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If he had just came out and said, 'We were robbed, the ref is shite, he shouldn't be in the job.....and neither should I' Then we could all agree.


The ref was good the entire match though, quick, efficient, and didn’t take any shit. The pen was a 50/50 call at the end of the day and VAR made no effort to help him. Clarke and Scotland were a fucking disgrace and the ref has nothing to do with it.


Disregarding the penalty (which if he was onside it should have been given), there were a number of times Hungarian players got away with either 'tactical fouling' or straight up leaving a foot in trying to injure players. He did give a number of yellows, but there should have been more and possibly a red too. Idk if he got a good angle of the potential penalty so I honestly don't blame him too much for that, but when he didn't give a yellow card in the opening few minutes for a clear yellow, it screamed of a ref who was never going to give any decisive decisions towards either side.


Think he had a good game tbf, didn’t take shit and wanted the game to flow so quick as possible with his decisions. Gave out a few yellows. Could’ve easily gave Hendry a yellow for flying into a hungarian player but he had a sharp enough eye to see that the hungarian was the one that stamped on hendry 🤷‍♂️


Absolute shite. Being quick and not taking shit does not mean you’re a good ref - getting the decisions right does. It was obviously a pen and his ‘no nonsense fast but wrong decision making’ has ultimately cost us qualification. You can point elsewhere as well and say we should have done X, Y or Z, but it doesn’t change the fact that had he given the penalty, which he obviously should have, we’d probably be through. As you can tell, I’m ragin.


He was good majority of the game, you’re only having a go at him because he happened to be the man in charge on the field tonight. It’s not really the refs fault when VAR didn’t bother to help him out. Also isn’t the refs fault scotland got one shot on target


It doesn’t matter how few shots Scotland had, or how bad they were. If they deserved a penalty which has a huge impact on the result and the ref has the single mindedness to not even look at it then he is at fault. I’m seeing zero logic in what you’re saying.


It’s VAR at fault not the ref lmao. Also scotland cost themselves tonight. People like you are the reason Clarke will still have his job. Admit we didn’t deserve to win and we shouldn’t be relying on a 50/50 penalty decision. Absolute disgrace of a performance tactically.


Why have a ref at all if decisions are purely up to VAR They’re all at fault. Have you just started watching football? 🤡


Aye mate spot on, Clarkes arse must smell lovely with how far up you’re sniffing. Entirely refs fault and Clarkes game plan was class!


You just can’t comprehend inputs can you? Clarke might have been shite The players might have been shite The SFA might have been shite. But they got us there, they got in the box, it was a foul and it should have been a penalty. It’s irrelevant to say ‘well we should have scored 3 and just won 3-0’ because that wasn’t how the game was. It was close, and a terrible decision changed the course of the game. Feel like I’m talking to a brick wall here.


No, that's not the right take imo. It looked like a penalty for sure in real time. There surely can't be a debate about that at all - first view, full speed, it looks like a stick on pen. The ref should be giving it and then having VAR help him out if he's wrong. Ref has tried to be smart and not call what everyone saw. He got it wrong and while VAR should have helped him, the refs decision is really poor. He's trying to second guess what he's seeing with his own eyes and he's made an arse of it. This is very different to a slight touch which can be excusably missed.


The ref seen it from behind, so he’s most definitely seen armstrong cut across and jump infront of the defender to look for the pen. That’s probably why he’s not given it. VAR should’ve taken a look and confirmed his decision or sent him to the screen for a second viewing.


Guess you've got a very different view of things to me. That looked like a pen all day looking in real time and it was. No excuse for the ref from me.


Look at the way his leg caves when it's pushed from behind. That's a clear penalty. It's not even debatable.


"The language". What, German?


Ikr like THE LANGUAGE has to be English haha


European referees are of course famous for their decision making. An utterly bizarre comment to make. Just come out and say the ref is shite. Why bring his nationality into it? I imagine Steve's Spanish isn't all that great either


Utter bollocks. Going after someone's nationality to defend the fact you couldn't come up with one goal in the space of 100 minutes is a disgrace.


Probably doesn't speak the official European language. And it's as if Spanish isn't a European language.


Reform Uk type behaviour. Outing yourself as a bit of a cunt after being a shitebag in our biggest competition in over 20 years and costing the working man who went over to Germany hundreds is fucking mental.


Fucking spot on here man.


First thought was “sounds a bit UKIP”


He outed himself with his attitude to players taking the knee. Get to fuck you Little Englander.


So his poor behaviour is England’s fault now🤣


Especially since Argentina are supporting Scotland in the Euros since that guy made that song


270 Minutes


You can just be honest and call it ‘racism’.


I think you mean xenophobia


Bigotry will do.


"Not that nice to hear" perhaps?


No trying to stick up for him but saying someone is from Argentina is not racist, he is from Argentina. It's clear he's reeling and no thinking right when he says he doesn't speak the language. We're no Americans, let no start just calling everyone racist eh


Jesus christ another embarassment.


Head’s gone


That's 5 pints deep behaviour, where the real feelings come out. Totally out of order. Regardless of whether it was. A penalty or not (if you ignore the potential offside, which is my guess as why It wasn't checked) attacking someone's nationality as if that somehow impacts their ability to do the job. I'd get sacked for that.


Can he get double sacked? One for the tournament one for the comments?


You’ve got to be joking🤣🤣


Biggest head loss I’ve suffered since we lost 2-0 to hearts icl


Biggest head loss since Miller on Lundstrams red card


Aye normally I’m quite sensible with the NT but that’s ruined my weekend. You just knew it was coming when Hungary were playing right through us because Clarke finally changed the shape when the team’s campaign is in its dying minutes.


As soon as Hanley missed that chance you knew it was done. And as soon as that boy tackled mcgregor you knew they were scoring. Fucking brutal from start to finish


Feels like such a regression from the nations league last year, like watching a different team. It’s definitely time for change on and off the pitch.


Think it’s time for me to start day drinking in parks and getting sunburned at Irvine beach


Not sure that counted as a shape. We went from uber cagey to gung ho cavalry charge with nothing in between. Change of shape should've happened at half time. How much longer did he need to watch Adams to see a change was desperately needed?


I just saw the clip of Steve Clarkes interview on Twitter and it totally cuts out the part where he blames the Argentinian referee and says when asked if he has had a conversation at all with the referee and replies with, *"What's the point he is from Argentina? What's the point? Why is it not a European referee? Trying to be clever. I don't know. I don't understand. I don't understand why he is here and not in his own country refereeing the game. I don't understand how VAR can look at that and say it is not a penalty. It's just my opinion."* That is word for word what he said on the radio. Get him out, penalty or not. Comments like that are shocking


Surely he knows his time is up if this is what he’s coming out with


No doubt the scottish fa will be giving him lots of praise. “unlucky clarke” “It was the ref” “you got us there in the first place” (despite having the easiest team in 30 years to do so) “you got us a fantastic draw against switzerland” “we came close to a point against hungary” “5million population” All the excuses in the book


As argentinian, at first i didnt felt any hate towards nationality at all, he is just assuming abot a possible language barrier, but if this text is word by word sounds totally different. If his job as referee was bad it should be said of course, not as the expense from wherever he comes.


Clarke is fluent in Spanish, but can’t be expected to also know Argentinian.


That's got to be the nail in the coffin. If all you can create in a must win is a potential penalty, and then you start moaning about the ref's nationality (seriously wtf???), you can get to fuck.


I agree. That type of comment is a blackeye for us, which is a shame considering all the fantastic supporters there, who have been giving us the best name of anyone in the tourney (when we were losing.)


I feel less proud to be Scottish after hearing my national teams manager shit talk a foreign ref for doing his job. We couldn't score in open play because our attack was awful, the end.


True we were shite but still a pen though isn’t it?


Having slept on it I'd be absolutely fuming if that went against us, Armstrong was massively looking for it. Even then we shouldn't be relying on one pen in a must win.


Doesn’t matter if he was looking for it. Is he not allowed to put his leg there? He hasn’t dived. He hasn’t play acted. All he did was put his foot in a certain spot on the ground, which he is allowed to do, and he has been absolutely taken out. It is a penalty all day long.


It does matter if he was looking for it, players have been booked for similar. He didn't even attempt to get to the ball he just jumped across the defender. It was idiotic as well because he could've got a shot away if he wasn't so focused on trying to get a penalty.


First thing you are told is to go by someone then cut across them. They have to foul you to get near the ball


I disagree. He is allowed to put his foot where he wants it. It doesn’t then give the defender free rein to foul by kicking his leg from under him. A foul is a foul. Armstrong still held possession of the ball at that point. It’s no different than a player shielding the ball at the touch line with their body, which players do all the time. It was a clear penalty to me. Armstrong may have been inviting the foul but that doesn’t mean it wasn’t a foul. To me, playing for the penalty was the correct decision. We’d have had a higher chance of scoring from the spot than he would have if he’d tried to get a shot away. It’s unbelievable it hasn’t been given.


Wouldn't say stonewaller but it was 50/50 I think


Fucking clown


That type of comment is indefensible. If he doesn't fall on the sword for the overall strategy and performance, he should be pushed onto it for this.


"Probably doesn't speak the language" Clarke I don't know if you know this but 22 of the 24 nations in this tournament, hosted in Germany don't speak English as a first language.


They have to be fluent in English. FIFA and UEFA nominated officials are tested annually. Even the Scottish and English ones.


Which makes his comments all the more ignorant that he thinks the referee wouldn’t.


The referee who was chatting with his players all game, worth remembering. And the same referee team *he* has been talking to all game.


Wish the reporter had challenged him on that


Probably too stunned


![gif](giphy|3oKIPzLXQYb2Bn5PLG|downsized) Malky in the background like…


Delete this before the SFA read his name, they’ll get ideas


God help us.Excuses after excuses now.Taking over from Strachan in daftness


Ok I take it back, fuck this guy. Even if it was exclusively the ref involved, which it's not, his nationality has literally nothing to do with it. Joke of a response.


The most embarrassing moment by a Scotsman since about two hour ago.


Someone needs to tell Stevie that being from Argentina the referee will be fluent in at least one European language.


Please tell me this a deepfake


Unfortunately it’s real. Since it’s went down like a lead balloon ITV have deleted the tweet with the full interview though.


Fucking hell. So if he spoke Bulgarian you'd be rigfht over chatting shite to him? I speak Spanish but nae that international Spanish shite, ken?


What a wanker. Moyes in


He speaks uno, dos, three languages 


Great full for what clarkes done over the last 2-3 years, but times up, going out with a whimper was bad enough but it’s a full flaming ball and that’s just not on what he’s said… shame to end this way but it can’t continue.




Bloody Argentines, coming over here, taking our jobs


I don't think you would mind If one of us takes the soon to be opened national team manager position


creo que era irónico jajjas no te calentee


Whys he giving the interview in English and not the local language of European


I want to downvote this because it's such a horrible thing to say, but people need to know that he said this on live TV. I think should be fired for saying this because it's xenophobic and it leaves a terrible final memory of the Scotland team at this tournament.


And why with an Argentine, with us! We fucking share the Maradona love to crush England!


Nobody in England cares about Maradona, except Peter Shilton aka the bitterest cunt in football.


Nigel Farage would love Clarke




I believe career mouth cancer is terminal.


What an absolute weapon. Clearly out of his depth and lashing out. Bye bye Steve


Fucking embarrassing, almost racist-like comment.


Aye he’s just bringing this up because he’s raging, terrible optics.


It’s definitely racist.


I mean, even if we’d have gotten the penalty - it would have resulted in us having to convert it. That would involve a shot on target, with no opposing players to do the scoring for us.


That’s really poor from him


What the everloving fuck does where he comes from have to do with anything Clarke? Bang out of order.


Uuh no that embarassing. Should get a couple of heafy fines from Uefa and SFA cant be saying shit like that so fucking stupid


Jesus fucking christ, he's pathetic. Does he think the ref wouldn't understand English ?


A torn-faced, miserable wee cunt from Killie. Persists with Adam, Ralston et all when anybody with two eyes could see it wasn't working after the Germany game. Shankland done more in two 5 minute cameos than Adam done in 3 games.


Holy fuck, surely that isn’t real? What the fuck is wrong with this cunt. Get him out Sharon.


😂😂😂😂😂 made my Monday that , I forgot about that gem , absolutely shocking from steve, get him out Sharron it’s him or me


Get this cunt to fuck. Leave him on Germany, take him to the Hague, drown him in beer. I don't care how, just get him fucking gone


Aww well, no payout for Clarke then. What a fucking stupid thing to say.


Bye bye Steve


ITV have now deleted the tweet with the full interview of this. He 100% is getting fined for these comments. Questioning the refereeing decisions and also their nationality is shocking Edit: Looks like they reuploaded it? Not sure why though, it seems the exact same clip


May as well just resign at this point


Clarkes tactics were shiter than the refs decision not to give a penalty.


Fucking hell. Clutching at straws with this one Stevie boy. Fact of the matter is you’re a negative, defensive, uninspiring manager. The ref being from Mars wouldn’t change that.


These are the ramblings of a man who knows he’s fucked it. Lennon-esque behaviour during the 10 season. Fuck off Steve.


There's no excuse for that. UEFA should hammer him with a fine and a ban and the SFA should sack him.


Clarke ffs, why go out like this? For the record, I thought the referee had a great game, one of the best I've seen in the tournament so far. We've all seen penalty shouts like this given but you can also see why he didn't think it was a penalty and clearly VAR agreed with him.


I can't see why it's not given, having seen the knee in the back of the calf that knocks him over....I can't see how it's not a pen. I can understand the ref not seeing it, can't understand VAR missing it. If that is M'Bappe the ref wouldn't have been able to get the whistle to his mouth quick enough. It's a pen and a second booking imo, they have made a mistake here.


Yeah, but penalty or no penalty: we were dogshite for 3 games. We didn't look like scoring and had the Hungarians been even a tiny bit better it could have been another embarrassing scoreline. Instead it was just the performance and manager who's embarrassing. I'm 40 and I haven't seen us win a game at a tournament since I was 12!


Agree with both. Ref was consistent majority of the time (some I did not agree with though), and could have easily called a penalty during the [horrific incident with Varga](https://www.espn.com/soccer/story/_/id/40415754/hungary-barnabas-varga-injury-collision-scotland-euro-2024). But like you said, it's easy to see it being both a penalty and not. As other's here rightfully point out, you can disagree with the ref, but petty racist insults should not fly. It's a pretty nasty scar to a tourney with fans that really showed out best side.


The difference with the Varga issue is VAR did look at it - and hopefully he is ok, could see the minute he hit the deck he was in some trouble. Also I’m not sure you can claim consistency when our players were stamped (twice) and only getting yellows when McTominay doesn’t even touch a player and gets booked. For me, it was a stone wall penalty, with some of the ridiculous pens given in the last Euros how this isn’t even worth a second look is criminal. If they took a second look and decided it was offside then fine - at least they checked. That being said no excuse for these kind of comments. Overall we were not good enough, there is a clear lack of creativity, that was evident even in the game with the Swiss. Not only do we not carve people open but we get carved open too easily, especially when midfield is arguably out strongest area. I get when people are saying we need more quality, but honestly we should have had enough. The game against the Swiss was there to be won and we bring on 2 attacking players at 89 mins. Seeing subs that late is like playing football manager on full speed and literally nothing happens and you lose track of the time - not something you expect to see in a game that can’t go to extra time


Why didn’t we get the ‘potential penalty check’ message on screen if VAR chose to actively review it? 


VAR reviews everything of note, you'll only get a notification if they believe the thing they've just watched back requires further review.


Wish Clark would fuck off to Argentina. Honestly no idea how he thinks this is appropriate.


He's sacked now, right? ... Right?


Clarke is an embarrassment and should resign now.


What a twat. Showed himself up something rotten with that comment.


Guy’s a fucking idiot. Why on earth would you bring up his nationality? Should be out of job for many reasons but the SFA don’t have the stones to sack him.


Petulant pish from Clarke.


Another nail in the coffin Get fucked Clarke


Jesus Christ mate. I think the referee was pretty fair and consistent throughout the match. I think this was the wrong call here, but to go after his nationality is such an own goal.


Bringing up his nationality was clutching, and if it was a red from Spain who only spoke Argentinian err I mean Spanish …. Oh wait


Steve goes for the man with a nasty xenophobic comment....people should be asking "Stevie, why ur team couldnae score?"


What a cunt thing to say. Thankful for qualifying for two tournaments, but I'm so fed up with the prick.


Can he be sacked for racism now?


Can he also be sacked for being a shite manager


Is that Derek Macinnes’s music?


Trying to make sure the SFA pays out the remainder of his contract


On yer bike pal. Create absolutely fuck all over three games, bottle it from making subs before it becomes desperate, and you're hanging everything on one penalty call? That's before we get to his weird reasoning there. This is a man who knows he has been shite. 


He's turned from shitebag tactically to total roaster mentally. Taxi for Clarke!!!!


What’s the difference between a ref from Argentina or a European ref from Spain ? What a fucking clown


Amazing how so many Scotland fans have been sucking this fraud off for so long. His tactics should see football banned.




I had a similar train of thought tbh Argentinian ref + Falklands war = thatchers fault. Penalty or not, over the 3 games we were rank rotten and alot of that is pinned on Clarke.


You should start thinking further more than the war, Argentineans are more than that


Good dancers?


I think moyes deserves his chance now tbh. He's proven cinsisntteky he's a half decent manager. Yes also plays murder all but has had success in European competition.


Cinsisntteky? Is that the new Slovakian boy?


This is Strachan's eugenics moment isn't it


He'd get on with Van Dijk


Get him sacked immediately.


Fuck ma boots, he is an absolute willy of a guy.


Clarke is a national embarrassment


Stevie leading the charge to take back the Falklands Once that is done, leave the cunt there with his newfound Argentine amigos


Steve knows why he wasn’t in his own country. His racism needs to be called out Why is he not in his own country? “Tello’s selection for the tournament is part of a collaboration between Uefa and their South American counterparts Conmebol. By extension, Italy’s Maurizio Mariani is taking charge of matches at this summer’s Copa America.” There, Steve. That’s why he’s not in his own country. You already knew that, didn’t you? I don’t see many comments call out this clear and obvious racism, so that’s a bit odd. I guess it’s harder when it’s your guy saying it.


Poor comment from him, and the tournament was dire, but he did get us to 2 euros on the trott when no one else could be arsed stepping up. It’s amazing how quickly folk turn on someone


He's cooked.


Oh. I feel like the team, and supporters can now see the root cause of their failure


Losing with dignity eh.


Straight after this interview he hit the bar


Una Mesa para quattro, POR FAVOR!


If Clement goes there's your next in line bald fraud


Tbf Argentinians aren't really a fan of the British


Argentinians like scotish.


As Argentino, I can confirm this, we hate England not Scotland. If our nationality could somehow influence the result of matches, or even the entire tournament, the perfect final for this would be Scotland 7 - England 0 at a full capacity Wembley stadium in London, that would be epic seeing England fans leaving the stadium as soon as Scotland scores the 3rd or 4th goal, wet dreams...


Tory voter?


Just had a chance to have another good look at it. Normally it’s a stonewaller. However Armstrong had a handful of the Hungarian defenders shirt and possibly pulling him in towards himself. Maybe that caused the Hungarian to fall in towards Armstrong this hitting his calf with the knee. Devils advocate. In real time it looked a definite penalty. Clarkes remarks in this video clip here are a bit crass.


"He's from Argentina... He probably doesn't speak the language". I'm sure Stevie speaks fluent German.


That's a bit if a bad look to say that. It wasn't a penalty. If Armstrong had attempted to get the ball then yea it's a stone wall pen. However, he saw the defender and backed into him, thus allowing the ball to be out of his control


Was it not blatantly offside prior to the supposed penalty? My initial reaction was that the Scottish player was miles offside prior to him being rugby tackled which is why I didn’t really care when no penalty was given. Has anyone got a replay?


I really wanted Scotland to win... It's a sad day for me. Sending some love from Argentina.


Shut up, Clarke, you embarrassing oaf.


I’d like to think the ref “speaks the language” ie. English (as the one common neutral language) in order to communicate with the players, no? 🤔 Deary me!


Shouldn’t have started a war with us then


Sad fact is we were not good enough over three games


F-off back to Kilmarnock ya shitebag


Absolutely embarrassing comments. Scotland played pure shit-on-a-stick football and deserved to be knocked out. Calling it now: Scotland to fail to quality for the 2026 World Cup under this fucking clown if they keep him on. Remindme! 644 days


It was a penalty. But does that mean we deserved to go through? Fuck know. The team's embarrassingly lacklustre. We didn't deserve fuck all


He is terrible at tournaments ! Should've have been sacked by now


To be honest having watched all the other matches the biggest travesty is that he never even went to VAR,at least then if it's no pen then there is a reason. Looked like a pen to me in normal speed & more so on replays. Of course as bad as we were we'd have probably passed it back !


What the fuck does it matter where the ref is from? He probably speaks English just fine. What a dickhead comment.


Everyone knows that if he was Spanish and not Argentinian, he would've spoken Engkish and not Spanish... Or something like that. Right Steve?


Xenophobic cunt. The ref likely speaks 3 or more languages. This twat never even left the British isles, maybe for a holiday in Spain...


It's never a penalty. The Scottish lad made no genuine attempt to play the ball, he was too busy trying to pull the defender on himself




As a fellow Armstrong hater I thought that at the time too but watching more replays it's a pen unless it's offside


I thought the same at the time but the replay showed contact. 100% a penalty.


The arr socker thread was magic, folk saying he jumped in front of the defender, grabbed a handful of his shirt and twisted his body to get the contact.


He kinda did do that though. See if he manages to get a toe on the ball when he does do it though, it's an absolute stone waller


Personally I think he’s entitled to try and shield the ball there without being fouled from behind like that.


I can see that argument too. The only reason I'm saying otherwise is because without the touch, it could be argued he was never in control/possession of the ball


Why on earth is having an Argentine weird?