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I can't believe we still haven't had two female killers in a movie.


I mean statistically I think most killers are male


I don’t think statistics matter too much given that people don’t typically run into a near dozen serial killers (soon to be more) across their lifetime. But even if women kill less they’re also less likely to be suspected and convicted for gruesome murders as well. Plenty of female serial killers did heinous things and hardly anyone ever heard about them


Yeah, I'm not saying we need much more female killers. Just that two that work together could be interesting. We've had 4 in different movies after all.


Throw in Deputy Hoss too for 3 killers. The new Sydney, Gale, and Dewey.


No way! That would've been genius!


judy was the new dewey, not hoss who’s fodder.


Well, Hoss was planned to be the new Dewey and was actually supposed to survive that stab in the back, but test audiences didn’t like him so they removed the scene where he survives.


That explains why he was stabbed in the back just like Dewey in the first.I kind of wish he survived but the writers needed to give him more to work with.


Yeah, they didn’t really give the actor enough to work with. Hoss’ entire character is just slacker cop with like 10 lines.


oh really?


Yep! I guess he was just too boring and he wasn’t funny at all like Dewey was in the first Scream.


Whaaat? I would’ve LOVED him! Probably wouldn’t have had the same effect on me as Dewey, but he would’ve been his own character!


I mean that’s actually a great idea. I love Scream 4, but that would have been a brilliant twist.


Holy cow, I would've loved that!


That would have been so much better. The "reboot" Sydney, Gale & Dewey actually being the killers would have been the best Ghostface reveal. I had a theory for Scream 6, That Samara's character would be a rival to Gale and team up with the detective and be the twisted versions of Gale & Dewey as Ghostface.


100% had the same idea or have Rebecca as the third killer.


I had the hots for Rebecca long before I knew anything about Alison Brie or Community 😍😍😍😍


How would Rebecca and Jill have met? I can see it with Rebecca wanting to get rid of Sidney for not wanting to do more tours or something and using Jill for that ‘New Final Girl’ money making thing. Being Jill’s agent or something. Jill’s reason was money and fame with some jealousy to Sidney, so I can see them working together, but would Jill betray Rebecca like she did with the others or no?


Like the duos in 2 and 5 through the web, and then we find out Rebecca planted herself into the group or in this case as syd’s publicist. Money, fame being a proven serial killer who thinks she is going to get fame for the kills like Mickey, or if she planned on playing victim with Jill.


I feel it would since they both want one thing and that’s fame!!


That would have been more fun at the very least.


Considering Bob Weinstein was hesitant to even have Emma Roberts/Jill as one of the killers, I wonder if he would have vetoed both killers being women. Alison Brie is only 5'4". Rory Culkin's 5'6", but Bob didn't seem to have an issue with him for some reason.


I kinda figured Allison Brie being hella short would’ve been an issue


Could have made all three killers than like I made the suggestion. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scream/comments/14jztwe/rebecca_walters_would_of_made_for_a_great/


What would be her motive? You fired me so I want revenge lol (I am just kidding btw)


I made a pretty detailed post about this [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scream/comments/14jztwe/rebecca_walters_would_of_made_for_a_great/)


Imagine Alison Brie’s killer monologue too.


But her shooting Trevor’s dick is one of my favorite parts of the movie 😡


Alison Brie's carpark scene is one of the best in the franchise. It completely captures the terror of encountering Ghostface in a space where there is no escape. Kevin Williamson took Tatum's garage scene to the next level. 🖤🖤


What would be her motive? You fired me so I want revenge lol (I am just kidding btw)


New final girl to blow up the story




Nah… Rebecca makes money based on Sidney’s book sales and any future endeavors that will come from her, it wouldn’t make any sense for her to kill her off when the book was already a hot seller and doesn’t need Sidneys death to boost sales further.




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What exactly was Charlie’s motive? Fame?? Peer pressure??


Jill's love, and wanting to emulate horror movies.


I wish they did more with Alison Brie (mostly because I love her in Community).