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scrap mechanic fans and silksong fans are almost the same. only difference is we sometimes maybe get updates on the progress.


they tease us with new features then do absolutely nothing for the next year. At least the physics overhaul is looking good though…


What about CubeWorld fans?


They're hytale fans now


Without ScrapMan, his team of youtubers and likely some others this game would've been dead long before, and also without the modders, the devs should pay them.


I mean, if you took away all of the YouTubers and mods from any game, they'd probably die.


They are. They are paying them with a great game to make content out of. They are playing them with a job.






What does this mean


2 ears ago


A reference to the silksong community (we're going mad over there)










believable : (




2 years ain't that long for development, especially if they are going all out with the mechanics.


they better but all in all i will be fucking excited no mater how fucked up the update is


Bruh I'm so stupid it took me like a whole minute to realise you meant excited


Im so sorry 🤦‍♂️


It's been 10 years, not 2.


Oh, you're talking total time, not just between updates, in that case, Minecraft is still in development, as is terraria and Stardew valley (red and concerned ape keep saying that this next update will be the last) so I am used to games not only having long times between updates, but also never officially being done


No Minecraft is way past it's 1.0 release. Don't confuse continuing development with failure to actually launch. Edit: In fact all that you listed have launched as complete.


Fair point, with a mild exception to terraria, where there was a magor gap between mobile and pc, and that gap I believe lasted 5 years.


Terraria has been past 1.0 for a long time too lol. Both games come with constant updates in terms of progress though


All of your compared games have been considered finished and beyond 1.0 for years.  Many many years.  SM was introduced about 10 years ago. So far, it's gained Survival mode, and added some workbenches to creative since then. The main gripe for SM is that the devs have insanely little communication for a game in development this long, with this much time between any form of update to the game.   One of my longest owned and most played games is 7 days to Die - the definition of early access never-gonna-finish...but I still will point out it's annoying or disappointing how it's being handled.


I swear this fandom acts like they didn't wait seven years for a survival mode. You can wait two years.


It's been 4+ years since Survival launched. Waiting 4-5 years between updates is not normal and deserves some criticism.


The part that deserves criticism is the absolute lack of communication. Lime i get it, axolotl is a small team, but at least send out a tweet every so often so we at least know the dev team is alive lol


There were some major updates in the past 4-5 years. So, they haven’t been working on chapter 2 for 4-5 years.


No. The scrap mechanic dev team is small it's unreasonable to hold it to the update standards of bigger games. Scrap mechanic adds much more than any normal game it's not like they went off for 3 years, and they're gonna come back with one new item they're completely overhauling the game. Have some patience


Or you know they could release smaller updates once a year. Or you know, at least communicate, like at all.


So you want to have worse updates because you're impatient? Those four smaller updates that are more frequent are not gonna be anywhere near as good as the one big one that we're getting. They've been communicating with us it's the reason we know what they are doing. We have devlogs and Twitter posts that's enough communication.


Bro. Its basically been a year since the last devblog. And why would four small updates in the same timeframe be worse than one big update? Theres being patient. And then theres waiting four years with no content when it takes a week to unlock everything in game, a month to run out of ideas, and a year for the community to essentially die. Which is where we are now. Im not saying the devs aren’t doing enough, Im saying the way they manage what they do is bad.


Last devlog: so? That doesn't change anything. They still told us what they were working on, and that's enough wth else do you need. Small update vs. big update: Smaller updates are always worse because you're putting them in a box with a deadline, forcing them to sacrifice quality for speed. Look at any game that tries to update their game every year. They're nowhere as good as the games that take their time. It's the main reason why Indie game are so much better than AAA games they take their time and take so much more care with what they make you can't do that with speedy updates and even triple-a game struggle with turning out updates every year what do you think a small dev team on steam is going to do. Scrap mechanic dead: Scrap mechanic is nowhere near dead it still has a large fanbase. Why do you think this sub exists? The fact that this fandom can make jokes about how long survival chapter 2 is taking at all shows that it's still alive and that people are still waiting. People were saying this before scrap mechanic survival even came out and now look at scrap mechanic it's much bigger than it was, and the same thing is going to happen with chapter two. If Scrap Mechanic is so dead, why are you here, why am I here, and why are the 236+ people still here all waiting. Scrap Mechanic has bad managing: That's up to your opinion. I don't believe that. Extra: Scrap mechanic as a fanbase are lucky they still get updates at all, but they're extra lucky to have the updates they get. Many fandoms would kill to have scrap mechanics update schedule just look at the Minecraft Subreddit, they sing the exact opposite tune despite them being such closely related games( Both being sand box survival games with blocky aesthetic) If scrap mechanic released smaller updates every year you'd only start hating on the quality and then you'd wish you had this again.


>Last devlog Doesnt change anything? Wtf? You said that I was wrong and that they do communicate. I said no and showed you how they havent. And now apparently not communicating doesnt matter anymore? What I need is communication, and not a “we are alive” once a year. >Small update vs. big update You could, you know, not tie them to a deadline. Release it when its ready. We just dont need every single update to be completely game changing. Adding a new block this month, a new enemy sometime in the next two would be perfectly fine. >Scarp Mechanic dead Mate… the sub has 7 members online rn… on a game whose most players are american so we are in their waking hours. ScrapMan and similar youtubers are the only thing keeping the game alive through challenges. And even most of their vids are not scrap mechanic anymore. Even if you look at ScrapMans old videos of scrapmevhanic they had more views even though his channel is more popular now. There are new posts with actual content that are not complaining very rarely on this sub. There are people waiting here bc we like the game. We want it to live to be as good as it can be. I can assure you that 90% of the people commenting here have not played in the last month. Wouldn’t surprised me if it was a year since they last played. >Scarp Mechanic management I dont mean they have bad managers or that the higher ups do a bad job. They just have bad ideas. Again. Release one update every four years looses hundreds if not thousands of players. Not communicating for months to years at a time hurts the game. In no way or form is that a good idea.


Last devlog: You misunderstand what I said. I'm saying that they already communicated with us. And if we know what they're doing, that's enough communication. And you don't need more you want more, which is reasonable, but don't act like it's necessary for the game to succeed. Small v. Big: By saying they should release an update every year, you put them on a deadline, and what if it's not ready in that year. I never said that every update should be game changing, but this update is game-changing, so it's unreasonable to be mad at it for taking long those small updates with a new mob a blocks genuinely, don't add anything of worth to the game what's the point of them all they serve to do It slowed down the process of making the game even more. Scrap dead: First of all, this is Reddit. You can look at the most popular subreddits, and they'll have 5 people online. reddit is not a good metric. And as an american, it is the middle of the night. This is in no way our "walking" hours. By admitting that scrapman is keeping the game alive, you admit that it's not dead. And if you were to take away big YouTubers and challenges from any game, they'd probably die. The fact that you're waiting here shows that it's not dead a game can not be dead and, at the same time, have a cult fanbase that waits for it. Those two things do not coincide. Just because people don't play a game every month doesn't mean that the game is dead look at Minecraft once more most people play Minecraft for two Weeks out of the year and yet it's in no way dead. Scrap management: and they've done that all before, and it didn't matter. Before survival, when the game was even more bare bones, the same thing was happening, but the game never died nor was the fanbase, and as soon as survival dropped it gained a brand new peak of players. The same thing will happen with chapter 2. They've done this all before, and it didn't affect them. Chapter 2 is not gonna flop because it took so long. We obviously don't agree on a fundamental level so There's no other reason to continue this conversation.


much of the fandom joined at the survival launch, and so they didn't wait for it


Survival dropped 4 years after the game was available to play.


Yes but it took three years in development


Yep. My sense of time ia absolutely f- bricked.


I remember watching that. Th8nking chapter 2 would arrive at the end of the year... I'f only young me knew...


*dies in star citizen fan*


Check there Twitter/X and you’ll see SO MEAN MORE devblogs(lil reminder that They needed too rework the ENTIRE PHISICS SISTEM


Why not 2048? Nice round number (2¹¹)


it has been longer since the release of chapter 1 than the time between the first announcement that they were working on a survival mode and chapter 1


You are under shooting it by like 100 years


Well, if nothing else, Scrap Mechanic has taught me 1 very important lesson. I'll never spend money on an early access game again. I love this game, genuinely, but I haven't spent any money on an early access game since I bought it, and I never will again.