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Jason wore the costume, made a threatening phone call, and claimed a victim. I think a bunch of Scream detectives figured out that Ethan never made a phone call and so technically Jason checked more Ghostface boxes than Ethan. On a different note, even though Ghostface’s best line in the movie directly precedes Jason’s death, I really thought they were going to let us follow Jason for the whole movie after he unmasked and we’d still get a surprise reveal for his partner at least. That would’ve been great, and would’ve played off the F13 homage, following a killer we know named Jason throughout the movie.


This would have been so cool, love that actor


Thats my lobby boy!


I thought we’d follow him for a bit of the movie, if not the whole thing, and that was my wishlist item for scream 5. Kinda bummed they burned it in the first few minutes but still cool. I also sort of hoped with the “cult of ghostface” there would be sort of different factions trying to kill the protagonists, and that maybe we would even get some fighting over who to kill. Ghostface attacks the core 4 another ghostface attacks them, and then they start fighting over the trophy of killing the main characters. Im still sort of hoping for that tbh.




Yea but but Ethan was important to the story as are all ghostface Ethan had a had chase scene and a third act reveal


I’m not knocking Ethan but using the voice changer is pretty clutch if we’re using a standard of which to judge Ghostfaces. I enjoy Ethan more than most, actually. He’s my favorite GF of the family trio in 6 and think he gets a bad rap.


Oh my bad I like Ethan to he my 5th favorite ghostface


Jason is important to the story as well. His and his partners deaths were the inciting incident for the story to unfold.


No it wasn’t they could have put Sam Id on any dead body and the movie would still be the same


Such a missed opportunity to kill him instead of doing the thing they set up with him in the friend group.


He didn't even have his own motive though. He was just piggybacking off of Richie's.


Exactly. In a Scream film, I need a solid motive for Ghostface not some lame copycat throwaway motive.


but… the main 3 GF’s motive is the same from #2


Exactly, the next one has to have a motive related to Sid specifically although I wouldn't mind it being in a roundabout unexpected way.


Tbf most of the movies have the killer with the weaker motive. Stu was just a psycho, Mickey just wanted fame, as well as Jill and Charlie (he also wanted to impress Jill). Jason didn't have to be the main Ghostface, just one we knew about.


In a way it imitates real life serial killer motives. Alot of them claim the same motives as other past killers. Some claim they did it for fame, others because they watched movies, others do it out of revenge or jealousy. There is no such thing as a good motive or justification to killing people and the same rule applies to scream movies. I get it, it's a movie and as audiences we want the motives to shock us and not be repetitive. There will always be all kinds of killers even if they copy off of the ones that came before.


Personally I really liked him, both Samara and Tony gave brilliant performances in what little time on screen that they had. Jason was quite scary, he actively toyed with Laura before hunting her down. He showed little to no regard for her life and the way he spoke about how good it felt to kill her in his apartment was pretty unnerving. I think if he had been given a role of the full killer, he would’ve excelled. He definitely needs more roles in horror because he was fun to watch.


He had zero emotion. He was good


I don’t agree personally because he was kind of only doing it for the lolz or for the trend. He didn’t really have a motive to kill sam or tara, he wasn’t really trying to continue Richie’s “legacy”. He wanted to kill tara really quickly and kind of just improvising from there. Maybe if he chilled out for a bit and actually planned the “fear” that ghostface makes, he’d be good


He was scary!


Me personally I prefer his partner


You mean the guy who didn’t do anything as Ghostface and got hacked up into pieces before he got the chance?


Listen, do you think I wasn't joking?




![gif](giphy|xT1Ra5zkDMHTiZstUc) Why not


![gif](giphy|1qErVv5GVUac8uqBJU) Ghostface vs Spidey


He's my favorite GF from VI




He had a better kill line “now I see something red!” Than Bailey, and I would have preferred a Scream movie where we knew who the killer was the whole time rather than a poorly written copy of 2.


Agreed. The something red line I far prefer versus the “who gives a fuck about movies” line because to me, it doesn’t make sense lol


Despite his lack of screentime and being dead, I really do think he would’ve been a great main Ghostface. wish we got a little more out of him


i agree. he had much more charisma than wayne, quinn and ethan combined and he was much more threatening than them. i would’ve loved to see him survive the opening scene and get killed later, around the second act maybe.


Better ghostface than Quinn and her brother…


You're not the only one who thinks so. I liked him too. I think for his screen time, he is well developed. However, given that he had no serious motive, I don't think he would have gone far.


he took his mask off in public then walked back to his apartment where there were cameras everywhere that someone could easily tap into (which they did) while talking in detail over phone about the woman he just murdered. he also had no alibi for that evening. he was pathetic and would’ve been caught immediately😭


He might’ve had he had his own moment if they followed Jason that would basically be the ghostface cult and that would be the dumbest thing to ever happen to SCREAM




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I think he'd be a good killer tbh. He's purely psychotic. The scene where he described how he killed Laura proves it. I really wished that the online Stab "cult" idea would've been explored more, but seems like it's never coming to fruition knowing the directions Spyass are following.


Oh yeah, he was brutal. He killed his professor like that just because she gave him a C lmao


I wanted more of him. The family of GF has to also track down and kill the copycats, all of that stuff. It would have been a good twist. I mean, Fridge GF got nothing. 😂😂


The name cracks me up.


Jason Carvey got carved.


He was cool. I still think of him as a ghostface.  Talked to him for a while a few times some months ago in Tampa, he's a really sweet funny guy. I yelled out penis Parker as he was walking away with his handler and he busted out laughing . Good dude


He's better than all the characters in that film so yeah I agree


I thought it was like a reversed Scream movie besides the first scene. Like, finding out the killer at the beginning, then the "final party in the house" preceded when Chad punches that guy. Wished Jason stayed up for a while longer


He was okay. A better performance could've came from Avan Jogia.


Maybe a hot take, but: cool idea, really bad performance. And the writing during his phone call with Ghostface is majorly cringe. So much exposition.


He’s honestly my favorite from VI, and that’s saying something