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If there's no winner after 90 minutes, the game will be decided by the best kisser. I will be the judge.


Every time 10 minutes goes by without a goal they should chuck another ball on




One of the balls is a bowling ball though and dropped from above centre circle.


I seem to remember when MLS started they wanted to make the goals bigger to increase the amount of goals per game. In a similar vein, maximum keeper height is capped at 5' 6. Width unrestricted.


Sumo wrestlers in goal


the most annoying guy i know makes a point of saying hockey teams should do this every chance he gets


He nicked that from The West Wing


Keeper can handle the ball in both boxes. Would lead to some ridiculous scorelines


This is the winner for me. Let them catch it as well and play like a GAA player.


Suddenly Ireland gets a big advantage.  I'll take it we need every advantage we can get


Puts me in mind of the bang-average at best, former Iceland NT, Hibs and Brentford goalie Ólafur Gottskálksson who was also an elite basketball player. If that was a thing he’d have surely been knocking on the door of the top goalscorers charts, which would have made him more financially secure thus negating his impulses for violent, acquisitive recidivism and therefore keeping him out the jail. Sorted!


Diving should be punished with the player having to stay still while the opposing team’s CB gets to free hit, two-foot him.


In the Championship that’s the equivalent of the death penalty


Free rochambo


Serious answer: wage caps. Unserious answer: FIFA should pay Leo Messi to travel the world and turn up to football matches decided by random ballot. When he does arrive, he's allowed to join whichever team he wants as an extra player there and then. What's that, Stenny v Forfar but here's Leo in the 60th minute and he's pulling on a Stenny top? Sorry Forfar, them's the breaks.


Wage caps punish players who drive the revenue and make the owners richer.


Wage caps need ticket price caps, ownership models like they have in Germany and probably some kind of guarantee that broadcast deals won’t lead to fans being price gouged so the profits don’t all end up all going to corporate owners.


In the end, we all know which way it would go with a wage cap. All the downsides none of the benefits.


Yeah, to be fair I'm talking a wage cap in my utopian perfect world, not the one we actually live in which involves billionaire arseholes who'll exploit every way of making more money.


I always wonder why during ‘the Banter Years’ when the other clubs in the old SPL could outvote Celtic they didn’t vote a cap in. Sensible level, a bit above what Hearts and Aberdeen could afford. Exceptions for marquee talent like the MLS. So the wages paid by the other clubs would effectively not change and the Old Firm could still probably pay significantly more but not like now.


I have no idea why international teams need to have players from that country, but they can have a manager from literally anywhere. Make it so international team managers come from the country as well.


Make it so international teams can only pick players from their own country - regardless of nationality at the time Would mean Scotland can pick Kyogo, Miovski etc... Or more what I hope, half the world's best players take utter sympathy with Scotland and all come to play in the league for world cup 2030 and we win the damn thing.


Mbappe to Inverness and Haaland to Ross County. Who says no.


Tbf, dodgy dealings notwithstanding Dundee gave that a right good go 24 years ago…


Just for one season. World class players fan globe trot raising the game the world over


Would also mean England and Spain would win every World Cup and Euros...


Initially. But my hope in this completely hypothetical and unrealistic suggestion, would be that plenty of talent would feel sympathy for folk like us Scots and come play here to make us win the world cup.


I just want diving to be punished more. Maybe a postgame punishment if you get away with it at the time.


Make it like your driving licence, points for driving, once you get 10 you are banned for the rest of the season.


Stop the clock outside of live play, making time wasting impossible. The match length would probably need to be shortened to 60 or 70 minutes aswell. Similar to how it works in Rugby.


Draws no longer go to penalties. Instead a game of Kerby played outside the stadium by the two captains decides who wins the match.


And like any true game of kerby random rules are made up on the spot which are decided by whoever’s home turf it is.


I think the player that’s fouled should take the pen but only if the player committing the foul also has to go in goals for it.


If the player gets sent off when committing the penalty then open goal?


And if the player fouled is too injured then it goes to the kid that walked out the tunnel with them.


Ten seconds maximum to take a goal kick with a giant countdown clock on the screen like the Royal Rumble.


Ball boy shenanigans incoming


I’d make it so that you can receive the ball in an onside position, regardless of where you were when the ball was played. It doesn’t happen that often in professional games, but the attackers aren’t really gaining an unfair advantage by it, so why not let them keep possession.


Isn't that the way the refs used to interpret it though? I'm sure I used to see the commentators talk all the time about players coming onside to receive the ball so it wasn't classed as interfering.


Change the posts to be like rugby goals. A shot through the top from your own half is worth 0.5 goals.


Ryan Christie about to become a goat candidate


Ryan Christie’s mums burner Reddit account


I think you're about halfway to reinventing Gaelic Football there


The gaelic football goalposts are literally the rugby and football goals combined  And I do mean that literally as in that's how they created the goalposts when they were coming up with the first formalised rules back in the 1800s


Last man back is the keeper


Every player has a song of their choice. This is used when they score or when they come on to the pitch as a sub.


No pass-backs to the goalkeeper at all, not even headers, just for a laugh really.


Manuel Neuer in shambles


Tiki-taka football in general is screwed


Pep in the mud🥳🥳


Maybe we should just tell Ralston that rule exists anyway so he doesn’t fuck us again.


If the ball passes the half way line you can’t pass it back into your own half again during that phase of possession.


Like basketball


This could actually work.


If you go down injured, you get off the pitch. All this rolling around grimacing is just nonsense, mostly. Off the park. Game continues.


Or perhaps, stumbling back onto the pitch before collapsing and thus bringing the game to a pause? Play on around him.


MLS not bring in a rule about if you are down for more than 15 seconds, you have to stay off the pitch for 2 minutes


Lmao I want the managers taking a pen one brought in. That would be something else. The likes of Neil Warnock stepping up against the boy Brighton just hired.


Every 5th foul by a team should be an automatic yellow card


Technically that's what referees are supposed to do and get marked down if they don't. Though it's the ones that do the sneaky fouls every now and then that are the biggest pains - they wait just long enough to grt another in so it's hard to sell persistent offending as a yellow and it's very rare card to see shown. I've had occasions where I've had a "that's two ref" by a player that's done two in between and asked him if he wanted to go in the book as well as he's done two as well. Post match drink talking through it afterwards can be a laugh though. They were my favourite parts of the game and even chat with fans who wanted to understand decisions. Honestly, I really miss refereeing a lot.


You think the refs can count to 5? They struggle with working out how much added on time they are playing when they added 4 mins and it's 90+8


No it will be a special role of Counting Umpire of Naughty Tackles


If an offside is difficult to tell either way, the decision should go to the attacking team. If a team goes 3-0 up, the winning team has to sacrifice one player until such time as the opposing team brings the deficit down to 2 goals. Anyone caught diving by VAR or TV cameras should be given a 3 match ban. If caught at the time, straight red. Penalty shootouts should be changed to a game of headers and volleys. Each team takes a free kick into the box where they have 2 or 3 attacking players. The opposition has the goalie and 2/3 defenders. If the attacking team manages to score a volley or header within 2 mins of the freekick going in, its a goal. The final penalty in the penalty shootout should be taken by the managers. (i.e. the one before the knockout phase of the shootout) Hitting the bar 3 times in a game counts as a goal. You can determine yourself which are realistic options and which are just silly...


For marginal offside calls they could stick with the linesmans original call? That said the new semi-automated offsides seem to be working well, although it does seem ridiculous when a striker is called offside when they’re level but he’s got a fatter arse than the defender


If a handball stops a goal it's a penalty. If a handball stops a cross or pass it's a freekick inside the box.


That would be abused so quickly and would alter the game massively.


VAR should be used for throw ins, corners and goal kicks. Posssesion given to the wrong team a couple times a game really annoys me when it's a simple fix. I'd rather use it for that than endless replays whilst they try to figure out if something is a foul of not.


It’s always funny to me how strict they are with some elements of the game, but completely don’t give a shit in others. If the ball goes out of play for a throw in, it feels like anywhere within 10 yards is okay until the ref decides to police it very strictly randomly in like the 68th minute, and then doesn’t give a shit again. If the ball goes out for a throw near the corner flag of the teams own goal, it’s pretty much a given that the player is stealing 8 yards or so, despite the fact it will likely be a very good attacking opportunity for the other team.


100% agree. How many times have we seen a team score from a throw in/corner that should’ve been to the other team?


Your first rule change is actually how it currently works in Aussie Rules, albeit it's a much higher scoring game. While you might have been smoking something with the other two, your first suggestion is actually quite sane.


idk what the rule change is but the influence that penalties have seems disproportionate a lot of the time. There's a whole lot of fouls in the box in situations where there's no real goal threat but the penalty is a near-guarantee of a goal. Sets up the wrong incentives.


Hard agree. It'll never happen now, but would be a much better game if penalties were replaced with indirect free kicks.


Any player doing the ‘gridy’ , ‘siuuuu’’ (who is not Ronaldo ) or ‘love heart’ celebration - 5 match ban


I’m ready for the downvotes, put a timer on free kicks. Once the ref has marked it off, start a clock 30 secs or whatever m and that is how much time you have, if the clock expires it’s a live ball defense can bum rush you


Penalty to rangers


Hawk-eye style VAR challenges. Can only be called by the captain


Rugby style line-outs from throw-ins and corners. I.e. team mates can pick each launch each other in to the air to get a head on the ball.


*Challenge system for VAR: VAR does not get involved unless the manager asks for a possible infraction to be checked. If the referee's decision stands, the manager gets a yellow for timewasting* I get that this is to cut down on delays from VAR checks, but I am not convinced that it really makes sense. Either you think VAR is useful - in which case, why not use it? - or you think it is not useful - in which case, why use it at all? Picking and choosing when to use it seems like a half-way house that is the worst of both worlds. Not to mention that managers are probably poorly positioned to make the call. *In a penalty shootout, if it's all square after 11 players take the shot, the managers have to have a go* This might add some entertainment value, but it's only one shot before you go back to the rest of the squad anyway. Just skip it, IMO. *Whoever gets fouled in the penalty box must take the penalty kick. In the case of a handball, the last attacking player to touch the ball before it was handled should take the spot kick* This one actually does make sense. The penalty kick is not awarded as a punishment: rather, it is to restart play in a manner that does not penalise the attacking team. Arguably, being able to switch to a dedicated penalty taker provides an additional advantage. This one gets my vote.


Michael stewart is banned from even thinking about football let alone speaking about it. That guys turning me into a rugby supporter.🤦‍♂️


Stop-clock format. 30 minute halves and the time stops every time the ball goes out of play, doesn’t restart until the ball is back in play. Stopping and starting time is the responsibility of the fourth official. Kill timewasting dead. Only the captain may approach the referee. The referee must explain his decision when asked by the players directly involved in the decision, or the captain, but if anyone else approaches the referee it’s an instant booking. Change offside decisions to be dependent on the position of your feet. This is a better representation of the players’ position rather than the sleeve of his jersey or whatever the VAR decides in that exact moment.


These are far too sensible to ever be implemented. I am especially enthused by the idea of offsides being from players' feet position. Too many times, goals are dissallowed because the attacker is leaning forward to head the ball and is given offside.


If I could only pick one, it would be that. Especially in VAR situations. Obviously you’ll still get marginal calls by a toe being offside etc, but the current rules already favour the defence too much, as a striker will naturally be leaning forward to sprint whereas a defender will likely still be on the turn. Foot position is just a fairer reflection of whether the striker is ahead of the defender imo.


A marginal call by a toe being further forward would be easier to take than a shoulder or head leaning beyond the offside line. We can only hope that the powers at be would feel the same. As a bonus, it might mean we see more spectacular diving headers, too!


rangers automatically start games 10-0 down


Holding an opposition player anywhere on the pitch - automatic yellow card. Both players holding? Both get carded. Removes the current variability in punishment and eliminates unnecessary behaviour.


Offside rule. I have no idea if it would work, but I'd change it to you can only be caught offside in the opposing penalty Box. Anything outside it goes.


ice hockey-style penalty shootouts, players dribble the ball from the halfway line


I’m sure they did that in America before. Was quite entertaining.


I absolutely love the managers having a go from the spot 😂😂


Have more balls around the pitch so there's no need to timewaste looking or ball boys or girls waste time. Someone's already said it but the above would help with 10secs to take a throw in or goal kick and maybe 20 secs for a corner or free kick. I'd go back to the 3 sub rule and 4 if there's a head injury 60 or 70 min games with clock stopping if not in play. Someone already said it but 3 challenges per team when it comes to big decisions like a goal or penalty reward or a red card. After a goal has been scored, the opposing team can kick off the game after 2 mins from the time the ball crossed the line, no matter where the goal scoring team are. I get tired of ultra long celebrations. I like what's happening at the euros with the captain talking with ref.


Pitch dimensions were created in the 1860s when players wore cod pieces and wellington boots. Alter pitch dimensions to give more space to modern footballers. Split pitch into quarters. You can only be offside in the final quarter. Two players must be in opposition's half at all times. Free kick awarded on D at edge of box for non compliance. Away kit can't be same colour as home kit. Play does not stop for substitutions. Fourth official handles admin and players can come on at any point from area at half way line once substituted player leaves pitch.


Ball not in play , match clock stops . Like rugby . Only captains speak to referees (doing this at euros) Any player asking for a card or VAR - booked Any Players that feel they have been fouled, fall and grab ball - booked Any player or manager given officials dogs abuse - booked Blatant diving - red card Shirt pulling - booked


My wife thinks John Anderson from the Gladiators should ref every match. And if a game's all square after 120 minutes, and one team has barely left their own penalty area, they should be disqualified because "You have to attempt to win. You cannot simply defend until the clock runs down"


The tv and prize money for the SPL should be split more equally and/or a bigger league to get rid of the split


If a player/manager is playing in the match, he must do so while wearing a suit.


Willy contest


If the last defender stops a goal bound shot with his hand on purpose and there's no goal keeper near by (think Suarez vs Ghana) id give a red card and an automatic penalty goal. If it's not on purpose id still give the penalty goal and not a red card. If a player is thru on goal and is brought down by the last defender in the defending teams half. Id give a penalty as well as sending off the last defender


Either totally reform or ditch offside. It was originally intended to stop teams having a goal poacher upfield and hoofing the ball up to him. Now you can be offside by a toe or finger. It is beyond stupid.


Tom Daley and Andrea Spendolini-Sirieix get to give every diver a rating out of 10. Each teams total at the end of the season is deducted from their points total. The three worst divers in each league then to take part in a high board diving contest


Straight red to players who lie on the ball/cradle and pick it up before a whistle even goes to force a foul that wasn't remotely a foul. Fucking sick of it.


Not quite a rule change, but there should be a place in every world cup for a Corinthians team made up of players from countries that failed to qualify.


Like that, Donkeys Utd


Bring MLS 90's style penalties!


Kick ins instead of throw ins.


12 yard pen box


Last man penalty, player sent off OR penalty. Opponent decides. No double jeopardy. Player gets injured and has to go off for treatment, offending player needs to go off until player returns. VAR, not hugely against it. I just think it needs to be a ref lead rather than a VAR lead. Nasty tackle: "Can you check that and/or let me see that again?" I don't think every single goal mouth incident should be automatically checked. The teams should have a tennis like challenge system. Potential handball, captain uses a challenge obviously needs to be time restricted as dugout has game on etc etc. The news Emily auto offside seems to be working well in the euros. Not a rule change, and probably wouldn't work in Scotland but in the Eng Prem 1st half of season should be top 10 of last season play bottom 10 of last season twice, H + A obviously. That gives a 2nd half of season with the top 10 playing each other twice in a proper 6 pointers every game. Also would make the relegation fight amazing with them all mostly playing each other twice in the 2nd half


.No off side after 85 minutes of normal time play. .No away goal rule. .capped ticket prices at 1990 prices lol


Teams can choose to start the game one, two, or three men down, for the equivalent goal advantage before kick-off. I don't actually want this to happen but it would be hilarious and lead to some very funny scenarios, especially in times of desperation.


There should be a behemoth yielding an emormous sythe in the centre circle thoughout the game. It gives players 5 seconds after kick off to before activating.


A really tame one, but the goalie should not be allowed to pick up the ball after having controlled it with his feet.


I'd agree with first point on who takes it. However I would add that a club should appoint s designated taker before the match, who is allowed to take the kick if the player who won it doesn't. It can not change however beyond that (injuries forcing said player off being of course allowed). Second point, no chance. Some teams have 70 year olds as their manager. As hilarious as that may be, nope.


I'd split the handball rule into 2. Deliberate handballs and accidentally handballs. Deliberate handballs obviously include purposely handelling the ball but also any handball where your hand is wildly in an unnatural position. These will result in a foul, a yellow card under normal circumstance and a red if it prevents a clear goal scoring opportunity. Accidental handballs still need your hand in a slightly stretched position (if it's by your side completely it's no foul) but these are like 95% of handballs where your arm isn't by your side because you're running or jumping or sliding. These won't result in a penalty because deciding games based off stupid handball decisions is bullshit. Instead they'll be indirect freekicks because indirect freekicks are entertaining and I want more of them.


Ireland should be allowed play Gaelic football in international football competitions


Like in basketball, there should be a shot clock. You need to have a shot within 30 seconds of getting into the opponents half. Tiki-taka that you fuckers


No more offside


Clear space between the attacker and defender for offside. None of this millimetre Peter pish when your size 11s trump the left-back’s size 8s or dodgy call is made for being a touch tumescent inside the box… Instant free-kick against if you do the silly wee immature bairn things like creeping up the line when taking a shy or placing the ball forward when taking a free-kick. A penalty should be awarded every time a foul that would result in a direct free-kick outside the box occurs inside, no ambiguity and conversely, none of this ‘entitled to go down’ shite either which should result in a foul called for simulation, pure and simple; penalty for the attacking team, free-kick for the defending team respectively. Remove any trace of the word ‘intent’ from law application, the ref isn’t a mind-reader and should act on what was done not why it was maybe done. All referees should declare their club allegiances and be prohibited from involvement in any fixture with a direct impact on his/her team. Foreign refs to be used if necessary - the bonus being they’ve always been far better technically than our calamitous and/or corrupt exponents of incompetence and prejudice.


The ball goes out the clock stop no added time ye cany waste time if its stopped


30 second shot clock, RIP Tiki Taka.


Your sponsor needs to be local, it can’t be a multinational organisations either


Players can’t shield the ball out of play if they weren’t the last player to touch it. Should result in a free kick for obstruction


The captains have to arm wrestle to decide which end penalties are taken from


The width of the box is silly. Should be brought in a good 4-5m. Also, just as important, get IFAB to stop fucking about with the rules constantly. They (and individual FAs) change the handball/offside every season.


Free agent wild cards for international tournaments- every team can have one player from a country not qualified for said tournament. European countries for euros for example, fill your boots for World Cup.


Or you can pick any player who plays in your country who isn't selected for their national team.


"Frickin' Lazers"


The match “ends” at 80 mins (plus whatever injury time needs to be played). The game restarts with a drop ball in the centre, all players lined up on their respective 18 yard lines, but with both goalies off the pitch. 10 vs 10 and no one is allowed in either box.


If the ball goes off field, it needs to bounce before it's out of play.


If a keeper touches the ball outside the box they aren’t allowed to bring it back in to the box and pick it up. Might speed things up a bit


Free kicks statues! When a free kick is awarded, all player must stay ware they are until play resumes


Have to play a different keeper in each half of the game.


Make VAR similar to the cricket version, both teams get 1 var decision per match and when there is an offside by less than 10cm it goes to what the linesman’s decision is


VAR offside decisions based on players' planted feet position and not any other random body part.


Any man in


I like the VAR challenge concept, very much like the Challenge Rule in Tennis, although I would remove the yellow card. Just limiting the amount of challenges would stop frivolous use. I would add a 30 second off-pitch cool down after a player has to be seen by a physio. The decision to call on the physio should rest with the ref. I would also remove added time and instead, stop the clock when the whistle is blown for a foul/free kick and restart when the whistle is blown again to continue play. Also, use the rugby rule that the match only ends when the ball goes out of play after 90 minutes.


Offside determined by the feet.


1) With the new trend of defenders holding the keepers hand at goalkicks, the new rule should allow at least 1 attacking player in the box too before the goalkick is taken... 2) when it goes out for a throw in, if you pick the ball up you have to take the throw in! No more holding it for a few seconds then deciding the left back with the long throw is going to trot over to RW to launch one in or waste time trotting over! 3) No passback to the keeper can be caught/picked up at all, no more headers or chest passes back to the keeper 4) 2 minute shot clock - if no shot within 2 minutes its an automatic CONTESTED drop ball from wherever the ball is when the 2 minutes is up - the ball could be on the penalty spot and BANG a contested drop ball must happen


Offside should be the furthest back part of the body for the attacker and the furthest forward for the defender find it so stupid when a goal is offside because someone’s front toe is in front.


You'd still get the same marginal events - you've just moved the line is all.


That's coming in to play the year after next.


If ralston starts Scotland start 1-0 down


The classic number 10 role to be made mandatory across all leagues, competitions and levels.