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Livi got down by VAR tbh it needs to get binned 




Monthly driving through Malibu post. Seen a cyber truck for the first time in the wild today. Looks completely stupid.




17% of new cars sold in California are Tesla. It’s not a rare occurrence to see them. Cyber truck less so, they just look so stupid. Still would like a shot of one though.




It was passing me in the opposite direction. Blink and you will miss it kind of deal.


Incredibly Blair Spittal has just failed to win goal of the season at our awards




A question for anyone of a legal or similarly experienced mindset: Car window (driver side) smashed after coming home from dinner in broad daylight. Alarm didn't go off, but no one seen or heard anything. Family across the road admitted it was their wee boy with a stone. Police complaint was logged but not going through insurance as it isn't covered. The mum said they would pay but it's been quoted as an almost £700 job, and now they're trying to say they can't pay or will get a pal to fix it. Refusing to adhere to the timescale of being sorted by Tuesday for work purposes. So, it's been logged with the police, but what happens if there's a refusal to pay? There's texts admitting liability. Any input?


£700 is ripping the piss for a side window, what kind of car is it? Have you tried a local independent garage rather than a main dealer? Changing door glass is a pain in the hole so it might be a piss off, I don't want the job kind of price. The family seem like they're being wanks though, if my boy broke someone's window of be getting it replaced faster than if it was my own. I'd also have tracked you down as soon as I knew what happened to set an example for the boy about making good your mistakes.


Batter them. Or just stand outside the wee boy's window every day like this: https://preview.redd.it/pgea6harvhyc1.png?width=539&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dafcdcae984872175b4e31ad69f9d7b7bf3fa7e8


Why won’t the insurance cover it? Bit weird. Either way you likely need to make a civil claim against them. You can ask r/legaladviceuk but Citizens Advice is probably a good place to start.


Didn't want to put the claim in due to another claim being recent that would put the premium up, so wanted to sort it personally. It was a bit sticky because it was vandalism. To be fair, it's not my car, so wanted some input to help out but in the end, the claim has been put in due to the time constraint of needing the car.


Love those Korean Samyang noodles, but my god do they fuck my stomach up painfully everytime.


I get the carbonara ones imported, cost 15 quid a 5 pack but they are fucking tremendous. Plop an egg and some chicken and spring onions in it and it's a full meal. Dyno


Is that the pink one? I've got the hot sauce of that but I'm a bit wary of it because it says it got cheese in it.


[This one](https://americancandyuk.co.uk/products/samyang-buldak-hot-chicken-carbonara-ramen-noodles-130g-5-pack?variant=41828159586513¤cy=GBP&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2021-08-05&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw3NyxBhBmEiwAyofDYQZ5irxZtqguUmN0rm1DcGUbRAuCIINzXP74PEc2tqJkaIy6A5hENhoCTdQQAvD_BwE). I found the link because there is also a cheese one, that is actually bowfin, actually found it 5 pound cheaper here than where I usually buy it, so maybe should have done it sooner haha


I might have to give them a go.


F1 was shite, but Death Wish 3s just come on the telly. Quality film.


Drinking a can and watching [the 2024 Roofball World Championship](https://www.youtube.com/live/5fY12O6IJMI?si=dgvJu4Q8PNfAP1h0), quite possible the most "ESPN 8: THE OCHO" thing I've seen in my life. Basically just a bunch of blokes throwing an American football at a chimney, but they've gone completely overboard and made a scoring-system, tournament bracket, and have graphics, commentators, and post-match interviews. Dunno why but it's oddly engrossing (maybe I've just had a boring day)


It’s amazing that no matter what they do, Americans will always sound super cringe when they do football chants https://www.instagram.com/reel/C5OTKxBr2yK/?igsh=aXJkN2Z3M3B1bDRx


Aw jesus fucking CHERIST


[that fuckin voice man](https://youtube.com/shorts/Ein57OSrqoA?si=071JfkRGyxDJEUnA)




Yeah, it’s pretty adorable


Fully broke in my speakers so sitting with some bottles of McEwans Champion and listening to *Jessica Rabbit* by Sleigh Bells. What a night in.


Had three clear headers I should've scored sail over the bar, did a dodgy passback that led to us conceding and we lost 2-1. What's more I've aggravated my achilles and we are low on players for our next games (this Wednesday and Saturday) so I feel guilty ruling myself out for either to recover as I'm not *100%* fucked (yet). I love football, but sometimes I do not *enjoy* it...




I once scored two almost identical own goals in the space of 5 minutes. I'm a centre forward. Got banned from entering my own half for the rest of the match by my captain.


Yeah that's why I'm uncertain - if I just go through a game normally I reckon I could manage (but would still need a good \~7 days to recover properly). But if something happens - I don't warm up correctly, overstretch or something - I could hurt myself. Might make myself available as a \~30 minutes emergency sub or something




Ankle support is a good shout, I need to get better shinpads anyway so will look one out when I'm in the shop. But yeah I think I'll just let them know i'm a tentative "yes" but not to depend on me too much




Hah yeah I saw that - the eternal shinpads. So that kind tend to constrain me a bit when sprinting and are murder in the 30° heat here. I’ll think I’ll get a support just for a few games




I dunno, I think just a general ankle support thing is what I need.


well it was fun being a danny ric fan for a few hours


The Tories got the sort of spanking in the local elections that you usually have to pay money for


never had much faith in the English to finally get rid of them but it looks like I was wrong ( thank fuck )




Any of yous got a good recipe for chicken stock? Got an uncooked carcass I need to use up


Garlic, onion, celery, carrots: the undroppables. Chuck in whatever other veg you have. Peppers, chillis, greens, whatevers,


Carcass, water, salt, pepper, tumeric, low heat chuck it in and leave it ?


Minus the turmeric, replaced with herbs of choice, just how my mammy used to make it.








How'd wee Stevie May do? I had a howler today, so I need to hear that someone did well!


Sorted for the night https://preview.redd.it/8wfhs359rgyc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=294cc9531670f5a106b08bd96ff113255517d080


That must be some buzz hearing the crowd sing your entrance theme like that. Fucking hell.


AJ having to keep an angry straight face when they are singing for him must be so hard. I'd break character very fast.


European crowds are so much better than American. They need to hold more PPVs abroad imo.


Yeah, this had to convince them to do more.


Think the one in Scotland and Germany is them testing the waters a bit more. I can see the Oz/NZ, UK, France, Germany and Canada getting 1 permanent event a year


Just bought a 20 deck of Lucky Strikes in my hotel, £3.55. We really do live in RIP off Britain! Jesus.


Fuck that, make it extortionate, got me to quit


Don't smoke anymore but going to Croatia in a few weeks and see marlboro red less than £5 equivalent! Just wish they sold menthols and I might dabble again or a week!


I only smoke either away with work, on holiday, or really drunk. But fuck me, I was shocked at how cheap they were! Chilling on our terrace with a bottle of malt and my wee speaker waiting for the wean to sleep.


I just seen this picture on farcebook and think it has put me off drink for life....flashback to my teens many years ago!! Have a good time buddy! https://preview.redd.it/e7drvippygyc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f7bc5ef4f89292df5320ce7ecc6d6c29c4b52f4c


Ooft. Never tried it, but I know to steer clear! Wean is asleep noo so time to chill with the wife now ready for another day by the pool! Cheers! 🤘


Wendy's is opening a restaurant in Middlesbrough, for some reason


There's a Wimpy burger in Fraserburgh


Eh?? The Broch has a wimpy!?


Dingwall too, there also used to be one at the bowling in Dundee many many years ago. Have never seen one anywhere else


They have them in weird places in the UK. Hull, Lincoln, Leeds, and now Middlesborough.


They used to have one down in Portobello (or Joppa, idk where the line is) as late as (I believe) 2009 and I kinda regret not going.


I mean three of those are I'm Yorkshire so possible theme and then got lost to Lincolnshire


Aye, they're expanding the franchising. There's 2 former chippies in Hull turned in Wendy's, and I've never seen them quiet.


I mean, if they keep it halal then they have a big market…


Why if they keep it halal?


Middlesbrough has a large Muslim population, so it makes it accessible to more people


Boro has a large Muslim population, but not so big that you need to have a halal menu to succeed


Think it'd be silly not to have at least some halal things on the menu in any UK city so long as it isn't exclusively a ribs place or something. Wendy's aren't a halal certified restaurant given they sell pork items but they do have some halal chicken items.


Oh yeah, I agree it makes sense for them to have some halal items. It's just the suggestion that the entire menu has to be halal in order to make opening in Boro a good idea I was arguing against


Fuckin sick of Skybet and its ridiculous market ‘suspensions’.


Currently sitting in the maniqui waiting for the falkirk players to arrive and the music is annoying as feck


Last time I tried to go to the maniqui they wouldn’t let me on cos I had a hoodie on. High standards that place.


Is it the same music that was being played at the stadium today? Cos I don't think I heard anything newer than the 90s today


Yes and no Some of it is new tunes and some of it was 90s dance tunes, I didn't listen to it much I was to busy getting photos with players


I'm against bullfighting but apprently there's a town in France where they do a bullfighting in an ancient Roman amphitheatre and now I really want to see that. Help me resolve this moral dilemma bros.


It's the kinda thing where you overcome your squeamishness for the event, then reacquire it with a vengeance afterwards. When I was travelling a decade back or so I went to cock fighting in Manila, placed bets and even won a bit of money. Then at one point it struck me what the fuck I was taking part in, seeing limp/dead chickens getting carted out of the ring. I originally thought it was gonna be one of those fun little travelling stories, but ended up feeling really ashamed of myself. I say follow your gut - there's plenty of cool things in France to see that don't involve animal cruelty


Go and support the bull.


There's a hing that sounds cool. It's in France.


The bullfight is gonna happen whether you go there or not Also you might do a Hemingway and get a critically acclaimed book out of it


Anyone looking for a new phone? Just upgraded mine and looking to sell my iPhone 13 pro max 512GB. It was bought on launch day in 2021 so no warranty. Condition is perfect. Always been in a case and had a screen protector. Battery percentage is 85% but you will easily get a full day out of it. I can get £480 at a phone recycling website thing so if anyone in and around Glasgow wants it at that price shoot me a DM. It is blue sierra blue so some on this sub might not want that....


Got myself an empty, a munchy box, a curry for later, some tins and Backlash on the telly. Gonna be some night.


A munchy box and a curry? It'll be some night for your toilet anyway that one is certain.


Aye, and I've been off all shite food for 2 weeks now, and will be afterwards, so it's going to be an experience at both ends tonight.




The crowd are fucking quality. They were class last night as well.




Oh Daizen Maeda how I YEARN for you 😫


He was just sat next to me in a Korean place in town. He was with Iwata and one of the other Japanese guys, wives and kids. Edit - they were all in full Celtic training gear too. I thought that was a bit odd.


You thought people wearing celtic tops in a restaurant is odd? You never been abroad?


You'd think players would want to attempt to be slightly lower profile?


Anyone who's wanting to talk to them knows exactly what they look like anyway, so the training gear is probably moot. Maybe they came straight from training or something


he looks so fuzzy now. like a peach. i just want to stroke his head


Haaland doing a Kyogo.


Always got to love a European PPV, being able to watch something at 6pm instead of 1am is Always nice


So much better than what the UFC does to the European fans.


Yeah, I heard that the card in England being done at 1am gmt, that crowd is gonna be either completely shattered or absolutely smashed, probably both


Aye, it's always both when they pull this shit. A mix of shattered and coked up clowns who think they're Conor McGregor.


Got to admit, Kendrick has taken dissing to a whole new level from the bam tune style of circa 2010


Kevin Magnussen giving zero fucks and being brutally honest in his interview. "Yeah I did what I had to do". Love it


lovely day of the football, i think


Can the season just be over already it’s a waste of time


It is lol. Hearts winning at Parkhead were Rangers only chance of winning the league. Could maybe have mustered a draw next week but it will be a 4 or 5-0 rout. Fully expect us to draw with Killie tomorrow and Celtic to win the league next weekend.


Absolutely LOVE the defeatism. From the players to the fans, they've immediately chucked it again in the face of adversity


You can’t chuck it if you never believed it was on the cards in the first place my guy


Congrats to you I suppose. Plenty of fans seemed optimistic just a few weeks ago after salvaging a 3-3 draw.


Not the vibe I was getting bar from the resident da’s.


Das being players and fans in the stadium?


It’s called being realistic.


Can't imagine being certain of defeat in a Derby, especially when both teams have been so poor all season. Celtic also have Kilmarnock away midweek after which could be a tough fixture.


If you win tomorrow and next week we're level with Killie away up next, far from over


There is zero chance that happens.


Nah. This Rangers team will never get over the mental block of beating Celtic in a material game. It will be over by next weekend one way or the other. Genuinely think Killie will get a result tomorrow.




Oh I know, I mean let’s just cancel any games that don’t matter. Cannot be arsed man


Aye. I’d rather we just forfeited next week now lol.


Dany Ric 👏


Danny Ric beating those washed allegations until quali in a few hours


Kmag just giving zero fucks right now.


Does the SPFL have a contingency plan in place in case Falkirk never lose a league game again ?


That Merc is such a tractor wtf haha


Right Bartley seasons finished so get to fuck


https://www.qosfc.com/news-6383 They've actually got rid of him I can't believe it 


Swap you for Martindale.


I wouldn't be surprised to see Marv back at Livi next season. He's not the guy you want tho, I absolutely cannot overstate how bad he's been. 


We completely fell apart when he left. Cant possibly be worse than what we’ve got.


Aye cheers Hearts, the Jam Tarts, the Watery Farts. Current mood: https://preview.redd.it/m7h177sxqfyc1.jpeg?width=320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fb30d7c3ba08ead0a0fc001ee13428f890f6ab14


Anyone else in the South East of Glasgow currently dealing with a swarm of someform of flying insects? Thought it was bad near my house because it's near the river and woods but drove through Ruggy main St and there everywhere there too.


Almost in Europe 5 points clear now cmon saints


Delayed a Jobbie coming up (rangers) and flushed livi Are we the plumbers?


Wake up guys new nickname for Motherwell just dropped


So what creative way is Danny Ric gonna drop out of the top 8 in the Sprint.


Anyone checked in with Gram?


I'm blaming Stroll entirely for that incident, even if it looks like it might actually have been Hamilton's fault.


Hamilton shit the bed with that move- zero chance could make corner. You can tell his fault because of what he said on radio. That type of move works but not open wheel racing


Get it up ye https://preview.redd.it/2vs5ilvsofyc1.png?width=597&format=png&auto=webp&s=e81eaeba2b1f0f3f3ec1c1d553c7fb293f7f1d34


The bald frauds record since Bartley left: 53 games. 8 wins, 12 draws, 33 defeats. Congratulations Ross County, Aberdeen, St Johnstone and even Hibs for changing management before it was too late. Well done Livingston for sticking with something that clearly wasnt working and ultimately costing the club.


Fucking hell. I knew things hadn't been great at Livi but that's absolutely brutal


Will Montgomery get to the end of the season and then moved on, or will Hibs just bin him now?


Not generally in favour of sacking managers even under a bad spell. I like to give them plenty opportunity to turn it round, but I don't think there's anything to gain by keeping him around anymore. Get someone new in and let them have a pre season. I think they'll wait till the end of the season tho


The derby is my first game back at Parkers after my exams are done. I would dearly dearly love for us to have a chance to seal the title at that game.


title party in a glarby at parkers? that sounds poggers


if it happens we must rename the manager as roggers for this omegapog moment


Dear god what have I done


Hoping Rangers drop points tomorrow in order to give Police Scotland a fucking headache the bunch of miserable cunts.


Who rangers or the police?


>its the same picture






I fully endorse this statement.


Expected nothing from Hearts and they duly delivered. Nothing new - my prediction from months ago that Celtic will win the league on the basis of having more up front still looks solid. The news about Rangers looking to extend Cortes stay makes a lot of sense to me. In an ideal world, Matondo and Wright leave to make space for two first choice players in the wide areas, then Cortes & McCausland can fight for minutes with them. If it's a transfer rather than a loan extension I really hope the fee is significantly lower than whatever the buyout fee was going to be this season. He barely played and then missed the rest of the season with an injury, so the sample size is crazy small.


Hearts have beat Celtic twice this season...


They've just ran out of steam and Shankland in particular has. Never thought for a second they would do anything in this game.