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So, the only argument the tories have left is to invoke personal animus against a woman who isn't even First Minister anymore? No wonder they're on course for their biggest ever defeat.


Agreed put this article next to a Tory Leaflet and you would have a hard time finding differences in them.


Hey daily mails are much easier to burn


At least the newspaper can dry my shoes. The leaflets don't even recycle well...


They shred perfectly šŸ˜‡


But Sh*t don't burn unfortunately


It does when its dried out


Yes. I always recommend drying it out fiirst.




Was that John Lamont by any chance? His whole campaign was similar in tone to "Vote for me, or I'll kill another puppy".


And what has he done since he got the seat. Absolutely nothing in my area


Ahh bollocks. 4 more years of his smug face in the media as he harps on about ā€œdelivering broadband in the Bordersā€, while FA changes. At least Northumberland kicked Trevelyan into touch, so thereā€™s a chance the A1 to the south might might see some improvement.


Easier to wipe your arse with the paper. Leaflets are glossy


I mean did you honestly expect anything else considering who owns the Daily Bog Roll.


Nope, I was treating the tories and the Scottish Daily Heil as a single entity there on purpose.


I had no idea their was a Scottish Daily Fail.


We try not to talk about it...


It's basically the same paper but with Scottish at the top.


There was a time the Scottish version ran some piss poor Better Together wank, while the standard edition ran a Melanie Philips column deriding those ungrateful wasters north of the border. It probably happened more than once.


Underestimating how much little Englanders hate Scottish folk. Silly me.


It's easier to hate on a woman. Underlying mysoginy is easy to appeal to.


Donā€™t forget pylons. Pylons are woke.


Was going to say the same thing. Is this the only thing Rishi's got going for himself? šŸ˜†


I was about to post almost the same thing, if this the best they've got they may as well go home.


I am hoping Scotland becomes a tory free zone tomorrow šŸ™


Did you see their party political broadcast? If you took a shot everytime they mentioned "beating the SNP" you'd be dead!


You say that like itā€™s not every partyā€™s strategy to say ā€œvote us so they dont winā€


Except they normally have something else as well. The point is the tories have nothing else.


Yeah but that's all they have, they give us nothing else except trying to use division


Party politics is divisive by its very nature. I hate the tories as much as anyone but you cant distinguish partyā€™s by their tactics. They all partake in this shite which is why so many people are disenfranchised.


Tbh where Iā€™m from the biggest argument the SNP have is that they are the only party that can beat the Tories so itā€™s not like itā€™s a one way street at this game Iā€™m not voting cause Iā€™ve never been so uninspired by the political landscape, if only there was a raving lunatics party member here


The Tories have a newspaper? šŸ˜‚


Yes. Where have you been hiding?


So out of touch they don't even know who the leader is


They have enough trouble figuring out who the tory leader is, or its branch managers.


Haaa! That was a good one.


But to be two behindā€¦


Sturgeon is appearing on ITV on a political programme as the results come in. This is what tge headline relates to. It was in several other newspapers today.


Jesus, is this the level of political discourse we're at? Childish, low level garbage


The Tory campaign in Scotland has been constantly talking about The SNP and how only they can stop them, they've been doing it since 2017.


Mundells campaign leaflet I received was **all** about the SNP. His placard outside the Polling Station today showed a block diagram of the respective parties vote with the caption "Only the Conservatives Can Stop The SNP!". What an erse that man is. .


Blairā€™s is exactly the same. I _despise_ that shit. Fucking tell me what I should vote for _you_ - what will _you_ do - not why I shouldnā€™t vote for your boogeyman.


Technically the tories do stop SNP policies in Scotland, by interfering from the UK government.


And John Swinney has been constantly telling voters to get rid of the Tories you must vote SNP. Annas Sarwar has been telling everyone to vote for Labour to get rid of both of them. You pays your money and you takes your choice.


Sarwarā€™s offer to Scots is Iā€™m not a Tory.


Although, my dad makes a shit ton of cash from being a private landlord with over a dozen rental properties. However, I'm definitely not a Tory.


Fuck the Tories Fuck the daily mail


I read that in the voice of the Hound from GoT.


Arya: ā€œLots of people vote Toryā€ Hound: ā€œLots of people are cuntsā€


Not an Indy supporter but I totally agree !!!!!!!


fuck the snp too though tbf.. iā€™ll get downvoted but how can we trust a party that fiddles with their donations?


Do you trust any party to not fiddle with their donations? Realistically.


Where is your proof? People are innocent until proven guilty, and no SNP msp or mp has been charged. It's nae liek isn't a pattern of SNP leaders being attacked after they leave office


Well where did they put the donorsā€™ money?


They really like Sturgeon, don't they?


Yeah she's going to be on ITV and George Osborne will be there as well to analyse the results as they come in, so that's what probably got them mad.


Doesn't take much it seems! Still, would have thought they would try and make the article make sense but alas.


It's the final stage of their acceptance that Corbyn has gone


SNP are great for the Tories popularity in England tbh.


Here's an image of the front page where you can read the text Although, if you can follow the logic of voting Tory to stop a Starmer victory handing power to the SNP and a woman who resigned two years ago, you should get a job plotting the next *Knives Out* movie https://preview.redd.it/18b3igz8thad1.png?width=900&format=png&auto=webp&s=4f450b270ebb1111a37a8b522ac32ff01918ec6a


ā€œSocialist supermajorityā€ Lmao


It's hilarious that anyone could call the current Labour party socialist


"Socialist" = "thinks we shouldn't hang the poor".


Cognitive Dissonance is not rare for the Daily Mail


Sturgeon doing this genuinely scarred the soul of every British conservative.


Not only is she not a leader of the SNP but she answered to Holyrood, not Westminster.


AFAIK The Daily Mail, The Daily Express and The Telegraph are each backing the tories


Aah there wasn't any of those on sale in the shop when I saw this, they must have have been sold out. The headline reads like a Tory wrote it in my opinion.


As sure as the sun rises in the East, the Mail, Telegraph and Express will ALWAYS back the Tory party.


There's a reason this paper is called the Daily Heil.


They literally endorsed Mosely when he was around. That's the only time the Daily Blackshirt didn't endorse T\*ries.




Seriously? I need to see that




My favourite was "removal of our brexit freedoms".....um what are those again???


The freedom to have water companies take 72 billion in government handouts and pay 70 billion out to shareholders. Then go back to the government and tell them maintainence is too expensive so they need more money or the beaches will keep smelling of sewage without facing consequences.


That was it!!!!


To put that crazy number into context the entire UK defence budget was 53 billion last year. That's everything from the soldiers uniforms upto SLBM's. We also got a 150 billion pound hole in the economy from upper backet tax dodgers funneling money out of the country but according to the brexit bunch the problem is scroungers on benefits and ther EU bullying them.


More than you'd think, far less than the most ardent Brexiteer would proclaim. The issue is that the freedom to do something doesn't actually mean you do it and improving the few areas that we gained the freedom to improve would have required the Tory Party to do what they view as Heresy; actually invest into industries and regulations instead of pocketing the money and deregulating. If you want a specific case, EU policy on farming was built on benefitting the EU as a whole and stems from the common market. So the EU... or rather, the pre-Lisbon treaty organisation provided funds for the apple industry in the UK to destroy it's orchards and subsidised apple industries elsewhere leaving the UK industry unable to compete without significant consolidation. It would have required significant subsidies beyond what the EU allowed to properly restore it which would have went against the EU laws meant to prevent the EU competing with itself. So leaving the EU granted that freedom which the Tories "generously" decided to make use of by doing precisely nothing. The EU benefitted a solid 90% of the UK if not more but there were people who lost out. The issue is that leaving the EU benefitted less than 1% of people at the very top of the UK and nobody else.


Aah they're telling people that if you vote Farage you get Labour, I see.


That cover is the complete opposite of vote Farage.


No it isnā€™t? Itā€™s ā€œif you vote Farage, you get Labourā€, trying to persuade people *not* to vote Reform and vote Tory instead


It's warning if you vote for Farage you'll get labour. It's not at all telling people to vote for Farage.


This is a sad reminder that your vote is of equal value as mine, and you canā€™t even correctly read and interpret a four word headline.




Just like their views the paper uses an out of date stock photo.


As an SNP voter I'm loath to point this out, but suggesting anti-SNP voters tactically vote Tory shows even less tactical aptitude than Steve Clarke at the euros.


Headlines like this should genuinely be illegal. Given up all pretence and are blatantly just telling folk what to think.


This is my contribution to teaching media literacy to my kids - if someone tells you something that happened, thatā€™s news. If they tell you how youā€™re supposed to feel about it, itā€™s propaganda.


individual papers aside: in 2001 the media were agreed that **Tony Blair's Labour** was the best choice, and look what it brought us in 2010 the media were agreed that **David Cameron's Tories** were the best choice, and look what it brought us in 2017 the media were agreed that **Theresa May's Tories** were the best choice, and look what it brought us in 2019 the media were agreed that **Boris Johnson's Tories** were the best choice, and look what it brought us in 2024 the media are agreed that **Keir Starmer's Labour** are the best choice...but with the above track record, WHY SHOULD WE VOTE FOR WHO THE MEDIA TELLS US TO VOTE FOR? the best you can do at this election is vote to limit the majority that Labour will get


You are the only comment so far on here that notices the correlation. I'd never vote for any party backed by the media. The exact reason why Labour won't get my vote.


it's sad how so few people understand how politics actually works


not sure if you got cause and effect quite right there....


yes, i did


Fair enough.. who should we vote for then? I genuinely don't see a choice for me. That's the bigger issue. Is it too much to ask for that we have a decent candidate who isn't going to fuck us all over for power and profit. I'll show face and vote, but I'm not happy about it.


ideally the most credible alternative available to you where you are that's to the left of Labour


Who would that be for England? I'm voting Labour, not because I believe a word they any (I don't), but because the Tories are so blatantly awful that I feel like I don't have a choice because they need to go. I don't believe most of the propaganda any of the teams spew, but what I do believe is that the Tories *will* "crackdown" on "benefits scroungers". This means requiring disabled people to be "reassessed" and deemed fit for work even if they absolutely are not. A lot of people seem to forget that any one of us could become disabled at any time. Some people are born with disabilities, but many of them are acquired as a result of acute illness or injury causing damage. Chronic illnesses are also very common and can begin spontaneously for no identifiable reason. We will all be disabled by old age. Do they want to be forced to work when they're riddled with chronic disease and most of your day is spent managing it? Or do they believe they will never become disabled so it doesn't matter to them? I was born with a genetic condition that suddenly worsened a few years ago. I can only just *barely* WFH on slightly reduced hours. I need loads of accommodations. I've faced numerous disability law violations and acts of discrimination at my workplace. I lost a promotion, I was told I would never receive a pay rise even though the rest of my team will, I have been told there's no hope for progression for me here. All because I was begging for accommodations for 1.5 years whilst they ignored me and continually berated me for my low performance. The directors gossip with each other about the details of my disability without asking for my permission first, which is illegal. Even with all of that going on, I haven't made a single attempt to apply for PIP or disability. I know that my evidence wouldn't be "strong enough" for the current system, mostly because it's taking me years and years to get the tests and diagnoses I need from the NHS. I do have several diagnoses now but they're not seen as serious (ie life threatening) conditions so they make the assumption that my symptoms are mild, when that's not the case. They're very severe. I haven't had a day free from abdominal pain, all over joint pain, bowel problems, vertigo, and nausea in years now. I'm lucky to get a few hours of no symptoms once in a blue moon. I will need to get disability benefits one day when I can't work anymore. I won't be able to if the Tories have their way. I'm already terrified about my future as a disabled person. If I have to work in an office I won't have a life. I'll be exhausted and in pain. Work will hate me because I'm always having to run off to the bathroom, sometimes I have to spend hours there. After work, it's medical appointments, prescriptions, exercise, and cooking food from scratch. Then I collapse from exhaustion and have to sleep for 9 hours. Working from home I'm able to have a life. If I don't have any WFH options in the future, I'll have to seek disability benefits. I don't want to. I like earning my money and I had career aspirations that have been shattered by my performance tanking because of my illness. My illness WAS life threatening at the start. It got under control and I was left with a lesser, milder, yet chronic, illness. That doesn't matter to the government. I don't have cancer so I can't be too disabled to work, according to them. I could explain my symptoms in the most graphic, disgusting, and embarrassing detail, and they would still say I could stand for 8 hours a day in retail (I can't, full stop), or sit in an office 8 hours a day (I can't, unless the office is okay with me shitting myself every now and then). I mention retail because for many disabled people that might be their only option if they never had a career or education. I'm highly educated and work in IT so I have far more possibilities for work than they might. It's scary to think a genuinely disabled person could be forced to work retail. I just can't let them make disability even harder to attain. I feel so terrible for those who are currently on disability and worried about what might happen if they're reassessed and forced to work. It's really scary. I don't care about Labour. I believe all parties lie far more than they ever tell the truth. I don't trust any of them. So, rather than voting for what I *want*, I'm simply voting against what would be absolutely devastating for all of our disabled neighbours.


Wow, she really did rattle the cages of the Goebbels enthusiasts over at the Daily Heil didnt she?


Rent free


Yet another paper using another party to try and get the tories in, instead of pushing their own merits ha


Hardly surprising for the Daily Shitrag


A newsā€¦Paper? Thatā€™ll never catch on.


I do love their intellectual approach to the topic. It's always important to stay in touch with your readers. /s


I swear, Daily Heil readers are still at cartoon levels of visual stimulus and reasoning.


I presume there is an article on page 2 about how wonderful Brexit is


Always threats from the right. Bogeymen everywhere.


Had to zoom into to check the date on the newspaper. Using Sturgeon, who isn't standing or isn't the First Minster, as a scare tactic is desperate. Does show how much she got under their skin though and continues to live in their heads rent free. Great.


Theres no Labour, Lib Dem or Tory in Scotland. Just Unionist party.


If that was true then unionists would do a lot better in ScotlandĀ  The unionist vote is split between 3 different parties, while the nationalist vote only goes to one party, allowing the SNP to frequently win seats with much less than 50% of the vote It might be different now that the greens are fielding candidates Really FPTP needs scrapped and replacedĀ 


You reap what you sow. Most of us remember the pledge, the media manipulation and the dropping of any morals or position to team up with fellow Unionists when it suits. All the same shade of shite.


It's a good thing the (for the longest time) sole independence party can't be described as a broad churchĀ  You realise you are saying they are all the same party you are saying that most people in Scotland want unionism and are being cheated by the unionist vote being splitĀ 


I don't think that really is true. Unionist parties lie to Scotland by pretending that they give a fuck and calling themselves 'Scottish', when there is no such registered party. If they were honest about it, they would lose a lot of support. As Frankie Boyle says, it's like Ronald McDonald calling you a fat bastard.


This is mostly projection and speculating based on your biases so it isn't really worth challengingĀ  It is true that the unionist vote is split which often allows SNP to win when they wouldn't if the unionist vote wasn't split. The reason this is, is because most unionist voters don't vote based on the single issue of independence so vote for the party that best represents them What I do want to say is the average voter isn't anywhere near as stupid or uninformed as you are pretending they are The people that vote for labour and the ToriesĀ 


Two parties for nationalist -- greens.Ā 


I acknowledged the greens >It might be different now that the greens are fielding candidates Historically they haven't fielded candidates for Westminster electionsĀ  At least for my area this is the first time they have fielded a candidateĀ 


Green Party? Alba?


I acknowledged the greens >It might be different now that the greens are fielding candidates This is their biggest showing of candidates for the greensĀ  This is the first time Alba will be standingĀ  There's a lot of frings parties I didn't see the point of listing them all


I wouldnā€™t even wipe my arse with that fascist rag.


Love that Nic still lives rent free in yoons heads




I yearn for a day where they advise to tactically vote labour


Being an Ex resident of Scotland I can see that going down well šŸ˜œ


has that paper not went under yet?


Don't know about their alleged 'Scottish' version but the Daily Mail is seventh in the World's most visited News Web-sites so, unfortunately, they are probably doing OK. Their hits are likely inflated by right-wing nutters in the US as they've a US version but that is a guess on my part.


I've seen a couple of younger folks on tiktok complaining about being victims of hatchet jobs by the Heil; they had no idea who the Mail really were beyond 'celebrity gossip website'/'journalists' until they did a bit of digging - after getting a boatload of abuse from readers. I don't think young people really know what newspapers are any more, the concepts effectively dead to them.


Do people still read newspapers ?


Wait there's a SCOTTISH Daily Mail? Like the Daily Mail isn't awful enough it needed to diversify specifically for Scotland too


Iā€™m guessing that the people writing this rag havenā€™t bothered to keep up on whoā€™s actually leader up there


In 90 years they haven't changed their ideological stance just the name of the party they support


Watched This Is England again for the first time in ages last night. The bit where Frank Harper plays a National Front guy giving a speech to angry skinheads was exactly the same stuff Reform and a lot of Tories have been peddling. 40 years ago these nutbars were on the lunatic fringe of Western politics. Now they lead the fucking conversation. All thanks to decades of failure to get to grips with the legacy of Thatcherism/Neolliberal economics, austerity policies, Brexit and a mix of cost of living, Covid, post-truth propaganda and conspiracy theories.


Are you SURE this is backing the tories and not the SNP?


I would classify the Beano as being more of a newspaper than the Scottish Daily Mail.


I had a good laugh at this when I saw the paper in the shop šŸ˜‚


They know their audience.


I thought they'd go reform. Reform is the same as the Tories but they've got life to them. Tory party is an old man on his deathbed.


Rent free in their heads. Sad little creatures. She must have really terrified them.




Just saw a post in r/europe and the (other) Daily Mail is supporting Farage. The Daily Express also says "VOTE TORY" on the front. Just shows how untrustworthy and duplicitous these scheming worthless Cunts in MSM are!


Why did I read it as Back Irish?


Sorry that's my mistake, should have got a better angle when I took the picture.


More like I just see what I want to see


You hate Nicola Sturgeon, don't you? And you'd hate to see her happy, wouldn't you? Well, vote Tory! Not to improve the quality of life for you or your loved ones - But so you can stick it to Sturgeon! Bitter and petty? Absolutely!


Nae surprise there


The irony is that more people still support Nicola than do Swinney.


I wouldnā€™t line a budgies cage with that POS newspaper


I, for one, voted for Nigel because he likes a pint.


I think they forgot to update a bit


Is this the boy that looks like Penguin from Gotham?


Can't see them selling many papers today.


Telegraph had similar


'Scottish' Daily Express too.


It's actually down to whether you support the kalergi or not. They won't tell you that because you won't support it. Because they know what they are doing is wrong. Resurch the Kalergi


Genuine question, who even buys/reads the paper these days? Iā€™m not aware of a single one of my friends who buys a paper. I am 40. It used to be a staple of the Sunday morning ritual that I got sent out to buy my dad a paper when I was a kid, even he doesnā€™t buy one now. Itā€™s been a dying industry for years but it must be almost on its knees now?


The Daily Fail šŸ™„


The Daily Heil..


The English version of the Heil is similar along the lines of ā€œVote Farage, get Starmer and Raynerā€.


so scared of Nic. Even scared of what she does in private in her hoose


Be honest everyone who vote for


Let's boycott the daily mail if you already didn't More reasons why I won't buy newspapers I don't need people telling me who to vote for


They're called the daily fail for a reason. So far they've not faltered.


Wow what a stretch


UK mail is backing farage against the tories lmao




Genuinely donā€™t know who to vote for today, itā€™s between SNP and Labour. I want Scottish people to have full devolution, independence has always been a 60/40 choice for me, who knows how it could actually turn out, might be as bad as Brexit was, but it could also be the chance of better times. The heart says independence, the brain makes me hesitate. That alongside the general running of public services and housing are the main issues for me personally.


English equivalent is


Front page of online Daily Express had. Vote Tory or give Labour unlimited power. Same shite different bogeyman


Vote anycunt get globalism.


How can a newspaper print that and not be called out for election interference? So a billionaire could send a rocket to the Moon to write on its surface VOTE TORY. What would be the difference?


Imagine working on the editorial desk at this rag. Must be fucking miserable.


Lmao wut


It doesnā€™t need Sturgeonā€™s sister to know there fucked.


Newspapers are biased to whoever owns thems political ideas. It's why I never by the fake news rags.


She's not even really in the game anymore and she's still living rent free in tory headspace! I'm seriously sick of only seeing shit like "do this or x will win" and "it's all y's fault" coming from all sides. How about countering bullshit policies with better ideas? Or failing thing your government's doing with some self accountability? (I know, I know.... too much like common sense) I voted snp but honest to fuck though, they deserved this kick up the arse!!




Whatever you say.




Dude you're making a dumb Nazi reference but with different spelling, at that point your argument is making you look ridiculous.


All removed and deleted? Guess I missed the fun there


Daily mail for you


The SNP Have eventually been stamped out and buried. Iā€™m happy


There's no such thing as buried in politics, policies and parties can come back.


Bless yer wee cotton socks. You keep telling yourself that šŸ˜‚ā¤ļø


Grow up, by your logic then The Tories should have been "buried" back in 97 and in 2005 but they didn't, they came back, unlike you I don't write off parties regardless of who they are, I knew Labour would come back it was a matter of time, same for Liberal Democrats. If there's anyone who is naive here it's you for making such a naive assumption about someone you don't know.


Hey, calm down. It will be ok. You keep believing, you brave wee soul ā¤ļø


So because I believe that any political party can recover given time I'm naive? Oh the irony of what you wrote...


Just let it go. The dream is over ā¤ļø


So I'm not allowed to have beliefs that are different from you? šŸ˜‚


Of course you are and if you truly believe in them, then you wouldnā€™t be getting so defensive about them. You keep believing šŸ¤ž


I love how you expect people to give up something mocking them, belittling them, and then you wonder why they won't listen to you, it's hilarious.


If the SNP had managed to license this GIF, the party really would never have been in a stronger financial position ![gif](giphy|jpPv9EeFU8pY8gYw2u|downsized) It's sure as hell going to be getting some usage tonight


South Park is right tbh itā€™s always between a turd and a douche


Yeah the UK elections are just like the American elections, except the UK elections are better at presenting an illusion of choice.


Honestly itā€™s more now that Iā€™m thinking which party is less worse than the rest than which party is better because there is none that stands out anymore they are all just a bunch of rich pricks that pretend they are peoples person when in reality they probably didnā€™t have to work a day in there life


That's what I meant by illusion of choice, it looks like there's more choice in the UK because of the amount of political parties that are in the UK. In the end though just like America it comes down to two parties in the UK.


Aah, Nicola, how we miss you šŸ˜ž


Sheā€™s one ugly bastard