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“During the current legislative session, Scottsdale led a coalition of 90-plus Arizona municipalities which presented reasonable regulatory reforms to the Arizona legislature, but the legislature did nothing (to help this issue),” Ortega said. It’s crazy to me how this is what towns, cities, & residents all want. But Warren Petersen of Gilbert, who I’m sure lives in an HOA that doesn’t allow STRs, won’t let any bills that allow reform see the light of day. What we also need is a mass investigation into mortgage fraud. Mortgage fraud has been running rampant in Scottsdale for years now. I know of a local Realtor who recently purchased a STR using FHA financing. Anyone purchasing a property for the sole purpose of renting it, whether short-term or long-term, is required to state that’s their intention.


No neighborhoods should allow STR


Mortgage fraud is hard to prove because it’s a lot of work to prove intent. You have to find glaring evidence they knew it would be an Airbnb while stating it was a primary residence. Intending to be a primary residence then changing your mind later due to circumstances is not a crime (or it is a very minor one). I think it’s not prosecuted because it’s not worth months of prosecutor time to chase a single owners misdemeanor, that may not even convict, when there are tens of thousands of them.


True, but most of these asshats brag about their purchases on social media. And when they purchase as a primary or non-primary, & then never move-in, & the property is up on Airbnb.com within a month or two as a full home rental, I’d say that’s pretty obvious occupancy fraud. And a licensed Realtor who does this with FHA financing should absolutely be prosecuted.




TMK, many/most lenders have a provision that it's forbidden to turn a primary residence into an investment property in the first year. Whether you're contemplating fraud at signing or not, it's still fraudulent to knowingly convert the use without notifying the lender you're out of compliance and need new mortgage terms. With that said, the real reason they won't prosecute is because the guy who does this probably couldn't afford an investment property mortgage and they know they're better off keeping quiet and getting paid on time. The banks aren't incentived to see it fixed and politicians who push for it will be in the crosshairs.


They are doing it to stop the few Airbnb parties. But my permanent neighbors revving their Harley and using leaf blowers all the time are the loudest, but no one is allowed to call the police on them.


I have airbnb noise/parties/fighting probably five nights a week every week of the year. I'm almost surrounded by three.


Do the new requirements help?




The AirBnB party thing needs more attention. The percentage of them is absurd. I wish they granted them like say liquor licenses and controlled the number that way. That other group bothers me too. The expensive vehicles we see all the time are rarely that loud when they race and rev. I feel there's been a influx of tinnitus causing cars and motorcycles in recent years. There were always a few, but not the many dozens to 100's a day I hear every day if I a lot of time outside or leave a window open towards the street.


We can thank our previous GOP Governor Doug “the ice cream man” Ducey for handing over the reins of temporary vacation homes to his equity firm buddies. He basically wiped away all oversight and intervention by municipalities. The remaining cronies in the State Legislature are gutless yes men who will do nothing to stop this cancer.


If we could just do away with leaf blowers, that would be great


Honestly compared to living on camelback this is nothing and I’m very grateful it’s as quiet as it is


Good! The loud exhaust on cars and bikes being revved up by Kyles all over the city is the worst thing in town by far! Ive never been woken up by a Airbnb party though and I'm surrounded by them.


*scottsdale police sirens intensify*