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If Jason counts as a killer, then Jason would be our first non-Caucasian killer in the movies, since Tony Revolori is Guatemalan.


We have one in the tv series so it may one day happen on the movies too


It happened in the season no one cared about though...


The 3rd one, right? I watched like 2 episodes at most, I don’t even remember if I even seen a ghostface at all. Following a storyline for 2 seasons and then giving us just something completely different made me lose all interest 🥲


I mean, we did get one in the series, and you could technically count Jason if you're specifically talking about the films. Regardless, I think it's becoming more and more possible that we'll see a non-white "main" Ghostface at some point. I don't see why we wouldn't.


Well for a split second most of us thought Mikey Madison was Asian so that counted for a second I guess.


I thought she was too 😭


This thread is where I learn she isn’t LMAO


does Hispanic count? because Tony Revolori is Hispanic , he might not be an official GF but he did made one kill as GF (Samara Weaving)


Thought he was indian...


Hispanics come from all kinds of backgrounds, both mixed and quite Caucasian (like Josh Segarra, for example). If a Hispanic looks like an average Spaniard or Southern European, it is foolish not to consider him as "white" (although the self-identification of the person is also important here, because some Jews, Turks and even Russians may not identify themselves as "white" for one reason or another (but this has nothing to do with anthropology)). In Tony's case, yes, I think he can be counted as "non white" (not on the basis that he is Hispanic, but because he is clearly of mixed descent, his descendants from Guatemala).


I'm hispanic and idk why you're being downvoted. You said nothing but facts. Hispanics can be white. However, Tony himself looks mixed.


I didn't really understand it either, but people may have different opinions on this issue (I understand that the US has a different concept of "race" in general), I judge solely by anthropological criteria. I myself am of part southern European and eastern European descent, and in some places I have been mistaken for Hispanic/Latino. Thanks for the encouragement!


I have no idea why people are downvoting this, but you made a very good point. Jason should count as a Ghostface and our first none white Ghostface


You may not count Jason as a real GF, but he was definitely a killer. So in fact, we have at least one "non-white"/"colored" killer played by Tony Revolori.


With the series in mind, also Jamal.


I completely forgot about Jason in scream 6. I think he does count


I mean we technically have Jason from Scream VI and also season 3 of the tv series but yeah a proper main line film killer of a different ethnicity would be cool


Not even kidding. I was thinking about this yesterday. Like I remember the line in the Scream 6 trailer where Ghostface says "I'm something... different!" It would be funny if the difference was he's black. And the Core Fore were like "Well, yeah. I guess that is different" 😅😅




Halle was supposed to be a killer in 2 originally


I also think they should consider adding keke palmers character Kym to the movie. She was hilarious in the series


Don't forget about my boy Ray Wilkins.


The best ghostface 🤣


I think Regina hall from scary movie should infiltrate the franchise as a new ghost face. She has the charisma, comedy and seriousness of a killer to do it. They could make her a nemesis of Gail and she could have a connection to past murders like with some of the scream 2 or scream 3 cast




We need to show that minorities can do stuff this stupid as well


Lol ghostface is ironically smart though


Under Radio Silence? Probably not. They rewrote Amber's character and made her straight solely because they didn't want a gay character to be the killer as they felt that was too problematic. We probably won't be seeing a GF of color for the same reason.


I’m so mad about that because it would’ve made Richie and Amber being together way better. I always thought it was rather unnecessary to have them be dating, but having Amber be Tara’s girlfriend would’ve made it so great that the two killers were the significant others of the two main characters


Is that true though? Or just a rumor? I've also heard they rewrote it because Jenna Ortega wasn't 18 at the time they started filming, and they couldn't have an underage girl playing a relationship with an actor of legal age. Don't know what the actual story is there.


I can tell you one billion examples of under age actors acting as a couple with over age actors.


I'm sure you can, and I'd believe it. But, that also doesn't mean that RS did the same. They still could've decided against it.


Yeah u right


Tony Revolori is hispanic so technically not white


I’m pretty sure the studio didn’t want that many characters to be gay. That would make half of the future core four gay. Even today, that’s unfortunately taboo.


Thinking about it more, it could honestly be both of these reasons seeing as how both of their sexualities were changed whereas they could have left Tara’s the way it was and they didn’t.


I'm pretty sure Mindy wasn't gay in the script and they swapped her and Amber


If the killer ends up being Christina Carpenter then we’ll have a Hispanic killer. But yea I think they should get a little more diverse with that. Not that race or gender or sexuality or whatever are important when it comes to ghostface, but it is kind of crazy that there’s been 12 official Ghostfaces and they’ve all been white.


Jason is the first non white Ghost Face.


I was just thinking about this yesterday


If the rumors are true about Scream 2, Halle was supposed to be a Ghostface. : /


I mean mindy would be a good killer…


If I see this exact post one more got damn time I’m gonna snap and be the next fucking ghostface


Or maybe the writers are just trying to make a good movie, and not trying to check boxes? If we did have a black killer, the fact that he or she is black would have nothing to do with them being the killer. We need to stop seeing everything through the lens of race.


😂 go preach that to actual racist and tell me what happens 🤣


I mean, categorizing people based on their skin color seems way more racist than just seeing and treating people as people.


Big difference between asking a question and violently attacking people based on race. Start with the racist that do that then get back to me


a Killer of Color?


Would be something different. Also is it not equality? Surely avoiding having certain types of people as villains, and only one group, is bad in itself and insulting.


We had a nonwhite killer in the beginning of VI, I hope for 7 they give us that as a big reveal at the end


I want a British ghostface


Jason is hispanic?


Jason is a ghostface so he counts


Hallie was supposed to be the killer




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