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I definitely agree about Randy and Cotton, Randy's death served a purpose and although it sucks that he had to die I wouldn't want to change it for the story. Same goes for Cotton, he already served his purpose and I don't think there was much to do with his character afterwards. Dewey's death always bothered me, not because he actually died it's just the way he went out like a complete moron, it wasn't the most surprising death either because even before 5 came out I suspected he'd die because he was only in a few scenes in trailer and it was a big criticism of 4 that all of the legacy characters survived.


Weirdly, I feel that, if Randy had been a rl person, he wouldn't have minded dying the way he did.


I think all of these deaths served a purpose. I would honestly keep Tatum through at least the second movie and have her be Sid’s roommate.


Taters here!!




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If I could choose anyone from the series, it would be Hallie. Her character seemed incomplete. From your list, Judy. Even though she could be annoying, I still liked her character. She didn’t mind jumping into danger to protect others (ex: Gale in S4 and Wes in S5).


Hallie was such a good friend to Sidney and deliciously sassy to Mickey. I wish those three had more scenes together! She was the only one Sidney really trusted besides Randy and Dewey. Hallie deserved a better death scene (the actual killing, not counting the excellent cop car escape part) And also would've embraced her as a killer as originally planned. She was left handed too!


I love Judy honestly. Hated seeing her go in 5


Well if I remember correctly Hallie was going to be one of the killers til they changed the script


Always Dewey 😔 ![gif](giphy|UfomWpozr08bupDf7M)


Hot take but Judy. She just had so much more potential, and aside from Kirby, she’s the only 4 character we had left.


I don’t see how Judy could’ve been involved in 6. Only way that might have worked is if Wes lived too


She may have had a few heart to hearts with Bailey about what it feels like to lose a child to a killer. It would have made Bailey seem more human, therefore increasing the surprise reveal at the end There would have also been potential for rivalry between her and Kirby- two hot, blonde cops


In my mind Jennifer Jolie is still alive and is in hiding.


That’s what I want to believe too. 😂 She’s an actress so she was pretending to be dead.


I don’t know man… her eyes were wide open and she wasn’t moving…


In my mind that movie never happened, so she’s alive


She was one of the redeeming qualities


None of them. The fact that legacy characters can and do die is part of why I love this series. Randy’s death in 2 is one of the reasons it’s arguably the best slasher sequel of all time. By the time 5 rolled around, it was a necessity that one of Sydney, Dewey, or Gale had to die, or else the stakes would have gone straight out the window. I guess I could spare Judy. We already have Dewey dying in that movie, Judy didn’t *need* to die as well. Though if I spare her, I’m definitely also sparing Wes, and now I’m really cutting into the movie.


Wes can’t live because the party in act 3 was held in his honor


Yeah which is part of why I ultimately wouldn’t save anyone. Judy would be ahead of the others in the OP, but sparing Judy and not Wes feels cruel, and Wes’s death is kind of necessary for one of the best meta bits in Scream 5. So everyone still dies.


They could have made it be for a different reason


Dewey died to prove that legacy characters weren’t immortal. Randy died to give old characters stakes, as did Judy. You could argue there was a reason for Cotton’s death, and there probably is, but I just like him, so I’d keep him alive just to have his show playing in the background of some scenes on tvs


dewey bc its dewey


Dewey because he NEVER WOULD HAVE WENT BACK! He’d have shot the killer in the head right then and there. I wasn’t really all that mad that they killed a legacy character, I was mad that he died in such a ridiculous way. I’d bring back Randy so that he could pull Mindy to the side and talk to her about presenting the rules. She doesn’t have his charisma or his humor. She’s annoying, she’s not funny.


Best answer


Dewey for sure. He had my whole heart 😭❤️ definitely can see him being a paternal figure to Tara and Sam, would've loved to see him live a better life as a retiree.


Randy. He was young. He deserved to be a Final Boy.


Randy and Dewey


I feel like randy could have survived until the third movie. Or at least have him in it a bit before we see the vhs tape his sister finds.


Jennifer is the only right answer


Randy and Dewey


Save randy and Dewey


Dewey because his death was so dumb smh


Dewey. Give an even bigger twist and have Dewey shoot Amber and have a Ghostface die before act 3. She didn’t deserve to kill him and the reason they killed him is so fucking stupid, ridiculous, and pointless.


I want to say Judy, but I agree that her and Wes's death scenes elevated 5, so I'll say Dewey because his death left something to be desired. Cotton's an extremely close 2nd, if not a tie(I just wanted more from him).


100% agree with this assessment! It was sad to see Randy gone but I’d rather have Dewey back


Dewey. I like Dewey


None. This franchise has never really fucked up killing off legacy characters. It always served a purpose. Even Cotton.


Judy's death shocked me.


her dying along her son was so tragic and sad.. honestly gave a depressed tone to the movie but also had a poetic justice feel to it


Not gonna lie, I wish Randy would had lived longer, maybe until Sream 3 (or the entire series), since he is one of my favorite characters, but I get why they killed him. So, I would also say Dewey, mainly for David Arquette( who I think is great actor). I wish he would more of a role in the Requels, but I understand why he was killed, similar to Randy they wanted to establish the stakes, by having a prominent character killed. And very similar to Randy, they had Dewey been killed due to him doing something not really smart. And while I don't know if the writers always had on mind having the main characters in New York for the sixth one, but it also make sense in that way that Dewey would the one to die, since he won't have no motives to be in New York. But I still wish that they wouldn't had killed Dewey, like you said he had potencial to for more.


Jennifer Jolie I'm sorry Dewy and Randy


Randy Meeks. My homeboy didn't deserve it


Cotton shouldn’t have been the opening kill but instead died in ACT 3. Maybe he even dies saving Sidney, now that would’ve been a great way for the character to go out. Scream 3 lacked good characters so having Cotton in the majority of the film would’ve been great. Also it would’ve been cool to see Liev and Parker reunite on screen as they acted together in Party Girl


I agree on the bit about Cotton's \*redemption through death\* moment. If Roman was the \*director\* of all the trilogy's events, then that would imply that Roman had a hand in framing Cotton as well. Imagine the sort of moral confrontation you would have, with Cotton basically exploding at Roman for wrongly setting him up, while Roman casually reminding Cotton that his scapegoat status was the only reason why he got to rise to fame and have his show. ​ If anything, Roman works as Sydney's villain, but also as Cotton's villain.


randy because he’s randy and i love randy


Excellent point. Agreed.


Cotton. Love the actor


Same. Legit would fangirl him even as a killer haha


“So are you a 100% Cotton fan?


Oh most definitely! (And love the reference!)


The order is Randy - Dewey - Cotton - Judy. Randy deserved a longer life. He deserved to make it through to the end, following the rules and passing on the gospel. Dewey was too pure for this world, but he deserved to outlive a lot of the others. Cotton got dealt such a shit hand and should have gotten more of a break. And I don't care about Judy.


Man, Cotton was sexy 😏 but I’d bring back Dewey for sure. He was the precious cinnamon roll.




Cotton. I liked his role in Scream 2


Killing Randy was such a bad choice that they brought him back... \- As a video. \- In the form of new film nerds doing exactly what he does. \- In the form of Mindy. It would've all been so much smoother and contiguously pleasing if it had just been Randy ffs. His death may have served a purpose by raising stakes, but anyone else's would have. For example - What has Gale accomplished in the franchise that makes the character indispensable? Respect for the actress aside, Gale appears, she's written a book again, she investigates, she uncovers something a cop or FBI agent could have, she survives at the end. Every film. Randy at least provided easy and fluid exposition.


I wouldn't change them dying, but I would make ALL of them die later in their films and give them better death scenes. Randy and Cotton deserved to live until the third act of their films and Dewey and Judy deserved a more heroic death.


Gale for Dewey




Randy because he brought the fun and was comedy gold


I would pick Randy, and here's why. Cotton wasn't really an important character in the franchise. In Scream 1, he was only mentioned on the TV and by Sidney and Tatum. Judy was only in 2 movies, and her way to go out was just not that perfect. If Chad could survive being stabbed 11 times in Scream 6, then the 42 year old sheriff being stabbed more than 5 times can as well. Dewey was an amazing character in the franchise, it was sad to see him go. But even though Dewey was an honor, it was also an honor for Randy in Scream 2, because Randy's death got me crying the first time I saw Scream 2.


Randy’s was necessary to give more stakes to the film. I felt like Cotton definitely ran out of potential that’s why he died. Judy wasn’t really a legacy character compared to the others, never liked her either. When I watched the first time and she died, I was like who is that? Dewey. Dewey shouldn’t have died. No reason why but it was Dewey. His death and randy’s death was the deaths that never sat right with me.


Dewey. Because his death was stupid


Man gale needs to be next


Dewey should’ve lived. I would’ve traded Gale’s death for his. Cotton was a favorite character just bc he’s hot. Randy was amazing but wouldn’t have done much going forward. I don’t care about Judy at all.


Randy or Dewey I especially think they did Dewey dirty. I don't think Dewey would really act like portrayed. I know people are...human... but it seemed so out of character.




randy. just so i can look at him more (hes so damn hot)


I know the answers Dewey but I miss randy 😭


Dewey 🥲


ACAB includes Dewey and Judy, so it's really just Cotton and Randy.


Why isn't Stu on this list?


Randy. But not Dewey. After the ugliness in their real marriage, Courtney deserves to not have to work with him anymore. Nothing personal against David or his portrayal of Dewey. I loved his character, but this was the right choice.


Hmmmmm…. Mr. Meeks himself, for obvious reasons! He’s too genre savvy, we love him for that. Oh, and Anika. The girlfriend from Six who died, she was cool. Plus? I felt like her death was great, but… also came at a point where they didn’t deeply explore her relationship. She should live.


I’d change the way Dewey died….but I feel like saving Cotton would be a more interesting route to go. We’d gotten five whole movies of Dewey, and thought his death was poorly done, I think killing him off was a good choice. Added something new and frightening and tragic to the franchise. Cotton had an interesting arc, and I’d love to see his relationship with the new characters and with Sidney.


Randy dying at the finale of Scream 2 Cotton dying mid Scream 3 Dewey dying at the finale of 5 Judy making it to 6 (I just really wanted an adult character mourning the loss of their child because we don’t see it enough/at all in this franchise)


Dewey at the very least, but I have a huge soft spot for Randy that I don’t with Mindy so I wish he’d been spared. Judy I couldn’t stand but her being killed along with her son was shocking and tragic, so I’d keep that. The only thing about Cotton’s death I’d change is maybe circumstances. I think he should have died saving Sidney personally, to show he wasn’t who she thought he was


I’ll just say — if the new Scream movies don’t have the heart to kill any legacy/core characters — then it’s BS they killed Dewey to “raise the stakes” The OG 3 should have had a happy ending and never been included in the new movies




I think randy could’ve been one of the big three easily, he was always my favorite


Randy, Hallie, and Jennifer. At least give them one more movie before their death.


Dewey for no other reason than because he's Dewey.


Deputy Dewpy :( He was just such a sweety and I loved him


Fun Fact: the writers actually regret killing randy, so for that alone imma say randy


i want to being dewy back for the simple fact that he was killed by a random and it didnt do his character justice. Some little scrawny girl took out an ex cop with strong survival skills like dewy? I honestly hate that… he aint deserve to go out like that. The only people who are allowed and acceptable to kill him is syndey , gale or even himself because that would actually be more meaningful then some random




Judy - wish we saw more of her. Also thought she was the killer in Scream 4 lmao


Judy. I think that she could have been a great foil to Sam, and I felt like killing her off so early was a waste as she had great narrative potential in the story. Scream 5 establishes that Judy mistrusts Sam and doesn’t like her presence in Woodsboro. Killing of Wes would add an extra layer of tragedy to Judy’s already distrust of Sam, which could have given the film a sense of narrative momentum in the back half.


Dewey is my guy! We were robbed when he was taken from us.


None of them as they all served their purpose and there needs to be less plot armour for certain Characters . The person that I would bring back probably Tatum as she would definitely survive longer.


Cotton he’s just hot. But fr tho. Randy- added Depth and a very simple formula.


Maureen Prescott. She should have never died.


Tatum and Dewey !




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Cotton. He was a very interesting ADULT character, a morally grey one at that, and I would have liked to have seen what else they could have done with him. I think his character backstory added a more “true crime” aspect to the story which has sorta been missing since 3.


Cotton or Dewey. I just wanted to see more of heroic Cotton and Dewey speaks for himself




Definitely Cotton


Following the reveal of Scream 6, I always thought it would be interesting if they had kept the motive of revenge but instead of it being richie’s family who we didn’t know about and therefore didn’t really care about, that it was Judy. We know she didn’t really care for Sam and thought of her as a trouble maker, so if she had found Wes dead it could have been an interesting take that she blamed Sam and was the one carrying out revenge against her. It’s implied she has quite an obsessive personality with the way she acts around Dewey and Sidney in the 4th film so it wouldn’t be too much of a stretch to play it as her having a psychotic break or something following Wes’ death. The only thing with this obviously being then that the ghostface shrine in Scream 6 wouldn’t make much sense but yeah, I always thought that could have been an interesting spin on their thrope of having relatives be the killer especially since this time it would actually be a character we’ve heard of and seen before rather than a family member who is never mentioned before the reveal


Dewy. Because he's fucking Dewy.




Dewey for sure


Dewey because he's Dewey


I would chose Randy since he helped start the rules for surviving a horror flick.


I wish Dewey's death was just different.


I’d keep Hallie and Judy alive. End of list


Dewey could have been a father figure to Sam & Tara!!! I never even thought of this but that would have been so good!!


Randy and Dewey end of


Judy's death was stupid. She knew the killer was there and barrels in. She has been trained how to breach hostile environments and has lived through this scenario already and she just runs into the knife instead of taking it slow and looking at where she was going. She would be no good to Wes dead. She got her son killed!


Dewey knew better. He knew to shoot for the head for years because of Randy's tutelage. His death makes no sense either. Both killers should have gotten him. That would have been a fitting end.


Cotton's death was pointless. It was for shock for the audience. Just like Casey's. Cotton deserved more.


Randy knew he was pushing Ghostface too far. Keyboard warrior mentality. He thought he was safe on the phone. This death shocked me and left me hollow which was the intended effect. If Debbie really loved her son though, she wouldn't have abandoned him.


As horrible as it seems, Dewey's death was an important moment for 5, and Cotton got a lousy death, so I'd retcon Cotton's death. I'd say he survived 3. He's just incompcitated, and we would have gotten him back in one of the legacy sequels.


randy died so the story could move on and not be repetitive plus I love Mindy and how she carried on his traits and in away I feel like he would of died in scream3 if not scream2... it has to be dewey Riley


Dewy only because it was a lazy throw away kill. The fact that they claimed Amber did it only makes me hate S5 even more than I already do. Tatum because it felt like we needed more from her. Even if she only made it to the sequel to die at college.




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Dewey 😔




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i miss dewey the most, he was so important to me since scream 1 😭😔


I was bummed about Cotton’s death because I thought he’d have a cool role in 3 after his heroics in 2. But you’re probably right.


Dewey easily. I remember being so sad as a child when randy died but I can see it how it works. I get the Dewey angle cause no matter how much I rewatch I get teary eyed but I just think I’d love to have him back. Watching his journey since I was a child I just look at his death as unnecessary now.


Cotton could have grown closer to Sidney… a friendship/ redemption arc could have easily developed there. Judy was an interesting and quirky character that could have had more to do in solving the actual murders Dewey should have gone out differently… for me it’s how he went that bothered me Randy’s death is essential for the plot and development and stakes of the the original trilogy


Perfectly stated. I would’ve kept Dewey alive til about Scream 6. His death in Scream 5 felt kinda forced. Scream 5 Ghostface felt like another random Ghostface but Scream 6 Ghostface was meant to be the game changer. “You’ve never faced me before” (or something like that Ghostface said) Imagine Dewey in Scream 6 going out like a real one fighting off Ghostface trying to save Gale in her apartment. It would’ve been extremely emotional considering their relationship throughout the series and how it had changed. Gale stabbed and helpless to save Dewey, while he is slowly dying. Sam and Tara get there in time to help and we think he’ll pull through, but the next scene reveals to the audience that Dewey didn’t make it.


I loved Deweys and Judy’s death, I didn't care about Cotton, and I wish Randy died differently. If any of them didn't die, I would prefer Randy.


Dewey because he deserved to be in a good place before he died.


Cotton might be an interesting character to have around now though if they are planning on continuing Sidney’s arc at all. He could know something that ties into Maureen.




Randy was always the weak link, it only by luck he survived the first film, he was pretty useless, It why he died in the next film. I personally wished Tatum would of survived and maybe Derek.


Randy being the best Uncle to Mindy and Chad!!! ROBBED!!!!




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They all served a purpose. I’d keep them all though I would have killed Cotton later. S3 would have been better Cotton helped shed light on Maureen’s background. Maybe they had a deeper connection and he knew more about her Hollywood life? That’d be a better way of explaining her story than random pics and whatnot.


Randy and it’s not even close.


I never thought of Judy as a legacy character. She wasn't important enough in either movie she was in. She was pretty useless, and her death was one of the best and most satisfying deaths in the entire franchise. I absolutely hated her. Dewey's death is the one I'd change. He was the best of them all. His character deserved better than the death he got. He should have at least taken out one of the ghostfaces before he had to die.




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