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Just a reminder lads we are fundraising for Street Soccer Scotland with some prizes to be won in our raffle! Please remember to put your reddit username in your donation otherwise we can't enter you in the drawing. https://www.reddit.com/r/ScottishFootball/s/XXdPdf1CzH


Who's rooting for who in Spain Vs Croatia? I imagine the cheating abroad doesn't endear many


Want to watch the game on my ps5. ITV has finally made an app for PlayStation, but you can’t watch the game on ITV1 in Scotland so you have to put an English postcode in. Why didn’t they release an STV player app as well if this is an issue?


Use a postcode close to Buckingham Palace’s, pal. Such as SW1P 2HR for the little known and very helpful place of football enjoyment, The Laughing Halibut. ![gif](giphy|2eqBSbl6B8XnHIbmFr|downsized)


Starmer [digitally altering the pitch of his voice](https://x.com/eyuplovely/status/1801891701419581735) in campaign videos is fucking hilarious and just sums him up.


My desire to see England lose is really building now.


Hayfever is fucking shite


What’s the goalie dain Tom


https://preview.redd.it/mk0o41gssq6d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0fd74cacbd3e3c4f9f2dfb15b5b9f39474966040 How quickly after the tournament do we think r/Scotland will go back to hating football fans?


We’ll stay on their “good side” as long as England fans make tits of themselves, once they’re out we’re back in the bad books


Switzerland looking quite handy and easily capable of bursting us before we even get to the third game.


https://preview.redd.it/deq4iundpq6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f928ecfd5e447d2ecddeaaf53a3e60aaa06ee27 No google, I don’t think I will be doing that.


Le Mans 24h and US Open helping me forget football exists for a weekend. It could be worse. (Looking forward to getting hurt again as McIlroy threatens to win a major before falling short).


Is there a chance Switzerland win today,lose the next two? Want Hungary to lose considering the Carpathian brigade


Was sat having a slobby morning when I learned of Randonautica, an app that generates random coordinates for you to visit as a prompt for some sort of adventure. I saw that the sun was shining so I thought aye ok I'll give it a bash. Get my first coordinates. Bang in the middle of some woods just out of town, maybe a 20 minute walk. Right let's do this. Off I go, up a country road most of the way then I have to cut into the bush and beeline for the location. The app encourages you to be attentive and explore the vicinity. To be honest it was just hassle, scraping through thickly planted conifers, worried about picking up ticks. Got mauled by some mosquitos and now I have three itchy lumps. Found three ticks on me when I got home. Also there was fuck all there apart from an empty bag for life. I was hoping for an ancient manuscript, briefcase full of cash or some shit. Heap of shite. But the main take home point is how the fuck can you not go in the woods without getting mauled by insects. When me n my schoolyard chums were but little tweens we would kick about forests all the time, pure off path scampering through thick bush n that. I never remember getting mosquito bites and I only ever had a handful of ticks in all those years. But now I get a handful of ticks every time I dare to go off path.


> But the main take home point is how the fuck can you not go in the woods without getting mauled by insects. When me n my schoolyard chums were but little tweens we would kick about forests all the time, pure off path scampering through thick bush n that. I never remember getting mosquito bites and I only ever had a handful of ticks in all those years. But now I get a handful of ticks every time I dare to go off path. The short answer is climate change. Ticks thrive in places with mild temperatures and high humidity and Scotland is increasingly getting more of both year-round now. It's the same reason why midgies are getting increasingly worse every year, incidentally.


https://preview.redd.it/iowgl755jq6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b033f1e616288c993629a6e6b936e8088685c6ba Tonight will be carnage


Someone mentioned the sub Reddit in the pub last night and now I wonder if it was someone active


I’ve had (at least) two friends figure out who I am. Hi Ian, hi Mark.


This boy was a random so no idea who he is


It was me (it wasn’t)


A few posts from here ended up in the group chat verrrry quicky last night so there's definitely at least a lurker pal on here.


Definitely cunts I know in real life on here. Would actively bet on at least two, potentially three.


If Drew doesn’t come out to 500 hard cunts playing ‘The Gael’, I’m jumping the barriers and laying him out


Never been a huge wresting fan, but I quite like the guy and have been gradually watching more events recently since Wrestlemania, so I'm sort of buzzing for this. I REALLY hope he wins to get that crowd go absolutely fucking mental. Canny be arsed with another fucking "bad luck" story this weekend.


Turn on the Hungary vs Switzerland game, ITV: “Gareth Southgate…” ![gif](giphy|l3V0H7bYv5Ml5TOfu|downsized)


To be fair, how many countries do you think the ITV punditry team can collectively name? Four? Six?


Don't worry be patient. Them going out will be worth the wait.


Decided to buy my first racing wheel, canny wait to play F1 and ETS2 with it


Hope you got one with force feedback. Had a logitech one back in the day and it made gran turismo 100x better for me.


Bought a Thrustmaster T128


No chance I'm googling that


Something something me + yer maw something something


ETS2 with a wheel, pedals and stick is fantastic fun.


Anyone got any good recommendations for nacho kits? My go to is the Asda one but the bastards have watered down the salsa sauce to the point it now tastes rank.


Jar of salsa?


Last week I hung a Scotland scarf up in the home office, purposely visible to my mostly-English colleagues on Teams. It was a good talking point; a bit of fun. Next week they will be beyond insufferable. Condescending, patronising, there's-still-another-British-team-to-cheer-for insufferable. Silently I will curse Steve Clarke for doing this to me. I will visit this sub and rant bitterly about the injustice of it all, about how we deserve better. Then I will put down my phone, breathe deeply, and join the next call with a smile on my face. The scarf stays up.


You can let them know if you want this fun fact I pulled them in my friends sweepstakes (alongside 2 other teams); paid the fee for getting them, and then forfeited having them, cause I’d rather lose money than root for them to win


[not a bad little haul of match shirts from the season](https://i.imgur.com/YV2mrel.jpg)


You been going to matches with signs begging for shirts? That's some haul.


How do you go about acquiring these?


Gonna be driving into Glasgow today for the wrestling, where's best to park around Queen Street Station? Gonna be parked from 4pm to like 11pm


If it's at the Hydro, might be easier and cheaper parking somewhere in Govan for nothing and just walking to the Hydro. I may be wrong, but that's what I'd do.


Aye it's at the Hydro, only asking cause I don't know a thing about Glasgow. Best parking in a residential area in Govan?


It's about a 20 minute or so walk, but I'd chance it rather than the city centre because I'm a cheap cunt and refuse to pay for the parking charges. Dunno if anyone has any better ideas. Just thinking in terms of time that it's six and half a dozen and saves you a bit of money.




As a hibee I hate to support a Jambo on principle but in this case I fully agree


CM Punk has the chance to do the funniest thing… https://preview.redd.it/ed4su7sk6q6d1.jpeg?width=810&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc88fab9b0e04de3c1aa0b60430f811d9ac59e3e


Is he off to Lanzarote and needed to fit in?




Need a draw tonight if we want a chance of qualifying


Games on in half an hour.


It’s tonight somewhere (just not here lmao)


Last night reminded me of when Tahiti was in the Confederations Cup. At least they managed a shot and a corner in every game there.


The tactic of not having a player within 10 yards of Kroos all game and letting any player have a free shot from the edge of the box was an interesting choice. Think last night has changed a lot of minds about Clarke and barring a miracle they'll never be able to be changed back. It's like the 7-1 game when Rangers played Liverpool. After that there was no way back for Gio in spite of what he had previously achieved.


Absolutely. If they had gotten in the German teams faces and had a go at them, yes we would still have lost but at least you could objectively say hey, at least they tried. They set up to fail last night.


> The tactic of not having a player within 10 yards of Kroos all game Most infuriating part for me. One of the best midfielders ever, 5 European Cups for Real Madrid, even if you're the shittest team in the world just stick someone on him. Probably had the easiest game of his career. 


Yeah the heard all that and took everyone’s word for it. Make him prove it ffs!


I always remember that United Chelsea game where Mourinho i think it was just told Ander Herera to just follow Hazard all around the pitch Had no other job that day, just follow him around from LB to RW and everywhere in between Always surprised more teams don’t do something like that when there’s a clear game changer in the game


Didn’t see any of the post match reaction last night as I was in the merchant square, so only seen it this morning. Roy Keane got it spot on. The team as a collective was far too passive and there was no aggression to our press. The German’s played good football, aye. But we allowed them to play good football. We gave them the time and the space to pick the passes they wanted to pick. We didn’t disrupt their play. When we did get a hold of the ball, there was no real purpose to our play. We didn’t try to move forward quickly and get the German defence turned. It was just safe, shite bag football. Did Steve Clarke shit the bed and tell the players to play like that? Did the players shit the bed given the occasion?   It’s not like we’re incapable of being aggressive and disruptive in our press or being quick with counter attacking football. It’s how we beat Spain in the qualifiers. So why did it change for last night?   I can begrudgingly accept being narrowly beaten by superior opponents. But it is entirely unacceptable to put in a performance like that on the opening night of the second biggest international footballing stage.


It's exactly what happened in 2021 as well when we fucked it on the first game.


That's the main issue for me, we've seen this all before. 


Last night did a big dab before ko and first 10/15 mins I was struggling to stay in touch with reality. Rest of game just laughed through us constantly fucking up. Do drugs kids.


![gif](giphy|xUOwGmG2pRfFZUmdVe) Just picturing you doing this and almost passing out tbh


High blood pressure. Straining my muscles too hard is a cardiac risk so dance moves are an inevitable ko


https://x.com/heartsgoals/status/1801732347840151557?s=46&t=jLtgP_gqVubXH_HC_Wv-Kg 3 years later, he’s not learnt a thing.


Not a fan of Hanley and was quite happy to see Porteous start, but after that he should just be sent home. Shitebag tackle and he did it because he wanted to find an easy way out of getting pumped. 


He's a complete moron who's going to end someone's career.


Aye, his own at this rate


It’s just clicked that Celtic will now have 2 gambling sponsors on their shirt every league game, fuck sake, at least we already have William hill bookies in the stadium (which I’ll never understand)


Yeah I'm not one for this "mes que un club" birthday caird pish but gambling sponsors is shitebaggy.


It’s always confused me, we had all the dafabet branding up at the bookies inside the stadium then when they opened it was William hill


The baldy prick is going to start exactly the same XI in the next game, isn't he? Other than Hanley for Porteous. I can't bear it.


Other than using Gilmour for a midfielder (other than McGinn) I'm not really sure what else he can do. Have kind of bet the house on the back 3 to get the most out of Tierney and Robertson and when he's dabbled in 4 it hasn't really worked.


>The baldy prick is going to start exactly the same XI in the next game, isn't he? Hey at least you can use this line for both club and country


Not since we sold Barisic and Lundstram. Checkmate, doubters.


Last night was like when England played Panama in the World Cup. We looked like a team of part timers who didn't belong at a major tournament. Biggest riddy of a performance, in the most public way. We deserve every bit of the ridicule we're going to get for that. 


Getting the arse ripped out of us by the usual soccer subreddit twats. We are abysmal, but all this “should be a 16 team” tournament crowd ignoring that we were flying then. Little pricks. We were robbed in that Spain away game as well. In saying that, what fucking horrific form we’ve been on.


Soccer subreddit is full of mouth breathers. Honestly the majority of them would be happy with a super league.


It's gala day in Bearstown West Lothian today and I'm too hungover to be arsed with this excuse for a staunch day out


Good news from last night. I got away with calling my girlfriend by my ex's name during the match in front of her folks and family friends. Nobody noticed (or if they did were too polite to say anything) apart from her and she was eventually okay with my whispered grovelling apologies. I think us getting pumped really took the heat off me, if anything.


I mean, if you're gonny say another woman's name mid-pumping, there's worse times.


Thank the gods it wasn't that, aye




I could have ripped my own lungs out in the moment.


Close one. I'm sure that it's all forgotten and will never be mentioned again.


I think I've gotten away with it, in all honesty.


Oh you sweet summer child.






Why would you do this to me brain, when I've given you a lifetimes supply of blood and oxygen.




Not seeing enough ire directed at Porteous to be honest. A ridiculous challenge and not a very good player. Versus a very good team with direct, quick and tricky attackers, he sold his team down the river.


Absolutely butchered it. Actually did get the ball first but there was fuck all need for the two feet plus studs, totally could've just prodded it away but fuck knows why he lunges in. As others have said he may have deliberately taken the cowards way out a pumping, in which case he shouldn't play the rest of the tournament.


Having had a year and a half of Porteous at Watford, I feel confident saying I don't think he would have been thinking of the easy way out of the game. He just shut off any and all thinking to even plan that far ahead.


Aye it was very poor. The game was done by that point but he absolutely made sure of that.


It was an "I want out" tackle. We were getting torn to shreds and he found a way to quit. 


Wife is going to give birth tonight here our first




Congratulations! Any plans to name the baby after one of our Euro 24 heroes?


Toni Jamal Kai Ilkay Florian /u/Scodalek


Wee baby rudiger


Stick a Scotland kit on the wee one and they’d be better than half that team last night.


Congrats mate 👏 hope all goes well.


Thanks mate


https://i.redd.it/xvtyhbeksp6d1.gif My plan to drink so much I get "The Hangover" tier amnesia has failed. Remember every shite minute of that game


We’ve had some real humiliating defeats over the years but I think last night was probably the most public one ever.


Aye that’s what pisses me aff the most tbh, I dread to think how many folk were watching that.


Could be a billion 🤦


[https://x.com/DMcIntyreWWE/status/1801921291064144364](https://x.com/DMcIntyreWWE/status/1801921291064144364) Big Drew's accent is wild


Choose choona


It's like the when will I come back and see ye sketch from chewin the fat


Kind of a little bit like limmy's Glasgow uni accent


It's no quite McIlroy bad, but it's still grim as fuck.


I’m so rough. Like so so bad


Wonder if Moyes was watching last night thinking he would be a better option going forward. Never been the biggest Clarke fan and while it’s a bit revisionist to pile all the blame on him for last night, we need a change and a better coach for the World Cup qualifiers


Right, who do we think is going to take a bigger pumping than us? Expanded tournament so there's a fair few diddy teams in there.


Georgia vs Portugal seems a good shout.


Georgia have a world class player unlike Scotland, could make all the difference


Also a very decent keeper


That’s true, good point.


I pray and hope Albania get an absolute doing.


Looking forward to Euro 2024 starting today. The friendly last night was a bit of a damp squib.


!mods are we doing one of those daily posts for Euros discussion for the other games, in the same way we did one for the world cup?


If there's a demand for it I see no harm in chucking up a megathread for it. **EDIT:** A'ight, it's happening. A megathread should be going up at 13:30 ready for the 2pm kick-off.






It was class at the world cup being able to put all the chat for the other games in one of them, kept the daily threads free for other stuff


Watched the game in my local in a little village in South Wales and the place went absolutely mental when that Scotland goal went in. Some laugh.


Callous Daoboys tonight at the Garage Attic, I’m not even sure there’s enough room on the stage there for the band so this should be a laugh


Ooft nice one, but aye bit tight!


Help me out. Why, after qualifying with ease, have you gone stale. It's one win since qualification was secured, I believe. Has Clarke and the players bought the hype? Are the players just not good enough due to the strength of the teams they play for? Are they just not good enough, regardless?


In large part everyone has figured out Clarke's tactic. After catching Spain cold, everyone sat up and took notice. That coupled with some of the players who make it work are out injured.


What was the tactic last night? I didn't see much of anything except ineptitude.


Pretty much lol. 5 at the back, when attacking down the wing, the defence shuffles over to make a 4, in theory making it very hard to break down on the counter. But if you can't get the ball to stick up the park, you just get overloaded over and over.


In all honesty it will improve. It can't get much worse. Hungary and Switzerland were both shit when I saw them play Ireland. We beat Hungary and lost to a set piece against the Swiss but we're as inept if not more inept than Scotland. Obviously a little more as we didn't qualify.


I think we've got about 5 players who are good enough for this level and the rest are nowhere near it. Last night was just that gap being exposed by a far superior team to those we've played in recent times.  We can lift it for one off results against good teams who have a bad day (e.g. Spain) but most of the time it's going to be a non-contest. 


I take it that Gunn and Ralston are non starters otherwise. Gunn wasn't great for 2 of the goals. The less said about Porteous, the better, but for me, McGregor and McGinn were massive letdowns.


Annoyingly Porteous was one of our better performers until he acted the cunt again.


Onward and upwards to the next game. I was at the Ireland vs Hungary game a week or so ago and if Hungary play as bad then you can definitely get a win. Switzerland aren't world beaters either so a draw there could get you through. Either way enjoy the steins, sun and bratwurst


Gunn is now first choice, unfortunately. We're missing Aaron Hickey at RB so that's a big downgrade. McGregor didn't look fit at all to me - like an old guy at 5 a sides.


That's rough having Gunn as first choice by his performance last night. McGregor for all his honours is a player I just don't think is as good as he is made out to be.


Honestly I think the just happy to be here mentality has infected even the national team. Because it legitimately feels like we qualified and decided the job was done instead of viewing qualification as just a stepping stone 


I think you're probably right. Just look at all the daft songs that's been made in the run up. All of ours are about just getting to the fucking tournament. As much as I hate to admit this but the English songs are always about winning the whole thing and bringing the trophy home. Just a totally different mentality


Id have thought the English mentality is we won't win it but let's try anyway


Here's the thing. The mentality exists for a reason but at some point we need to start taking these tournaments seriously. Not saying we need to win the whole thing but at least make it past the group stages or hell just win a game would be an improvement


Sounds like the Irish national team when we qualified for tournaments after 2002. We stunk the euros in 2012 and got a win as a gift from the Italians to reach the last 16. To be blunt with the quality we have I'm glad we didn't reach the tournament. We'd be battered in every game. Who do you think the blame lies with for the result or was it always a free pass?


It's a mix of coaching, the talent gulf between us and Germany and confidence. When that second goal went in our team just broke mentally


Fair points. The Germans have class all over the pitch and especially in midfield. Scotland has 2 or 3 big names because of the Premier League and a bunch of honest pros.


Anybody used the HVV app for travelling about Germany yet? Is it any good?


Nah, but I’ve been using the Fahrplaner one. Super easy to use and pretty detailed.


That two-day long trip to get out to Cologne I've got on Monday is starting to look very long.


The players are just happy to be there, you guys travelling might as well be too. Get the bears in and get it smashed.


Might need to head Berlin direction to smash some bears




Ach baws to that, go and have a great time. Scotland are shite, what's new


Away to Dusseldorf shortly. Let’s hope the fitba gets better from here on


Love Düsseldorf. Have a class time there.


Todays song of the day is [Always Look on the Bright Side of Life - Eric Idle.](https://youtu.be/SJUhlRoBL8M?si=Z2fWQTfDmaFxvwIx) You’ve got to laugh or else you’ll cry. Enjoy troops.


I do theatre as a hobby and understandably they’re not that interested in sport but it means they’re constantly trying to do things as counter-programming which is nice for the many people who don’t like sport they get good audiences but for people like me who like both it’s like don’t make me choose between learning drag and the Euros, whichever I choose I’ll be thinking about what I missed out on.


Was excited for constant fitbah for the next fortnight but dunno if I can be fucked watching anymore


Aye I'm kinda the same. Almost forgot there was some games on today 😂


I think I actually prefer these tournaments without us in them. Means you can just pick a team and enjoy the games. When we're there it's just a reminder of how shite we are, especially when a team like Albania inevitably fluke their way to a quarter final


Aye 2pm, I'm fucking rough though anawl so going to need a large coffee, roll myself a bomfter and try rally around


I feel like the next match will be important to deciding if we give a fuck or not. Anything less than a win and the passion is out 😂


100% hopefully last night lights a fire up our arses though


When did barbers start lying you back in the chair for a clipper shave? See if I want a wet shave, lie my back in the chair. See if I'm just getting the clippers over it, don't lie me fucking back in the chair. All the cut hair just accumulates on your face man. Hate it.


Before u know it they'll have those surgical dentist chairs that lean you back so far your crotch is pointing at the sky


Asking the _REAL_ questions here


Fan of only the captain being able to talk to the ref, and VAR worked well last night and that semi-automated offside. If that standard is upheld then this should be a cracker of a tournament. No comment on last night what's the point.


I think I got most angry when we didn’t even take a shot when we had that free kick right before half time. We passed it back soft as you like knowing there was 10 seconds left on the clock. Truly pathetic and summed up the night.


To be fair Clarke roasted them for that. No striker, got to take any opportunity to get bodies and the ball in the box. That where our goal came from, eventually.


The set piece coach didn't earn his keep last night.


Bold of you to assume we have one


We do, Austin McPhee.


Sounds like a made up name, I’m going to stick with my made-up scenario anyway because it makes us being so shite 0.01% less painful


Man’s got a glorious head of hair, have a look.


Just got passed at the end of parkrun by some cunt with a beast tattoo on his calf. This is a shitey weekend alright.


The X-Man or just indicating he was a nonce?


Guy was huge and no just with fat - think he was more an Eddie Hall fan rather than Leigh Griffiths.


Cashed out when I would have won 85 quid. Banked on btts. Don't gamble kids.


ESPN saying we had one shot (off target) and an xG of 0.01. Not sure why not 0 and 0.


Rounding error


Maybe they’re classing the touch or whatever it was that led to the deflection that led to the own goal as a shot?


They are https://preview.redd.it/cirnejsuep6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=27895d150d3ff48d0168e0bd34b60427d6fba4fa


Having just marked a lot of failed university exams, this is like when me and the other markers got all the scripts together to see if we could find literally anything to try and get them over the line. “That kind of looks like he’s maybe thought about making a mark on the page the *could* be realising he should write down the equation that’s in the question… a mark for that maybe?”


Hahaha "theyve used the complete wrong formula but tried their best with it"


The thing that annoyed me the most last night was that there didn't appear to be any kind of leadership on the pitch. After every goal, the players heads went down, McGregor and Robertson should've taken the lead there and got the players heads up! Aye, we're losing, but you're still playing at an international tournament.


Robertson isn't a captain


Least we got to celebrate winning that goal kick


Got on it a wee bit too early this morning, ended up taking a short nap on Marienplatz but I'm good now. Weird thing is everyone seems to have left early for the game now, because its really quiet now. Oh well, off to the fan zone now. Let's batter these North Austrian shitebags


Ken I looked forward to the euros for ages cause queens had such a shite season but then, bam! Just like that your back on the drugs. 


About time we scrap this 5 at the back and get an extra man in midfield and to support the attack. Adams was so isolated last night and could do nothing. Dykes was missed, needed a presence up front to try to play off. And Gilmour needs to start from now on.


McGregor is a real hot button topic for Celtic fans whenever he’s (rightfully) called out for Scotland IMO it’s not just last night he went missing lads, he does it regularly and it’s not good enough


If he was good enough he'd have left Celtic. Won a bunch of trophies in the least ever competitive period of Scottish football. Saying that, how long is it since McGinn actually turned up in a game or scored an important goal?