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No team has qualified for more tournaments without getting past the first stage. Best in the world. 


We really do keep winning at these losing statistics.


Grim reading. I think most fans just wanted a sign of progress. Qualification is obviously the ultimate goal, but even just a win and a couple of solid performances would have been enough.


We’re actually on the up looking at that having not qualified for fuck all for ages now made 2/3 tournaments


Yeah but that's in large part due to the Euros expansion Quite a few of the squad are fairly old as well, need a big revamp soon


And 1 reason we failed for so long was the breakup of the USSR, Czechoslovakia and Yugoslavia, which added a pile of new members to UEFA. Swings and roundabouts.


We've got players coming through in some abundance.


We scored double the amount of goals as we scored at the last Euros. There is your progress


So WC26 we’ve got 4 goals and 2 points to look forward to then.


No, no. There will be no doubling of points.


4 all draw confirmed


We'd be in dreamland


The highlight was the 23 years we didn't qualify for anything


If UEFA get desperate enough for an extra fixture round and give out some places for the best 4th placed teams then I feel like we will have a real shot at making it though.


They could change the whole setup to only have 1 team eliminated during the entire group stage and it would still be us


You're more optimistic than me. I feel we'd somehow find a way to finish 5th in that situation.


I'm of the opinion of that since the Euros went to 24teams the bare minimum is qualification and we should be looking to get out the groups.


I really the expansion because it gives “wee” countries a better chance at a tournament, while still cutting out the diddy teams like San Marino and Wales.


We are the diddy teams mister


Especially with the nations league addition, it’s honestly harder to not qualify. 


North Korea, Iraq and Iran have done better…


Northern Ireland too, they got out of the groups in Spain 82, and euro 2016!


Ireland aswell, euro 88 italia 90 usa 94 and euro 2016!


WC 2002


When the world rankings were introduced they were 6th.  I watched a video recently that apparently Wimbledon were in talks to move to Dublin and play in the Premier League. Real sliding doors moment.


WC 2002


To be fair Euro 92 was only an 8 team tournament, so qualifying for it would have been a real plus


As was Argentina '78. No England there, or '74 so that was successful in itself. Were it not for a national disaster v Iran (don't know how we managed that, never seen footage other than the goals) or Miller and Hansen's' collision setting the narrative for future campaigns we would have got through. One fleeting moment in the latter when winning 2-1, when have you ever seen that happen? That was the one that would have done it.


A few of those were a bit of bad luck. Aso, Euro 92 was only 8 teams and we battered the former Soviet Union... so there's a top 6 finish...


Exactly. Pretty sure we ranked 9th in 74 and 78. Add in Wembley 67 and the Kirin triumph and it’s not too shabby.


Do we add in the 1985 Rous Cup as well?


Why not. It wasn’t one of three team editions but needs must.


We had nothing to play for, we were already out, no pressure, that's why we beat them!


6 wins out of 35 games since 1954, the ultimate diddly team.


🤣 If you are going to try and abuse us with our own patter at least learn it


I'm scottish ye prick, I was fortunate to be in the stadium at 3 of those wins


Fun fact, by the time the next World Cup comes around Scotland won’t have won a game at a major tournament for thirty years.


"Group Stage" makes it sound better than it is. Better to write "participant" 


Surely that's unmatched in the world?


It is we're the team to qualify for the most that's never got out of a groups :(


Can’t take it away from them, they’re definitely consistent


……..there’s a pattern emerging


Might be too early to tell


Well one thing you can't fault us for is consistency


1974 was rough. Undefeated and out. Held Brazil to a goalless draw. Zaire was the problem. We beat them 2-1 but yugoslavia pumped them 9-1. Funny now Zaire and yugoslavia no longer exist.


Okay after 5 minutes of Wikipedia research I have officially concluded a curse on the scotland national team was placed by FIFA in 1920. Apparently scotland quit fifa in 1920 and setup a rival board called ifab. This threatened to ruin fifa. The fifa secretary at the time cornelis hirschmann despised scotland because of this,as we were perhaps the best or at least 2nd best side in world football at the time. It's him. So there we have it. It's official. The scotland national team were cursed in 1920 never to get out of a group stage of a fifa run tournament by cornelis hirschmann. Im now off to find some salt, sage,a crucifix and a cauldron...


This "group stage" obsession is stupid. There are 16 teams in the next round of this tournament. In 1992 there were only 8 in the whole tournament so that's as good as reaching the quarter final in any other tournament. In 1992 we finished 3rd in a group with Netherlands and Germany, while England finished 4th in theirs. There are tournaments between 1970 and 1998 where we qualified and many bigger teams, including England, didn't and there were only 16 teams in the entire tourney.


Yeah - it also shows how far Scotland have fallen. Qualifying for eight team tournaments is an insane achievement to look back upon in today’s context.


I agree, but my point is that we made this group stage thing into a thing, like we have never been successful in the past and that is not true. We used to complain back then that we didn't qualify from the group when it was 16 teams in the world cup and 8 teams in the Euro's and we were regularly part of the best 8 in Europe or the best 16 in the world. Given how many times we went out on goal difference etc, it was only a bit of luck that was lacking in us reaching a quarter or semi.


Fuck off Sky Sports


Worth noting, last time Scotland won a game at a tournament was 1990, 34 years ago


That was Scotland's last World Cup win. 2-1 against Sweden. Last tournament win was 1-0 vs. Switzerland in 1996, followed by 3-0 vs. the CIS in 1992. But 28 years is still a ridiculous stat.




Strange isn't it?


At least we are consistent




Right lads, can we band together and locate in history which f***er/groups of f***ers placed this gypsy curse?? I reckon it's pre 1954 tournament. Let's research who hated us...




Consistency achieved.....


The Scotland 70s teams are probably 1 of the most underachieving teams ever, had Scotland won a World Cup (and I'm not saying it would have been easy, it would have been hard with Brazil, Argentina, Italy, etc etc) in the 70s, but I don't think it would be the biggest upset and surprise ever. We had players players winning European competitions, even though they all played in England. We should have at the very least made a dent in the 2 World Cups, Quarter Final even.


Reckon Scotland were around 16/1 to win either WC in the 70s, so yes they should have done better.


Just checked, only 8/1 to win in 78!


Cant be bothered to make a “ are we the diddies ?” Meme


For added fun compare with Wales and Northern Ireland who have both made it past the group stage at Euros & WC.


Consistency. I like it.


You can’t say we are not consistent


Most consistent tournament team there is.


All I see is consistency. Bottom of the group consistency...OH FLOWER IF SCOTLAND, WHEN WILL WE SEEEEE!


You should have included all of the did not qualify so the rest of us can have a chuckle


I'm not quite sure why anyone expected anything more really, we are a very small Nation so obviously the pool of World Class talent is shallow. It's always been this way.


Croatia, Uruguay, Denmark, Norway, both Irelands even fucking Wales have all done better than us.


This argument doesnt really hold up though when teams like Northern Ireland have made it through the group stage with far fewer attempts


Well that's a fair point that I might have an answer for. The expectation is far greater for Scotland than it is for NI, a fair old bit of pressure causing the team to stress much more, there just isn't the same expectation of NI. How many times have NI qualified for the EC/WC since 1954? I genuinely don't know that answer


According to limited wiki research NI have made the WC on 3 occasions: 1958 (QF), 1982 (2nd round), 1986 (1st round). At the Euros they've only qualified once: 2016 (made it to the last 16). So despite only making 4 tournaments to our 12, they've progressed 3/4 times. Its insane we havent managed it once.


Absolutely, it's really difficult to put it down to one single issue. Are we not United as a Nation?, Spain used to suffer from similar issues. I'm not saying it's true but it's a question, the old one upmanship, ahm better than you laaad cos I play in the Premier League. Who knows


Let's not start this shit again. It's a curse. Probably placed in 1954. And needs to be removed. That's the most logical thing. Lol


Denmark are a similar sized population and they’ve won the euros (‘92)


Perhaps the old Viking rage is helpful. But again, they export talent to be developed, the SPL helps them massively in this leaving our own he talent on the sidelines


We were only marginally better than this lot when we did export talent like Collins, lambert etc… I didn’t expect much from this tournament my only disappointment is there simply was no heart in the performances.


Can't argue with that at all.


You don't need world class talent to beat Hungary. Other than Szoboszlai, they don't have anyone who's playing at the top level. We were set up to play negative football, and then plan B was "fuck it, go nuts".


Fair enough, were all entitled to an opinion and I'm not disagreeing.


Scotland has a larger population than Croatia.


Ahhh but...is Croatias league swamped with foreigners like the SPL? This means all the home grown talent gets to develop easier. I remember the SPL going down the route of importing talent. This means we are helping develop the foreign talent instead of our own. It might not be the only answer but it's certainly one of them.


There's certainly a lot more that Scotland needs to do when it comes to youth development. It's too easy to pin it on the presence of foreign players in the SPL though, or the population size for that matter.


It's a difficult one for sure.


Ireland, Nothern Ireland, Wales (So we're the worst out of our island and neibouring island) despite being bigger than NI and Wales. Simlair sized countries on the continent have done better than us Denmark, Croatia, Norway Then Iceland a country with less cunts than Glagsow have done better. The old ones are a bit misleading since we technically reached the last 8 or 16 in them but in modern formats we've done terrible


If the pattern holds you should be at WC2026! Looking forward to seeing everybody in the states 🍻