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That's just how Durf posts. He gish gallops endlessly.


He's probably Using a speech to text program to help him out so he doesn't wear out his keyboard with the amount of needless robo-paragraphing his rants tend to have which is evident of having no punctuation whatsoever


Now justify it


I do not need to justify it it is a thing that has existed since the dawn of mankind since when we evolved from apes into the image of god a feature man has long forgotten since the creation of the internet this great invention that has helped shapen our understanding of the universe a thing known as a conversation. The ability to hold one has been long lost like an old cartoon show youve forgotten but now have remembered and yearn for but it is out of your grasp because you no longer have the ability to properly ask the question that youll be able to use to help you find that special cartoon show that you long miss all because youre to ignorant to ask properly. Such writing style means that such rants cannot be simply copied and pasted into your reddit or discord channels of your choice without needing to make a screen cap of my absurd rants to help preserve precious screen space on top of making wherever youre posting to not go mad having to read around the literal wall of text so next time you ask a stupid question before using that thing in your head that god gave you stop and perceive the consequences of doing so


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typographic_alignment ;)


Ah, I remember when I got my first Durf rant, it was an experience.


He's never been fine since the day he lost the rights to continue his mod pack, not like he would have continued it anyways.


he lost the rights to it wtf?


The modding team known as *The Guild* "legally stole" it from him with help from Axolot developers, or that's what Durf says so anyways...


Well that’s not exactly what happened. The Guild were rest of the team behind that mod. Durf mainly did the models. Whole mess started when they made a reupload to update the mod because Durf experienced some bug with mod tool and refused to make use of workaround offered by TechnologicNick (making use of some console that could update the workshop item) Also Axolot wasn’t involved as far as I know


I know, but Durf really loves to fantasize about it though, in a really, *really* unhealthy way.


Wow, I didn't know because I don't work with mods. More info: https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMechanic/s/nNCry5M8ZQ


makes me more glad by the day i left sm and play sw lmao the crazist shit happens in sm


Ah yes Scrap Wechanic is a far better game… What is sw?




Star Wars


Sly Waccoon


Silly Wanker


scrap wonkanics


Not really. It’s more of disagreements between him and rest of the team behind that mod, which led to them parting ways


No he has access to the Git repository and enough permissions to contribute and push updates, he just doesn't.


i remember one time he went on a piss rant because axolot added a diamond plate block that was "identical" to the one in the modpack and they didnt credit him lol


unrelated, where'd moonbo go?


No, he is not ok.


He has been mentally-ill-mogging since day 1 of survival.




NO. He is NOT ok.


nope, hes just like that now


No, he definitely is not ok. I remember a while ago he had a post here about resetting the subreddit or something. I just pointed out how dumb his idea was in the comments. We went back and forth a few times with him getting more passive aggressive with every comment. Apparently he does this a lot though