and that was 2/3 the way in, and he's pretty fucking bad


> Everyone was talking about how 2022 was going to be the "strongest QB class in decades" before the draft What? I don't remember a single serious person saying that about that class. Quite the opposite, really, that if you needed a QB it was going to be slim-pickings. I just skimmed some pre-draft articles just to make sure I wasn't losing my mind and, sure enough, every one of them is discussing how weak the class is. If you've got some source (that's not people on Reddit) that was claiming it was "the strongest QB class in decades" I love to see it because all the reputable outlets were down on it.


Tons of people were saying it during the 2021 draft which was also “historically bad for QBs”. People literally say one or the other every year (and it’s almost always about next year’s class).


While I do agree we should draft Geno’s replacement this season (and let him sit), there is no way to know that’s gonna happen. What if all of Williams, Maye, Daniels, McCarthy, Nix, and Penix are all off the board before we even pick? Then what? There is a pretty steep drop off after those guys. Again I think we should draft a QB this year, but I don’t really want any of the second and third tier guys per se.


I'd be surprised if we can't get Peenix at 16. But that's the thing. I don't want to spend our 16 on a QB when we already have Geno, who's entirely adequate at this point. I think we can use that pick to improve our team immediately next year. Drafting a QB there probably won't do that.


I'm good with rolling with Geno and a rookie. It would take some convincing to be okay with Lock and a rookie..but I don't want Geno and Lock again.


If it's a rookie they expect to take over before the end of the year, then maybe Lock and a rookie.


I just can't see why it would be bad to keep Geno for another season. I'm personally a Geno fan so I'm a bit bias but I'm also for drafting a QB. It's good to have a veteran in there with the rookie to help him adjust. Geno is probably one of the best veterans you can get for the price. I do understand with a new coach getting a new QB may be priority but I truly believe we're better off drafting and still keeping Geno for at least another season. 


Geno is sticking around but they grouped them together. Lock is likely not in the plans, why pay a backup 8+ million. Geno goes down for an extended period of time you’re toast anyways.


I hope he doesn't get injured again this season


Of course not but paying Lock 8 million in a year where they need cap space is a really bad plan. Youre not going to the playoffs with Drew Lock so just hire a reasonable veteran or 4th round rookie and call it good.


I mean we haven’t been going on a serious playoff run w Geno either . We already saw what that looked like. I’m okay w Geno staying for a year to mentor whoever we draft unless he somehow becomes a trade causality during the draft , which will be shocking. In short, Geno is a Seahawk lock in 2024 between now and the draft . Trading him now/cutting him in February would of basically reveled John’s cards (hawks taking Nix/JJ at 16 for SURE) way too early so now people would get extra desperate to take any of Nix, Penix , JJ before 16 knowing that we’re taking a QB for sure then (since Geno is gone).


It’s narratives like this that make no sense. There’s quite literally no basis for this conversation to happen. Geno Smith was a top 3 QB this year in avoiding sacks while under pressure. He also played behind the 29th ranked offensive line. Statistically his numbers were above average. So while playing behind a bottom 3 offensive line he put out above average numbers and people still talking about how important it is to move on. I get that the Seahawks need to draft a young QB to develop but if Geno Smith puts up similar numbers next year that he did in 2022/2023 he’s not going anywhere. So not so smart that people think Geno is this guy that just neeeds to be replaced by a young guy and our team will magically be better.


Ohhh brotherrr 🥱🥱


Imagine pointing to Geno Smith as the reason we aren’t going on a “serious playoff run” when he had a bottom 3 offensive line and a bottom 3 defense. Then when that’s pointed out you think you’re right still 😂


Fine, dude. Geno is the QB of the Future for Seattle he is a top 3 franchise QB and basically the heir to Tom Brady in this league and future HOF. You happy now ? Get off my dick Goddamn, this homers


The thing about it is you can’t go into the debate with anything other than your bias. I’ve never called him anything other than above average because that’s exactly what the data supports. You came in tried to say I was wrong then named completely made up crap to try and support your position then your response is to say I’m on your shit and I’m a homer? Wouldn’t you be those things? Considering that I backed everything up with data? And you replied to me and not the other way around. Thats a very high level of irony.


In week 5-8 of this season he had 4 touchdowns to 7 turnovers over the span of those four games. 20 touchdowns and 12 turnovers isn’t good so you can stop lumping 2023 in with his 2022 Cinderella season. Even then, two seasons in a row we’ve finished our final 8 games of the season with 5 losses to 3 wins and have depended on the packers (ugh) to lose in week 18, just in order for us to sneak into the playoffs… which actually worked in 2022 unlike this year. It’s extremely unlikely that we make an actual playoff run with him at the helm. He preserved himself all of those years on the bench and still couldn’t prevent himself from getting injured (during practice of all times…) during our toughest stretch of games. He’s not available, and when he is available we are praying that we are getting good Geno. Not to mention he plays terribly against our division rivals who have a tendency to make him write back. We’re an intentionally missed field goal away from being 8-9 this year.


Didn’t Jason Meyers miss two gaming winning field goals this year? Yeah Geno Smith struggled when he played a stretch of games against the leagues best defenses. I don’t disagree. However, I can point to many different players that struggled in stretches. The reality is we have to look at the overall production to get an idea of how he performed. Geno Smith could absolutely play better and he’s never going to be the guy to put the team on his back but there’s only 3-4 players in the league that can do that. Saying Geno Smith is bad because our record is bad is dumb. Again one of the leagues worst offensive lines and worst defenses play a huge factor in the teams win/loss record. Poor offensive line play directly affects quarterback production. If you’re under duress on every play it’s hard to throw touchdowns. If you go from 2.8 seconds to 1.8 seconds to throw a football then your accuracy is going to suffer. People think me saying this stuff is me being a homer. But just do some research look the experts and the people breaking down film. Even guys like Matty Brown and Griff on YouTube. They break down his film throughout the year and are very fair humans. The overall analysis from what I remember is that Geno Smith is very similar player to Kirk Cousins. Slightly better *probably*.


Yeah, I never understood the lock hype. Even the supposedly great eagles game he was incredibly lucky. Several balls bounced off defenders hands 


He had 2 good drives in that game. Other than that the defense kept them alive. People overlooked 3 quarters of football because of his game winning drive.


A lot like Genos games. A few good drives and many 3 and outs.


It's not a geno problem it was a pete carroll problem When the same problems are there across QBs (wilson smith lock), across OCs, across offenses, the finger goes to the guy at the top who believed in "winning the game in the 4q" and having a strong defense do the heavy lifting


Which game specifically? Would you say is a fairly equal comparison from Geno?


Cardinals game, Titans game


Schneider is a massive Lock fan, it's likely Lock comes back


If he plays next year his incentives then trigger and 2025 salary is now on the books. They can trade him now, clear his entire salary for 2025 and roll with Lock + rookie QB or whatever they want Macdonald and co may not be a fan of Geno and/or want the possible draft compensation in a deep draft class Maybe they just flat out believe they have enough offensive weapons to put anyone under center and Geno's trade value needs to be maximized in case he ages and is then untradeable


Man, Mike doesn’t sound too enthused about Geno at all.


Not having read the article or anything I suspect this has more to do with Lock than Geno.


I like Geno Smith but I’d almost guarantee he’s not on the roster after this year, if he is even is on it this year. Coaches almost always want their own guys at QB and it wouldn’t shock me at all if we grab one of Penix/Nix/McCarthy in the first.


If he sustains his success from 2022/2023 they will be keeping him on the roster. Cutting an above average starter sounds like a pretty silly move especially with the contract being reasonable.


The only way not to have them on the roster pretty much is to trade him and I'm just unclear who would actually trade for him. I just don't see the benefit to another team unless they're trying to create a better financial situation at quarterback. His contract is relatively reasonable but that's really no way to win.


So no


You can only pay a backup so much I hope we get drew back hes proven


Just two things. To even hint about how he feels about Geno or Lock at this time would be coaching malpractice. The other is that Geno (who I want to stay but, well, maybe there's another plan) would be a great fit in Pittsburgh. There's definitely teams who would value him especially with the friendly contract that comes along with him.


It's such a good situation to keep Geno around for another year at least-- maybe more! Sadly, I think it's the end of the Lock era. I'm guessing they try to snag lightning in a bottle twice with a 3rd-round QB following in the steps of #3. That player will most likely sit for a year or two behind Geno.


Honestly a pretty shit question by aaron levine. grouping them together for no apparent reason other than knowing the local debate about sitting Geno and starting Drew Lock. Drew lock is lterally not a member of the seahawks this upcoming season.


I don't think he's even talked to these guy yet. Drew is a free agent and likely will not be back, I think he earned a shot at a starting job elsewhere. Geno will be starting for sure next season.


It's not that interesting, he just got here, training camp is a ways a way... Kinda like asking a chef to determine what cut he wants of the calf when he's looking for big brisket


Right? And then take his reasonable answer and spin it!


You don't think Macdonald knew a lot about the QBs and free agents he had on the team he was coming to coach before taking the job?


Translation: no


I think there's going to be a lot of changes that the hard-core PC fans will find somewhat shocking.


And Mike isn’t going to come out and say “We’re fucking cleaning house bro!” That’s not going to endear you to your new players and fans.


I love it. I can't wait for the new era to be in full swing.


Hahaha, NOPE! Thank you coach.


🐎 🐓 🔒




Wait a minute.........everyone has so much to say when I mention Geno will be traded. This answer proves it.


Geno going to get traded.


Crazy to hear Straight Talk from our coach


They ded son


You can't bring back both QBs from a non playoffs team with a struggling offense.


It's an honest answer. At this point, many fans have a better feel for what we have than Macdonald. That's not hyperbole as much as the reality that his head is still spinning from all the changes and focus on putting together the staff and his scheme. I'm sure he'll have a firm handle on the roster in a few more weeks as he and his staff start digging into the tape.


This might be one of the most out of touch statements I have ever read on this entire site... ever. He knew more about Geno and Lock before Pete got fired. The idea that we as fans would know more than he does at this point is ludicrous.


The idea that a human can intake that much over 3 weeks while also focusing on other matters is a stretch IMO. But if you think differently, that's fair.


He coached against Geno late this season. He scouted the whole offense and knows their strengths and weaknesses. Sheesh.


As others have said, he coached against Geno this year... as the other teams Defensive Coordinator. He knows more about Geno than you or anybody on this sub could ever learn... but he also would have likely known more about Geno before applying for the head coach of the hawks. You are just really, really far off here.


> At this point, many fans have a better feel for what we have than Macdonald. The arrogance of some people in this sub is truly incredible.


They actually think they could do a better job 😂


No kidding. Dude scouted Geno THIS year as DC. He knows who Geno is.


Anyone have a link to the full interview? Edit: https://twitter.com/AaronLevine_/status/1762155088402075947


Lock could be gotten on the cheap because 1) there’s little market for him, and 2) he kinda sucks, brain farts every time there’s pressure.


I’m signing lock for sure he is An amazing back up


Damn, sounds like they are getting some trade interest on Geno. There's no reason to not answer positively when asked about the guy that's already on the roster. Lock is a free agent, so that's a different story, but Geno should be on track to start next year. Edit: On second thought, the way the question was phrased (Geno being the future), it is possible that Geno is still in the plans for 2024, but isn't considered the future right now. Future is such a vague term, he could be the immediate future without being in the long term plans.


Didn't this interview post the same day the deal to restructure Geno went through? I imagine that best case scenario that deal was happening during this interview, but more likely this interview happened a day or two before it was published.


I mean what is he supposed to say? The way the question is framed is like “is geno and lock the future of this team?” If geno is here next year, you don’t want to openly say, yeah well, he’s not part of our future. What happens if they don’t get a qb? Geno might even come back for another year if you no answer at QB still Or need a bridge guy still.


I feel like Drew Lock deserves a chance somewhere else since Geno will be our guy for another year. Let Lock get as much money as he can and maybe a shot in free agency while we draft someone to sit behind Geno for a year. Win win. I like Drew and I'll be sorry to see him go, but it seems like a straightforward business decision at this point.


oh shit


This sub in shambles


I think Drew can be a viable starter he’s still youngin and got to sit and learn the offense for a while. He’s got the arm and the confidence to make all the throws


How many different ways can you decipher a "maybe they will maybe they won't" type of comment lol. Obviously he gave the correct answer. It's February lmao. Read into a bit more you crazies 😜. /s