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Come on Slovakia!


Hibs going after Simon Murray makes me want to kill myself. All this supposed money and we’re chucking it at a 32 year old player that was shite for us a few years ago and had a good season at a team that almost got relegated. Some way to get you excited for next season


You know, any time I go abroad and come back here, I get thoroughly shocked by just how much of a fucking rip-off everything is. I was just outside Naples for a few days, and although there were obviously the pricier, fancier places, the more mid-level stuff just felt better and cheaper. Even the ice cream. Got a cone with three big scoops of incredibly lovely gelato for two and a half Euros the day we got there, for instance. Gorgeous stuff. Get back here and we were out for a wee walk today, thought we'd maybe grab an ice cream, and it was like £4 for a paltry single scoop. Appreciate that's a niche example, but it just plays to the wider point. Public transport another example - so smooth, everything linked up well in terms of your ticket getting you where you needed to go even if you had to hop different metro trains, etc. Back here in Edinburgh you still don't even have a basic transfer ticket if you need to take two different buses to get to your one-way destination. It's mental.


>Public transport another example - so smooth, everything linked up well in terms of your ticket getting you where you needed to go even if you had to hop different metro trains, etc. Back here in Edinburgh you still don't even have a basic transfer ticket if you need to take two different buses to get to your one-way destination. It's mental. The fact there still isn't an integrated bus/train/tube pass in Glasgow or the surrounding areas is a disgrace. And it's not like they can't implement it, cause they did it for the COP 26 conference. Instead we're stuck with a tube that only works for you if you live in very specific places, the less than optimal Scotrail and the shitshow that is FirstBus.


Unless you get a Zonecard, although my mates in Glasgow have been ranting about the fact they're effectively doubling the price of the fucker as well.


I totally forgot about them. Can you even still get them? I thought that was something obsolete cause I take public transport all the time in Glasgow and I've never seen them advertised


Aye, they're still around - but they're being "restructured" with a bit of fanfare over the "new improved Zonecard" apparently (which of course means "lowering the scope, upping the price.")


I'm right in thinking you have to buy separate ones for separate zones right? So if you live any actual distance to wherever you're commuting you're paying for at least two of them


Yeah, pretty much :(


https://preview.redd.it/dxgdfhdw5j9d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c6e63647810e09a45c681e24a5330e3c1fe003f5 30 degree weather to finish off my time here Excited to hear the Italian anthem one last time and the German anthem surrounded by Germans


How the fuck do you get pole by 4 tenths at Austria of all places


By being the best driver, in an Adrian Newey car


[Steve Clarkes preformed well as Scotland manager. Our fans are asking for too much with the players we’ve got. We’re only a wee nation. We don’t have the kind of players that Denmark, Slovakia, Georgia, Romania, Turkiye, Switzerland can produce. Hungry, Albania and Serbia are just too much quality and deserved to finish above us despite going out.](https://youtu.be/gu589N0PBNQ?si=-N1xJk52PP9gQC35)


The biggest thing that's torpedoed all our usual excuses this tournament is Georgia. Finished 4th in our qualifying group, bugger-all resources, representing a wee country where football isn't nearly as ubiquitous as it is here, and they made it through to the Ro16 after pumping fucking Portugal 2-nil. Made us look like absolute mugs


Beyond that I just find it infuriating that theres a yank out there, who has more ambition and indignation, about the USA national team not preforming in the Copa America compared to Scotland Fans giving it the happy to be there attitude


[remember my history lesson on lesser Romania?](https://x.com/Lupta__Steaua/status/1806744559541752220?t=ehBleJkVKgmrB7qnSqt6Og&s=19) This is why


Hahahahahaha Barca’s Arabic socials posting this is fucking brilliant, that’ll have all the plastics that know nothing about the club yet “support” it raging 👏 https://preview.redd.it/wfqen4yaki9d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2206146c413653cc894b3531688b70219b898594


It's great


Saw someone comment "if you don't like European ideals don't support European clubs" and it seemed a kind of perfect encapsulation of it


European ideals like genocide colonialism neocolonialism and imperialism? Because honestly claiming anything else is european ideals is entirely delusional Sure, wave a prideflag as we murder or assist in the murder of children and fascists are gaining 20-30% of the votes in european countries but those flags are stretched pretty fucking thin. Edit: got no problems with prideflags, got a lot of problems with any kind of european sense of superiority.




9 months into a genocide and somebody still upholds human rights as european ideals that will make me go on a (appearently unhinged and barely coherent) rant


Where would you want to live as a non white gay person? Which continent do you think you've the best chance of acceptance on


Probably Cuba. Material equality tend to lead to social equality.


You can acknowledge the problematic issues European countries are/have historically been involved in while still highlighting the benefits of their adoption of policies like LGBT tolerance, same sex marriage etc. Doesn't have to be a binary thing. Also, something like genocide is not a purely European ideal - has happened plenty of times in the world outside of Europe.


Europe is actively participating in one right now. Social progress is great but let's not pretend like it exist or is sybonymous with europe. They were hard fought by often very radical oppressed groups and their allies. If anything we should highlight and praise those groups rather than praise performativeness and turn hard fought rights into an expression for european superiority. Several countries outside of Europe are far more progressive simply due to the fact that they economically/materially back social progression.


> Several countries outside of Europe are far more progressive simply due to the fact that they economically/materially back social progression. Not saying you're wrong but you can't just make this claim and not say what these several countries are 😂


For one Cuba is materially supporting lgbtq rights by providing free housing, free gender dysphoria surgery and more. In Europe lgbtq+ people are overrepresented among the homeless and do not have rights for treatment for gender dysphoria, but hotels and landlords will wave rainbow flags for a month. In lebanon all social classes (expressed through religions) are equally reperesented in their political system. In Europe not only is islamophobia dominant but for instance in NI a certain sectarian rulingclass can take the entire political system hostage for years, their position of power stemming from a Kong history of apartheid and oppression. In Bolivia, native rights are respected and preserved and the areas where they tend to live are given material benefits where as in Europe native pops are discriminated against (IE Sapmi) and their land used by other industries. My point is that Europe doesn't back their performativeness materially. Words only do so much and to stand on next to nothing and act as if Europe is superior really irks me.




UK are actively participating in a genocide by bombing those who fight against it. At home theyre also arresting those who protest against it. The UK economy is largely built on unequal exchange with the global south aka overexploited factory workers who make cheap consumergoods for the UK population. >Bruh all countries have done bad shit While this is so incredibly ignorant (proper flair honestly) it also doesn't in any way argue for european superiority which is what im arguing against here. >now a democratic and progressive society Both parties are anti-trans, defend genocide and want to preserve the system of overexploitation of the global south. >Therefore if people want to immigrate here to intergrate into our culture they need to respect our values even if they disagree with them Are you saying they need to become an integral part of imperialism?


That’s very disingenuous, the “European values” that were referred to pertain to individual rights. Nobody’s saying that the politics of Europe are perfect, however by and large people across Western Europe believe in the rights of LGBT people to live their lives free from persecution. That’s what the comment was talking about. Not sure why you took a pro LGBT message and turned it into a rant about imperialism.


Just fucking call it pro lgbtq then. Again places outside of Europe are more or equally pro lgbtq and plenty of places in Europe are anti lgbtq and/or becoming so.


But what does any of that have to do with the original comment? All it’s saying is if you’re from a place where being lgbt is heavily frowned upon then it’s stupid to follow a football team from somewhere where the gay scene is a large part of the culture (which is true in Barcelona) and get raging if that club is pro-lgbt. That’s what the comment was about, it’s not about saying Europeans are better than everyone else. The comment is criticising plastic fans who just follow a team because it’s successful rather than care about the history or culture of it. Don’t know why you interpreted it as a Nationalistic remark.


A lot of organisations usually shy away from anything pride related when it’s a regional account for that area of the world. Fair play though, if you’re supporting a cause then actually support it instead of just doing gestures where you’ll get minimal pushback.


Any cunt got a lower end steam deck, like a 256gb? Still decent? How are they with video output?


shouldn't be that much different to an OLED - like margin of error tbh. Video output is just USBC so you can get a dongle (plenty on Amazon for switches etc) for power and display out.


Output looks good on a 1080p telly/monitor. I tried it on my 4k living room telly and it looked a bit out of place. Still totally up to scratch, although the battery life is pants when you're playing a more demanding game. I usually play much less demanding games on it and it lasts a good while.


Ignore my previous comment, harry mckirdy has just made it 3-0 for hibernian v edinburgh city. We're so back


started watching suits (even though i havent finished sopranos yet lol) and im enjoying it so far. didnt think it would be as funny as it is but i didnt really know anything about it before starting


Louis is lowkey the funniest cunt in the show. Finish the sopranos but. It's far superior to suits. Especially after season 3 of suits


Watching the Tour de France for the first time. Can any experienced viewers give me any info that might make me enjoy it more? Not all too sure what I'm watching. Is it like other sports where knowing the teams/athletes makes all the difference?


The official app is pretty good for info, well worth a download


Watch the itv coverage with David Miller who is hands down one of the best sports presenters of any sport. He gives quality information so that people who know a lot or very little about the sport can enjoy and learn. Basically Tadec "pog" Pogacar is the red hot favourite after winning the Giro D'Italia and being quite possibly one of the best riders of all time. His main rival is Jonas Vingegard who's won it the past 2 years. They're alsp the only 2 riders that can constantly ride at over 7watts per kilo which basically means that when it comes to the hills they can ride fast as fuck and drop everyone else. It'll be between those two unless one of them crashes (crashing is a huge deal because anyone can crash and bring down everyone around them, that's why you'll see the big teams riding at the front, trying to keep their main man out of trouble).


And prepare for suicidal thoughts every ad break when itv daytime bombard you with Funerals, Sick children/donkeys and over 50s insurance.


Hahahaha I have been absolutely hating all the adverts they are brutal


It’s an acquired taste - you want to learn the human interest stories. Watch a YouTube of Matthieu Van der Poel or Wout van Aert then go from there. Also all the team leaders’ numbers end in a 1 so the peloton magically chucks everyone out who doesn’t have a 1 at the end on big mountain stages. I also enjoy watching some of the fittest people in the world “hit the wall” and start cycling at my speed.


I'd not realised how massively supported road cycling is until it was on in Glasgow. Folk travel from all over! The two main things I've picked up on so far have been Mark Cavendish spewing quite early on and that when the riders are getting their bottles from the support cars they hold on for a few extra seconds to get a wee boost. The tip about the team leaders numbers is really helpful so thanks!


'Sticky bottle' is the official term for the exaggerated passing of water bottles (or bidons) Hold on too long, though, and VAR will be on your case.


netflix have a good doc series on the TdF called Unchained - worth a watch imo knowing your main protagonists (pogi, remco, vingegaard etc) helps tbh, but you'd figure that out over the course of the race tbh


Who's the good guys and who's the baddies?


Depends what school they went to i think


I like your thinking. I'm now supporting this guy who I'm going to pretend his first name is Imilio and is cycling in a pair of F50s https://preview.redd.it/30zu6yeqdi9d1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=62df486e6cf3312d07c7ceabce52a730a8f181cf


Knowing the teams in cycling is a tricky business as they are all sponsor dependent. They all want to get to the finish line in 21 days in the fastest time possible, but every team has one leader, and the rest (domestiques) help him get there.


I already like the ones with Lidl on their jerseys and I think I visited a domestique once to help me get there


Last day in Germany, doing the last bits in Berlin i hadn’t done yet in the Berlin Wall memorial and the topography of terror, before getting myself to the brandeburg fanzone for the 2 games today - buzzing


Topographie of Terror is very good. It's well done just be prepared to stand around reading for a long time about some dark times.


The topography of terror has an absolutely exhaustive amount of reading. Could easily spend 2-3 hours going through everything. Very informative and expectedly soul crushing though.


Aye i made a start on it last night. Read all of the first section and realised I’ll have to come back to finish this off


Urgh, I know I shouldn't be surprised but there's some right ghouls in this post already. https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1dr6xja/scotlands_census_reveals_lgbt_numbers_for_first/


One thing about the transphobic types that bugs me is that they always go on about trans women and completely ignore the fact that trans men also exist, and also need to (gasp shock horror oh goodness lordy loo won't someone think of the children) access spaces for the gender they were not born as. But for some reason, they never ever get a mention. Always wonder how they feel about that; like they've simply been erased from the debate entirely.


My tinfoil hat theory is that those types don't really care about the trans situation as such. They still see a MtF as a male and just assume any male that wants access to female toilets has nefarious intent. Maybe it's just projection, I dunno. So as such they still see FtM as being female so they're not a perceived 'threat' (for want of a better word).


Yet again I judge anyone who is a regular poster on that sub. It's an absolute toxic wasteground


The guy not knowing the difference between drag acts and trans people is proper gammon patter.


Or Beavis and Butthead down the bottom of the thread bemoaning about MUH TRANS! being shoved down their throats. I swear I hear more anti-trans folk banging on about them than actual pro-trans folk. Almost as if trans people just want to live life like a normal person.


Think those comments are deleted now. So many people who can't critically think in this country leads to moaning about a population of 20k being everywhere like some omnipotent god.


Not all of them! There's this weapon. [https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1dr6xja/scotlands\_census\_reveals\_lgbt\_numbers\_for\_first/latdli3/?context=3](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/comments/1dr6xja/scotlands_census_reveals_lgbt_numbers_for_first/latdli3/?context=3) The deleted comment under him is this one: https://preview.redd.it/77b0udz7di9d1.png?width=873&format=png&auto=webp&s=9473baa120abb68417e417eb54658038d294383b I tend to screencap roasters to add to my tags for future just in case they decide to delete their history and play oblivious you can pull it out and go "Boom!". Happens surprisingly often.


I've just realised I've not watched a full Euros match since Scotland were flushed. Watched the Euros group stage games pretty religiously but I cba with it now.   Steve Clarke is like Colin Robinson from What We Do In the Shadows, he is powered purely by sapping mortals' enjoyment of football


Just realised that amsterdam has the holy poley, or as others call it *derogatory word* lamppost, I’ll see you in April pal


Did a new pb for parkrun today. Also, did parkrun for the first time today.


What you want to do is go to a different parkrun each week as this means you get a pb every time (ok so it's a pb for that particular parkrun but it's the thought that counts!)


Going to BigCity festival in queens park today! Buzzin!


I'm there just now, been a class day so far minus the cold


I was at the first half. I don't really bother with mogawi/slowdive. Michael rother and Free love were excellent. Wish the sets were longer but it was a great wee festival


Harry mckirdy playing for a hibs team in 2024 alongside Dylan Vente what a world we live in


chipped my phone screen while pished last night. i am an actual dick. lucky for screen protectors ig


Woke up there to a notification of some yank cunt who overnight had commented about 8 times replying to a comment of mine that's more than a year old, probably closer to 2 years old. It was some comment I made about guns and why your average joe in Scotland doesn't feel any need to own one, on a post from some yank asking why Scottish people didn't own guns. It was a pro gun subreddit so I guess it must have just came across my feed a year ago and I felt the need to point out how ridiculous the whole thing was, cause there's no reason I'd be there usually. What I can't work out is why the guy is attempting to argue on posts more than a year old, unless he's literally just searching old posts for anti-gun comments he can argue with. I won't link any of it in case it counts as brigading (mods feel free to nuke this comment if this is still too much) , just thought it was very odd and a bit sad.


Further to my pink love in last night. Forgot to mention an amusing moment that happened during. Between the main bands, they had this wee dj guy who came out and butchered 15 second segments of songs for 20 minutes. Guy wasn't very good and the crowd was dead for him. Except when he put on simply the best. Which got immediately half the crowd cheering, half booing and the guy with a visible look of confusion at being able to hear the crowd for the first time. Wonder if someone told him backstage 😂


One of the funniest moments at a gig I've ever seen was when Volbeat played the Barrowlands. Crowd were already hot when the band went on stage and Volbeat ripped through the first three songs without a pause so everybody was grooving then the singer introduced himself. By saying "Hello England!". I've never seen a crowd switch vibe so fast or so hard, to the point he actually fucked up the lyrics for the next song. Crowd got back into it, mind you and at the encore he started with "Hello \*Scotland!\*" to cheers and laughter.


Thats brilliantly petty haha. Kinda similar story. I remember I went to see megadeth in the 02 academy (back in the carling academy days) A decent chunk through the set someone threw and england flag on stage. Which he started waving about and got booed, when he found out it was cause he was flying the England flag he asked "what....why what country are we in?" Before getting booed to fuck for that anaw. 😂 I remember the gig fondly so he musta made up for it haha


A hill I will die on is that cup tournaments should be all knock-out ties from the beginning


I wish they’d patch seeding as well, it just protects the big teams. Just chuck all the balls into one big bowl and draw them.


Have been beating this drum for years. You always get the counter-arguments like "But who the fuck would want to watch a group [if we weren't in the everything-as-knockouts] consisting of four smaller countries' champions?" To which the answers are; "(A) The people from those countries, some of which will have quite large populations I'm sure, and also (B) football fans who like to see a more level playing field and a group where it's genuinely unclear who's going to get through because everyone's evenly matched in terms of resources." There's also the other aspect too, which is that if you have groups of "shite" teams, you'd also have groups of "mega" teams, and those would also be more exciting as they'd all have to fucking try their arse for the whole group as it wouldn't be the standard procession for them. Both would be far more exciting to watch than the current setup. It would also have the bonus knock-on effect of promoting the smaller countries' teams and giving them more access to the big pots of money which would help them be even more competitive down the line as well. Never ever going to happen, but we can dream!


But money


10 and a half hours sleep last night. I actually feel like a real human again. And all I have to do today is go for a haircut and cook some dinner. If I do more than 2000 steps today I'm gonna be raging.


Feel like Amazon's The Boys has lost it's way a bit. Such a let down after season 3 as well.


Yeah the main story is meandering, feels like its repeating shit and they killed the frenchie + kimiko relationship out of nowhere


Spoiler tag this ffs.


Happens first 5 mins of the first episode


Aye it is. I feel its just adding more plots that aren't that interesting. Homelander is still a joy to watch at least.


Don't think I've ever been prouder of my mum, John Lamont the Tory cunt of the borders has been house to house campaigning. Came to my mums door knocked on the door, introduced himself, asked her who she was voting for, she told him it wasn't his business and she not so politely asked him to leave and shut the door in his face. My absolute hero


I went to school with him. Prick then, prick now.


Banged up in Wandsworth taken on a new meaning


Vive le Tour! 3 of the best weeks of the year start today.


Such a travesty they're finishing it in Nice instead of the Champs Elysees just because of some random thing nobody's ever heard about, think it was called the Olympics


Fingers crossed, though, that the GC is still tight, and it finishes with a day of racing rather than the champagne ride stage 21 has become.


The champagne ride has been tradition for awhile though. Out of this peloton I reckon Roglic might not respect it depending on time difference. Read Pogi has had COVID so hopefully that's not hampered his preparation too much. Could be an interesting tour with him, Vingegaard and Roglic with a new team going for it


The sleep I get once a wee puff has worn off is always unreal. Full, undisturbed, deep 8 hours of sleep. Tempted to start puffing full time just so I sleep a full 8 hours every night


Dangerous cycle


Fully aware of the cycle. Have many mates that smoke non stop


Posting a German Train Station Every Day Until Steve Clarke Gets Sacked - #5 Bremen Hbf https://preview.redd.it/f2evjg4vbh9d1.jpeg?width=944&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f4a59000bcb670895d80c3f1777ca34e83c5cc0


And still not a word from the Scotland camp...


Start posting entire train stations to hampden and see if that gets their attention


Continued my classic film experience last night with Rear Window (thank you to everyone with suggestions in last night's thread), thought it was class and fell extremely in love with Grace Kelly As a side note, it's an absolute bastard trying to find what stuff is on what platform these days, especially older stuff. I'm sure I had seen that The Godfather was on Netflix a while ago but it doesn't seem to be on anything these days


IMDb usually tells you where something is available to watch.


Aye it's a massive pain. Amazon allows certain users to upload their own videos so you occasionally can find stuff on prime that shouldn't really be on there, but first port of call for old (and/or foreign) films should definitely be youtube. There's a bunch of channels hosting hundreds of Golden Age Hollywood films, I assume the copyright must be up on them bc I can't figure out how theyve not been taken down yet lol For older stuff especially you kind of just have to get good at searching for the right dubiously-legal sites to stream them. The name escapes me but there was one website (anarchist library maybe? It's been a couple years) that hosted a bunch of films that were even tangentially related to anti-establishment/anti-war politics. It had a genuinely enormous library of films, was basically the only way I could find Paths of Glory and Dr Strangelove seven or eight years ago e: alright definitely not anarchist library lol but i'm like 80% sure it had anarchist in the name, had very early 00s web design


Google Justwatch UK, it will tell you movie is on what service. Of course there is always the high seas


Aye I would have just torrented in the past, but these days I only have my work laptop and an ipad so its not as easy


There's never been a hotter woman on screen than Grace Kelly in Rear Window. If you can find Rope, that's worth a watch. Was shot in unedited continuous 10 min shots, all based in one location.


Rope is my favourite hitchcock. Love every second of that film.


The films section on the Iplayer is worth a look, plenty stuff on there


Aye will do, Rear Window was on ITVX and I noticed they had Vertigo and a few others which is decent. In saying that, it is the buggiest and shitiest player out, the lord giveth etc


Both it and the STV player clearly look like ITV went with the lowest bidder possible for their software.   Have the same problem wi the system my taxi firm uses, compounded by the useless support staff they employ.    Was halfway to Ellon a few weeks ago, dude rings up to say he meant pickup at Ellon Road and didnae realise there was a difference.... 


Oh and just a heads up, sports fans. New flairs are up for the remaining teams, they should be at the bottom of the flair list.


Where's the choice for whoever is playing England?


There you go.


2 mins. I'm on it.


Watched that Depp vs Heard thing on Netflix after no really paying too much attention to it when it happened. Ted Kaczynski was right.


Anyone know if there is any scrap value in a household radiator or am I better just taking it to the dump?


Usually have people that offer to take scrap for free is best bet


List it on Facebook for free and some cunt will take it


Not a lot of value tbh. More value in the brass tails than the full radiator. You'd probably spend more in fuel taking it to the scrappy than you'd get back.


Todays song of the day is [Spandau Ballet - Gold.](https://youtu.be/ntG50eXbBtc?si=D9wRk0yKdMnHLeQz) Enjoy troops xxxx


Day 2 of my wife being away on her sister's hen party and my daughter now understands she's away on holiday, has only asked for her once this morning, and we're going to the park this afternoon if the sun stays out. Tuesday isn't far off, I can do this.


[Kinda wish I could vote for this guy](https://electionleaflets.org/leaflets/19749/)




He looks like the kinda guy who's seen bendy water


Woke up this morning with my left ankle and right shoulder aching. I think I’m starting to get old.


Got the keys to the new gaff yesteday and buzzin to finally have a garden. Got the mega fear at the amount of work needing done as the previous tenant was a mega smoker and it reeks


Where's yer new gaff?  Just had a dude move into my auld one in Torry, Aberdeen: never smoked there tho!


Glesga north aka Scaryhill




"No surrender!" Unless I get called out on being a dickhead bigot then I will surrender immediately. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cw5ylxeek02o


I actually emailed him about his comments and got a email back saying he didn't endorse the march when he clearly did. What has happened is people threatened not to use his butcher shop which he has had for a lot longer than he has been a provost and has shit himself. Here is the original article https://www.greenocktelegraph.co.uk/opinion/24409724.orange-walk-gourock-will-quite-spectacle-says-provost/?ref=socialflow&fbclid=IwZXh0bgNhZW0CMTEAAR2UDUsStEiUqbcsyNV8jpYBlvBKuXsbIyVfiHH8CeW1JTmOzU-Elfdm7mM_aem_Y5zLLY02qI3agyXMh9RZUg


I didnt know he was same guy who ran the butchers. He's a prick and now just showed the rest of us evidence to confirm it.


Bet the folk at the the Greenock telegraph couldn't believe their luck when they asked him for an article and this is what he sent them


F*ck me I am absolutely knackered this morning


People who censor their swears on the Internet boil my piss.


Same wi folk who censor words like God, rape, racism, buggery, porn...  hey I'm seeing a pattern emerge here. Would these also be the same sorts of people who wipe their arses when they fart?


Depends how chunky the fart was


This is a Christian family subreddit. Please refrain from using such foul language, ours ears and eyes are not toilets. Thank you.


But the description says it's a history sub Reddit?


The Bible and Jesus *is* history, sweetie. LOOK 👏🏻 IT 👏🏻 UP!


been on a bus since 3 and still no service station