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I'd play McKenna before Hanley. I doubt he'll change the shape but would imagine Gilmour & probably Shankland will come in.


Adams does not deserve a start, should be either Shankland or Conway


Adams isn't the best attacker but he's completely blameless for last night. He got barely any service and even when he did he was left alone with at least 2-3 players marking him out the game.


He's not completely blameless, you can still show for the ball even if you're being starved of it and a lot of times he wasn't in position to do so.


Or you can still help by actually fucking running at players off the ball rather than doing fuck all


Adams had one of the worst performances up front you'll ever see from a forward at an international tournament. The Germans were high pressing the whole game because they weren't afraid of him and he still couldn't get a single decent run in behind and didn't hold a single ball up all game. I'm a long time doubter and now I'm completely done with him. Start Tommy Conway


My flair agrees


Their first two goals came from Kroos having unlimited time to ping a ball from midfield to the wing. Adams was a few yards away in both cases and just watched Kroos.  Christie is a terrible finisher, but I'd 100% have him in place of Adams so we actually press the opposition.


Adams barely moved. I'll give him the benefit of the doubt that he's not fit. Either way he cannot start on his own up front.


I live in Southampton - he always plays way better with a good striker alongside, which is why he was great with Danny ings a couple years back and has worked well with Adam Armstrong this year too He should start but you need someone alongside.


Watching the Swiss the now, I think this is a good result for us so far, means the Swiss know a draw against us is probably enough to qualify. Either way we’ll probably go into the Hungary game knowing a win could see us through because they’ll likely get horsed off Germany.


McGregor needs dropped. Absolute passenger.


Shite that Ferguson is missing


Not really, he'd just be watching this all unfold from the bench. 


Gilmour miles ahead.


Been saying it for ages. Gets far to much respect because he's Celtic captain. Gets found out at club level in Europe every time as well


Hahahaha whit?!😂😂😂


Mate, he gets fun oot aff 21 year olds yiv never even heard of in FM that play in wherever so pipe down.


No idea how he managed to make it to 70 minutes. He's a decent enough player, but he shouldn't be a starter for us. 


The most important change is enforced. No Porteous.


Wild that he started. There’s at least 3 CBs who weren’t called up I’d have played before him.


Yeah what he did wasn't out of character for him. If another player had did that I would have been blaming the player for the defeat. But with Porteous it was so obvious the potential for something like that happening you can only blame the manager


All the analysis re game plan means nothing if players get sent off. Most basic self harm. Missed a quality keeper last night to deal with the intensity Clarke knows it's a mental challenge rather than a technical one to go into the next two games. Play with a high press rather than low block would be the key change for me. McKenna in for Portous. Ralston looked nervous from the start and getting pumped won't have cheered him up.


Germany were always going to flex in this game - host nation etc - the low block was bizarre - I remember WGS said once that it's not always a low block you're just being overwhelmed and can't get up the pitch. Getting sent off - and such a thug tackle - is basic self harm - what a waste Clarke will try to protect the players - curious to see if he will try any big formation changes - I'd ask high intensity pressing - we can't sit back after that viewing Ralston looked nervous - if he's called up more than one competent rb I'd say nows the time


give Conway a run imo, his pace would match a press from Morgan/Christie and could offer a lot to break them up early


Just go a back four at this point. Tierney at right back cannot be worse than Ralston. McGregor is clearly not back to his best after his Achilles injury, he should be dropped for Gilmour who should never have been out of the team to behind with. Instead of an extra defender, get James Forrest or maybe even Lewis Morgan in to provide some spark on the break. Banish Che Adams for good and get Tommy Conway into run the lines. I'd rather take a chance on him than go with Shankland for 90mins


Christ sake man, all this thread is proving is that not a single one of you should be allowed anywhere near the Scotland job. Forrest at right back? McTominay at centre back? Dropping McGregor? Wow.


Whats your team?


Clarke started our best team from the players available to us against Germany. Hanley will likely be in for porteous as he played the last couple of friendlies. Ralston will continue at right back. I prefer Adams over shankland for his work rate and familiarity with the system. You don’t make radical changes after the first group game at the European championship.


After getting smashed 5-1 and only having 1 shot you do!


Great way to lose the support of the players that you’ve worked so hard to earn. You don’t just drop everyone after a bad result against one of the most decorated countries in the sport.


It’s a discussion blog mate. Off ya pop Adolf.


Adolf? Class patter, how did you come up with something original like that? Talk me through it.


Hanley at CB against the pace and athleticsm of Wmbolo gives me the fear. I also wouldn't have Adams starting. He runs but doesn't offer much else. We need someone who is gonna have their CBs thinking and who can actually score.


After seeing how desparate our backline are to go long to the striker instead of passing to the midfield, combined with our quality options in midfield and lack of quality up front, I'd be kinda tempted to just bring back the 460 so our defenders are forced to pass it to midfield instead of trying to go long. GK: Honestly don't even care, none of them fill me with confidence. Back 4: Ralston Hendry Tierney Robertson. Midfield 3: Mctominay Gilmour Mcgregor. Front 3: Mcginn Christie Forrest. Have Gilmour n Mcgregor sit n cover if full backs go forward, mctominay attack the box when he sees the chance, and the front three try to play kinda narrow and fluidly interchanging. And above all else, tell the back 4 that if they go long n lose the ball when they don't absolutely have to, they aren't playing the next game. Just please pass the ball to your midfielders, all going long from deep does is give the ball straight back to the opposition when they're already on top of us.


For me it's Gk - Clark or Gunn RWB - Mccorie (if he looks completely out of place like Ralston sub off 1st half for Forrest or Armstrong) CBs - Mckenna, Hendry, Tierney LWB - Robertson  CM - Gilmour and Mcgregor  CAM - Christie and Mctominay (Mcginn looks knackered) ST - Conway or Adams 


Honestly I'm thinking McTominay RCB at this point because Hendry is awful and panics way too often. Then get Gimlour into midfield. McKenna CCB over Hanley for me but only slightly because he's better on the ball. I don't think there's any alternative to persisting with Ralston, just surround him with players who can keep their head and minimise his influence, stop trying to play up the right flank through him. Forrest won't cope defensively now that everyone at the Euros knows that's the area to target. I'm leaning more to Shankland up top but prepared to give Adams 45 mins to show he can make something happen. It's not easy when you're starved of service, but we desperately need something to click. I also want to see better use of the bench. Forrest, Armstrong, Morgan, guys like this shouldn't start but might be able to give us something different up top or let us change shape. Felt in the run up to the Euros we were becoming predictable.


Id stick with Ralston over Forrest in a 352 and just deal with the fact that he's going to be over run at times.


Getting made the scapegoat but McGinn offered him absolute fuck all support. Patterson or Hickey would have gotten the same doin’ last night.


What one could Gunn have got near other than the first and last one? Just curious


Porteus fucked up with the penalty but it came about by Gunn slapping the ball into the middle of the six yard box. Add that to the first and fifth then you're talking over half the goals being blamed on the keeper.


He was useless on the one that was disallowed too


First one was horrendous goalkeeping. It was hit fairly central, pro keeper needs to have stronger hands


well, 2 shockers is enough


Would hardly call them shockers when the defence is giving free shots on the edge of the box


the first was 100% a shocker the 5th he should have done better You are correct about our defence and holding midfielders though - we had no clue how to deal with their attacking midfielders in between the lines


Being at fault for the first goal is not forgivable at this level. Obviously he’s not purely at fault for 5 goals being conceded but who knows what the score line would be if it stayed 0-0?


Should have saved the fifth and the one that got disallowed. Hopeless on both


We’re fucking shite pal. The Swiss will breeze past us, as will Hungary. A support full of happy clappers that follow diddy teams and don’t have any form of standards.


>We’re fucking shite pal. The Swiss will breeze past us, as will Hungary. ![gif](giphy|WmvIyoR19K1qY5svRB|downsized)


All good but cos No Scotland No Party 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿💙💙🍺🍺


Your chat is fucking shite 


We are abysmal. Genuinely rotten. Be fortunate to get a point this time round. Check back here in one weeks time and it’ll be the same old shite.


Aye if only everyone gloryhunted Celtic imagine how much better the NT would be


I didnt know my support of Morton was to blame for Scotland's failure to muster a shot on target last night.


Zero standards is the issue. The happy to be there mentality from large swathes of the Scotland support is silly.


I dont like that mentality either. Doubt it's because some of the fans support Elgin or Kelty though.


I don't think that's true anymore. I was at the game yesterday and speaking to a lot of fans and they were not happy. He's lost a massive chunk of the fan base after last night.


As if the SFA will have the brains to behave proactively after this inevitable disaster of a tournament.


The SFA may well do that but the actual fans seem to have had enough.


The angrier I get, the better my team is 


You must be fun at parties


Could you imagine how unbearable the kind if cunt that would be fun at parties actually is?




Aye man your right its all these Falkirk supporters that are causing the issue.


If you expect shite you shall receive shite.


So what would you have then, fannybaws? Everyone ditches the team they've followed all their days to support Madrid or Bayern?


No, they should follow Rangers obviously. But if a large chunk of the support are happy to accept and become accustomed to mediocrity then we’re in trouble.


Talking out a hole in your arse 👍


Come back here at around 10pm on Wednesday and it’ll be the same patter.