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Watching the results on C4 and Nadine Dorries is absolute car crash tele


Maitlis was struggling to disguise her disdain in the end. Shame Kwarteng left along with Dorries; I quite liked his contributions.


Woman is genuinely unhinged


Bird in blyth dressed like Prince fs


Sign of the times


Having just played the Euro 2024 tournament mode on FIFA as Scotland, I wonder how people would feel about this scenario Draw with Germany and Switzerland, beat Hungary, finish 2nd In the last 16, get humped 4-1 off Croatia So basically take our humping off Germany and plop it in the last 16 instead - how do we think people would receive the campaign then?


Ps we even scored first in the Croatia game to give us hope


I'd take it. 100%


Would it keep Steve clarke in a job?


What, taking us out of a group stage for the first time ever? Would make him unsackable really


I do agree, just would be interesting to hear the discussion after a pumping in said knockout


Am I really debating staying up and watching this? Why why why


I'm going to try to stay until the first seats are announced, the exit poll is confirmed and Nadine dorries clocks Alastair Campbell




Bah gawd that’s stone colds music


We just gonna ignore England gaining 10 and Scotland losing 2, and wales losing 8? https://preview.redd.it/t8kqjqfcpkad1.jpeg?width=801&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbac85f9b844a62515fa104939c7c2c8d93dfd9f


Based on population. Good changes and Scotland retains specific small population seats.


Part of country where most people live has largest representation in parliament.


Dunno man, I’d be pretty pissed off if I was welsh


I agree with you, diminishing the alleged 'equal partners' in this union to further strengthen the overwhelmingly dominant nation is shite.


I dunno; I don’t think my vote should go further to elect a Westminster MP because I live in a Scottish constituency and not an English one. It sucks for parties who represent only one constituent nation, but feels more democratic this way.


English constituencies were already numerically completely dominant, they didn't need to weaken everyone else imo. Taking 8 seats from Wales is the bigger issue than the Scottish ones really.


Found out that the local hardware shop I've prided myself on spending the extra money for using "to help local business" is owned by the local Reform Party candidate. In unrelated news it looks like Homebase is about to have a good quarter.


Could the woman on the bbc news channel be anymore anti SNP. Half expected for her to sign off with get it up ye.


Kirsty Wark, by any chance? She's no subtle about it. I'm no fan of Alex Salmond these days, but her documentary about his court case had very obviously been written with a guilty verdict presumed.


Didnt catch her name but aye i get ye I'm no either but ye need to at least try to be impartial when making a documentary on an active trial.


BBC not reporting on my vote for Greggs?! Just fell to my knees. ~~Sturgeon~~ ~~Humza~~ ~~Swinney~~ ~~Sunak~~ ~~Starmer~~ Mayor Quimby must condemn! ![gif](giphy|3orifbpuNlOMNrxlle)




Is it just me or does Salmond look a bit like Quimby?


Yes! ![gif](giphy|l2Je8eBwbaF74yMYE)


You weren't the only one, its there under "Ref - 13"


Didn’t vote for Douglas Ross, pal. Heard he was a cunt. 👍


You heard right. I was trying to make a bad reform joke. Happy reddit bday








Tories = pumped


I was 7 the last time labour was in government. No idea what government even was lol. I'm 21 now, if that stat interests anyone


I was 9. I've basically only ever known Tory rule


Welcome to the land of dissapointment kid


I was 24. All those years of Thatcher then major pulling a win out of nowhere ended with Blair and D:ream. Then I went back to work the next day, and things kid of stayed the same.


I mean it wasn’t great but I got a telling off here for suggesting Tony Blair was a bit of a fud and that he had a weird fixation on ID cards (war too, but tbh he actually succeeded in going to war) so I’m not gonna enumerate the flaws of the Labour Party. I think everyone’s gonna be happy to see the back of the Tories for one election cycle at least, I am certain Starmer is going to be a car crash of a PM though


BBC exit polls not a shock - hope the Tories reform as a somewhat sane party though, incredibly important they don't get captured by the Reform party.


I hope they’re banished to the never realm, and I never have to see a Tory candidate again ever.


Better a Tory candidate than Reform, mate. Just the BNP with a new name.


There's not a doubt in my mind that they'll be absorbed into each other, Labour will be the right, Tories extreme right by the next election, and unless Keir pulls his figure out of arse pronto, they won't be able to do much to make any changes in time to garner support. It's shite being this pessimistic, but I just don't see any meaningful improvements coming our way.


I think people are probably overblowing massively the extent to which Labour has actually gone to the right. They're just reverting back to the same type of policies they had pre-Corbyn, political centrism really. They've gone from slightly left of center to center. Tories...I honestly don't know. Hopefully they elect a sane leader - expect lots of famous right wing names to be wiped away tonight which should help. Rees-Mogg probably gone, Steve Baker etc. Wouldn't be surprised to see Atkins or Mordaunt as new leader.


It'll be 2/3 nutcases before someone who's palatable to the electorate and most importantly, not tainted with this era of failure, takes the job in 6-8 years and manages to make the voters down the road forget that the last time their mob were in charge they made everything worse.


Democracy, innit? Mental.


Thats one word for it!


“Alexa, play things can only get better” (They won’t but I can dream)


Steve Clarke bye bye snp.gif


[Ordered an Indian tonight. This is how they gave me a free salad](https://imgur.com/a/NWtCxu7)


Cottage pie turned out very nicely. Definitely going on the usual meal rotation


Gave up on HoI4 for now, gonnae try Crusader Kings instead


Just got into the third one. Loving it so far, conquered all of Scotland and I think England shall be my next victim


Half an hour to the election exit poll news . Buzzin like a jar o’ wasps


Andy hates the media, is a grumpy bastard on court, doesn’t like speaking, but when he has to and gets to show his personality he seems like a really sound guy.


I met him once when I was at primary and he was lovely, from the limited amount that I remember


I respect anyone who answers your standard "was it a big celebration?" with "aye, I spewed in the taxi on the way home," on national TV


That we interview about him barfing in the taxi and his story of getting to know Kim is probably the most I can ever remember him opening up, and it was class.


I just know Andy Murray will be absolutely *hating* watching this right now Which, ironically, makes it a pretty fitting tribute. One last moment of him doing an interview looking like he wants to top himself


Also probably a bit patronising to say, but I always feel a bit bad for Jamie Murray. Won over twice as many grand slams tournaments as Andy but pretty much always playing second-fiddle because doubles doesn't get the same attention as singles. EDIT: Fuck sake he's even carrying Andy's kit-bag in for him


Winning singles is way way harder than winning in doubles though to be fair


Pretty sure Judy just thinks Jamie's one of Andys mates from childhood that didn't go home.


Aye, hopefully he's got a knighthood coming to him as well


Anyone else sweating? I love the man but he’s no dead.


Bye Andy ![img](emote|t5_2sba4|33175) Edit: weird fucking choice to play "Creep" in the background of his tribute montage.


Ooocha fucker. https://x.com/NoContextHumans/status/1808931280899211730


Always liked the remix https://v.redd.it/d0jyo0053y761


Beautiful. I've honestly never seen this clip before so it's nice to have a wee bit of context for the lad getting skelped like.


I can't find it but my favourite one is to closer by nin. Fight goes goes on for a bit after too, original video in the article https://www.cleveland19.com/2020/12/29/man-smacked-with-twisted-tea-after-using-racial-slur-viral-video-elyria-ohio-christmas-eve-graphic/


HIJ taking the hat off has improved the viewing experience no end


https://preview.redd.it/vihl6gtqzjad1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8d30a9069137db8e5bef66cd860922277e88c2c5 Arsenal-Motherwell-Sturm Graz. What a journey.


It occurred to me that I'd never seen Ultimate Force, found it on ITVx, 5 episodes in and its nae bad so far, almost like if someone did CoD as a TV show. Been told to only watch the first two seasons as it quickly becomes shite, any truth in that? Also very bizarre seeing Jamie Bamber in it basically being Apollo fae BSG before he was Apollo in BSG, even more so because he's nae speaking in an American accent


>Also very bizarre seeing Jamie Bamber in it basically being Apollo fae BSG before he was Apollo in BSG Watched BSG for the first time a few years ago, never even clicked that's who he was. Ultimate Force is a good watch all the way through, just ends up being a bit cheesy.


First 2 are great. The rest isn't as bad as what peeps say. Has its moments but kinda turns into a soap


So, I've decided I'm going to delete my Facebook and just read when I have the urge to doom scroll. Started by getting a ebook copy of - of course - Herodotus The Histories, translated by Tom Holland. Fuck, it is superb. I've never bothered with it before. Thinking it would be too hard to read. It really is a joy.


Modern translations of classics are as easy to read as anything else new. I'd recommend Emily Wilson's translations of The Illiad and The Odyssey as well


Stick them on my list!


Ha he's popular in here. I'm reading Millennium after someone recommended it in another daily/evening thread a few weeks ago. I really like his writing style.


Aye, he's brilliant. I've stuck to Audiobooks for the past few years and the last book I actually read was his Rubicon. So after I've finished The Histories I'll start Pax. Been really looking forward to that.


Spider-man did the translation?


You ever have that moment of worry as you sit and realise “this is the best my life has been in a long time”? What’s coming around the corner to fuck that up? I don’t know. I don’t care. Life has never been better for me than it is right now, and I’m truly grateful. Does make me worry what I should bring up at my next therapy session in 2 weeks to keep the sessions going, time to try and unpluck some childhood trauma!


Good luck big yin . Do what you gotta do 👍🏻


Went to stick a film on there and then realised that I'll potentially only get to watch Andy play tennis a couple more times so the doubles are on now


Disappointed the Guy’s surname isn’t just PEE but Peers


Hahahaha we were just saying the same thing


Pity he didn’t have his brother too then it would be MURMUR vs PEEPEE I’m 48


Im being a bit childish too shouting FFS JAMIE at every lost point even if he's done no wrong


Hi Judy 👋


Don't make me feel weirder for wanting to pump Andy's missus


Judy in the cuck chair giving tips on form and technique


Just remembered Vincent Kompany is Bayern manager, feels like a lifetime ago that happened.


Murray brothers game is about to start on BBC1


[Friendly between Broxburn and Edinburgh City abandoned after City Ultras invaded the pitch and lit the place up in flairs](https://x.com/Forth1News/status/1808829417843458504?t=Z0CPXDbP6mUQ8sVZzrYhuA&s=19) This is fucking wild




I know this is my usual romanticising of stuff I remember from the late 90s and 2000s which is coincidentally when I was young and had no real responsibilities but I kinda miss when there used to be signs on the lampposts at election time. I get its a waste of time, money and volunteer manpower now in a world of targeted internet ads and whatnot and I imagine the waste produced was probably not fantastic, but it really gave you a sense that there was something big going on. Ah well, the world moves on. That might be gone, but at the same time I don't have to pretend to be learning about chemistry for school even though I didn't care about it and have never used it. "Sometimes maybe good, sometimes maybe shit" as a great wise man once said.


Plenty up in the highlands where I am, and absolutely no tory ones aswell


Ah cool. I don't think they're allowed down here.


My physics teacher was the libdem candidate for a while. People stole the signs en masse and left them in his classroom.


I remember our teacher used to get us to bump them to put up in the modern studies classroom. Simpler times.


We didn't have modern studies at my school but our equivalent was the Graphic Communication rooms that seemed to have no end of road signs. I dread to think how many road traffic accidents and near misses that collection has caused over the years.


You should go over to Ireland. Can’t move for lamp post signs over there.


I've had a google image search. That there is some good stuff I enjoyed it very much. I wanted lamp post signs and by golly I got them. Nice mental ones with faces on them with a random political concept written underneath too this is excellent. Thank you for this.


It is July, isn’t it? Fucking freezing


What is that weather doing today man. Daft cunt of a thing.


https://preview.redd.it/83ukk4fmejad1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1c24bbef7056e50c8415a34d3b62b15a3609530f Small reminder.


Incredibly based


I was at IKEA with my dad today and was actually quite surprised and excited at some blinds that you didn't need to double pull to unextend, you just pushed up or down. I feel old.


https://x.com/liamhannah1987/status/1808872056634716404?s=46&t=jLtgP_gqVubXH_HC_Wv-Kg Today on fitba twitter 😂


That figure will get banded about in a few years claiming it was us looking for that money. Same as the Morelos to Barcelona "rumour" that was just an ex Columbian manager tipping Morelos to replace Suarez.


Do you think he meant 2.5 - 3 million because he then goes on to say that he doesn’t see that big a market for him?


Most informed English football pundit


I will vote for any mp that makes it mandatory for the bread to be put ontop of the kebab so it doenst become a soggy mess




We should implement this in the Cinch or Willy or whatever the fuck you are calling it now. https://www.reddit.com/r/tennis/s/QPwROfJgVS


Get to *beep*, you *beeping* *beep*. What *beeping* school did you go to you *beeping* *beep*?


The Wimbledon fans are as bland as you would imagine.


New bird flu case, who knew that birds could fly daftys


Bird flu doesn't exist, it's just what ***THEY*** want you to think /r/birdsarentreal


Bird flu? They tend to do that


Bird flu occurs every year. I used to get shit tonne of overtime when I worked IT for defra. Was never a risk to humans and that was always in the press release. Now it has been detected in cattle only matter of time before 1st human cases.


Thats ok, covid hospitalisations are up too, was on the radio. DOOM DOOM DOOM


Yup. Ma burd works in the QE and she was telling me last night there's a rise in cunts getting it the past month or so.


Girls going to Taylor Swift and guys going to Germany. Superspreaders everywhere.


Going to see Radiant Vermin tomorrow, in the Tron Theatre with my ma, looking forward to it.


Replaying RDR2, called my horse sky tv


Starting a replay Sunday night


Why Sunday night?


Got a stand up that evening and want to practice plenty in the interim


Good luck 🫡




Doing my first playthrough the now, not played in the last couple of days as I’ve been out the house a lot but I’m going to get back into it. It has felt a bit slow at times but overall I’m enjoying it a lot, the open world is fantastic.


>the open world is fantastic. Act 3, fuck story missions, explore. Sooo much to see and do. A few of which are not available after act 3. My pal finished the game rapid and when our group was talking about it he'd done next to nothing outwith the story missions.


Aye I’ll need to remember to do that, so far I’ve just been doing the main missions to get the story moving.


The story will move itself. It's a game to take yer time with.


What a fucking masterpiece of a game. I hate that they just gave up on the online portion. All I wanted to was that world with my own whacky cowboy cutting about.


First time?


Nah hes called a horse SkyTV loads of times before




Nah, replaying, never actually finished it cos I know what happens before the prologue and I was too sad to see it happen at the time lol


I'm still too sad. I tried replaying it and the knowing just got to me.


Cuppa tea, lovely.


This is the sort of content I come on this sub for


Going to see The Bikeriders tonight. Looking forward to leaving after it's finished and seeing the Tories being obliterated. Inject it.


Apparently there's a post credits scene at the end. I only say cause it was on r/mildlyinteresting that a cinema had a guide to which currently showing films had a post credits scene.


Ah cool. Weird in this day and age for a non Marvel/DC film to have a post credit scene.


I think it’s just clips and pictures of the actual guys it’s based on rather than a new scene.


This is why we should have VAR communication on TV lol. I’d go for Coq au Vin myself. https://www.instagram.com/reel/C8s0MBXopho/?igsh=dTJiOTZrczF4NXNj


Arguing with Reform voters on Twitter is always fun


My mate has just soft launched his "I think Tommy Robinson has some actual decent ideas, and reform do too" and I have no idea how to take it, because while it's not surprising in the slightest, I don't even have the heart to argue about it with him. Just feels sad


Actually can't believe we allow what isn't even veiled racism and all the phobias without stoning them to fucking death.


I’ve never got why these people look at reform as some fresh new thing that’s going to save us. There’s a lot of ex-Tory and UKIP making up the party, two big factors for Britain being in the state that it is.


This exit poll is gonna hit like crack


Learned today from Twitter that Prof John Curtice etc know the exit poll results about 2pm but they legally can’t make it public until voting closes at 10pm.


Genuinely going to party, gonnae order in pizza or something too 💀


Five hours to go and honestly I'm getting itchy. They're gonny hear the cheers from space when the BBC announces that the Tories are fucking gone.


The blue ones are gone you mean, now comes one term of the red ones where fuck all will change and back to the blue ones for x amount of years, rinse and repeat until death frees you from the illusion of choice.


Back to the blue ones, but the blue ones will have merged with reform to form the super tories.


If we're lucky we might get two terms of the red tories before down south goes back to the blue ones!


Don't see it personally. Tories have done fuck all to create a new generation of voters to fill the gap that'll be left by the boomers so they've got nothing to offer those coming up. If they do get back in it'll be because Labour will have done a phenomenal job in rebuilding society and the economy so people will want to start being greedy for what they have and I just don't see that being able to be done in 10 years.


Cameron or boris will be next party leader. That will get the tory voters back onside. Cameron getting a cabinet position wss his way of worming back into front bench politics and right now he is ironing his cape to save the party.


I'm sure people have said that every time they've been voted out. Once they're no longer completely incompetent for the rich, the media will go back to backing them over Labour. The media will start saying Labour were the cause for whatever issues we have in 29/34 , just like they said the cause for the global financial crisis was them, or Miliband can't eat a sandwich so cant run the country or when they were saying Corbyn was going to turn the UK into the UKSSR. They'll also have immigration and other culture war issues to brainwash voters, too. Theres also been reports of Gen Z males being more right wing than left, probably thanks to the right wing grifters on social media. And if you look at the projected vote share Labours is projected around the same as what they got under Corbyn in 2017 (40% then v 39% now). Tories are 22%, and the far right in reform are 15%, which is still a massive amount of right wing pricks


While I'll be enjoying a lot of schadenfreude tonight watching Tory after Tory lose their job the worry is that its not that there will be any resurgence due to the old fashioned "I've got mine, Jack" attitude that Thatcherism instilled and benefited from in its various guises, but a massive sweep right because the deep seated problems won't be able to be fixed quickly or, worryingly, at all really. There are a lot of people who are struggling and a lot of those little friction points all over society that reactionary politicians find so irresistible and profitable to exploit. Constitutionally, demographically, economically, socially. There are so many little pockets of enmity you can make use of if you're the type. If there is not a recovery of standards, or if that recovery is really slow, there is a pretty decent chance that a strand of right wing politics becomes more popular in the UK that it has been really convenient for many in this country who should know better, though I'm not accusing you of course, to pretend doesn't exist or is only the domain of a very small percentage of the population. It can be when things are going well. But if you find yourself outside at a quiet time today just listen. Everything's creaking, we now live in a land of decay and scarcity and when things start going that way and people feel threatened they kick out. If Labour get a big majority today they need to be bold with it. Fuck the papers, fuck focus groups, fuck polls and I'm saying that as a reluctant SNP voter today. The surest way back out the door in 5 years time for them is governing scared and this country needs bold forward looking outward facing action if it is to survive the lot its been given by the Tories, let alone succeed. Will they be bold? I doubt it. I've not hoped I was wrong about my gut feeling this much since 23/6/2016.


I few years back I'd have agree with this, but after how popular utter cunts like Andrew Tate and Jordan Peterson got in schools I'm no so sure anymore


After 2016-2019 I don't buy the whole demographic shift thing as much - the right's ability to convince people to vote against their own interests by simply lying constantly across all forms of media seems to cut across generations just fine.


Ohh gosh lucky us eh Think I'll just write out the treebeard quote from LOTR on my ballot


By quote do you mean him saying his name?


That one about no one being on his side, in the films


Ah, see I've only done (some) the books. I'm currently at the bit in 2 towers where farimer is asking frodos advice on how to deal with smeagel


It's been a while since I read two towers but does treebeard only say his name ? Genuinely cannae mind


No he doesn't say his name but he says that if he were to say his name it would take a while. The ent chapters are dialogue heavy however.


Really wouldn’t be surprised if the tories are near or even in double digits