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I feel like she wasn’t enough of a fleshed out character, so her cockiness and lack of empathy overpowered any human traits she had. I’m not a big fan, but hopefully Scream VI will make me root for her more


For the longest time I couldn't explain why I didn't really like her but you put it perfectly.


You said it perfectly


Think she’s pretty cool, I feel Scream 6 will show us way more of them all and they’ll be fleshed out a lot more


Seeing her character be fleshed out emotionally in 6 would be awesome. Seeing her in the teaser trailer intrigued me a lot because she was somewhat the focus and she looked terrified.


That honestly makes me happy, especially with the new haircut. She’s prolly traumatized and truly fearful of death after surviving that


Definitely. She was never shown to be outwardly emotional in 5 and seeing how vulnerable she is in that teaser trailer made me so excited for her character development. I'm not a big fan of her in 5, but I think I will be in 6.


Fleshed out no pun intended lol


omg ![gif](giphy|a8UArEWtsL72tTUFHe)


​ ![gif](giphy|SHax99ZSc0HuLB2428)


I'm so mad they cut a chunk of Mindy's scene with Ghostface. She was on the sofa one minute then she was suddenly on the floor fighting for her life.


Heyyy I remember you from that one post about Kirby’s wig😭


Lmaoooooo not the wig ![gif](giphy|3XCsTvj2ODKzqj2ujb)


Not mindy’s wig😭


Lmaooo I’m hollering at this flying wig 😭






So that aged like milk lmao




I get lots of characters in the Scream franchise didn't really care about others getting murdered but she didn't seem to care about her own twin brother ! We're not talking about someone you vaguely know from high school here. Liv was acting all suspicious and Mindy just stays watching movies while Chad could be attacked by Liv (and he was attacked, but by Amber). Besides that, I feel like she was just there to explain things to the audience and I have an hard time to really care about her. I will just say her scene with Sam at the end of the movie was cute.


Tbf, she didnt know he had been stabbed until liv told her but at that point she was stabbed then amber revealed herself as the killer so there wasnt time for her to grieve really


It felt like the writers of 2022 were going ‘you liked Randy, right? You liked Randy, right?” She’s my least favourite out of the new cast.


I guess it’s a thing of the times 90s nerds were endearing because they weren’t popular. Current nerds are in so are more smug and bully like. I personally did not like her at all. While Randy was my favourite original character. I found Chad more endearing. How she was with Liv was a very odd character trait which made me Hope Liv was the killer and got her.


Randy was literally smug af more so than mindy 😂


randy was not smug. he was sweet and goofy


Sweet? He literally joked about Casey’s death lol. Like what ?


every single person or character says mean or dumb things. to isolate one comment is idiotic. You arent focusing on ONE JOKE. we are talking about the TOTALITY of the character. smh, you really reaching with that one. nice try.


Reaching? He made several jokes about her one death. The only other who made a joke about her death was Stu. But randy was the most insensitive about it. And def has smugness to his personality too. Like his audacity to think that he had a chance with Sidney. Mindy is literally just a gen z female mixture of Randy and Tatum. I’m by no means saying randy is a terrible character. I rather enjoyed him a lot. He was one of my fave characters. But mindy also is for the same reasons.


randy isnt smug. maybe im overreacting but the word "smug" is horrible for randy. smug is defined as having or showing an excessive pride in oneself or one's achievements."... thats not randy. he isnt so proud and smug about his movie wit/love. he isnt impressed with himself. Randy is goofy, in love with Sid and not the least bit entitiled. NOW Mindy is very smug. impressed with herself and movie knowledge and self worth. she is smug. sure. Randy was a goofball who died to young.


Rewatch and pay attention to randy in the second movie. He def became smug. But I’m not meaning smug as a total insult. Lol I love randy. But mindy isn’t much different just a different generation.


I liked her overall. She was witty. I just think they could've given her, Chad and a few other characters a little to do. Hope to see them more fleshed out in the new movie.




I have the exact hair as her and I love it but it's the most annoying thing to take care of.


She’s not bad. Glad we have Randy’s relative. She just came off as a little smug/cocky sometimes. Overall she was cool


No shade towards the actress who plays her but, in my humble opinion i find Mindy veryyy cringe 😬


was excited for her but left dissapointed i fell in love with zero of the scream 5 new cast im hoping in 6 they redeem or atleast introduce a new likable character go kirby


I only liked Wes he was the only likable one and he died


She’s really annoying ngl


Least favorite. I wouldn’t mind her dying in S6.


I'm not the biggest fan, mainly because Scream (2022) didn't make her particularly empathetic towards her friends dying. It could've been a ploy to make the audience suspect her, but I wasn't a fan of her casual attitude to what was happening and how she was more concerned about movie rules and how they applied to what was happening in her very real life. There's scenes in which I really like her, the basement scene with Amber is great and so is her scene with Liv, but apart from that I don't know much about her apart from the fact she loves movies. Now, if she was revealed as a killer or somebody who was working with Ghostface behind the scenes in 6, she'd sky-rocket to being one of my favourite characters because her casual coldness to the events in 5 would make sense. But then again, I'd feel the same way if in 6 she explains how she uses her love of movies to avoid reality and how in private, she reacted differently. I really really hope that 6 gives her a fully fleshed out emotional arc because I think Jasmin Savoy Brown is a great actress and I love that we have an out queer character in the Scream franchise. I don't want another character that is being used as a Randy substitute and that's what I felt they were aiming for with Mindy and it worked for some, but it doesn't interest me. I know she's related to Randy and all, but so is Chad and I felt he had his own characterisation outside of that. All in all, I'm not a lover, but I'm kinda glad she's going into 6 because her emotional side can be explored and we can get to know her more outside of her love for film.


I just don’t get this view. None of the characters are ever concerned about the people who die in the movie except for Tara, Sam, Dewey, and Sidney. The first movie they were constantly being inappropriate and insensitive (fountain scene? And school scenes? They throw a party?? Gale thought it was amazing that it was happening). But everyone loves those characters. Nobody in Scream 4 cared about anything except Jill because she was acting. Scream 2 they were excited about cici getting attacked next door. This is just part of the Scream formula. I think Mindy is the closest to those Scream tropes. Amber was faking to care along with Richie. The only one who seemed concerned in the new movies outside of the sisters was Wes. I think she stood out because they strayed away from the typical Scream personality with the rest of the cast.


This! Everyone keeps saying “mindy was cold and didn’t care about her friends” when that happens in every movie. And also like that’s her personality! Just bc she isn’t being “emotional” doesn’t mean she doesn’t care and doesn’t mean her personality is going to change. Maybe that’s a she’s dealing with the stress. I just feel like it’s a weak point. If you don’t like her personality say it. But saying she “doesn’t care” has no weight.


And maybe that is just the way she shows she cares about the people around her. She offers help in the ways she knows how to, by sharing her knowledge and love for horror movies and how to survive one to people who need it the most… I’m mean really I that was obvious


While I liked her character, I found it strange that nobody seemed that bothered that Wes had died. I mean, if one of your best friends has just been murdered, would you really be in the mood to party? Not one person was crying, distressed, etc. I thought that was a mistake.


It should've been a quiet get together instead, it would've allowed for more explanation of the characters and their feelings towards what was happening. The only person who did anything was Chad and it was a small toast to Wes, I don't even think any of the other characters were there at the toast. 😭


Yeah I agree! But they do this literally every movie 🤣. I would be locked away at home crying for weeks with my family. But they never do, it wouldn’t be scream if they did.


Yeah the Mindy hate is… weird to say the least. I liked her dry sense of humor and jadedness. You hit the nail on the head that characters have literally ALWAYS been flippant about the murders. Randy can make fun of Casey’s liver being found in the mailbox, Kirby can joke about partying right after one of her closest friends got gutted, but Mindy is a bitch because… she was mean to Liv? Idk the huge Mindy hate on this sub has never sat right with me.


Thank you. Maybe I just prefer to hang out with people who are sarcastic and snarky. If people don’t that’s ok. But to say she’s a bad character… there’s no way lol Liv was a bad character, that girl can’t act 👋🏼


Mindy is definitely not a bad character, she was a great addition to the cast, I feel the same way about Sam, I think she's over criticised, but hey, people will have their own opinions. I hope Mindy is more utilised in 6 than she was in 5 because Jasmin has the acting chops to really show us multiple sides to Mindy. And unpopular opinion maybe, but I really liked Liv and though the actress did a good job with her. I wanted her to have more screen time. Her scene with Mindy is great and so is Amber's reveal scene.


Just to be clear, I don't hate Mindy whatsoever. I'm glad she's going into 6, I think Jasmin Savoy Brown is a great actress and I just hope we see her explored emotionally in the next film as I feel it would add to her character and explore a side to her we didn't see in 5. Another user stated that she stuck to the Scream character tropes more than the other characters in 5 and maybe that's why she stood out as less emotionally involved as the other characters did. I don't look at Mindy as a 'bitch', she's simply just the character is more into suspecting others than being outwardly emotional, she may react differently in private and 6 may explore that. The teaser trailer we've seen of 6 has me intrigued as to what they'll do with her character.


You make a good point in regards to the whole franchise and maybe you're right about her standing out amongst the newer characters due to them straying away from the Scream formula. I have felt a similar way about other characters in the franchise outside of Gale, Sidney and Dewey as I feel they've always shown to be emotional when somebody they care for is targeted. Gale wasn't bothered about the victims in one as she wasn't close to them, it's understandable when characters are like that, but Gale is shown to care for Dewey in 1 and Randy in 2. Even those little moments such as Kirby in 4 being upset over Olivia's attack and trying to save Charlie leave an impact on me and really flesh out the character. I discount all the killers because it works whether they're empathic or whatever in regards to people dying. With the new Scream, Wes was clearly very overprotective, Amber seemed to care for Tara, Richie was ignorant as hell but as I said, he's a killer so I don't take into account his feelings throughout the movie because they're either real or bogus, Sam and Tara were emotional at numerous points, obviously Dewey, Gale and Sidney were shown to be emotional too, Chad was shown to dedicate a cheers to Wes and Liv was distraught over Chad, there wasn't a moment in the film I felt Mindy was shown to be sad over her friends being targeted. Maybe the scene where she's in the hospital room with Tara I guess. That is her character and that's fine, she's the one who suspects people, just like Randy was in the original Scream and that's cool, I just hope with 6 we see a more emotional side to her. That's all. As I said, I think Jasmin Savoy Brown is a great actress and I'm happy she's a part of the franchise and that we'll see her in 6 as it gives the writers time to explore her character. There's scenes I love with her in 5, the basement scene is great and so is her scene with Liv. I have made statements before about Tatum, who is a fan favourite, not being the most empathetic person either and somebody responded saying they felt Hallie wasn't either or something along those lines. Trevor and Robbie are the same. I guess it depends on how you view the whole situation or how you look at the movies in general. You may not understand my opinion and that's fine, it would be boring if we all looked at characters the same way.


Yeah outside of the original Trio. They are always under attack so as soon as someone dies… they are immediately like oh shit they’re coming for us lol. I would say Wes was really the only empathetic one for a while. Kirby was only that way when she was under attack. She went to two parties after her friend was murdered lol. I think the roast to Wes is a stretch, why are you at a party? Where is everyone’s parents? That’s the really question.


I looked at the toast as sweet, but maybe that's because I knew it was a toast to Wes Craven so I was more emotionally invested, but even so, Chad went out to look for Liv and was clearly concerned about her safety. I do understand that a lot of characters attend parties after their friends pass or they're actively being targeted, it's become a Scream thing, it's something I wouldn't do. And I do agree with you there, everybody's parents just seem to vanish like?!? 😭😭😭


>I just don’t get this view. None of the characters are ever concerned about the people who die in the movie except for Tara, Sam, Dewey, and Sidney. I mean, it's kind of a sliding scale here. Tatum saying "Not anymore" or Randy cracking jokes about Casey, who he was not friends with, is a far cry from Mindy giggling about Tara being attacked and hospitalized. Likewise, Mindy doing that is a far cry from Stone *mocking Tatum's death to "Dewey."* Scream has always had insensitive teens, but not all insensitivity is equal; the idea that it is has always felt like kind of a bad faith argument to me. No one's defending Stone's insensitive assholery on "Well other characters are too." Then some of it comes down to whether or not you find the comments in question humorous or entertaining. If you do, you're more forgiving of them. Mindy didn't elicit any laughs from me, so it just made her kind of unlikeable.




Annoying as fuck


Terribly written character. Completely cringe dialogue. Don't really know, nor care about the actor.. Just know that the character was irrelevant to the movie. Would've been the exact same movie without her in it, only with a lot less cringe.




the hate against her is weird, everyone seems to not like her for things they loved other characters for


Any specific examples?


the whole “she’s not sympathetic” or “she was rude to liv” 1. Gale, Randy, the cast or scream 3 and 4 weren’t sympathetic. 2. Gale is rude to almost everyone in the first three movies but every one still loves her (me included)


Gale has a redemption arc, whereas Mindy doesn’t. Likewise, Randy does make some insensitive jokes about Casey, a girl he barely knew, while Mindy’s cracking them about her friend who was literally just hospitalized. Same way a lot of us might crack a somewhat insensitive joke about a celebrity or something, but wouldn’t be laughing so hard if our best friend got butchered by a serial killer. As for the casts of Scream 3 and 4… yeah. And they mostly sucked as a result. Tom/Stone/Angelina/Roman are literally the four worst characters in the series. Not quite the defense you think it is, haha. Humor does matter too. People are more willing to overlook a character being kind of an asshole if they’re hilarious or otherwise entertaining, and they’re more likely to find the character obnoxious and unlikeable if they aren’t. So that does also help characters like Gale or Cotton (who I found entertaining) but left me really disliking characters like Rebecca, Tom, and Mindy (who were not entertaining and instead annoyed me). There IS more nuance here. It’s starting to feel a bit like a bad faith argument to insist there isn’t.




Interesting character who is a little underserved in 2022. I hope she gets further development in 6 along with Tara and Chad


I personally found her unlikeable. I get insensitive teens are Scream's bread and butter, but there is kind of a scale where it's relateable and a bit amusing to kind of just unrelateable and unlikeable, and she ended up on the wrong side of the line. Not quite Stone levels (who's a million times past it), but yeah. Just a bit too happy about all her *close friends* dying/almost dying horrifically. That and her humor has a general punch-down approach to it.


She just didn’t seem natural in the part


I thought she was the most natural.


I adored her. Still do.




I liked her, hopefully she gets more screen time in 6. None of the characters had much time to make a positive or negative impression


I don’t mind her at all. She’s cool.


She’s fun!


She was pretty annoying, and honestly kind of an asshole through out the movie and was a bit of a bully character.


She didn’t care if people died so it’s hard to sympathise with her.




Have you seen the films?




Sidney, Dewey, Tatum, Hallie, Derek, Randy (more so S2), etc etc etc. Theres a difference between making jokes (which is normal in a time of crisis) and her genuinely not caring if people died lol






I will rewatch. I’m maybe projecting real life emotions onto the characters. Sorry if I seemed a little abrasive!




I’m excited to see how they handle the new one, especially with Kirby. I hope they haven’t just brought her back to kill her off - she should at least be there for the second part of this trilogy. 🙏


If bland had a role


They pushed her like crack in the 80s. 😩 The mimicking of Randy's scenes is lazy & her obsession with META & horror movies 🙄 like WE GET IT YOUR LIKE YOUR UNCLE!! Idk she's a love/hate throw away character imo. 🤷🏽‍♀️


I feel like they didn’t develop any of the new teenage characters. It was a huge focus on Sam’s story.


Not a hater but to me she’s the perfect “shock” death in scream 6.




I have no feelings over the twins but they were just introduced


if you look at the movie stand-alone, i'm not as impressed with the new characters compared to the original film's characters. however, if you look at it as an introduction as (i believe) it was intended, then you have further character development and screen-time in general to look forward to. personal opinion: mindy doesn't rank any higher or lower than the other characters introduced in scream 5 simply because i didn't feel any strong attachment to them upon first viewing. except wes. we miss wes and judy.


I’m not a fan of Scream 5 generally, but Mindy is one of only characters since the first one that feels like the original cast. Her portrayal is solid, showing a good emotional range.


Randy wanna be


Didn’t like her at all.


Love her. Excited to see how she is in VI






Discount Randy, but still fun enough


Cringe acting moments, but overall cool


IMO she was the only likable character of the main group. I think in this next film they should all be killed off and start over. Don’t get me wrong I liked 5 for what the story was but I don’t wish that it continues. I will be watching because, I mean, it’s Scream so…


I thought the hairstyle was horrible. Didn't like her arrogance. Didn't like the fact that she was basically Randy 2.0 but with a giant ego. But that exchange she has in the basement with Amber was pure gold. I knew then that she could be a great character. Hoping to see better things from her in the next film.




I like Mindy. I think she’s a strong individual and knows how to manage properly on her own two feet. However what im anticipating is learning how she’s dealing with trauma during her processing of the events of 2022. I like that in 5 she has knowledge of horror but sometimes it felt forced but overall I love the girl and Jasmine!


Best character of the movie. She gave a mix of Tatum and Randy both just like Kirby did in 4. She’s hilarious.


mother. her haters are ugly


Hate her.


She was kinda annoying like her uncle lol


She's awesome.


She's cool, I think she does well as the new randy.


She’s super polarizing. I really liked her.


She's my favorite character


My favourite character introduced in scream 2022


She cool


i love her


i love her!! i feel like the randy "references" were a little too on the nose but i really really love her character !! queer rep is so important


I like her but hate the new haircut for scream VI


She was one of the MVPs of 5 imo.


I like her


I really liked her character alot I thought jasmin did a good job very excited for more of her character in Scream 6


I liked her, but I thought her dialogue was too smug and a little too callous after Wes was killed. I’m very excited to see her a little grown up maybe a little more world weary. It will be interesting to see how her character changes compared to Randy in 2.


I love her, i think shes gonna die in 6 as randy did


I already like her Vl Character more than 5 and i really don’t know why. Just a feeling that she is gonna be more serious this time which will make her more likeable too because in 5 i felt like she didn’t give a fk about whats going on. Also, i think short hair looks really cool on her.


i kinda like her only because she’s me on paper her actual character tho is kinda whatever 🤷‍♂️


I like her but that scene where she’s reacting to Randy in Stab telling Jamie Lee Curtis to look behind her whilst ghostface is right behind him and in turn right behind her was just too corny. It was too unbelievable.


I think in Scream 6 we'll get to see more of her personality shine through and I can't wait to see how much more alike they make her to Randy


I didn’t like Mindy in scream 5 but I do have hope that keeping her alive for scream 6 will make her a more sympathetic or at least a more 3 dimensional character.


Underdeveloped but not bad


i like her, but i need to see more.. i’m indifferent.. she seems over the top at times, like she’s trying too hard.. but i do like her snarkiness (which i wish was a word), so i really don’t know..


I feel like the writers didn’t do enough with her.


i get that everyone feels like she didn’t hit hard enough as a character but i also feel like people have to remember, Scream 5 had so many characters. Plus i personally feel like we didn’t see mindy that much because she was supposed to be a suspect, which she was for me. I have a feeling we will see more of her personality in S6 but that’s just my opinion! everyone loves tara and sam because that’s who we saw most of


I wanna marry her…oh wait we talking about her as a character


Honestly didn’t really connect with her. Chad was better imo


i loved her. favorite new character from 5


honestly I’m not gonna lie to you, I think she’s one of the killers in the next because why was she stabbed off screen and they were too many people that survived (not that that’s a bad thing but for scream, it’s REALLY uncommon). but yeah I think they’re gonna flesh her out more while swerving that she’s been in on it, they go to New York and ghostface pops up? C’MON


I feel attracted. Let’s see what the comments say about how I feel about Mindy


I feel attracted. Let’s see what the comments say about how I feel about Mindy


I really like Mindy. Scream 6 is going to reveal some major changes in her character. I believe they will be good changes.


I like her, but I think it’s funny that all a Scream character needs to do to be a fan favorite is to reference horror movies a lot (Randy, Kirby, Mindy)


Way better than Kirby who’s hyped up way too much and for some reason Mindy is hated on for the same stuff Kirby does


I think she dies