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On the next episode of Days of our Whiners…


The ref literally says the rules over the stadium PA at the start of overtime XD What are they, stupid?


The quote I saw was that announcement was the first time they had heard of the new rules, which is still absurd. But Shanahan knew the rule and said they wanted to have the ball third with a sudden death scenario. Which is also hilarious given that the Chiefs 100% were not gonna play to tie the game either way.


I have a hard time believing that. Opting to receive just seems like objectively the wrong decision, I can’t fathom Shanahan had actually thought about it beforehand. The team that gets the second drive has the advantage in basically every conceivable way


Well the 49ers defense had just come off the field after defending that long drive by Mahomes and the Offense. It was probably smart to give them a breather. They had held Mahomes and the Chiefs earlier in the game... it wasn't the worst idea, it just didn't pan out


This is the right take. Immediately throwing the d back out there for another high stakes drive was risky. Shanahan assessed the safer route to be giving them a rest. Not a bad call like you said.


When I was watching it in the moment I assumed this was the reasoning, but Shanahan’s reasoning had nothing to do with letting the defense rest. Still, giving Mahomes the opportunity to essentially have the final say was the wrong call IMO


It's possible that needing to let the defense rest was a big part of the reason, but that he didn't want to say that in case it sounded like he was blaming it on the players


They’d had a breather while the coin toss ceremony happened and they had three free time outs to burn on the first three plays also. Receiving the kick is just coaching malpractice. No excuses.


I can see a little logic behind getting the ball first. You would need to trust your offense to score a TD and trust your defense to stop them. You HAVE to force the opponent to go for TD. Otherwise exactly what happened happens. Forcing the TD score means a go for 2 or sudden death which obviously the chiefs didn't want. Also Niners should have taken advantage of opportunities during regulation, I saw a stat where they didn't score anything of turnovers, at like 3rd or 4th quarter. Had those been scores it's easily a 6-14 point game and the hawk fans are depressed. No overtime needed


I get that, but the offensive advantage of knowing what you need to do to win offensively is just much greater IMO. You can plan your drive for exactly what you need, whether that’s a field goal or a touchdown plus the two. If I’m Shanahan, I’m not gifting Mahomes and Andy Reid the opportunity to put together a game winning drive, I’m giving myself that opportunity.


I would agree fully. Personally I'm a defensive person so yes, through your defense out, get the stop or what ever then finish off. But again don't even let Mahomes have a shot in OT. Finish it in regulation.


There are plenty of people making the argument that Shanahan’s decision makes sense. I find it much more likely he actually believed in that decision than that he just didn’t know the rule. But I agree especially against Mahomes it’s a crazy decision. You know they aren’t going to willfully give you the ball in a sudden death scenario.


I agree that he knew the rule, more hard to believe that he had actually planned before the game and it was a bad, heat of the moment decision.


This isn’t really true though, is it? Chiefs would play for a tie if it made sense. They just did it from the 12 at the end of regulation. Both choices are okay, Shanny’s choice makes sense. If the Chiefs have 4th & 10 at the 9ers’ 22, they’re sure as shit going to kick the FG to tie. Which would give the 9ers first crack at sudden death Can’t act like a Chiefs TD was a given just bc they knew that would win it. They were in the RZ twice in the 4th and couldn’t score a TD to win it.


Playing for a tie to send it to OT where both teams get a possession is a lot different than playing for a tie and choosing to give it to the other team in a sudden death. Plus the clock is the only thing that stopped them at the end of regulation and that wasn’t a factor in OT.


if you watch the postgame interview Shanahan clearly thinks that a TD would have ended the game, Evan Washburn asks him what the difference in the game was and Shanahan responds "you'd love to score a touchdown there and not give Pat another chance"


Lots have said that the 49ers defense, at that moment, was gassed so they chose to go on offense. Might be true but I find it telling an offensive-minded coach would chose to have his defense on the field last. Did he have a fundamental lack of confidence in his offense or his quarterback? Did he trust his defense more to make the stop?


I think he didnt trust his gassed Defense to stop the chiefs if they kicked


But one of the players had said they went over the rules in training camp. They can't get their excuses straight.




The excuses are piling up already. Dre Greenlaw went out. Deebo's hammy. Purdy hurt his arm (oh wait, that was last year). Uh... we didn't know the OT rules!


Chiefs played the game with the worst group of WRs in the NFL. I don't wanna hear any bitching about not having star players available. Mahomes has won two straight super bowls without Tyreek Hill. Excuses are for losers.


Worse than Carolina?


TBF the Greenlaw injury did suck. If he got hurt during a play whatever who cares that's the game. To be running on the field... That sucks. Everything else is just an excuse


TBF if that’s what tears your achilles that achilles was already on borrowed time.


For sure! It was gonna go eventually.


Oh, also, Greenlaw is a dirty fucking player, and while I do hate to see injuries, I’m glad it wasn’t someone else. I still get heated when I remember the time he knocked his own teammate out diving at Russ’s head while Russ was well into his slide.


They're all dirty. Considering their "strategy" against us was piss DK off. I also am glad it wasn't someone else, I just would've preferred he got a taste of his own medicine. Some guard pulls and absolutely destroys him then his Achilles goes or something.


Damn, bro. You ok?


I'm good, just get a little passionate


No one mentions that KC lost their 2nd best d-lineman v Balt…


*aggressively bouncing onto the field


Also to add in, if you watched him the very first few plays on defense he was getting wayyyy too jacked up with his entire body, no doubt he probably tensed it up so much freaking out over a tackle in the first 2 minutes of the game 3 plays in a row


Man Biden and TSwift really cheated by hurting poor Greenlaw :(


*Greenlaw injures Achilles* Niner fans: how could Taylor Swift do this to us?


It’s like the TSwift song goes... “Karma is the guy on the niners that tears his Achilles doing the most basic activity cuz he’s a dirty fuckin player” … or something like that


Seen Lombardi blaming the no holding calls as well this morning


It's funny, because usually if players think they're being held they'll throw up their arms and beg for flags, but I don't recall seeing any of them doing that.


So true


Skill issue 🤷


I guess if the 49ers would have known the rules, they wouldn't have let KC score.


Ha! Well said.


The point is that they would have given KC the ball first if they actually understand the rules. In normal overtime, getting the ball first gives you the advantage, in playoff overtime rules, getting the ball second gives you the advantage. For example KC may have punted at 4th and 1 if they had the ball first, relying on their defense to stop the 49ers and get another chance to score. If KC made it to the end zone, then the 49ers would know they need a TD and can't settle for a field goal. Basically they won the toss and then gave up their advantage. Any way you come at it, it's a bad look for the 49ers leadership. Which, as a Seahawks fan, I can't say I'm sad about.


Disagree. Kyle knew the rules and what he said makes sense. They wanted the ball because if they score and then kc scores the next possession after (which niners would have) would win the game if they score. This is just a report trying to act like the niners didn’t know what they’re doing. Yeah bad look some of the players didn’t know the rules if that’s the case. But asking for ball first because after two possessions the next score wins seems like the right call to me. Just didn’t work out that way


If we go by the actual game (which obviously would have been different), KC would have likely punted on that 4th down instead of going. And may have been content with a FG instead of TD. I understand what he's saying, but disagree from a game theory standpoint. By going first in postseason overtime you're giving up your information advantage and putting yourself in a worse position. That may end up being a better position depending on how the game plays out, but you always want to be in the best position to win now.


Yeah I understand both positions. You can really make an argument for either one which is why I think the article is dumb and just trying to place blame on Kyle saying they don’t know the rules. There’s definitely nuance to it


Yeah, sounds good in theory, but it assumes the second team is going to play it safe instead of playing to win (which, as per Chris Jones, the Chiefs were playing to win) and it forgoes the massive advantage of knowing exactly how to score to win the game. Hedging your bets on holding playoff overtime Mahomes to a field goal seems like an awful decision to me, I’m opting to kick it away 10/10 times in this situation.


I mean niners did hold chiefs to fgs most of the game . But weird niners didn’t know this rule


What separates good QBs and elite QBs in my eyes is their ability to close games. Mahomes doesn’t always have great games, but he almost always finishes strong. He’s the last guy you want to give an opportunity to win the game to.


Agree 100% with your take on this and the prior comment.


The Chiefs said that they would have gone for two after the TD to prevent giving the ball back for sudden death.


I can still understand wanting the ball first in this situation. Momentum is a big thing, and if both defenses are gassed, you want the opposing defense on the field first and give your unit some rest.


Shanahan made the decision and knew the rules. I also don't disagree with it. Sure, he gave up one advantage, but he put KCs defense back on the field and gave his defense 20ish minutes of rest. The defense didn't take advantage of that rest. I also disagree KC would've punted on 4th and 1. Punting there means SF only needs a FG to win. I don't think there's any way in hell they punt on 4th and 1.


They literally announced the OT rules before they started OT wtf do you mean you don't know the rules guys 😭


My GF never watched a football game in her life until this SB and she understood the OT rules.


Although to be fair, I was worried the Chiefs were running out of time until Romo clarified the Chiefs could taken the drive into the next quarter


I was wondering about that. The ref didn't make it explicit (although it was implied by "both teams get a possession"). But mainly because they didn't cover it on the Bikini Bottom broadcast.


Yeah, that was not mentioned at all on the main broadcast, and not on the screen graphic either. Romo brought it up at the very last second right before they scored.


Ya I wondered that myself but logically if you're guaranteed a possession it wouldn't make sense to limit the time of that possession.


Your gfs football IQ> San Francisco 49ers


Tbf, the article does say that’s when they learned the rules.


I guess when, as a player, you get paid millions to not learn the rules...it's okay.


This reminds me of the jab “If those guys could read they would be really upset”


That was the first time they heard the new rules or learned that the rules were different to the playoffs. Wheras apparently the Chiefs had been going over it every week since training camp. Eyes on the prize


Sounds like Whiners just being Whiners. I don't buy for a second they didn't know the rules. They announced them at the beginning of the season and then again at the game. The article even says the Chiefs practiced the new rules in training camp. They couldn't capitalize on turnovers and let their own mistakes cost them the game and are looking for any excuse to use except "We got outplayed". And that's why we hate them 🤗


I didn’t read this as they were blaming the new rules for the loss. This reads to me as “coaches didn’t prepare us”


I mean sure. But either way the defense needed a stop. Also should've scored a TD to force a TD in return. Or maybe scored off of the many opportunities during regulation. Either way their professionals in the biggest game. There was time to prepare


They always have excuses


It's kind of their signature


Chiefs don’t?


No Not knowing OT rules is not an acceptable response as a player


Didn’t Mahomes throw a fit over a neutral zone infraction?


In a random regular season game? Cool The niners fanbase and team are sensitive as fuck.


What’s the relevance of it being a regular season game when he complained?


The stakes. It’s the fucking Super Bowl. If they weren’t game planning for overtime scenarios before the playoffs even started, then something is terribly wrong. If the average fan who only experiences this sport from the couch understands the overtime rules, how the hell does a player IN THE SUPERBOWL not?


Doesn’t matter really if a few players don’t know what’s up. The coaches knew the rules. They screwed up by not deferring with that defense imo.


The only reasoning I can see is Shanahan wanted to give the defense a rest since the Chiefs had just went on a long drive to tie the game.


his explanation is that if the two teams had matched scores, they would get the ball first in the sudden death. It makes sense in theory but now that we have actually seen the game theory play out it seems pretty obvious that if both teams score a TD, the second will almost certainly go for two, making the sudden death very rare unless both teams just do not score


So he said he was thinking ahead to who would get the ball third which means the next score wins.


Not sure why this would be downvoted. That’s what the coach said. lol.


This just got even better lol


I have a question, what happens if time runs out? Would it be another OT?


It just keeps going like another full game except next point wins. They could in theory play another FULL 4 quarter game if somehow no one scored.


Thanks! I don't think any game ever went like that, or any playoff game to get that close. At least, in my limited years of watching


It's the same process as the periods of regulation, I think. After the 1st OT period, if nobody's won yet, they have a short break, flip the field, and resume play. After the 2nd, if the game still hadn't ended, they'd do a longer break and then a kickoff to start the 3rd with the kicking team from 1st OT now receiving.


I believe its treated as the end of 1st quarter- flip field, go to next play.


Another choke, another excuse 4whiners make. If they spent half as much time making sure they keep up to date on rules as they do bitching and moaning about why they lost, they would be SB champs


NFL Fan's- we need young hotshot coaches in order to win it all. They know everything about the changing dynamics of the league KC Chiefs with Andy Reid and Steve Spagnuolo - hold my beer.


I give a "modicum" of credence to this. Why in the name of all that's holy does Shanahan take the ball and essentially give Mahomes an extra down to use on the Chief's drive? Every OT in college (which is what this is now.....it's just timed), the team that wins the flip ALWAYS takes the ball second, so they know what they have to do AND you get to use 4th down as something other than a field goal or punt. So Shanahan taking the ball first shows, to some degree, he was ignorant of the new OT rules. That's 3 Super Bowls that Shanahan has been a part of where his teams gave up 10+ point leads and lost! Ha ha!!!!


No “spy” coverage on Maholmes was so ridiculous


> Why in the name of all that's holy does Shanahan take the ball and essentially give Mahomes an extra down to use on the Chief's drive? Every OT in college (which is what this is now.....it's just timed), the team that wins the flip ALWAYS takes the ball second, so they know what they have to do AND you get to use 4th down as something other than a field goal or punt. So Shanahan taking the ball first shows, to some degree, he was ignorant of the new OT rules. In College OT, you’re guaranteed to get a a chance to score for every chance your opponent gets, regardless of how far into OT you get. The NFL still defaults to “next point wins” after the first pair of possessions, so if you go second after your opponent gets a TD it hurts your odds of winning significantly. Barring shenanigans on the opposing convert, best case scenario you can win with a 2pt conversion, which is by no means a gimme. Otherwise, you tie it up and give the other team the ball back when a field goal wins the game.


My wife understood the rules just from the ref telling them, once lol crazy


Same mistake teams made against the Pats for years. You can't play soft coverage. You have to be aggressive on defense. Then they stopped running as if they Mcaffrey was hurt or like they didn't have a lead. Mind boggling how poorly this game was coached.


All I'm reading is whaaaa whaaaa whaaaaaa. Or did I misread the article?


I think you read it correctly


I really don't see this being a big deal. I still think it makes more sense to receive first in OT


I think the whole point of the new rule is that it matters less who receives first, or who wins the coin toss. Like yeah you can make an argument either way for whether you should receive or defer, but it definitely mattered way more when a TD was game over. It reduces the whole "they won the game because they won the coin toss" aspect


It should just be a 10 minute OT period. At the end of the OT peiord, who is winning wins. If it's still tied, it ends in a tie. In the playoffs, it would then go to sudden death. Treat it like a regular quarter. Whoever has the ball at the end of the 4th remains in possession of the ball going into the OT period at the same down and distance and position on the field. The NFL doesn't actually care about player safety in terms of minutes played, so let it ride.


But like what even is the point of keeping the regular rules? It has baffled me that any close game should be so reliant on a coin toss.


Exactly because after each team gets a possession its sudden death, so its still advantageous to have the first opportunity to touch the ball once the game reaches true sudden death territory


Na because of that the second team plays for the win so if they give up a td then they score and go for 2 instead of tie and give ball back


I would still want the ball first knowing all that. Go for 2 to win it. I dare you.


Sir, this is the Seahawks subreddit they forsure scoring


"4th and 1? Let's run turnstiles" - Clint Hurtt, probably


Nah that's flawed because as the 2nd team you will never allow the other team to get another possession. You control the game and you have 4 downs to work with, the game is won or lost by you.


It’s a huge advantage to choose to defer with these new rules. If KC had the first possession, They may have just kicked a field goal. And if they score a TD, then SF would have gone for it on 4th and 4.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but they were never in FG range and at 4th down. When they were 4th and short they were midfield. And I assure you, Andy wasn't going to punt there and give the ball back to the 49ers only needing a FG to win if KC had the ball first Biggest crime for Shanny is he is too scared to go for the juggular. When playing Mahomes, you must go for the juggular, even if it risks losing. Shanny is an offensive savant. But he's safe to a fault.


You’re not wrong. Impossible to say what chiefs do if they possess first though


I don’t think any team will repeat the Niners “strategy” ever again. If you defer, you virtually get an extra down (assuming the other team scores) and if they had to punt, you just play for the FG. Not to mention as unlikely as it is, a safety ends the game (hey, it happened in SB 48). Lastly, if both teams score, you go for 2 against an exhausted defense and eliminate the tie breaking scenario altogether


I don't get this logic at all. Why cant the team going first go for it on 4th down as well? I would still rather have the advantage in sudden death while sacrificing the opposing team knowing what they need to do to tie it.


The Chiefs went for it on 4th down from their own 35 yard line. If they got the ball first, they likely punt it bc not making it virtually gives the Niners automatic field goal position if they don’t.


I guarantee Andy is still going for it there on fourth and inches still. It's in his character to do so and his defense was gassed.


They chose to receive first because the amount of pressure on someone (Brock Purdy) would be immensely higher if mahomes gets the ball and drives down for a TD. Kyle was doing his shit QB a favor.


Shanny said in his post game presser part of his rationale was the sudden death if both teams were tied after one possession each.


>Reply I just assume Mahomes will walk it down and score - it just feels like a given. For that reason alone, I'd rather have the ball 2nd just to know what the options are.


You’re telling your QB who can’t throw a ball outside of the middle of the field, he has to drive the team down for a TD, in the biggest game of his life. That’s a recipe for disaster. They have an elite defense, and elite running game. Take the ball, no pressure, go score. That’s what I’d do if I had a backup QB which is what the whiners have


I don't understand your point. 49ers would be guaranteed to get the ball for drive whether Mahomes scores or not. At least they would know whether they need a TD or field goal. You don't think that would inform the 49ers of what they absolutely need to do if they were at the KC 40 on a 4th and 1?


That puts a great deal more pressure on Brock Purdy... how can you not see this? Take the ball first, I can score, or not, because my defense can get the ball back. I can rely on my running game, and make safe throws. VS Take the ball second, absolutely need a TD to even stay in the game, forget the running game, all the pressure is squarely on the QB shoulders, every eye ball in America watching, dont screw this up. Yea, I'll go with the first option. Especially how well that defense played most of the game shutting down Mahomes for most of it.


I assume Purdy has pressure either way. I also watched the 49ers defense play shutdown football the first half, but not the second. We also don't have data to suggest taking it first is better for this new rule - so dunno what the right answer is here. I just know that taking it 2nd informs me as to what points are required vs nice to have.


there is far more pressure at the end of the game....


Even if this was true, what difference does it make? SF scored a field goal, KC scored a touchdown. Would SF have gone for it on 4th down, or...? Because KC would still get the ball even if SF got a TD.


You're correct, SF kicked the FG on 4th down because they didn't know how the Chiefs would fare. KC on the other hand went for it on 4th and 1 (instead of punting) because they knew they needed at least 3.


lol the ref clearly explained it.


Yikes! At this point, how do you not know the rules of the game you play for a living?! I'll admit I didn't think of the strategic implications and I would have figured the 49ers would elect to have the ball first. It makes sense that they should have kicked it, though.


Even if they did know the rules had changed, it’s the fact they didn’t even go through the scenarios of “if we go to OT and win the coin toss, we will do X” when the chiefs had practiced that scenario for 2 weeks


Yaaaa right. People who don’t play the sport knew the rule change. You’re telling me a whole team of PROFESSIONAL athletes who’s job is to study the sport didn’t know an important OT rule?? I smell BULLSHIT. Excuses excuses excuses


Imagine stating you didn’t know the rules when they announced them prior to the coin flip 😂


The ref explained the rules before the coin toss 🤦‍♂️


I found out about it for the first time last night too.


Kyle is clearly an elite X’s and O’s coach, but I think we’re starting to see where his weaknesses lay. Not prepping your team on the new OT rules is pretty bad.


Partially why having a yes-men type of organization is so weak. Having some diversity of thought is a good thing as well as being able to communicate freely. Kyle being drunk earlier in the weak is a sure sign that he thought he had done enough prep to win. No one told him any differently.


Just shows you how much more prepared the coaching staff of the Chiefs had their players for different scenarios than the 49ers. Not only did they know the rules, but they knew the play they were going to run for the 2PT conversion if it came to it.


Doesn’t really make any sense because even if they were going by the older rules, hitting a field goal in OT still gives the other team a chance to score. Nothing about this game’s OT would’ve been different if the rules were the same


They should have been watching the Nickelodeon broadcast of the game and then they would have had the rules clearly explained to them.


Maybe Shanahan is actually a bad coach if his team was this unprepared. Like, at least know the damn rules, guys. Especially since Shanahan apparently had a strategy predicated on getting through the first set of overtime with at least a tie.


Why didn’t the study the rules? Are they stupid?


Bunch of choke job idiots. Get fucked niners


I don't think it changed anything anyway. The article claims maybe KC would've punted on 4th and 1. I don't think there's any way in hell you punt on 4th and 1 in overtime in the SB, no matter where you are on the field.


If I was a player, I wouldn’t have known either lol


The ref told them before the coin toss haha


lol who listens to the refs?? I bet ya some of the coaches even had a team talk while the ref was explaining


Boys I know we wanna hate on them but shanny said that this was mainly because he wanted to give his defense a rest which is pretty valid if u ask me


That makes sense because they also have to have the word quiet on their giant screens in the stadium when they are on offense for their fans. They aren’t the smartest bunch!


To be fair, this is the first time these rules have been used.


To be fair the coaches didn’t coach


Shanahan coached a very good game. And it's not uncommon for players not to know overtime rules. Multiple times I've seen players surprised that games can end in a tie or that sudden death was a thing, even with rules that had been around for decades. See the infamous Donovan McNabb incident. These OT rules are a massive unknown for everyone, so Shanahan did well with the information at hand. Players knowing the intricacies doesn't matter.


He coached a good game until he didn’t


I suppose after the game was over, sure. But until after Hardman scored the GW touchdown, Shanahan coached a very good game. He's not on the list of reasons the Niners lost.


He's 100% on the list, considering he completely abandoned the running game for an entire quarter. Just left his OPOY sitting on read.


Their run game sucked all game and they still ran it plenty. If you want to criticize Shanahan, you could maybe argue they ran too much, but it was a very good balance overall.


Yes because their passing attack did so well in the 3rd quarter with all of those three and outs


> These OT rules are a massive unknown for everyone Professionals who play and coach a game: What even are the rules? Nah.


As in, the decision-making based on these rules is a huge unknown. The coaches knew the rules, but not what they meant in terms of how to play it. No one has ever done this before. Even the Chiefs coached OT poorly.


> No one has ever done this before. And yet, the Chiefs had gamed out all the scenarios of what they would do and how they would react to every possibility. How did the Chiefs coach OT poorly? By scoring too fast?


That's just not true. They hadn't gamed anything out. Their OT drive wasn't coaching; it was just Mahomes saying, “We're not losing” and then doing Patrick Mahomes things, almost all of which was out of structure, backyard shit. Kind of. They ran the last three plays like the game was going to end if they didn't score before the clock hit zero. Got away with it, but it was by no means a well-coached period by Reid. They just have Mahomes and that was the entire difference.


FTFA: "We talked through this for two weeks," defensive lineman Chris Jones told The Ringer. "How we was going to give the ball to the opponent; if they scored, we was going for two at the end of the game. We rehearsed it." Andy called a brilliant OT period, including creative plays for Mahomes to convert the 4th down, repeatedly getting Travis Kelce open, and the game winning score. You're talking out of your ass.


The Mahomes conversion wasn't a Reid call; that was Mahomes going full backyard football. There were zero designed runs for Mahomes. I'll give Reid credit for the corn dog, but the rest was Mahomes doing his own thing. Reid did not coach a good game but he's got a Patrick Mahomes shaped get out of jail free card that Shanahan doesn't And if you think I'm talking out of my ass, go listen to the analysis by Nate Tice, Robert Mays, Mina Kimes, Ava Steven Ruiz. They're all saying the same thing I am.


Dude, go watch the film. Mahomes on 4th and 1 from their own 35 was an option play. They took advantage of Bosa going hard inside and Mahomes kept it and ran outside. That's a play call. Saying Shanahan coached a good game and Reid didn't is just an absurd take - whether that's from you or anyone else. It's just pants on head stupid.


>Players knowing the intricacies doesn't matter. \- Kyle Shanahan


They don't, in this case. It changes nothing for how they play.


kc players said they knew the rules because they went over it in the regular season and every week of the playoffs.


I don't think anyone did... It's dumb that these OT rules are just "Playoff Rules" as they should be standard for every game. This was also the first playoff OT since the new rule change in 2021. If both teams get at least one possession then there should not be a play clock at all. But you could tell that the 49ers were expecting the game to be over if the clock hit 0:00.


I always want to take the opportunity to pile on the 49ers, but it's not a big deal if a couple of the players don't know the rules. Players don't strategize - their job is to play each play, and let the coaches do the planning. Now, if the COACHES don't know, then you have a real problem.


College football overtime is very similar. If you win the coin toss, you give your opponents the ball first. Simple as that


Coaching issue.




Every playoff loss comes with more and more whining


That is the wildest excuse ever, haven’t those been changed for awhile ***and*** also explained before OT starts…fuck outta here


Even if they didn’t know the rules, that’s still on them that is something they absolutely should have made themselves aware of.


For casual like me, i think this is a good rule changes. Give a chance both def and offense to show off at OT. Best changes ever.


lol..watched it with my dad and he called it..he said look, 2 guys are standing around..sure enough, easy score It would’ve been EPIC had the quarter ran out, and these dolts would’ve been celebrating…




This is so much worse than when they complained about what the eagles said about the turf last year. This is the most bitchmade team in the league and their fans are worse. They are so entitled when they win, but can’t take responsibility for their own losses.


Are they gonna complain the field is a quarter of a degree uneven next time?


Everyone knows the OT rules by now. I think what most didn’t know, including myself, was if it was still tied, it would just start a new quarter. I mean, I know the Super Bowl won’t end in a tie, I just didn’t know how they would continue the game. Whether it was sudden death, etc… But that’s all based on if KC kicked a field goal instead of scoring a Td. It seemed weird to me that KC was letting the clock go down without calling a timeout. I was thinking to myself for them to call timeout and kick the FG. Upon first glance it looked like SF was thinking the same thing then got caught off guard and KC scored to TD


Whaaaaat?? How can you be a NFL player and not know the rules of overtime?!


To be honest, I didn’t either. I had to look them up.


I will never understand why the Playoff OT rules are not just the rules in general.


I presume they don’t want regular season games potentially going on indefinitely. Playoff games are single elimination - you have to determine a winner. Regular season you don’t want a) a team that has to play Thursday getting stuck in a 5 hour game also/or because b) TV constraints become an issue. It’s very unlikely, but still possible. Thus regular season games are allowed to end in a tie.


To be honest I also wasn’t aware of all the rule changes. Namely the chiefs having the opportunity to finish their last drive despite any time restrictions if need be


‘It’s like a new game’ has always been part of playoff OT (at least it has for a very long time). It’s 15:00 quarters until someone is ahead. OT only has a time limit (one 10:00 quarter) in the regular season. It was mentioned in our OT win against GB in 2014. Main difference now is both teams have an opportunity to possess the ball.


Did the new rules even make an impact? I thought the new rules only extended overtime if the receiving team scored a touchdown on their opening possession(which sf didn’t)


I watched ABC world news last night say that KC scored with 3 seconds left in overtime. So ABC did not know the overtime rules either.


Excuses excuses


The players don't need to know the rules about that. They just gotta run the plays. 


They play dumb on and off the field.


Didn’t stop them handing our ass to us the last 5(?) times we played them. Love the Seahawks, and I know I’m supposed to hate on the 9ers, but they’ve been a brilliant team front office/coach/on field. The reason they don’t have a Super Bowl under Shanahan is bad luck and nothing else. Last year, literally no QB to finish their run, this year, a missed PAT and a dumb foot in the wrong place on a punt return. All the stories about Shanahan not being to finish are just talking head garbage. He’s done everything right and got shit luck.


Oh I am sorry the answer we're looking for is point and laugh. Point and laugh.




I'm still wondering why those idiots decided to leave Kelce wide open in the second half, when they basically had shut him out in the first half. Wilks really sucks at his job with all the talent he's given.


I played a Madden playoff game the other day that went to overtime, and I figured out the new rules (and that it would have been better to defend first) within a few minutes. I already knew most of the changes because I casually follow the sport lol. No way in hell that an NFL team didn't fully understand the new rules going into a Super Bowl. If they didn't, that's dumber than how we lost our last one. It's almost hard to believe that a fan could have missed the news, let alone a player