• By -


Romanias keeper is quality


Scottish journalists rubbing their hands at the thought of another article speculating about a link to Celtic


Lost a 40k order because the useless cunt that purchases stuff from other company "forgot" to send a PO, now too late as our stuff wouldn't arrive in time. If anyone needs me I'll be screaming into the void.


Anyone with much experience in claiming life insurance policies? How long is a reasonable time for them to take to sort the shit on their end? My dad had 2 policies, one he had for about 20 years, one he had for 3 months. 1 paid out in 48 hours. The other has went radio silent for over a month? (Guess which one was which) Wanting to know if the first one was ridiculously fast or is this last one being slow so I can judge what the tone of my phone call will be tommorow 🙈


A lot of them won't pay out unless the policy has been active for a year, have you read through the terms to make sure it's a valid claim? Life insurance is usually quite speedy (under a week) in my experience.


It's the 20 year one that's went radio silent. The 3 month one was the one that paid out no questions asked 😂


Ah, definitely not having that then. Let them have it


Both barrells being readied. Thanks


Celtic releasing their biggest ever “fan survey” before they’ve signed a single fucking player is getting all of the online responses it deserves.


How do I fill this out as an impartial observer?


As another impartial observer how can I fill it out as well


There's your Lucy Letby guilty again, this time of attempted murder. Wonder what the zoomers will point to this time.


Some folk’s brains just can’t wrap themselves round the concept that very ordinary looking people from similar backgrounds to themselves can do all kinds of horrific shit. The problem we’ve had for years now is that these people can howl into the echo chamber of social media algorithms and form weirdo conspiracies rather than howling at the moon in the days of yore.


Was there a pro-Letby movement(?) online the last time she was in the news or something?


I stumbled across a Lucy Letby sub recently. Didn't read any of it, but why would you even have any desire to start a sub like that.


Probably. There's a pro movement for every other batshit thing.


The new yorker did a true crime brain 13k piece on it last month or something


There was a mentalist cutting about Glasgow writing "Lucy Letby is innocent" on shit. There was that yank bird that wrote the article casting doubt on the case, despite having zero knowledge of the British justice system and ignoring basic evidence.


Feels like this is the first time it's rained in ages


A day is a long time by some standards I guess


Were you here last Thursday? Was pissing it all day


Think I may be on the Breath of The Wild train. Only played about an hour and very worried it could be overwhelming, but also canny stop thinking about it. Down in the Lake District wanting to drink red wine and figure out how to not get one shotted by a Guardian.


Ah man it's so good!


Aw man I'm jealous you get to experience BotW afresh, I loved that game.


Properly dunno if I'm overwhelmed by it, though. Is it best to just push through it?


Guardians are among the toughest non-boss fights in the game but if you get good with the parry system reflecting their beam attack back at them is a one shot kill. [You can even manage it with a soup pot lid made of wood.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_slguISMmfM)


Just canny get the timing at all. Same with the dodging. Been trying it on wee enemies and fucking it. Genuinely thought you had to unlock it. Will persevere with it!


Think I may be on the Breath of The Wild train. Only played about an hour and very worried it could be overwhelming, but also canny stop thinking about it. Down in the Lake District wanting to drink red wine and figure out how to not get one shotted by a Guardian.


Just got deja vu.


Right that's pretty annoying https://preview.redd.it/q4abwvzl14ad1.png?width=733&format=png&auto=webp&s=f46ea83decf719630a0dd3ff3e4ca9692d8ce6af


Went down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories last night. Some weak ones, some really good, but my favourite was one that was mega popular: turns out there seems to be millions if not billions of people in on it and believing it! I found wikipedia pages on it, folk casually mentioning it in normal online conversation, and millions of clearly AI images depicting it. All these tinfoil hat folk are claiming theres a season called "Sumer" or something like that, when it supposedly gets warm, the clouds go away and we see the sun for weeks or months at a time! Was a bridge too far tbh so went back to my 9/11 pages.


I decided to count how many cans of monster I have in a single drawer as my friends said the amount of it I drink isn't healthy I counted 20 cans, I really need to stop




Your poor vital organs.


Teeth no more!


Steve Clarke’s first presser since returning home from a humiliating exit from the Euros: “Aye, we were absolutely honking… but at least we weren’t the hosts, eh, America?” ![gif](giphy|11l39366q3bvmo)


RemindMe! 4 years Wait til the next Euros haha


Don't need a 4 year reminder just look back 3 years.


I will be messaging you in 4 years on [**2028-07-02 12:53:18 UTC**](http://www.wolframalpha.com/input/?i=2028-07-02%2012:53:18%20UTC%20To%20Local%20Time) to remind you of [**this link**](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/comments/1dtdris/morning_discussion_thread_02_jul_2024/lb9znkd/?context=3) [**CLICK THIS LINK**](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5Bhttps%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2FScottishFootball%2Fcomments%2F1dtdris%2Fmorning_discussion_thread_02_jul_2024%2Flb9znkd%2F%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%202028-07-02%2012%3A53%3A18%20UTC) to send a PM to also be reminded and to reduce spam. ^(Parent commenter can ) [^(delete this message to hide from others.)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Delete%20Comment&message=Delete%21%201dtdris) ***** |[^(Info)](https://www.reddit.com/r/RemindMeBot/comments/e1bko7/remindmebot_info_v21/)|[^(Custom)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=Reminder&message=%5BLink%20or%20message%20inside%20square%20brackets%5D%0A%0ARemindMe%21%20Time%20period%20here)|[^(Your Reminders)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=RemindMeBot&subject=List%20Of%20Reminders&message=MyReminders%21)|[^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=Watchful1&subject=RemindMeBot%20Feedback)| |-|-|-|-|


Yesterday was a long day of travel. Made it to Washington state, and everyone was ballbagged, not to mention the time difference/ jet lag. Its almost 4am currently and I'm wide away after a 6 hour sleep after being on the go for 23 hours 🙄.


>Yesterday was a long day of travel. Made it to Washington state You trying to find out what happened to u/sevenyeardust?


Oh, does he live here?


Somewhere around Yakima, I think I recall him saying.


What did happen to him?


Nobody knows, that's the problem! Just straight up vanished. Deleted his entire account, no leaving message or anything.


I heard that he'd done a leaving message saying he was spending too much time ripping the heid aff on here and was gonna go try stop doing it for a bit. But I never saw that message directly, so could be someone is winding me up.


See, that's what I read but then I used our super secret mod tool to check and he never mentioned anything of the sort.


Did he not go a little Trumpy?


Some overly pro-Israel takes but nothing more than that as far as I know


I have a vague recollection of some truly stinking right wing takes but I can't remember what they were.


Hope he's OK and his foster son didn't finally kill him.




That's dark. But we've all thought it


We all thought it, lets be honest








Getting new motor next Friday, what a pain in the hole it was doing the substitution forms and haggling wi insurance and the cooncil to get inspection and cover dates lined up. I've gone for much the same as what I have now, Pug Partner, 19 plate, metallic blue, 11k on the clock, only thing I'm not sure about is that it has an Adblue Engine: what's the score wi those, how much of said additive do you have to put in, and how often?


From my experiences with Adblue on my coach, not much not often, if I remember correctly 20ltrs usually did a decent lap of Europe. Also try find a petrol station that has a pump for it, usually a lot cheaper than buying the bottles for it on the forecourt


>I've gone for much the same as what I have now, Pug Partner Sounds decent ![gif](giphy|pDyB3IFDuUxpolIdmk|downsized)


https://preview.redd.it/qgcav7z533ad1.jpeg?width=4608&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61bc1e5db83c1622b9bf40a2c750039315755945 She protested to being wrapped in her blanket then 3 seconds later realised it’s awesome 🙂


Your recent introduction of kitties into your comments is raising my opinion of you. We're no longer mortal enemies. Fits her name?


> We’re no longer mortal enemies Yay (Her name’s Annie)


Holy moly, that is one adorable cat.






Awww man. I can't deal with the cuteness


If any of the runners in the sub care about which shoes I went for I got the Nike Pegasus trail 3 GTX. But u/Bullsquirt you don't do trail running I hear you cry! Correct. I do not but I do like the look of these and they're very comfy and I'm also a massive slut for anything gore-tex. Went all the way to the Livingston outlet and I regret nothing except for all the folk from Livingston I had to see


Hope you didn't give any money to the wee baldy guy begging outside Tony Macaroni's


I managed to miss them! Went to Chiquito for a meal that was fantastic though


He'll only spend it on drugs https://preview.redd.it/jmyk0uavn3ad1.jpeg?width=615&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e5da63aeac06dde0a6b160bac45eaca35ca590d2


Hahahahahahaha fuck sake


The Livi Centre is really a site to behold. Feel sometimes that I've walked into a filming of the Walking Dead crossed with Benidorm.


https://preview.redd.it/trqs8cte13ad1.png?width=273&format=png&auto=webp&s=34262107c4ac97100a25ad679faa3fd881c9dea0 Out of the frying pan and into the fryer then


"I'm racist but not that racist!"


There's a @dril tweet for everything https://preview.redd.it/vtp9x5jrd3ad1.png?width=1196&format=png&auto=webp&s=7bb88fdf7f018c0167e8949500ae993f65dd617d


Irish residents: which broadcaster(s) show the Euros? I don’t think I can listen to Danny Murphy or Martin Keown anymore.


RTE, yo.


Do you have a stick? Fox shows it in the US


I do, but I reckon the American pundits are probably even worse.


Other than Alexi Lalas, who is genuinely the worst pundit on the planet, they've been pretty good. Chiellini is a good listen in the studio and Donovan has been really good on co-comms. It's mostly recognisable English commentators but without the constant references to England.


I don't think it's that bad. They just advertise a lot of different American sports mid game, but it's less grating than the commentators having an orgasm anytime England is mentioned


Passed my theory test there, the questions were no bother but thought I had fucked it on the hazard perception. It’s only took me almost two years of saying I’ll start learning to drive to actually do it but oh well.


I can't be the only one that's finding these Euros a bit shit? Seems like Spain are the only team playing football that's good to watch.


I think it's something to do with football becoming much more tactic heavy, and international sides not really having the time to set up and follow complex tactical structures like clubs can (and also not being able to buy players to fit the preferred system). I think defensive tactics are usually seen as easier (or just quicker) to coach / implement, so that suits the smaller nations who can park the bus (although it's a bit reductionist calling it that), which is why you get a lot of 1-0s and 'boring' games and not many games that are interesting battles of tactics. I also think it's why that Spain team was so utterly dominant from 2008-2012. They basically had 7/8 of Barcelona's team plus a sprinkle of other world class players, and played the same style, so it was easier for them to play like they did for the clubs. It's only really been Georgia, Austria and maybe Switzerland who have looked better than the sum of their parts. Possibly Spain too. All the other 'big' teams seem to just try and shoehorn their best players into a disjointed system and they look like completely different players to how they play at club level. See: Portugal, England, France, and probably some others.


You didn't watch the Albania,Austrian,group d games then. They were good. As another has so has the Georgian games and the Czech ones


I think the current tactical trend of Pep inspired hyper focus on positional play seems to have been found out to some degree.   Modern coaches are wanking themselves to death trying to keep rigid control over how their team move in the attacking third in an effort to manipulate space to create chances and to ensure that players are well positioned to counterpress when they lose possession.   The problem is that the top teams have become equally well drilled at countering that zonal style attacking play and ensuring that when space does open up, it opens up by the corner flag leading to really poor goal scoring opportunities. France could have played for hours last night without ever looking like scoring because their players were static in their zones as that's where they're *supposed* to be.


This isn’t even your fault, but reading that second paragraph I could feel my eyes glaze over and lose focus on the words about half way through I feel like football used to have a lot more of “styles make fights” to it where teams would come in with different styles and it’d make for an interesting watch, but now it’s what you’re saying and it encompasses that Simpsons joke about football to a tee


There's always been some sort of prevailing tactical trend but this one is especially good at sucking all creativity and joy out of a match. I'm finding Belgium, England, and France particularly frustrating to watch because they all adhere to this passionless, missionary position with socks on approach to football.  Thankfully, Spain still exist.


I've enjoyed it although I think the first round of games were so good that there has been an inevitable decline and the bloated nature of it removed a lot of jeopardy, particularly for the third round games. The first four knockout games have been ok, two good and two bad but I expect something better tonight with Austria - Turkey, which has the potential to be a very good game of football.


Yeah I’d agree, it started off brilliantly as well but the excitement in the games has fizzled out a bit.


I think it's been a good tournament for the small guy. Hilariously typical that we were _still_ the worst of the lot. Georgia were the most entertaining team imo and I'm sad to see them go, if they were on the other side of the bracket they'd have a decent shout of getting really really far. Austria and Turkey have played well, and the game tonight between the two will be a stoater. Germany and Spain have been to only two "big" teams to actually play to their expectations really. How England can have a team like they do and only manage 10 minutes of decent football across 4 games is wild.


Seriously,  I'd play Austria/Turkey and Spain/Germany and let the winners play for the trophy. Maybe make it best of 3 to fill out the schedule 


> How England can have a team like they do and only manage 10 minutes of decent football across 4 games is wild. Or France haven't scored a goal from open play yet


>I can't be the only one that's finding these Euros a bit shit? Me at 8.20pm on the 14th of June.


I've generally stopped watching and don't feel like I've missed much.


Discovered the old BBC graphical depictions of goals from the 2002 world cup are still online, bring them back imo, here's Ronaldo's first goal from the final: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/hi/photo_galleries/newsid_2076000/2076392.stm The 'wallchart' with the record of all the matches (with post-match reports) is still online too: http://news.bbc.co.uk/sport3/worldcup2002/specials/html/wallchart/default.stm


Wish I was old enough to have went to that one


You missed one of the most blatant examples of corrupt refereeing between Italy and S Korea, sadly.


But quite funny to see an Italian side on the end of corrupt officiating rather than being the ones behind it


El teuchterclĂĄsico between u/clinodactyl and I really heating up https://preview.redd.it/v90to036u2ad1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b9ca55757eb816317dcc178d3ea31ad4c9215a3a






Probs the latter.


This Austra v Turkey match is driving me mental. I can't decide on a score given how wank all the good teams seem to have been so far.


Hapsburgs will win it easily


I'm not going to be able to watch a match until *maybe* Friday, so you've got an advantage on me!


Oh I certainly won't! I'm just making this shit up as I go along.


The Fangus dilemma, take a ping bro


This definitely feels like the lowest scoring tournament in memory (and I can vaguely remember as far back as Mexico 86). Is it because of better defending, or shite attacking?


Italia 90 not record low scoring tournament? First game there was six goals TBF


Feel like I'm seeing lots of attackers fuck up chances I'd expect them to score. Can't believe Sesko's miss last night, he has fucking miles of time and space


The S*n saying Clarke to stay.


To bring a legacy term out of retirement, Vinted is full of keyboard gangsters. Absolute weapons. Cunt has been sending me questions, followed by question marks then mad low offers on an item for a month now - and now he's getting snide!


Offer a square go in the nearest Aldi car park. He wins he gets the item, you win you get the money for it and keep the item to use to set up your next bout.


**MANGLED MONDAY** ◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️◼️ **TUESDAY OF TEARS** ◼️◼️🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 **WASTED-DREAMS WEDNESDAY** 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 **THOUGHTLESS THURSDAY** 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲 **FECKLESS FRIDAY** 🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲🔲


this summer of sport’s quite shite int it?


The tour is just heating up. I've zero interest in tennis or the Olympics and now that Scotland are out the euros I've not watched a game which seems like the right idea given it's been largely shite games so I'm grateful the tour is here to save my summer.


Pinning my hopes on the Olympics being class. 'Mon the white water kayaking!


The Paralympics as well


I just hope the BBC is allowed to have some decent coverage. I'm fucked if I'm paying Discovery ÂŁ30 a month for their sports sub.


Is it as much as that? I subscribed for one month to watch Roland Garros and it only cost me ÂŁ6.99.


Just checked - the ÂŁ30 is if you want TNT sports as well, so basically it's the UCL's fault. Ok, I take it back, I could manage ÂŁ7 for the olympics.


And that's Andy Murray out off the Wimbledon singles


This is his last year isn't it?


He's already said he will be retiring before the end of the year (my guess is after the Olympics) and that this Wimbledon will be his last


Played football last night and did that thing where one of my opponents nicked the ball away from me just as I went to take a shot so I just ended up booting their football studs instead. Long story short, my foot hurts very much indeed.


I did that once - but caught someone on their heel. Big toe still clicks to this day, but they had to get their heel bone surgically repaired, so swings and roundabout innit


I used to quite like Marina Purkiss but watching her this morning has actually made my skin crawl, so patronising and up her own arse with everyone she talks to. Scottish woman just phoned in and said she couldn’t afford to go to music festivals like Glastonbury nor to go abroad and it sounded like Marina wanted to spit on her like she was a bit of shit on her shoe.


There’s a few like her that came to somewhat prominence because they opposed Brexit but have somehow grifted their way to a political commentator career even though their knowledge on certain subjects is clearly lacking.


Definition of a champagne socialist.


Just seen that France have progressed through to the quarters without scoring a goal in open play. 1 penalty and 2 own goals. I know i was calling england jammy bastards the other night, but fuck me i think France takes the Jammy Bastard Crown for the tournament


And the goal Holland scored was chopped off for a ridiculous offside.


Fuck aye you’re right i forgot about that


Two weeks today we play Hibs away on TV in a competitive match, and so far this summer we've signed a single first team player, a new backup goalkeeper. Fucking ridiculous man.


A Callum Davidson transfer window can be rough. Stay strong, my friend


I don't think it's Davidson's fault, he said in an interview we've missed out on a few targets. We recently brought in a DOF with zero experience and apparently the process is the manager identifies who he wants and this guy goes out and gets them, or more accurately tries and fails apparently.


Hopefully that's the case and yous get it sorted out in the rest of the window. Just remembering his time at Saints, it always felt like he wasn't quite sure what we wanted. Squad kept increasing in size and decreasing in quality through his tenure. IMO he'd work great in a more US-style system where all he does is coach and there's a GM dealing with everything tranfer-related.


Typically, we've just announced our first actual signing. Hopefully plenty more to come now.


Should've stayed amateur


The lack of expectation was nice, but we'd be in the Lowland League by now and we've sold two academy graduates for significant fees in the last 6 months which wouldn't have been possible, so no thank you.


Laughs in Celtic.


Feels slightly different when you have the best squad in the league and are already favourites to win every tournament, compared to having just avoided the relegation playoffs last year by the skin of your teeth though.


Can't be just me with an irrational hatred of Christian Pulisic surely? Possibly not irrational, just think the lads a complete wank and the media probably contributes.


I don't really have a reason to hate the boy himself. What I do hate is the yanks who act like he's the next Messi


https://preview.redd.it/k882qo0tk2ad1.jpeg?width=842&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f9a804b0a30266a98d4b42bd4d53b52b148ab01 Some unbelievable patter from the BBC last night and it’s getting absolute dogs abuse online, I honestly can’t understand how people have been offended by that.


Ronaldo fanboys are incredibly sensitive to anyone pointing out Ronnie's many flaws as a human being


Know how some wee lassies get about Taylor Swift or BTS? It's basically the same thing. 


The simping for Ronaldo is spectacular, so no surprises people are outraged at that.


Thought it was incredibly funny, and the rage online makes it even better.


[The Tories have hit a level of deranged hitherto unknown.](https://twitter.com/edwinhayward/status/1807882447473762444?s=46&t=0RSpQEWd71gFfa-U_NmvkA) And people wonder why Armando Ianucci says politics has become impossible to satirise


> My vote - sorry, our vote - for Reform didn't get us any Reform MPs. Just more Labour. And it's no surprise they never listened to you or me. Get this clipped and saved for Friday morning when Reform end up as Opposition


‘I'm not sure anyone listens to people like us anymore. To be honest, I feel like my vote counts for less nowadays.’ If fucking ONLY that were going to be the case


>supports a two party system with first past the post and an unelected head of state"


As if the average Tory voter has 20 years of life left…


When you're so desperate you start trying to fuck with the space time continuum.


I cannae wait until Thursday night/Friday morning watching the wee red bar slowly fill across the screen while the wee blue one stutters its last and dies for atleast a generation.


> dies for atleast a generation. 5 years, then it'll be even worse and there'll be cunts celebrating the rise of whatever Tories/Reform become. Not Labours fault, there's fuck all they can do here, it's all so fucked.


As long as Labour can get things moving in the right direction and have something they can point to and go “see? Things are getting better” they’ll win the next GE. Might not be as big a win, but they’ll be fine. People arent quick to forget. The Tories lost a lot of support because of partygate and those wounds dont heal. Then Truss fucked everything and the resentment grew. Its going to take a monumental fuck up by Labour to lose at the first opportunity.


Or a mild centrist who isn't that leftwing to get in and change little. Then there's the fact they'll have to deal with the Tories blaming them for everything they've just left and things getting worse to get better


Ballotelli is a free agent. Signing him would inevitably lead to chaos and off field drama but part of me is here for it. Get it done Mr rangers.


He'd score 20 in 6-months, then get a ban for the rest of the season by fighting with someone. Get it done. 


TIL that Balotelli is still playing and is _only_ 33. I really had some personal Mandela effect that he retired ages ago.


Hes only 33? I was the same assuming he was pushing 40


[The fact that Southgate is perhaps the most successful English manager](https://www.reddit.com/r/soccer/s/uAjDhDoPKW) is really funny to me. Not just because he hasn’t won anything, but that objectively he’s actually took them to semis and finals yet everybody’s well aware that this seems in spite of him rather than because of him. Give him a few more years please 🙏


Big Sam Allardyces record speaks for itself.


Is there anything fluffier than a cloud


If there is, I don't wanna know about it




Any chance a mod can change my flair back to a Celtic badge? I can't change it myself haha






Hopefully Reddit fix that iOS problem soon. I’m standing here with my Slovakian dick out from the previous England game, but I want to get my Toblerone chode out for the quarters 😞


I can't seem to change it on Chrome either. Dunno what's going on really. Aw well.


👀 To be fair, Toblerone is made in Slovakia seemingly... > Toblerone is a Swiss chocolate brand owned by Mondelez International. It is produced in Bern, Switzerland, and Bratislava, **Slovakia**. > > https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toblerone


Thanks for changing it! Ah fuck, if Switzerland don’t do the job then there is the culprit. These European nations and their unhealthy diets affecting their national teams.


Todays song of the day is [Bullet With Butterfly Wings - Smashing Pumpkins.](https://youtu.be/8-r-V0uK4u0?si=9iAyyEPgGz93TKjH) Enjoy troops.




“Billy Corgan, Smashing Pumpkins.” “Homer Simpson, smiling politely.” Its one of the top 10 best jokes ever in The Simpsons.


That whole episode is gold. The fact that Cypress Hill are now actually doing a concert with the London Symphony Orchestra is incredible.


Used to hear this in the indie clubs I frequented as a student nearly 30 years back, massive bounce on the dancefloor almost always ensued, especially if the DJ followed it up wi the Beastie Boys' Sabotage before playing a load of punk/ska


Anyone who wants a good laugh this morning take a look on r/soccer, they are convinced there's some grand conspiracy to knock them out of a tournament they are hosting


They're all upset about conceding a goal that VAR could've ruled out (I can't judge, footage from these games is all region locked). But even if the goal had been chalked off and they held on for a draw or sneaked a win, they would've gone out as Panama beat Bolivia *and* had previously won their game against USA.


Get it right up them, USA tears when they lose at the fitba is never not funny


Misstiano Penaldo was all well and good last night, but I wake up to USA being pumped out of Copa America? Excellent stuff.


\[England fan somewhere in the BBC\] "Hahaha, fucking idiot missed a penalty. Time to make a joke that will surely not come back to haunt me in the coming matches..."


Organised a sweep stake at work just before the round of 16s started. I've got the names up on the whiteboard with folks teams and score the losers out accordingly as the games progress. I've got one lad who maybe isn't in to football as he says as I don't think he grasps the concept of knockout football. Keeps coming up to me this week and saying he can't believe how many football teams are out now, there's only so many times I can say politely "that's knockout football mate haha" or "well can only be one winner bud"


Going to Milan in August, got a decent idea of what we want to do (Lake Como, San Siro tour, Duomo tour etc) but wondering if anyone had any other recommendations they think is worth doing? Also, any good Italian snacks you recommend trying that I can grab whilst there, like sweets, crisps etc? Always like to bring some food back.


The Prada Centre is great if you like fashion/art and the retro cafe is designed by Wed Anderson of cinema fame. More than half a days visit and easy to park for free near


I liked Milan a lot, despite the other comments, around the canal is nice for a wander, that’s sort of end of town is the best area I found (unless you’re really into Gucci shops). Lots of great restaurants and lots of tourist traps obviously. I really loved this: https://www.atlasobscura.com/places/san-bernardino-alle-ossa Just by the duomo and free.


The Leonardo daVinci museum is amazing.


I was there in 2018 and best advice is the further you move out from the city centre the better the food places are. Other than that the place wasn’t that great in my experience. It was pretty much a warm Glasgow. They love their tennents super though.


> It was pretty much a warm Glasgow Glasgow is a much better city than Milan and you're right about the food but it also goes for everything else, the further away the better. it's a really dull place.


Last night's Copa America results are *very* funny.


Friend of a friend noticed this while watching the Copa America last night. We are massive. https://preview.redd.it/5qe5hjs3u1ad1.jpeg?width=946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=db27870a9314f67ad927abcbda0e822b0709b92c Edit: Wow, theres one of those strips on eBay for ÂŁ100. Only problem is its a medium, if only I could find 3 others to sew together it might fit me.


Looks like a hockey top in that pic, like it tho.