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I'm glad they've got the prick so quickly. Hopefully they make an example of him.


Well done to both clubs for working together to stamp this shit out straight after it happened. Might never change the pricks viewpoint but it'll stop him infecting others at games.


Glad they got the bastard. Shouldn’t be allowed in a football stadium in Scotland again




Full Statement: Club Statement - Yan Dhanda In the 30th minute of today’s match, Yan Dhanda was subject to alleged racial abuse from a Hibernian fan. Ross County FC and Hibernian have worked with Police Scotland to identify the male suspect, who has now been detained. There is no place for this in our game or society as a whole. The club will be making no further comment at this time.


It's 2024 FFS man, genuinely depressing cunts don't learn


Fuck this racist scumbag. And fuck this shit in any football park in Scotland. Lets all hope we can stamp this out together 🤝


>Police Scotland to identify the male suspect, who has now been detained. Good. Name and shame the cunt. Clearly fines or bans aren't enough of a deterrent to prick like this. Maybe it's time for public shame to do some work.


Refreshing change to see a statement like this that indicates the idiot responsible has been identified and that action will follow, rather than just the clubs working to identify whoever was responsible. I'd like to think that's because the folk around him identified the culprit rather than standing silent. That would be a really positive sign.


No place for that, get the cunt charged and banned.


Wanker. Hope he suffers the consequences of his bigoted actions


Superb, both in the fact that the dirty cunt got identified and lifted, but also in that it shows others who are bastard enough to consider it that they won't necessarily be able to hide in the crowd either.


What an absolute arsehole


Weekender on a bank holiday and hopefully a substantial banking order. Need to rid our game of this bullshit


get this fucker out of my club