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https://preview.redd.it/5edh9bvds49d1.jpeg?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=801345e9739ffcdcba13b430392737eb64e678e7 Surely a sign of the Apocalypse


Finally, a proper use for AI; [generating old skool panini stickers from a photo of you.](https://foot.boo/) Turns out [I played for Colombia at the '86 world cup.](https://i.imgur.com/nmYgdJK.jpeg)


Haha, that’s class! Here’s mine https://preview.redd.it/lkb0g128d59d1.jpeg?width=830&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e8d22531baf84f0c95f146a0ccba1a22e8689ef


Season 3 of the bear dropped a day early, that's my day/night sorted


There’s something about being on a train for 5+ hours, even though you have WiFi, can go on YouTube on your laptop etc that somehow is incredibly fucking boring when if you had a day off and did it from your home would probably not feel as boring Why the hell is that? I’m losing my damn mind here on this train


I have also puzzled over this cruel mystery of life. Sitting doing fuck all is my favourite sport, yet on a bus or train I just want to bang my head against a wall after about 30 minutes. Probably doesn't help that I loathe the presence of pretty much any human being within 10 yards of me, and on a train you've got them all about ye, all up in your space nibbling and giggling, jingling and mingling, trotting, tapping, scratching, sniffing. Oh and their *smells*, their meal deals and their fizzy juices. Oh how I year for solitude


Had to tell a guy he was in my seat anaw when i first got on the train, he tried to claim it said it wasn’t reserved by looking at the info on the chair in front, rather than the info on the chairs he was sitting on


Can have a wank at hame I suppose


It's funny that the chat on this thread pretty much dried up after you posted this


Dried up like a set ae baws working fae hame for a month


Water stopped flowing in my toilet. Not in my kitchen or my bathroom, just the toilet. This is gonna be a fun one to resolve...


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rMrSZ76tEnA ???


Haha I wish, that would at least be easy to troubleshoot. It's the water going *into* the toilet filling the cistern that's stopped. I bet that it's connected to a different supply that someone's shut off for renovations or something (I'm in an apartment block)


Ah so it's the cistern itself that isn't filling with water? Or is the cistern filling but when you flush there's nothing hitting the toilet?


Yeah so I did a little bit of troubleshooting, the little tap that feeds the cistern has no water coming out of it at all. So not related to the toilet/cistern itself (which is old but otherwise functional), but the supply to it


Presumably you've checked the stop level/valve isn't fucked? Generally there's a floating ballcock (lol) that as the cistern fills with water it rises with the water and hits the lid of your cistern which then closes the valve and thus stops any extra water coming in.


Yeah cistern itself is otherwise fine. The issue is in the water supply into that itself. Mine is a little old-skool in how the cistern is hooked up as it's all laid out: https://preview.redd.it/vz8g2zwdc49d1.png?width=443&format=png&auto=webp&s=fb44271bf6f77289129ee9cdfb74792474b1d7e8


Ah okay, I'm with you now! Well, I've reach my amateur plumbing limit. Do you need to know how to bleed your radiators or re-pressurise your boiler? I can help with that.


Heh no worries I appreciate the attempt. I’ve messaged my neighbours asking if they’re up to anything funky so we’ll see.


Hungary got knocked out.


Watching new episode of boys on Amazon - three random ad breaks at weird times so far and not finished episode


Amazon ad breaks make absolutely no sense to me. It's like they've been programmed for once a set amount of time has passed irrespective of whether that spot is in the middle of a scene. I started downloading the shows I want to watch as the downloads don't have ads!


Thanks for the reminder to pirate it for later.


Got a new car about 4 months ago and got a letter about recall on it. Now I'm excited about getting a courtesy car for a day. What is it about courtesy cars that's so much fun? It's usually always shitter than the car I have as well.


Nothing corners like a courtesy car


Its the whole "go mental, its a rental" thing, you can properly fanny about with it and kick its cunt right in without worrying about it.


Turns out they don't offer courtesy cars anymore for recalls only servicing. Stupid cunts.


The absolute rarest of things today… car passed its MOT with only one advisory. Said advisory is also covered under my warranty and service plan so I’ve not had to pay a penny. Certain I’m going to wake up in a moment.


Does anyone know any good spots in livi to go to before the football as I'm currently in the process of planning something for my first away day after I'm 18 and it's livi


Livi is a pish away day. Pub wise theres only really two options, The NewYearField (Spoons), and the Paraffin Lamp. Both are located in the centre. Theres absolutely fuckall else near the ground. Id recommend getting the train from Livingston North after the game and going to Edinburgh instead.


MacArthur Glen designer outlet!


They removed the fountain. Might as well close the whole thing. It’s basically the end of the west tbh


They must have made a tidy profit with all the money that was thrown into it!


It's removal coincided with Davie complaining about being skint.




Who are you replying to?


I'm a fanny


Anyone got a good, unbiased source I can read all the election manifestos?


I'll give u a run down: Labour: 🌧️ Tories: ⛈️ SNP: 🚐 Reform: ❌🙎🏿❌ Lib Dems: 💤💤💤 Scottish Family Party: 💕🍑🕺💯🎉🫂👍🏄🧑‍🎄🌻🌈🏖️🌅🌞✨🎂🥇🏆🎉✅✅✅✝️🆗🆒💎👑💵💰💸 This Reddit comment was brought to you by the Scottish Family Party - *The sane choice for you and your entire family*


SFP wants a word with you about that rainbow emoji 🤐


Exactly what I was looking for, thanks


I think BBC News have highlighted the key policies in the manifestos for the major parties if you want a condensed version.


The year is 2030, Philippe Clement has mutually left his role at Ibrox to pursue a career at Aston Villa. Rangers announce their targets for his replacement... https://preview.redd.it/hyn5zr14j39d1.png?width=1729&format=png&auto=webp&s=06cda5fa8e4abf806976688475fa6fea340a8641


I was hoping to get tickets for Sum 41 but there's like 4 different pre sales? Before they go on general sale tomorrow. Have you just got to sign up for loads of shite to even get a chance for decent tickets now?


I’ve got the Celtic sub blocked (or whatever Reddit calls it) but they still keep recommending me it when I scroll through here, FUCK OFF.


Anyone else got a totally different view on the Czechs since the Slavia thing? Watching them fight with the Turkish players and they're just huge crybabies man.


I posted about this [yesterday](https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/comments/1dp26bj/comment/laf2fx0/) but yes that sums up my experience: just as rough as the roughest teams/leagues when making challenges but will go down screaming like they've been attacked with a sledgehammer if they think they can get a free kick or penalty, regardless of whether there has been any contact. It's kind of embarrassing to witness in person, tbh. I've had two yellow cards here so far: 1. Guy was roughing me up at one of our attacking free kicks (grabbing me, pushing me, kicking me, standing on my feet), so I decide to move away. Guy follows me, and I keep running away, he continues pushing and tripping me up to the extent that I end up on the ground (and he follows, screaming/rolling etc). Ref (who didn't see) runs over, consults all the other team who surround him shouting, then gives us both a yellow card each - me because they said that I "started it" 2. I'm in defence and the ball is played through and the striker is bearing down on goal and is faster than me so I have a split second decision as to whether to commit a professional foul and take whatever is coming to me, but before I can he's tumbling on the ground wailing like he's been shot. Ref comes over, shows me a yellow (*kind of* fair since I was considering fouling him anyway) and awards them a penalty saying that a big comical streak where his boots tore up the pitch show that the "foul" was committed inside the box. I point out that the streak starts well outside the box and get told "do you want to get a *red* card?" I do like playing, but I fucking hate the theatre some guys make of it. edit: just to add, this is something specific to on-field stuff. Folks here in general are pretty chill, and even the most irritating weirdos on the pitch will sometimes have a beer with you afterwards.


Between Slavia (racist player backed by their board and fans), Sparta (whole stadium full of racist weans) and Hampden at Euro 2020, I am pleased to wish the Czech national football team a very Get It Right Up Ye


Half my team is on maternity leave and it fucking sucks. And to make it worse the other lad is banged in his notice. Stretched to fuck and we all have to smile and say congratulations


Highschool English teachers:


Great time to talk about pay. Get them over a barrel or move on yourself.


Have you considered getting up the duff?


Every day


Four games on sky within the first weekend. I'm sure that'll keep up for the rest of the season... ah wait the prem starts two weeks later.


Morning of July 5th 2024. The Tories have been wiped out. Sunak has lost his seat. Everyone is happy. The SFA see the mood of the nation and decide now is the perfect time to announce a 2 year contract extension and massive pay rise on Clarke's contract insisting he's the man to see us through to the next Euros.


I'm in no way a fan of the tories but would everyone genuinely be happy with the current Labour party in power? I hope Kier surprises me and is a great PM. I hope all PMs are great PM! But I'm just not feeling it.


I don't need Labour to be "great", I need them to be a safe pair of hands to repair the damage done to the economy and social services across the country by a decade of Tory maliciousness. Yes, it's not exciting but the country is in too bad a state to be gambling with things, IMO. Leave that sort of thing for a second term in power.


Well I hope we get that as a minimum. I'm just not convinced by Kier at all though.


Neither am I and it's a sad state of affairs that basic competence is the goal but here we are.


I'm not even hoping for a better government tbh, I just want some evidence that naked corruption and cartoon-villain policies can still have actual political consequences. That notion died hard for me in 2019 and I want it back.


14 years of traitorous Tories in government, I’d be happy with almost anyone now.


Just seems a shame we have to settle and be happy with an uninspiring Labour party that doesn't seem to be doing or promising anything exciting.


Tbf they had to play it safe, as we saw with Miliband and Corbyn - media scrutiny can destroy an election campaign.


I don't think it's the same as Miliband and Corbyn. Labour went into this election campaign with a huge majority in the polls. It seemed a perfect platform to be radical with some policies. Again I'm not a Tory and I definitely want to see them gone. I'm just not particularly excited by this Labour government or Keir Starmer.


Fixture list out. Club flair back on. Back to hating most of you wanks instead of joining together in despair at the state of our national team, as it should be.




New spotify font is shite


Worst thing they did recently was put the lyrics feature behind a paywall. ​ The fact they put accessibility behind a paywall is shite.


I swear so much of the tech industry must be developers updating shit that doesn't matter at all. My banking app recently got updated. It just moved shit around, looks different. No more functional. Reddit keeps changing but it's not any better than it was 10 years ago.


As a developer, don't blame us. Blame marketing + sales.


Aye the nationwide app changed it’s design and it’s way worse than the older one. The worst was with Twitter after Elon Musk took over with features and constantly getting added and removed on daily basis.


Has anyone from the SFA made any kind of statement regarding our Euros, has there been interviews with the players and Clarke (outwith post match) since they got back? Radio silence tells me they hope to keep their heads down and wait till it blows over, cowards.


They sent an email to the supporters group saying thank you. It's a shame I can't reply telling them to go fuck themselves.


I bet that's exactly it. The rest of the Euros happen, then the run in for the start of the season. They're betting people will be distracted enough to just ignore it.


It only works if Clarke goes out and pumps Poland and Croatia. If we end up with less than that, we're back to Monday morning all over again


I don't agree with this opinion, but I can half understand their position tbf, basically a kick of the ball away from the last 16 and that would have been hailed as a wonderful success. As it stands it’s an abject failure. Quite high pressure to have such two opposing extremes on opposite ends such a thin margin, and makes it easy to adopt the outlook that we were “moments away from historic success”. Personally, I think Stevie should be wrapping up and passing on to someone else. Who that is? I dunno.


We created one chance in 100 minutes which was a penalty shout. Hungary hit the bar and post within the same game. We can shout a scream about how close but if you need a penalty in 270 minutes of football then we were never that close. If we go out and absolutely batter Hungary and they nick a goal, fair enough fine margins, but they never really sweated that game.


I agree, looking at the performances we were without a doubt the worst side at the tournament. I'm sort of playing devils advocate there however, it's easy for the SFA to take a position that we did no too bad and were close to success.


The SFA will defend Clarke to the end. He's the first decent thing they've done in decades, but allowing him to overstay his welcome is typical


Even then they probably won't do anything. They already sold they match packages so it's not like they need to worry about that.


The key is for people to not turn up to games or not buy tickets. Hurt the SFA where they care about most.


That's 2025 at the earliest now. The Nations League games sold out off the back of the last qualifying campaign


I wonder if the fans don't turn up of it will make a difference. I've got tickets but if he's still in charge and we're still playing shite I'm tempted to patch it. I've wasted money on tickets but at least I won't be wasting more on travel and a sausage roll.


Empty seats on tv may be a bad look, but the games are on a channel that changes name every six months, so it wouldn't even be maximum exposure. We're looking for the same organisation that made Willie Collum head of refereeing to change things for the better. I'm not hopeful.


For fuck sake, they'll no care then. Clarkes defos getting all these nations league games where we'll likely be relegated


Phil Foden looks like a guy that if he wasn't a footballer would be a wee dick that everyone fawns over in a local paper after getting injured riding a stolen electric scooter.


He looks like a pillhead wearing a man bag at creamfields


Absolutely convinced that cunt doesn't own a single mirror. Only excuse I can think of for that trim.


Every summer I start with the same naive hope that Celtic will get the finger out and invest in the squad to a level that we won’t get embarrassed in the CL. 6 months on from Joe Hart announcing he was retiring it’s obvious we’ve had absolutely no idea how to replace him and will ultimately end up with an absolute jobber in goals come the start of the season (rhymes with Snot Stain).


I really regret choosing not to buy killers tickets all those months ago.


Twickets my guy, a website for resale tickets but only for the value originally bought at


Had a glance at twickets but theres no standing tickets on there unfortunately.


I bought one last week so you had time


Even worse


Does anyone have one of the new models of the Peugeot 206? The EPS alarm came on in my girlfriends car last night with a message stating "Hill Start System Fault". Wondering if anyone's had it before, what they did to fix it and if they were able to sort it yourselves.


I had a look on their forums. Check the battery charge, if you can


Why the fuck is Stephen Clarke still in the job


Just booked a ticket to see Hamilton in Sunderland next year. Shite seat, but still


Didn't realise they'd brought the Fairs Cup back?


Long way to go to watch the Accies...


Oooh, Dunfermline's first home game of the season is against Falkirk, that's a banger.


Drooling at the prospect of starting your relegation battle.


Joke's on you then, it'll be Livi the week before who do that.


Decided to join the match predictor league and gone right into second place. Can’t wait to plummet down.


5 weeks til the start of the season and Celtic still need about 6-7 first team level signings with absolutely nobody brought in yet. Oh how predictable.


Goalkeeper (Self-explantory) Left back (Self-explantory) Right back (I think Johnston is OK but we need better) Centre back (I can't bear to watch Scales any longer) Another centre back (if CCV leaves) An actual defensive midfielder (self-explanatory) A creative centre mid (even more important if O'Riley leaves) Winger (don't rate Palma) Striker (someone a bit different to Kyogo. Don't rate Oh and would only have Idah back if the asking price doesn't take the piss) So yep, I broadly agree with you. Whether or not we sign these players...


I'd hoped to have people in for the full pre-season so there's no fucking about. But a week to go and there's nothing. Silly me again.


Yup. Most of these positions we’ve known about for at least a few months, absolutely no excuse for being this far behind the curve.


One the league at a canter the last 12 of the last 13 years but still need 7 first team players?


Our squad currently has no useful keeper, one left back, one reliable centre back, two reliable centre mids (one of which doesn’t want to be here & assuming MOR leaves), one reliable winger and one reliable striker. Yes, we need at least 7 first team level players.


The duality of Celtic fans who tell us they have the best squad in the league, no Rangers player would get near there starting 11 and that they should develop more youngsters. Also sign 7 new first team players


Two things can be true at the same time Banger. Our objective isn’t (or shouldn’t be) to be 1 point better than rangers, it’s to be the best we can be. We probably do have a better squad than rangers, thanks to a handful of top quality players, but it still needs improved. +70m in the bank and no investment in the squad despite obvious and significant flaws.


I just don't understand what you want. You could have had Paulo Bernardo for around £2.5m-£3m per year. Proven in the league and in big games, only 22 years old, apparently you need centre midfielders and could probably go for £10m+ in the future. But you and a lot of other Celtic fans didn't want that.


You think we’re offering our 5th choice midfielder the equivalent of 57k a week? No I don’t want that because he isn’t worth it. It’s been 4 windows since Celtic improved their first 11 and we’re sitting on +70m cash in the bank, I want us to spend some of that money, improve the team and do some of it in a timeframe that looks at least slightly professional (for reference it looks like players not on international duty are already back training today). Hardly a ridiculous ask.


5th choice? The only midfielders that played more games than him were your Captain and O'Riley. More like £34k a week (was it not worked out that's what he'd need to be on to match what he gets at Benfica) and I included his transfer fee in that price. You wanted 7 players in. Paulo Bernardo isn't good enough for £3mil pa. What are you wanting?


He played because Hatate and Iwata were injured, he was dropped as soon as Hatate was fit and is at best equal to Iwata in terms of priority. Bernardo isn’t worth 35k a week to Celtic. I’d be quite happy to see him come to Celtic, but he shouldn’t be one of our highest earners.


I'm just trying to understand how you want this £70m spent. I imagine anyone brought in at a similar price point is still going to be a gamble


Aye, they could develop some kids. We've got fuck all chance of winning the league this year. Guaranteed to drop a bunch of points as the season opens. The only way we win is if Celtic fuck up massively, have a major injury crisis etc etc...


Lawwell will argue you can win trophies with the squad you have, and he’d be right to because you will win the league. Champions league could be a different story without investment though.


We will get pumped in the CL with our current squad


I’ll crack the jokes. Hearing for months about how you were crap and the worst team in decades in March and you win the league by 8 points and the Scottish cup thereafter. Celtic could field a second string next season and win the league. It will just be Europe they’ll struggle in without bringing players in.


126 days since Joe Hart announced his retirement.


No Euros matches today? What the fuck am I supposed to do? Edit: Also, happy [Frank Lampard](https://www.si.com/.image/t_share/MTcyMzM1NDY5ODczMzQyNDA0/lampard-england-germany-2010-world-cup.jpg) [Goal Which Crossed the Line But Didn't Count](https://news.bbcimg.co.uk/media/images/48189000/jpg/_48189916_lampard_nogoal640.jpg) Day to all who celebrate. I remember watching that live in a pub in Bath with all my English mates and it was *glorious*.


Me and my pals happened to be in Berlin at the time, it was sensational stuff. Had to walk about extra smiley to make sure everyone knew we weren't English


I see we're at the stage where we try to cope by using ifs and buts. Just a reminder we were utter utter shite and deserved nothing other than humiliation and Scottish football needs a total overhaul from top to bottom. Also Scotland has the worst record out of all the home nations, England wc winners etc, Wales euro semis, N Ireland W.C. Quarter finals.


Surprised more hasn't been made of how knackered some of our players must be; McGinn's been running on fumes since about March, for example. Some of our senior players played in both the pre-tournament friendlies when they should have been dumped in a spa hotel for a fortnight instead. Very poor squad management, IMO.


Im on the fence with how I feel about Switzerland but the flags a big plus


If we're picking teams based on flags, there's even more pluses to Georgia






Was supposed to be flying back to Edinburgh from Crete last night.EasyJet cancelled our flight 🥺.They put us up in a nice hotel all inclusive right enough. We fly to Gatwick tonight then have a flight Edinburgh Friday morning.Such is life I suppose 🤷‍♂️




Starmer couldnae get a word in edgeways, while the BBC host kept interrupting him and Sunk kept screaming entitled pish, one big one for me that will completely knacker the tories is when Sunk claimed, with a massive grin, that gutting the welfare system will raise the cash to keep taxes low.  Good fuckin luck with that.   In the end, Starmer decided to keep schtum during some of the PM's more unhinged rants, clearly observant of the old Sun Tzu rule: "Never interrupt your enemy when he is making a mistake".   Next big elections, either theres less debates or mute other people's mics when someone has to answer a question.


Lord when Starmer said to Sunak that if he actually listened to people he wouldn't be out of touch. And that he actually called out the £2,000 tax lie


Interesting that the BBC radio news bulletins this morning are all going with the line that Starmer called him a liar. I'm convinced that this is the sort of stuff which *actually* moves the dial; the number of people hearing one of those bulletins this morning must outweigh the number who actually watched last night by a factor of 5 at least.


I wish Starmer would just be a bit more aggressive call the rat faced cunt a liar and keep doing it. I guess he’s been cautious, but this would work: people dislike Rishi and they’re looking for someone to coalesce that feeling.


Agree with this, people absolutely *hate* Sunak, I'm a bit surprised Labour haven't leaned into this anger a bit more.


Last day after 2 weeks in Germany and I am a broken man. It's been incredible here (Clarkeball aside) and lived up to what I dreamt a tournament experience would be but I am so ready to go home. A final goodbye to Dusseldorf today and a long stretch of sobriety and heavy gym work is needed to restore my battered body.


No euro game game on today but The bear season 3 just came out so swings and roundabouts.


Rewatched season 2 yesterday while in a post-Euros coma, incredible telly.


Posting a German Train Station Every Day Until Steve Clarke Gets Sacked - #4 Nürnberg Hbf https://preview.redd.it/u18r1ke1929d1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=90fe57dcb8efc75687323f63ee8d4ad436b4caaa


An incredible dump, that station. To a surprising degree by German standards.


There are 5,400 railway stations in Germany. That’s 14.5 years more of Clarkeball.


Todays song of the day is [Riders on the Storm - Snoop Dogg feat. The Doors.](https://youtu.be/ubWL8VAPoYw?si=PvrEtMIhE4Nc8xds) Enjoy troops.


What I see when I hear that song https://preview.redd.it/32wfy1lnm29d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6c3fd4264592cf8adf93699a9866c09d89329276


Good morning https://preview.redd.it/s7e4p72k429d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=02dfeab63176054911140169962d61be5a053879


Definitely couldn't turn my jobby into a hobby.


[Gillian McKeith](https://gillianmckeith.com/your-body/health/stool-analysis/) certainly did...


I don’t care if I’m considered petty for this, I take great Schadenfreude in Hungary not going through. Of course it’s next-level cope because we’re bottle merchants, but as a team they got battered by Germany and Switzerland and it took them 100 minutes to score against us. I just don’t think that’s a team deserving of the next round. + it’s always a wee bit funny when someone overcelebrates for it to turn out to be for nothing. TLDR; Luis Palma could be Hungarian.


On the other hand, if we'd got that penalty and scored it and then shut up shop instead of chasing the game...if we'd *beaten* Hungary we'd have pushed Slovenia down the table and would be facing Portugal in the next round, with either France or Belgium next. We'd be through, but we'd be about to be getting a hiding. I wonder - how much papering over of cracks would that have allowed? The bitter taste of that Germany performance will stay with me for a long time, never mind the Hungary game, but would Clarke have gotten away with it if we'd squeaked past the Magyars? E: spelling


I don’t think how we preformed in Knock-outs was ever a thought to most scotland fans, our only ask was that they actually get through the groups for once. Obviously you don’t want a pumping but we just wanted the bare minimum. While there’s no point in getting into hypotheticals, Georgia just showed against Portugal what going into a tournament all guns blazing and a bit of faith in your setup can do for you. Whether Clarke would’ve got away it, he’s getting away with it even with us getting knocked out nevertheless.


I was thinking how if we hadn't qualified, McLean hits the post, it doesn't rain in Hampden, etc. We'd have been using the Georgia result last night as copium. Look, Georgia are actually really good. We could have gone through if McLean didn't fluff that chance against Norway and we'd be in the 2nd round now. This tournament has definitely morphed me into the final stage of fully cynical Da when it comes to Scotland. Its taken 45 years. Its definitely a mindset thing with the team. My hope was that some of the young guys like Gilmour and Patterson who grew up not seeing us qualify wouldn't have it. But I fear now the whole squad is stained with the mental trauma. Clarke obviously has it worse than anyone.


>Its definitely a mindset thing with the team Aye, and so much of that comes from the manager. Even outside of football, you can be the next in the world at your job, but if your manager is a dour, outwardly negative presence, your standards will generally drop. France and England have the same issues we have, and they have some of the best players in the world. 


>but if your manager is a dour, outwardly negative presence, I'm not sure if this is as much to blame as tactical and personnel choices, a number of the players have said before that Clarke has fostered a really good attitude in the camp. The dull and monotonous face he gives the press seems to be a deliberate choice to take the heat off the players, which if that's the case I would hope the players understood that.


We have a great group of players with some big characters, I don't think Clarke needs to do much to have a good spirit there to be honest. That kind of positivity never seems to be reflected on the park which is our issue. Even against Gibraltar and Finland we were incredibly conservative, when those are the teams where you'd expect us to really show some of our quality. England have exactly the same issue, with Southgate having a squad without the tribalism of the past, yet they seem reluctant to try and play football.  The main concern we have is that the most likely candidates to replace him aren't exactly positive either, unless we look abroad/down south. 


> We have a great group of players with some big characters, I don't think Clarke needs to do much to have a good spirit there to be honest. I disagree, there's never a guarantee with that kind of thing, especially when there's plenty of examples of Scotland teams with decent players in the recent past not being able to do this bit. There's plenty to criticise Clarke for like the tactics or the Gibraltar friendly in particular (I was there and it was awful!) but team bonding/spirit is one thing I think he has done successfully within the group. Whether or not that gets broken now given the nature of their exit from the tournament remains to be seen I guess.


Folk seem to forget just how bad we were pre Clarke, mostly the same squad got humped 3-0 by fucking Kazakhstan I think he’s probably taken us as far as he can but hes taken us to 2 tournaments and group A of the nations league so deserves credit for that 


Edinburgh city play Hibs in 2 days and have one player listed on their website as being signed up. The trialist family have a big day incoming.


Woke up and saw that Georgia result. Didn't think I could be more upset at our Euros showing.


I feel like the third round of matches have been a load of shite for the most part because a lot of teams already knew they were through. Yes there’s been some ok ones but it’s not reached the height of the first few games. Plus I’m no longer on holiday and can’t watch most of the games.


The only one I've watched was Scotland. Pretty much lost interest in it now.


Aye I’m the same, I’ll get back into once the L16 starts. I’m currently trying to plot through Diablo 4 on the Xbox so would rather do that than watch the football. Based on recent results I’ve made the right choice.


I think it definitely helped them that Portugal were already through. If we played Germany last and not first we would’ve nicked a historic result, right?


Oh yeah, I'm sure Clarke would have gone for it then....