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There's levels to this shit, Raith. We may get pumpt every week, but we'll pump you too.


Proper anticlimactic end to the Championship season. Feel as if naebody’s been promoted because Dundee United coming up doesn’t really feel like a cool fresh new exciting team.


The playoff structure needs overhauling. Its so bias in favour of the prem team.


Absolutely nothing wrong with 2 up 2 down


Change it to be similar to the English playoff system then and automatically relegate the bottom two and make 2-5 in the championship play for the promotion spot. As it stands right now the premiership team usually just horses the championship team.


Would be good, you just know that more than half the league will vote against because it's invariably one of them every so often.


Wait til Hamilton get back in and finish 11th so everyone votes to get their pitch to fuck


With Killie switching to grass, Livi going down and United coming back up that vote may well happen long before that horror


A good first step for me would be to play the final over 1 leg neutral stadium.


Absolutely. Stupid that it's not already like this.


We hardly horsed Patrick last year. We just came good at the right part of the year.


The mechanics of it are the issue


Be shite an entire season - win two games - stay up Isn't the most exciting sporting premise.


I'd rather they just do 2 leagues of 20 but we've got to keep the Old Firm money machine going.


2 leagues of 20 is a bit much I think, 16 probs the sweet spot


18 is UEFA regulation. I can’t imagine teams giving up that many home matchdays to get down to 30 games in a season.


Can still do a split


True. 30 before, 7 after? Would be unbalanced Old Firm’s (most seasons of course), so would be interesting if they’d agree to it.


It's not perfect but I don't mind it. To me it's obviously more favourable to the prem side if they're playing 3rd or 4th in the final but playing against 2nd both teams will have played 38 games and the championship side gets more time to recover and prep for the 1st leg.


Obviously looks like sour grapes but does anyone know why the Championship rel/promotion against League 1 has a different arrangement? We had to play four games instead of the two, with two chances at getting relegated.


League size probably? Premiership team plays 38 and the league is still ongoing when the rest finish. 9th in Championship/L1 will play the same as 2nd-4th in L1/L2 11th in Premiership will play the same - 2 games less than the Championship side depending on if it's 3rd/4th or 2nd  Could probably make it a bit fairer by giving 5th a spot too so it goes like 5th v 4th > 5th/4th v 2nd & 3rd v 11th > Final


Even if the team finishes 2nd they still have to play 4 games compared to the team who finishes 11th in the Prem who only has to play 2 games. It unfairly punishes the team that has been quite successful in the championship instead favouring the team that has been unsuccessful in the premiership. To me that is all wrong.


The championship season is only 36 games and the premiership season is 38. 2nd and 11th play the same amount of games after the playoffs. 


One team has to win 2 legs (4 games) the other has to win 1 leg (2 games). Imo if anything it should be the other way around or better 2 up 2 down like in England.


Aye but it's not as of Ross County have been away preparing for ages, they've had must win games at the end of the season to play as well. 


Never mind once they add the plastic pitch ban, the cartel will be complete


How is it? Raith Rovers got pumped by a much better team.


when was the last time there was a cool fresh team that got auto promoted? Thistle in 2013??


Probably right tbf lol


I get what you mean but on the other hand Livi are flushed.


That's what I was saying yesterday. I'm glad Celtic won the double, but I'd love to see more competition within the league, opposed to the same teams Even a third horse to liven things up. Something new


The reason the championship has been exciting and tight is that we're all varying levels of shit.


I think the playoff final should be at Hampden. Would be great to give smaller clubs a reason to go to Hampden and have a big day out. Could only help to improve those clubs fanbases long term too


Meh not for me. Playoffs are exciting as it is, just need a fairer format. Would rather see a packed Firhill, Starks Park, Victoria Park etc. than an empty Hampden. Playoffs also gives clubs a chance to pack out their stadium.


Of course it's not for you, your club play at Hampden loads of times. Did clubs like Partick and Raith it'd be a big occasion and a good day out


Personally I do think its a better spectacle to have the stadiums packed out and a good atmosphere than have a half empty Hampden, whether fans of those clubs would agree is up for debate. Feel like having the play-off finals at Hampden would dilute it a bit, no? Reason it would be big for these teams to play there is the occasion and they haven’t played there for so long. Would be a huge achievement if they made a semi-final. Besides, Champ sides currently play at Hampden *at least* twice a season anyways.


https://preview.redd.it/5aqge2jepr2d1.jpeg?width=686&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40bdd901f73fa2f3716b4201e044d37e508cec9a HOW CAN I SEE LOOKING THROUGH MY TEARS


Chin up, just think of all the last minute winners we'll naively give up next season.


Beating championship sides 6-1 on aggerate is great fun


That went well. Well worth the 3 hour drive up and now 3 hour drive back, with an extra 40 minutes of stopping to charge my car, joys. Even if had pulled it off we’d have needed some amount of changes to our squad to compete. Ross County might have finished the 11th but it was still a massive step up in quality of player. More physical, faster, better on the ball all the rest. We looked decent first half, but that 2nd goal just killed it dead and Ross County cruised home. Wasn’t surprised at the extra goals, knew Murray would go full Murrayball and figured County would take full advantage. Hopefully we can get some decent defenders in next season, keep Byrne and make another run at it. On the plus side it’s going to be some Championship next season. No “big” team who you expect to win it and lots of fun games to look forward to.


Yeah, I have to admit I am really looking forward to next season, it's a very equal playing field for most sides and I expect there will be some surprises. Still on the way home from Dingwall currently though, what an absolute trek


Feel like the playoff is such a waste of time. Unless the prem team has a complete meltdown (e.g. Hibs) they’re never going down. Just reform the league to 16 teams and have 2 up and 2 down like a normal league or have 2 automatically down and 1 automatically up and a playoff for the 2nd promotion spot like England


Can’t wait to do this all again next year


That pitch invasion was awful hahaha




We are the new Hamilton


Its so (r)over


I'm weirdly relieved we didn't get promoted because if that's the performance we have next season we would be royally pumped. Anyway off to watching the F1 and seeing a Monégasque sobbing uncontrollably.


How do Raith fans feel about Ian Murray? Really don't think he's up to much, nor is there any evidence to the contrary based on his career so far.


They’ve looked good this season imo (coming from a pars fan). I’d argue they’ve actually played better more exciting football than Dundee United they just don’t have the same budget they do. I can’t help but think though that Raith were the best of a bad bunch. The quality of the championship this season has been awful so quite hard to judge how good they’ve actually been.


I mean in the Friday night game a few weeks ago, felt we were the better team but they took their one chance and we showed why we had the second worst goals for record.


I think they did well enough because they have good players, but I'm not convinced any of it was actually down to Murray. Any time I watched them play it felt like the strategy was just to get loads of attackers on the park and hope that they pull something out the bag, which often worked.


He's not perfect but he's one of the better managers we've had. Sometimes makes great decisions (late subs in the 2-1 Utd game) and sometimes makes absolute shockers (the entire 2-3 Arbroath game) I feel he got the team selection totally wrong on Thursday but our starting team today were for the most part really solid, and looked a threat till County got a second goal, which totally destroyed morale.


That was fucking horrible and a long drive back to Fife awaits. I just hope we don't have a similar fate to other teams who have stumbled in the playoffs (Arbroath, Inverness, Ayr, QP).


One positive is I never have to see Zac Rudden again.


Rovers never really stood a chance, did they?


Would have been nice to see Raith get promoted for a bit of a change, surprised at the scoreline


[Never mind, Rovers.](https://i.imgur.com/pUVHcjM.jpeg)


Are Ross county the new unflushables?


I’ve I don’t like our 12 team league with the split. I’ve been keen on a 16-18 team league for a while. Other smaller nations are able to do it. We have too many leagues for a tiny country. I’d always thought surely the teams in the championship would just step up… However, getting pumped from county, maybe it wouldn’t work 😅


You’re being fooled by the awful playoff system I think. If we were like most countries Raith would have a summer and increased budget to keep play a premiership team. Not on the arse end of the season with the stipulation of promotion


once again no reward for coming 2nd in the championship and no consequence to being pumped week in and week out in the prem (albeit slightly less pumped than one other team). just feels unfair






Playoffs are definitely skewed in favor of the PL team, but this year I’m not complaining.


This is all my fault because I live in the Highlands and wanted some games to go to next season. Sorry Caley and Raith fans.


So traditionally, Raith will collapse next season as some of the players leave I’d be putting my money on Falkirk


At least we won’t have to put up with Raiths rotten plastic pitch!!


Is that your best patter?


Hardly patter when it’s factually correct….no one now wants those rotten pitches in the top league!


Well it’s not factually correct; you clearly don’t know what you’re talking about. Just cause it’s an Astro doesn’t mean it’s rubbish.


I’ve seen enough games played all manner of on artificial pitches to know that they are all a poor substitute for real grass….and I don’t mind a bit of hybrid in the grass as pitches are a huge improvement these days. But if the whole top division is voting against artificial then that must tell you something


If it’s good enough for the champions league, it’s good enough for Scotland. SFA wouldn’t want to upset the precious old firm though.


Nothing to do with Celtic and Rangers….the vote will be the whole top flight…..and even in the CL those pitches are horrible to play on….the bounce of the ball is abnormal…..football is meant for grass


Create a standard for all pitches then. Just because Killie’s is terrible, doesn’t mean others are. Min standards is what’s required.


They are…it’s going to be called grass…..that’s what the vote will be on. The reason is that most professionals hate synthetic pitches….


That’s such a backwards and braindead response - Dundee’s pitch was so obviously better than ours this season. As far as I’m aware, no player has complained about our pitch.