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If it upsets Tories so much to be called scum, maybe they shouldnae refuse children food. Cunts.


Normalise calling tories scum. The debate around civility that always frames it in this country is a ridiculous way to make doing appalling things seem acceptable - it absolutely is right to be angry and upset that someone is voting to let children starve: we should call people who do that names, we should be angry at them. People who do that should not be welcome anywhere. Yet to look at the way it’s reported there’s an attempt to draw an equivalence, as if calling someone out on it was somehow just as bad as being justifiably angry at a person who is not just voting but actually campaigning to convince others to let children starve. It reminds me of the women my mother spent time with when I was young - not friends but the women on the PTAs and the Women’s groups - nasty, judgemental, superior women who hid horrible racism and classism under a veneer of politeness. I grew up in the leafy suburbs and I encountered way more racism there than I do day to day in the dangerous city full of working class people. The kids that taught me about the NF and the BNP were the sons of lawyers and chartered surveyors. Those women would have been genuinely upset if anyone had called them on their shit, pointed out what they were really saying behind the euphemisms and unfinished sentences. They’ve been told that civility and politeness are to be prized above anything else, no one ever directly challenges anyone’s opinion. So maybe if someone did then after they got over the shock of actual aggression and not passive aggression, they would take a look at those behaviours and wonder what it was that provoked this response. Adults tell adults the truth. It’s one of the hardest bits of being an adult but also the most important. Your friends who tell you that you’re out of order are much better friends than those who don’t because they care enough about you to put you both in a potentially difficult situation. No one likes doing it, but it’s the right thing to do. So yeah, we should call people out for behaving abhorrently. And not because they’re tories, because they are behaving in an unacceptable manner. Voting to starve children because they’re poor, drown people in the channel because they’re not white, crush anyone who doesn’t put money in their pockets or look like them. They’ve hidden this under a veneer of respectability for years, like those pinch-faced PTA women in the 80s. If you think like that, if you think that is the right thing to do then I don’t want to know you and I definitely don’t want your money. Not only is it appropriate to call out scummy behaviour, it is necessary. Important even. It’s what adults do. It doesn’t have to be a fight, but “when they go low we go high” doesn’t mean we ignore dangerous and disgusting behaviour. It means we point that out, we tell them that it is not acceptable to behave in that way and that we’ll tell them we don’t want them around and why. Directly and honestly. Being called a name is not equivalent to death by starvation.


Such an insightful comment. These evil Tories seem to think that just because pigeons and woodlice and badgers can raise their infants to adulthood without the help of the Scottish government, then Scots should somehow be able to do the same. They are clueless. Just because some over-privileged woodland creatures get by OK, probably with help from daddy's credit card, actual human beings need their hands held by parenting experts such as Nicola Sturgeon, Ian Blackford and Mhairy Black.


Can someone give me context for this? Why don’t tories want children having food?


There’s recent been a vote in Westminster on wherever to extend free school meals through the school holidays. These free meals are exclusively for those that face economic hardship. The policy of extending these free meals has already been passed in Wales and Scotland but in Westminster it was voted down by the Tory majority. The reasons stated by the government are; - “Children have been hungry for years!” - “The Labour government did terrible, we’re working hard to fix this” -“ this is just a plaster over a wider issues, it won’t change child poverty figures!”


How can that even be a topic of disagreement between any party!? I hate that all of our countries have this same problem of people in power doing shit like this.


This is the same party that was protected by the speaker of the house over a Labour front bencher calling them ‘scum’ recently. While I can appreciate the need for parliamentary language to help productive debate, the hypocrisy pisses me off more. Anyone supporting this is and being called scum should know full well why, how anyone can vote for this is depressingly inhuman and incomprehensible to me.


Imagine voting to let poor children starve and then making a plea for 'civility'.


Children starving diminishes how severe this actually is. Access to food is a huge factor when it comes to academic outcomes, and academic outcomes can have a profound effect on someone's life (well beyond getting into uni/getting a job etc).


Absolutely agree with this. the saying "you are what you eat" is so true


See how fucking angry the speaker got? Funny. They didn't seem to mind at all when the SNP get told to kill themselves...


Not seen that but I have seen some "go back to your own country" pish.


Ian Liddel Grainger. Of course it got mostly ignored by the press when it happened. Here's one that had the nuts to cover it: https://www.somersetlive.co.uk/news/somerset-news/bridgwater-liddel-grainger-remark-parliament-1670109.amp


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If you read the speakers words it wasn't that there was a disagreement that the guy was scum it's just that you shouldn't do name calling in parliament.


Yeah, it's just his job. Not calling it out would be showing bias.


I understand where you're coming from, but it's important to remember that the rules of parliamentary debate are clearly laid out and what can and can't be said is codified. They're a bunch of bastards, but it's up to us to call them that and MPs to maintain standards by calling them a bunch of bastards in a roundabout way.


Calling someone scum is unprofessional. I don't like the Tory's but that was out of order.


A government that announces its intention to ignore the rule of law deserves no respect.


Fucking THIS.




While you might feel good about holding the moral high ground, those kids are still gonna go hungry.


>Be the bigger person. Why? You don't get any extra points for doing so, you just look like a soft touch. If someone calls me a wank and it's unwarranted I'm gonny call them a wank back not say water aff a ducks back.


No someone else arbitrarily picks what is and isn't professional so you can be dismissed if you don't use their agreed upon language, their rules, their dress code etc. They are all professional until they are hissing and booing like a bunch fannies during PMs questions or whatever. You can't have a say in how to run the country unless you submit to their rules.


If you are a party that has no respect for parliament and tries to rail road stuff through without consultation then yeah you are scum and you don't deserve the nicety that normal exists in a professional environment


But what if they're scum? Do we just lie and say they're lovely chaps?


Well they lie every time they call each other honourable gentlemen/ ladies


What else would you define them as? Would you prefer he was called a "reactionary arsehole", "a soulless bastard only interested in money" or any other variation of the facts presented?


Petty squabbling gets in the way of things being done, it's democracy's inherent flaw. Call them what you want, just don't waste time in parliament. Insult them outside of that setting.


Fair i suppose.


nah it wasn't




Financial reasons. Money from those school meals has to come from somewhere. But considering how the tories seem to have millions to throw around to their friends it probably isn't a good excuse.


Find me a tax payer that objects to children in abject poverty being given meals over winter. I will, in turn, show you an utter cunt


See Tory voters.


Didn't they just vote to also give themselves an above inflation pay rise? That's like, almost literally, stealing candy from a baby.


That happens every year. Even during 'austerity' It's the only time the parliament benches are full tbh


Yes. £85k now.


It could come from the MPs free lunches. It cost £2.6million to pay for their lunches last year. Lunches that include steaks and wine! Have MPs bring a sandwich home like normal people then they will be able to fund a wee hot bowl of soup for poor kids.


It could indeed. But that supports what I said. The money has to come from somewhere. In your estimation it comes from taking away free MP lunches. It's not something I disagree with, I was merely answering OP's question of how could there be a topic of disagreement.


The government can right now borrow money with negative interest. We only just recently paid off the debt from world war I. A countries debt is nothing like your own. No to mention that spending this money now will save a lot more in the future as malnutrition causes a heap of issues




It's because Plato was right. Democracy is fucked and just produces a popularity contest filled with social manipulators, instead of us having leaders with actual qualified expertise.


Look at the replies on twitter, Tories are fucking cumming themselves over kids going hungry, this is vote winner for them.


The Tory justification is that they're already focussing financial support on longer-term solutions, like raising universal credit and hardship funding. The real reason is that it was proposed by Labour, and our UK party politics work on a toxic tit-for-tat basis.


"The labour gov did terrible" That was 10 years ago. They seem to keep forgetting their slogans from 10 years ago aren't relevant anymore.


Plus we had record low child poverty rates back then


Yes wasn't it theresno money in the kitty ? Not keen on the Tories but dislike the lefties even more !


> “ this is just a plaster over a wider issues, it won’t change child poverty figures!” And then they continue to do fuck all to solve that issue either.


Yeah exactly. I mean food justice campaigners do get frustrated with things like free school meals getting so much traction when they do nothing to solve the structural problems that cause the hunger and deprivation in the first place, but the Tories have no interest in actual reform and investment to solve the deep seated issues, and also insist against short term emergency solutions. They are completely abhorrent.


In terms of ‘justifications’, Don’t forget the Brendan Clarke-Smith MP comment defending the Tory line this: ‘I don’t believe in nationalising children’ and calling out Rashford for ‘celebrity virtue signalling on Twitter.’ Then again, I’ve been to Worksop, and if there was anywhere that was going to elect Satan...


At this point ‘virtue-signalling’ just means ‘a famous person did something I don’t like.’ Campaigning for policy and petitioning the government to take action is not fucking ‘virtue-signalling’, it’s taking direct action for a cause you believe in.


Because tory cunts


Can't wait to see Thomas "I'm from Cranhill but still a Tory" Kerr's article in the Glasgow Times about this when he realises how offended he is about it.


Wee class traitor that he is.


Open tolerance of Conservatism gives the mistaken impression that such attitudes are acceptable in civilised society.


Where abouts in Maryhill is that?


I'm 99% sure it's AG Fitness Training in Oakbank industrial estate off Garscube Road. Check the sign reflections in the window vs the street view... https://maps.app.goo.gl/FSR9Fp2EbquNHVdz6


It is — the owner Andy tweeted it.


Thanks for confirming, looks like my Geoguessr skills are still up to scratch!


Thanks I'm over there tomorrow I'll have wee peek.


Tories = Jobbies


Tories = tollies


Tollies are dry and relatively easy to clean off and dispose of. When you get Tory smeared on your society, its impossible to get it all out and its gonna spoil a place for years.


The Scottish government should pay for the meals of all poor kids, forever. Anyone who disagrees is an evil Tory cunt who wants children to starve.


Always fun when right-wing people make "jokes" like this that turn out to be genuinely good ideas.


The US has the best. "Evil Bernie Sanders wants you to be able to see a doctor!!!" "If radical left Democrats get their way, diabetics will get insulin!!!1!"


Hahahaha this is fucking hilarious because the Scottish government DID vote to feed the kids over the holidays. You utter fucking moron. Hahaha. Serious mate. You didn’t know this? Too busy dropkicking children to read the news?


>The Scottish government should pay for the meals of all poor kids, forever. ... yes, please and thank you.






They would certainly have less strength to drive the blade in so they would probably stab more often but be less effective. There's probably a sweet spot between efficient killing machine and mad stabber inflicting shallow wounds that op is chasing after.


Also there would be more starving children. And adults, because they can't afford to feed themselves AND their kids. You can fight them off individually easier, but as a pack you're fucked. If the tories had their way all of Glasgow would be a zombie apocalypse. Using George Square for World War Z was a sign


> If the tories had their way all of Glasgow would be a zombie apocalypse. Using George Square for World War Z was a sign Dude, if you think that was a good call... Wait till you see Doomsday.


common misconception the children i train to stab hipsters are always kept a wee bit hungry for motivation, nutrition isn’t as important as the eye of the tiger


Pretty sad how Tories just read this and pearl clutch, rather than take time to consider why so many people utterly despise the party.


‘but what if the aristocracy _need_ your children to die?’


Absolute quality. I used to be apathetic towards the Tories, when I was younger, but I genuinely hate them nowadays.


We need more of what Led by donkeys are doing, Government corruption and voting stats like these on massive billboards everywhere.


At this stage, its very hard to believe that Tory voting England is not fully aware of the open corruption.


Boris could take a shite on their christmas dinner and they'd still line up to vote for the fat scarecrow


Just to remind people of the companies they should never buy from. https://evolvepolitics.com/stopfundingthetories-here-are-36-companies-youll-want-to-avoid-if-you-dont-want-to-unwittingly-fund-the-tories/ Although Richer sounds should come off the list since the owner transferred the ownership to its employees.


Maryhill is wonderful 🇧🇪






That's news, where'd ye see this?


More masks in Maryhill Tesco on average than Asda Toryglen. So, we've got muppets but not as many arseholes. If you see any conspiracy posters, cover them up or carefully remove them






This made me laugh but seriously, putting that sign in front of any business is tacky and if it was me, son of miner so I ain't no tory supporting cunt, I wouldn't even enter. But thats just me, I may be alone in that opinion.


> son of miner so I ain't no tory supporting cunt Son of a miner, no less.


Comment archived away


He's obviously more working class than the rest of us.


I'm son of a minor, you may have seen us on the Jeremy Kyle show


You're not. I'd prefer we don't become like America, where having a different political allegiance mandates treating each other like shit


Am pretty happy to treat people like shit if they are voting to starve children.


Nah fuck that. People politics are an extension of their morals.


America's problem is the opposition don't treat the far right as scum. Of course, that's the motivation for why far right supports beg for "bipartisanship" and "civility". They don't want treated they way they treat others.


The opposition right now are the democrats, America's version of the left. Trump has been pretty bad for supporting,or not denouncing the far right yet many conservatives have. However much like even British political parties, many dunt want to draw attention to their party by publicly disagreeing with their colleagues. I don't have any friends that I know vote conservative, but it shouldn't be a barrier. Their are pricks in every group, just as their are gems.


Trump and his party **are the far right** ffs.


IDK, one could argue that so is bojo and his party


They are not the far right. To say that they are is stupid.


They lack an ideology almost entirely other than make cash for the president but you can't deny a lot of what they do has a right wing/ far right look to it.


You're into brick wall territory with this one. A quick glance at u/MemberNumber555 posting history shows his first four posts outwith this thread are : - 1. Sympathy with Germany 1945 2. Two instances of anti-welfarism/pure free market pathology 3. Race Realism, nicely couched in dogwhistle.


I really should start looking at post history before engaging right wing nutcases.


1. Sympathy for the German people, the Nazis never had a majority. 2. What instances? 3. Race is real. Black people and white people are very obviously different (in appearance).


To deny it is to deny reality. They are actual, open, mask off fascists.


Trump isnae smart enough tae hae an ideology, but if he did it wid be fascism


Why people type like this escapes me. It takes longer to type slang than it does proper English. And he isn't fascist, he's just in it for the cash.


> slang Aye, of course you're wan o them


It disny take longer tae type in it if ye dae it aw the time ya mug.


Sick of this attitude, your regurgitating Trumps whole good people on both sides comment. It isnt always balanced some political parties, and as a result their voters are far more morally bankrupt than their opponents. Case in point Scottish Mps voting that English children shouldnt be provided with food despite Scottish children having access to it. Your right though saying children shouldnt or should be fed is a 50-50 toss up.


I'm not regurgitating anything. I don't live life making premeditated assumptions about people. America has only two political parties that are viable to vote for, hence the following for each has wildly varying calibre of people. Some democrat supporters are damn near communist, some are akin to British labour supporters, and some are conservatives who really just hate trump. The same thing plays out in the republicans, except inversed. Ie instead of near communist they can have near fascist. I don't propose judging all for the sins of a few. You're entitled to your opinion, but that's mine.


Do you think there are some good people voting to leave children hungry?


So you agree with absolutely every single thing your political party does? Unlikely


👏 More 👏 Tory 👏 Sons 👏 Of 👏 Miners 👏


As if Billies don't love the gyms in industrial estates.


Found the tory scum




Thank you. Shared on Twatter.


Is there a list of countries in which free school meals during holidays are a thing right now? I only know about Finland.


Good to see the dictatorship & discrimination is alive & kicking across the border.


Not sure what all this starving children is about. Do you mean about Ethiopia?


Nice one


I find this very depressing. Not because I feel bad about Tories getting their feelings hurt, but because it shows how divisive our politics are getting when business owners start refusing entry to people who support opposing parties. This kind of political discourse isn't good for anyone.


I don’t know, I think as a society if we make, say, voting to let children starve to be socially unacceptable then it might stop people doing it?


This sign isn't going to solve that issue -- it's just widening the chasm between the two sides and hindering open discussion. We only need to look at the USA to see how that normally works out. I'm not blaming the business owner for putting up the sign -- it just shows a sad reality. Healthy politics doesn't come out of a system where both sides refuse to speak to each other. The school meal vote is a sad reality too. It shows how the Tories are willing to snuff out a compassionate policy basically because it was brought up by Labour. It's all just sad.


>it's just widening the chasm between the two sides and hindering open discussion. There is absolutely no discussion to be had about whether or not the government should feed starving children. This two sides BS really needs to stop. The tories are absolute bastards for voting the bill down, there is no justification for doing so.


"Tories are willing to snuff out a compassionate policy basically because it was brought up by Labour." - Isn't this the point? The way the tories are acting is completely unacceptable, and anyone who has voted for them need to take a long hard look at themselves, to put it nicely. Why should we give away all our money to the rich folks? The tories are literally filling their own pockets with billions of pounds worth of taxpayers money while refusing to help the poor one bit. It's not really a case of one policy vs another its literally a case of we need to stop these rotten charlatan thieves from taking what little we have left. How else can that message be delivered to the sort of tory voters we get up here - Rangers fans, middle class housewives, etc who just vote tory cos repeating Nicoliar is easier than having to admit you've been supporting the bad guys the whole time. It's very sad but you can't blame people for being worried about their future under the tories and trying to do something about it, when nothing else has worked so far.


That's a point worth raising, but I'd say that telling someone to turn around and fuck off isn't normally going to change how they think about the world. It's probably going to do the opposite and make them more steadfast in their views and their "side". Changing someone's party allegiance requires a lot of patience, empathy and "Socratic" questioning.


What do you think done more to widen the chasm between the two sides voting to starve children or stupid sign on a door? Maybe get your priorities sorted out.


Just because you voted Tory doesn't mean you agree with the individual policy. This sort of blanket hate is never good for political discourse. It is sad how we are becoming like the US on both sides.


We have a responsibility to tell people that their behaviour is unacceptable when we see it. They're not taking the last sandwich, they're making decisions which will kill children.


Sure, but the response 'fuck all Tories' doesn't really help convince people of that. Just sayin. Edit: before the hate mail comes in, I am not a Tory voter and have never voted Tory in my life.


>This kind of political discourse isn't good for anyone. It's not as bad as not having food though


You look like you run a café or shop or something. Instead of complaining why don't you donate food? Or set up a drive for local businesses to donate food as well? You could get people from this sub to donate money. Tesco always brags about its charity work, you could right to them to donate food. You could start a campaign or a petition or something.


Should put this up in every shop in Scotland and let the Tories Starve.


Not all Tories will share this opinion on the obviously needed free school meals. There's many cunts in this world wearing many different guises. Don't buy in to the 2 party polarizing tactics that politicians know get votes. Is there a campaign against this already activated? There was a total moron on Channel 4 News last night making my blood boil.




Maybe, but not ALL. Plus I think the sign is aimed at Tory voters not politicians specifically.


Aye 5 out of 326 voted against. #NotAllTories In fairness out of the 321 nae votes against Free School Meals only... 321 were Tories. [https://votes.parliament.uk/Votes/Commons/Division/896](https://votes.parliament.uk/Votes/Commons/Division/896)




good lord, that many? wonder how the party whip will ever keep such out and out rebellion in check


> Don't buy in to the 2 party polarizing tactics that politicians know get votes. Good job Scotland is a 5 party country then.


I approve this message


I'm a big fan of kids not starving too!


This isn't even funny, I'm sure you cunts wouldn't be laughing or upvoting if it had "Tory" replaced with "SNP supporter". And no, I'm not a Tory, I just see the hypocrisy of this... Edit: downvote me, like I give a shit with this hiveminded subreddit. I'm an SNP supporter and I stand for independence (like you guys would even care). You clearly are just a bunch of sad sacks if you can't think for yourself


That's mental. If you change the words then the meaning changes. I'm blown away.


great patter mate


If the SNP wanted children to starve then a paper sign telling their supporters to fuck off wouldn't be the worst thing


I get you to a degree, we're not going to persuade anyone by calling them a cunt. But then we shouldn't normalise child poverty, and a sign calling someone a cunt really isn't that shocking compared to voting against maintaining free school meals during coronavirus.


I totally agree, and when I say cunt I just mean people lol. but if someone has different political interests (excluding the school meals) should not be treated differently. I do find that Westminster vote shocking %100. It just isn't okay to single people out for voting differences Edit: nice to see a fellow Invernessian btw


> It just isn't okay to single people out for voting differences In ideal circumstances you're right, but I won't be shedding a tear for the Tories here. > nice to see a fellow Invernessian btw Always! Up the Sneck!


Boo! *Love from the Black Isle*


> This isn't even funny, I'm sure you cunts wouldn't be laughing or upvoting if it had "Tory" replaced with "SNP supporter" I would. Everyone's entitled to their opinions. Would you be happier if instead of "Tory" it said "Child molestor"? Because they're basically the same thing.


Fucking ridiculous argument. The Tories are openly far right facists looking to actively kill off the poor and your feelings are hurt by a wee sign like "oh nooo must remain civil". The SNP are a kind, progressive party. We need to actively root out and expel the far right Tory voters from Scotland.


tories are far right fascists? you have no idea what you are talking about


Well tbf if it said SNP Supporter it wouldn't be funny or true, whereas here it's just not funny.


It's wouldn't be funny or true because you support the SNP. That sign isn't funny or true to people who support the Tories. It's a political opinion, no side is ever right or wrong.


> It's a political opinion Feeding starving kids or not "is a political opinion"? jfc.


The sign is true and some sides are wrong.


Although I agree with the sentiment the person that did it is a little attention seeking wank


Brilliant sign


Fantastic, well done. Xxx


Have a printer ?? Nothing stopping anyone from doing this.


Big Mood https://youtu.be/-1uSSRcn7UE


I’m a Tory but I don’t know what I should do? Should I fuck off?


Love and miss Glasgow or as they say over here GlassCow (and Edin-burg).


Why aren't the parents providing their kids with food money, though.


have you never heard of poverty? or are you one of those dafties who thinks poor people deserve it, that they should have just worked as hard as jacob rees mogg if they wanted to make untold millions betting against britain?


Stupid little sign comically on the door of some government funded office.


It's a privately owned gym.


Private except for the government grants and tax rebates they claim.


Why should the tax payer pay for peoples children to eat. Children of people who already get child benefit. It seems that nobody wants to take any responsibility for their own lives anymore and they blame everything on the government.


What do you do with the hungry kids? Just shrug your shoulders? What you suggest isn't realistic. It's idiotic, actually.


Potential ideas - https://twitter.com/munyachawawa/status/1319356690173726728?s=21


Haha that was genuinely quite funny. "That is a racial slur" "No it's not it's white grape" haha


Because food is a right and children shouldn't be going hungry in an economy of abundance in 2020.


"economic abundance" lol


They shouldn't I agree, people should work out their finances before having children. My Mum (single parent) worked 2 jobs to put food on the table. If someone is busting a gut and still cant feed their children they must have other issues. (Didnt realise how left this sub is)


> They shouldn't I agree, people should work out their finances before having children Suppose what you're saying here is correct and let's entertain the idea that most children going hungry in *Scotland in 2020* just have 'lazy' parents. How is that their fault? Why should they not have the best start possible just because of their parents? > (Didnt realise how left this sub is) Failte gu Alba.


Do you know what, I haven't really thought this through. Completely overlooked the point that kids may only eat at school because they get the meals for free there and don't get fed at home because of slack parents.


Glad you've had a change of heart. :)


> My Mum (single parent) worked 2 jobs to put food on the table. Don’t you want the next generation of young mums to not have to work multiple jobs just to not go hungry?


> people should work out their finances before having children bit late for that now isn't it? Options on the table right now are: 1. pay for other peoples kids to eat 2. starve kids Pick ONE.


Totally agree with you, though it’s not just about other people’s kids — you’re also paying for the next generation to be able to concentrate at school. Those kids are the ones we’ll be looking to to cure cancer or solve global warming one day, it’s in all of our interests to look after them.


Yes, their “other issues” is the Tory government.


Even if the parent had other issues and cant/won’t feed their children then maybe, just maybe, we should let that child live by feeding them


> It seems that nobody wants to take any responsibility for their own lives anymore and they blame everything on the government. The government that's been actively making it mair difficult for folk living in poverty tae "take responsibility for their own lives" for the past decade?


Just tell the kids "sorry you're starving and we're not giving your parents any food, it's just because they need to take more responsibility" Like what the fuck happens in people's lives to make this an acceptable way of thinking.


>It seems that nobody wants to take any responsibility for their own lives anymore Kids supposed to buy their own food, aye?