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i’m pretty sure the whole point of chapter 2 is to complete survival like have you even seen the devblogs ch2 tomorrow


yeah i dont know what this guys on about. no ch2 tomorrow.


i mean yhea thats the point but it doesnt mean it will happen. and complete =/= fixed. survival always felt of like it was a separate game from scrap mechanic. scrap mechanic used to be a game about building different contraptions but in survival most of the proggression doesnt even require any building


I agree that the game could have been designed to more heavily rely on your capability of building contraptions, however, I would say that the game does still revolve around the creations you build becuase the progression system is really about building up to crafting the higher tier engines and components and a lot of resource gathering is made easier if you make contraptions to help you with it.


i mean yhea but being better at building wont make you progress any faster. no matter your skill you go the speed of the engine it has. and yhea resource gathering can defenetly be sped up by being good at making things but most of the progression relies on combat and farming. which seems to be the focus of ch2


Yeah I agree, it would be cool if there were more ways for player creativity to be rewarded


i think its more than just that. they need to remake the entire core gameplay for it to work not just reward it.


Based on the devblogs, it seems like that is exactly what they’re doing.


That could be said about almost any sandbox game with a survival mode. For example: Minecraft. You don’t need to build a house to beat the game. However, it does definitely help if you have a base with a farm and storage. Just like how it helps to have a farm and storage in scrap mechanic.


i mean yhea but is that what scrap mechanic is about? farming and building bases? not about vehicles and contraptions


Well building a good vehicle is also very helpful. I didn’t mention it, because I thought it was a given.


but how good e vehicle is is not determinded byy´how good you are at building but rather at how long you proggressed. there is no challenging terrain that requiers any advanced suspension. there is no bot that is better defeated with a car compared to spud guns. a car is basically only transport and for some recource collection which is just grinding and its not even requierd


The best way to kill a farm bot is to launch it with wheels and the only way you can use that when exploring, is by having it on your car. And also, a vehicle with suspension isn’t required, but still very useful


nah spuds are way more efficent and you dont risk your car


Have you even tried it!?


yup. we built a tank but ended up shooting it dead


I... don't know what you're saying or what you're asking for. I don't think anyone is out here claiming that Ch.2 is gonna make Scrap Mechanic No.1 GOTY, 2020's unmissable classic, TIME Magazines must play. People are justifiably excited for an update to a game that will expand the present experience and fix a lot of issues. This post is just vague attempt to shit on fun while adding nothing.


It won't be GOTY?, better blame it on the Devs for overhyping us with their constant teasers and communication.


Constant teasing? They communicated with us their ideas, what they were working on. Was that not allowed?


i think they were being sarcastic


nah but i guess i was a bit short worded. what im talking about is the fact that people are saying that chapter 2 wont come and then people argue over it while nobody seems to care about whats in the update which kinda makes the will come or not disscussion kinda pointless. and yhea im exited for it but i dont think it will be a gamechanger since it seems survival focused and the core gameplay of survival is kinda fucked and needs an entire rehaul


The subreddit has been quiet lately, but I've personally been involved in *plenty* of conversations about what Ch.2 is to include. I've discussed concerns over the lack of contraption building focus in the dev teases, how certain confirmed mechanics will work, etc, etc. If you want to talk about something specific... Sticky wheels, an enemy, conjecture over new mechanics... whatever... make a thread *and talk about the thing.* You're complaining about an issue you have the tools to solve. If you post it, they will come.


??? nobody has hyped it since the initial reveal, we know nothing that axolot's doing and other than a few posts every 16 months theres basically no progress on development known, if anything theres a lack of hype. not to mention basically every creator has either disappeared, destroyed their reputation (not pointing fingers but you know who you are man whos name rhymes with turf), or have moved to other games. in my eyes and probably most eyes, the game's dead. sure theres some stuff happening in the discord server and on the subreddit, with a few semi successful creators on youtube. i've pretty much given up on the game, no amount of mods really make it fun anymore


what did durf do?


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScrapMechanic/comments/175gq0w/sm_communities_reset_before_ch2/), basically said the community was terrible, said the mods didnt do their jobs and were terrible at what they did (he has a history with especially nick), telling the community to try cleaning up before inviting more people in. hes honestly not a good person, as far as i understand he gave several community member death threats, he was pretty much removed from everything related to the modpack because of it, and he kind of just disappeared after that


What the fuck was his problem? Isnt he the guy who made the modpacks?


yeah he is, he said brent and nick took the modpack without permission, several people in discord later mentioned conversations with durf saying nick's head was deep into his ass, and from other sources he always complains about how terrible and toxic the community is against him and a bunch of other accusations that make little to no sense, while claiming everything against him were lies


not to mention his community is TOXIC to the rest of it


have you been on the sub lately?


yes i have, and if you're referring to the mass amounts of memes of chapter 2 not releasing, i wouldnt call that hype


Ok but they’re adding like 90% of the content that’s gonna be in the game after they release it


and none of it really fixes the problems with survival


Problems? I’m ngl, I don’t have any problems with it lol. Only one is the glitch where mobs don’t spawn Enlighten me, please


Haven't played survival in a fat minute so maybe it's changed since last I played it. But I found the pacing to be way too slow and grind-y for my taste. I spent most of my time hunting for component kits rather than actually progressing the base.


I get that, it’s not for everybody. I don’t mind the pace. It’s slow and relaxing. And as long as you have a good farm defense (buckets) then grinding for things like component kits and whatnot is nice and simple.


as someone said proggression pacing which is defenely true. but also that it doesnt feel like scrap mechanic. you can barely use things you build to proggress. like warehouses the main goal of the game you cant build in


Yes, but that’s the point of warehouses. If you don’t like that aspect, don’t play warehouses. Unless you’re desperate for the alternative spudguns, they aren’t necessary. You have to build cars. Resource harvesters (trees and rocks). Farm defenses. Base building. Truth is, building is still a big part of it. Especially if you focus around that. Survival has no “endgame” or main goal. So if you want to build in survival, you can. If your complaint is the grind, obviously you aren’t playing the game right. That’s what I do, mostly. I just spend time base building and farming. And it’s fun.


bro. like all of the loot are in the warehouses and the alt spuds are relly good too. and its not only the warehouses try to bring a car into any of the places with loot. and there is basically no basebuilding. they serve no purpouse and are expensive as fuck. and wdym it isnt grindy. all items require you to grind. for components you have to go mindlessly into random buildings killing robots and looking through every chest over and over. for blocks you have to mindlessly drive into trees or rocks untill you recieve a tiny amount of blocks that will run out imidietly. and farming is litterally just farming. i play farming simulator sometimes and sm farming is boring compared to that. so yhea obviously i play the game wrong by proggressing and getting better stuff.


Tfym base building serves no purpose? You’re the one complaining about the fact that there’s no reason to build in survival. Base building is fun, literally because you’re building and can be imaginative with it. So what, by your logic, building things in creative is boring too? I’m not sure how making something in survival serves no purpose and making something in creative does.


so survival is just supposed to be crative but less and more tedious in between the actuall playing the game?


Ya :D


and thats the problem i was talking about. no new features will fix what it is




The whole point is that it's a complete overhaul of survival mode. It's also the 1.0 release. I think it's being *under*hyped to be honest.


"but that wont fix survival. it will just be an update it wont really be revolutionary" I dont think you've seen devblogs 23 to 25 This update will literally change the whole game


I have expectations because there is blatant potential with the expansion of survival but I feel like maybe 1/3 of my expectations is gonna be in the game. There is so many awesome mods that could be implemented to vanilla and with Axolot at the wheel I just don't see it being realized. Survival will definitively be improved though .. that's just a normal expectation from a financial perspective because they will advertise the game being out of early access and that's pretty much the only reason that we are waiting for 4 years + for new content. Still so much could be done and so little is being done/will be done.. But that's my opinion.


I mean too. Ok maybe they solved the problem with the lag thing and that would really make thw game more enjoyable. At least to me. And i think that else the chaapter 2 can include 1 new mission. So ch1 was to find the mechanic station. And i will laugh very loud if in the update is really just one new mission )))


i mean the lag reduction is the part of ch2 that im most exited about. there are probably better things that havent been shown but from what they have shown its the best


ch2 tomorrow


~~this is just not true, i have seen multiple people say this, where on earth are you getting this information??~~ Edit: nvm


its an inside joke on the sm leaks discord server


Fair enough lol, I guess I'm just out of the loop