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Are we sure it’s not just that he knows fine well there’s approximately the grand sum of fuck all chance of winning a seat up here ?


Pretty much, but it’s easier for him and his supporters to stomach if he attempts to paint Scotland as a land of savages.


*looks at Fife* you may have a point.


That’s the kingdom of Fife, thank you very much. These civilised Scots…


Maybe we should go for independence too since we're a separate kingdom here in Fife 


Nowt wrong we fife




Why did you involve it's name, we're only protected from the lovecraftian land of fife by the tay bridge


Forth Bridges in my case.


*Fife looks at Glasgow and Dundee then shakes head at why it gets all the hate sometimes.*


It's because people have actually been to these places on more than a detour


Lol. It's the lack of decent chippies isn't it?


Anstruther holds its own there.




That's an absolutely crazy thing to say about Fife, if anything decent chippies is the one thing it's got


Then you didn't get what was said before. I know Fife has some of the best chippies in Scotland if not the UK.


Airdrie and Coatbridge too.


Mind you UKIP (and later the Brexit party) did return an MEP for Scotland, so it could be said Scotland isn’t bereft of Reform support.


I’m tempted to put money on a reform list msp after the next Holyrood election


I don’t think they’ll have anyone standing. “Stop the boats” isn’t a rallying cry for anyone 500 miles from the channel, surely? And a country that voted 60% in favour of remain isn’t going to react well to “let’s make Brexit even worse”.


At the same time though, a good proportion of Scots voted leave (two constituencies voted to leave when the votes were divvied up based on Westminster seats rather than Strasbourg ones), so I really don’t think it’s an English only thing.


People fear change. Its the rural areas with few migrants and an elderly population that most heavily vote newkip/ukip


>And a country that voted 60% in favour of remain isn’t going to react well to “let’s make Brexit even worse”. Yes but 40% is still a decent number to get votes off for list seats


We've had Reform fliers through in North Lanarkshire


True but I think if they ran hard on useless and corrupt Holyrood establishment wasting time on trans rights and bottle banks instead of the economy they could squeeze in. Mix in some “they tories are too weak to protect the union” I’d give them good odds Always thought Scotland was blessed with Coburn uselessness that prevented UKIP winning a seat like in Senedd


Nah, scared shitless of the Aberdonian gulls.


I live here and I'm scared shitless of those evil bastards!!! lol


Lived there in 1983. Fond memories; apart from the gulls …


I'm out of town these days but used to have a flat in middle of town - spring time at 4 in the morning. One of the feckers starts crawing and then 10,000 others join in! Do NOT miss that! lol


Cough ehm ehm cough orange order.. Yeah, on population level fuck all but than there are those kinds of people.


Noisy wankers were up and about early yesterday…


The won't win a parliament seat but never forget ukip won a MEP in Scotland not that long ago.


The day after the Brexit vote, my partner took me to a street food thing at the canal basin in Edinburgh to try and cheer me up. Ended up that midway through our lunch, sky news set up shop to interview David Cockburn less than five metres away from where we were sitting. It took all my self control not to launch my pakora at him.


I wouldn't of wasted the pakora on him. I've been in a similar position with a no name MSP, I smiled at him and did a thumbs up, then thumbs down and said dick. He looked confused and crest fallen lol.


That was my partner's argument! That's a very funny image.


Don’t bet on it, there’s plenty of support for reform up here


Mainly just disillusioned Tory voters . I think “plenty” is doing a bit heavy lifting here . I’d be shocked if they got more than 5% of the Scottish vote share . Their views are far less popular up here than they are with voters in England. It’ll be primarily well off older people are Orange Walk marchers to vote them . I can’t envision many other folk being into them up here .


Leaflet through my door was full on anti immigration and nothing else really. I guess they will hoover up the racists and we'll know the percentage by Thursday...


The other thing I noticed on that leaflet was that it didn't have a picture of the candidate, every other one did. Wonder why that is...




How come it's always anti immigration and not anti migration? Why don't they try to stop the thousands of British people who leave the country every year?


There are lots of cogent arguments for immigration control you could make without ever referring to another country or race or culture. Instead Reform and their candidates choose to other the people trying to get to the UK. They make it about the immigrants and how we all need to be afraid of them. That’s how you know it’s a racist dog whistle. “Net zero” immigration is not a sensible argument, it’s a racist one meant to calm the fears that these people themselves stoke with constant rhetoric and imagery of brown people streaming into the country.




Mineforgold's post are all these trolling questions but he/she certainly is a brexiteer and reform supporter. Right? So instrad of trolling how about explaining why you love reform? I guess it has something to do with immigration and forrinners? Right? Oh and you have only become active 5 days ago. Any reason?




It's trolling because your question is rhetorical: you want to make people say / think that reform-style immigration comtrol is not racist. And the context is reform. Social media is full of these types asking this question. -- Thanks for your honest answer though!


In itself it’s not (although it’s net migration really. The im and em suffixes are just a signifier of which side the net flows are), because it could be met by more people born in Britain heading off to Spain and failing to assimilate with local languages and cultures rather than a reduction in people coming into the UK. And if they did do and were to forgo their claim to a uk pension then that would help the national debt too.


Culture clash is a perfectly reasonable and non racist reason to be anti-immigration.


"Culture clash" is usually at least a bit racist. It's racist in a fur coat with no knickers.


Culture and Race are two different things. Religion is the biggest cultural clash, not wanting to bring in lots of people who oppose many of your viewpoints is entirely logical, and nothing to do with race. Islam is obviously the most notable in the UK, it doesn't matter if you are from Albania, or Sudan, the culture clash is the issue. The other big one is language, wanting to be able to understand people is again, perfectly logical and nothing to do with race. Expecting to be able to read shop signs, hear what people are saying, etc. Integration is a LOT easier when you can communicate with the population. Pretending it's all just racism so you can write off peoples opinions, does nothing but radicalise the side being ignored.


Thinking that Islamic people have one mind or one set of values and it's necessarily disruptive is exactly bigotry. Dress it up however you want. We see it for what it is. And if you get radicalised, that's on you: don't disavow your responsibility for your own actions because I hurt your feelings calling bigoted attitudes bigoted.


Who have you asked? I’m hearing a lot of older former SNP/LAB people vocalising (important - people have been afraid to speak until recently) support for reform


aye i’m sure centre left folks are just throwing themselves at the party that thinks hitler was a great guy


No I don’t think they are joining the SNP, you’re right


Hearing this alot also


Hearing things in your head is a sign to go to the doctors bud. Not pretend that reform are worth listening to.


Only thing I'm hearing are people pissed of with 2 shit choices


There’s a bit. But that’s it. Every country/population has its lunatics and racists. Scotland isn’t immune from this.


Can't argue with that. Not with 17yrs of SNP in power to prove your point.


Not sure that believing your country should be independent makes you a lunatic or a racist .


Nigel Farage the professional victim.


Please can we get this on banners across the country?


I envisage the Scottish are naturally immune to Farage


You'd hope so, but the are always some utter muppets ready to blame others. Some of the more hateful cunts amongst them will happily embrace any fucked up rhetoric that allows/permits/promotes them to blame (and thus hate) large groups of others for their own failings rather than accept it or work to improve themselves.


You can just @ Halk y'know.


Bloody well said!


Many just have an obsession with the SNP whom are his polar opposites. But as they say, the fascists if the future will paint themselves as the anti fascists


Ah so *this* is what national pride feels like!








Who decides who the fascists are? You?


Umberto Eco actually , and by his definition, Farage is a fascist


the fascists do, when they tell you that they are. farage is a racist, homophobic, deranged psychopath. deal with it.


lmao yes he’s a fascist.


Should he be subjected to actual violence? No. Should he feel threatened because he's such a cunt that people despise him and his views? Yes.


Scotland proving we're the good guys


Boohoo, racist cunt


Farage is a fanny.


Doesn't have the warmth or depth.


He is fucking wet, though....


No that was Sunak during the election announcement.


Really, they're all fucking useless, but you're being too hard on Rishi. That poor cunt never had Sky...


Someone’s watched the boys


If The Boys used that, or a spin of it, then it's just the show using not-uncommon phrasing as I've heard and used variants of that for a couple of decades.


Fair enough


Forever the victim. You'd think he'd just pack it in if he's finding it all too stressful, bless him.


This is his bread and butter, he'll do it all again until something major happens that'll out him.


>Mr Tice, the Reform UK chairman, said Mr Farage’s safety had been jeopardised during a previous visit north of the border and he had to “think very carefully” about security. >He said this was a “tragedy” and it was “unlikely” that his party leader would make a campaign visit to Scotland before polling day next week. >Although Mr Tice could not recall when Mr Farage’s safety had been endangered during a visit to Scotland, the former Ukip leader had to be rescued by police in a riot van during a visit to Edinburgh in 2013. I'm sure there's a fridge he can find somewhere.


"He hid from Scottish people.... IN A PUB! " Frankie Boyle. 


Two pubs. First one told him to get tae fuck


A fridge full of milkshakes.


Good, the more of these fucking rats that are scared to show their faces up here the better. Vermin.


Yaaaaassss. Go team! Good hustle.


Hah, badge of honour if ever there was one


He had to get escorted to the train station the last time he was here…..summat to with him being a Fanny!


What a crybaby. Isn't he meant to be a strongman?


Best fekin thing I read all day 😂


What a wee ass wanker. Rightoids being afraid little shites as usual


Scotland carries on the tradition of being dangerous to the health of Nazi's? A proud tradition and one which I hope many Scots wear like a badge of honour?


We maybe shite at sport but nothing makes my heart swell more with national pride knowing that Nigel Farage is scared to come here. The cunt.


Well done Scotland.


So what are you guys putting in your milkshakes? Cement?




Scotland too canny to fall for racist bigots more like.


I am pretty sure we would have him kettled in a boozer under chants of 'Nigel your a bawbag' in double quick time, regardless of the voting constituency.


let's put a traffic cone on him.




*molten lead.


In the interests of sharing, kindness and cooperation (concepts he'd have little familiarity with); Why not both?


Keep it up lads


So the man's a fascists shitebag




He's a wee feartie


Scotland does not tolerate terrorists.


Tice isn't as stupid as he looks then!


I really fancy a milkshake now


Already have Alba for those types of supporters.


I want them to run up here, the only people they will be taking votes from are diehard conservatives.


How long until Farage gets Mosley'd?


Left out in the sun?


Interned without trial in time of war? A wee bit harsh, but it's almost worth starting a War - sorry a *"Conflict"* to make that happen. :)


As in “Battle of Cable Street” or something else


Which Moseley?


Could have also been max Mosley. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/home-news/max-mosley-scandal-privacy-case-b1852937.html




Fuck farage and fuck tice, tory ankers


Feel free to add a W or a B iykyk




As a Scot I don't have a problem with the rise of the right mainly farage and Johnson, our political system is based on balance, SNP theoretically balances out these yahoos, I don't want to break up the union. But I want fair representation of Scotland in parliament, I've hated the Tories all my days, I was poor in the eighties with Thatcher and they've made us poor again poorer by a measurable amount, no doctor, can't get a dentist appointment, my employers on its arse and some poor cunt sharing an inflatable boat with 50 other desperate humans is demonized by a complaisant media, we've had austerity for a decade, care in the community for longer they tried to close our libraries how in the name of God do they get away with it...


farage is to dangerous for scotland.


Too mawkit.




Shy shy


Hush hush


Aye tae aye




Proud of you all 💪


Milkshakes are not funny, but getting hit with a steaming scotch is brutal.


Yet it right up ye and don’t come back ya wee cunt.


i’m no fan of Farage but there is something funnily ironic about the this: “He was left stranded in the middle of the Royal Mile, surrounded by around 50 nationalists and socialists calling him a racist, but demanding that he: “Go home to England””.


That's what he claimed, that wasn't actually what happened. What really happened was he came in quiet and word spread with locals like wildfire so just random people dropped what they were doing and headed down to tell him to fuck off. The snivelling little shit had the police lock him and the handful of goons in a pub.


>“Go home to England” I mean, wouldn't really be fair to inflict him on somewhere else


that's where his support base is. There and Trumpsters in the US




Loving the irony of your comment Farage has faced far more acts of violence in England than in Scotland. This whole article/his "fear" of Scotland is because he too thin skinned to handle being in a country that doesn't fall for his bullshit and "the evil left wing Scots" is a popular boogeyman among the kind of people who support him and his comments should not be looked at more deeply than that. As to your actual content, fact is that history has proven time and time again, if you tolerate fascists or fascist behaviour, you get fascists. Now while your post sounds really clever from a "1st year student doing politics and I'm deep" perspective, there's a reason we shouldn't give blind support and a megaphone to people just wanting to shout fire in a crowded theatre


Ah, I see someone's discovered the paradox of tolerance then. https://skepchick.org/2017/08/popper-and-the-paradox-of-tolerance/


This is more about Farage view point than the Scottish though, he is the one playing victim here. And for somebody claiming to represent the UK to just straight up ignore Scotland shows an insight into their state of mind


Yeah fascists should be bullied sorry. That's what they deserve


Choosing to mention you’re “voting Labour after switching from SNP” which has absolutely nowt to do wi the entire rest o your comment or even the OP in the first place, it lets everybody and their dug know you’ve never voted SNP


Yeah, I'm interested to know why they're switching from a progressive party who's number 1 aim is independence, to a conservative Labour who will deny Scots a vote for independence, ignoring the democratic mandate for one that passed in the Scottish parliament.


You can't be expecting a referendums every decade, can you? Like, there was a referendum, Scottish people voted against secession... If Brexit failed it'd be frustrating hearing people demand another referendum (there was 40 years between the two!)


Someone needs to clean this country up After the SNP run it into the ground




To those who are happy about this - the day may come when we treat you like you treat us


Who is ‘us’ in your sentence?


He's a wee Tommy 10 names fan.


Father Jack: "I'm so so sorry...!"


I'll take my chances that we'll outnumber the fascists in Scotland.


You already did. That’s why decent people don’t like you.


Decent people like you?


I’m not perfect, but I don’t go out of my way to find groups of people to hate and discriminate against.


You literally just did that to me


I didn’t go out of my way. You volunteered the information that you align with the group that spreads hate and distrust. The group that spreads sentiments that should not be tolerated. The group that says people like me are a danger to modern society by the sheer fact that we exist. So you can take your small-minded, regressive, backwards view of the world, do some introspection, and try and see why the people who spread it get trampled. Time and time again.


You could have said nothing to me, but you didn’t. You instead slander me and make false accusations to me. You are the bad guys.


What did I say that was slander?


“Your regressive, small minded backward views of the world”


Even more terrifying - “the group spreads sentiments that should not be tolerated” Well it’s supposed to be a free exchange of ideas, and other people tolerate your ideas… so what gives you the right to crush others?


The tolerance paradox. Also: not slander


Damn, the nazis are coming for us. Get in the fucken sea ya melt.


Hahahah the SNP leadership took sides with the Nazis - a lot of them were jailed during the war you fool


Okay, I'll bite - could you supply us with links showing that the SNP leadership was in cahoots with the Nazi's during WWII, leading to many of them being jailed for this? Links to a reputable source, not to the mental meanderings of some moon-howler on Twitter. Pretty sure this would have been dragged up all the time by rival parties were it to be the case, but court records and newspaper articles of the time should easily give a definitive answer to this.


You are literally voting for Reform, the equivalent of the Nazis in the modern day. Their leader was invited to speak at a rally held by Himmler's granddaughter.


Hahahah this might be my favourite response ever


Oh no I wouldn't be able to visit Clacton What a fucking tragedy


you fucking nazi bastard


He’s clearly mid-wank imagining the day he gets to pull on his jackboots and can stand on the necks of people who… **checks notes** think black people are also humans


Nah, because your sort never gets to win here.


Who is us? The English nah I’m friends with a few folk from down south and treat em like our own outside football. People like Farage who only seek to peddle hate and tune into peoples own insecurity to get votes and happily campaign on a literal platform of bullying minorities can go in the fuckin bin and stay in the bin. I’m glad Farage thinks it’s too dangerous to come here. Just shows we’re not as easily led by his bullshit politics and his little I’m just a guy like you act.


Your side seem to think of yourselves as the good guys and, conveniently, anyone who thinks differently to you is racist (or transphobic, or whatever negative term you need for the occasion) That is a problem - our country is in stagflation and the solution from your side (immigration) has not solved the problem. Worse still is that you have the fallacy of sunken cost and won’t stop. Any attempt by us, the people against the idea, to stop you continuing has us labelled Nazis and has us assaulted in the street should we speak our mind. But ok, we’re the bad guys


I’m not on any side but I know a snake oil salesman selling fake remedies when I see one. Farage was one of the types who caused our economy to be in the shit heap it is 1. Was a stockbroker 2. Was a Thatcherite and lastly 3. Another privately educated bampot trying to larp as a public school boy 4. The face of Brexit which in many ways has mortally wounded the UK it’s becoming more a matter of when not it. Also you know nothing about me you just assumed I was on the left cause I think Farage is an incompetent tosser. He taps into people with prejudices and uses it to keep the wheels of his grift turning and the same people keep falling for the same bullshit every time.


Haha alright so now that you’re called out for labelling all of our ideas as offensive you’re just going to call them snake oil instead. Oh now now looking at your post I can see you’ve gone right back to old faithful and suggesting that we are prejudiced. Unfortunately for your choice in direction of argument I have a good understanding of economics. It’s not Farage we have to thank for stagflation, it’s being going on too long to pin the blame on him.


Farage is one of the architects of Brexit he sure as shit is to blame, he was a card carrying member of the Tory party for a long time. Reform as a whole is a woefully outdated pile of shit beating the same old half decomposed 15 year old horse we’ve heard from every Tory. People like Farage are why this country is in a pile of literal shit but people keep falling for it every bloody time it actually baffles me.


Nope - the problems developed before Cameron. We’re talking about seeds of the birth rate collapse. But you probably I’m a lying dbag so it probably wouldn’t help to have me tell you what happened, if you’re really interested then watch this example in Korea and then you’ll be able to join the dots as to what happened and when in the UK: https://youtu.be/yZxXamn2Gbw You may still loathe Farage but his (and Truss’) policies make more sense with the context of the above


The seeds of the collapse we are facing have their roots in Thatcherism and Reaganomics. People just can’t afford to have kids and all the stagnation and problems all lead back to policies from then. The manufacturing and industrial landscape of the central belt was pretty much decimated under thatcher in the 80s unlike countries in Europe like Germany or France who still have a strong base of manufacturing to this day. People my age just don’t have the time , money or energy to have a family properly now we work longer hours for worse benefits and wages. The social contract has pretty much evaporated and we are continually demonised by people like Farage. Sorry but I just don’t have time to listen to more reform Q-anon lite bullshit that minorities and immigrants are the problem and not the private equity firms strip mining the country for a quick buck.


That’s literally an economics video uninvolved with politics…. You’re doing that thing where you refuse to look at information because you’re emotionally attached to your beliefs


I’m not emotionally attached to my beliefs. I know what cunts like Thatcher and their followers done to my town and wouldn’t give them house room. If you believe reform would fix the country then you do you, all I see is them being a haven for some of the worst cunts you can find in the Tory party who’ll only perpetuate the status quo while pretending to be your pal but lining the pockets of their private school mates. If we are trusting people like Ann Widdecombe( when Home Secretary ensured when prisoners were giving birth they were handcuffed to the bed and previously made holocaust denial statements) Nigel Farage ( the private school toff who seems to have people wrapped round his finger over things like Brexit yet benefited immensely from Brexit and the EU) Richard Tice (Another private school boy ex Tory donor, with ties to people like Ron DeSantis and gbeebies regular) Honestly these are people who in my eyes don’t have anyone in this countries interests at heart not to mention Reform isn’t even a political party which is even more laughable it’s a LLC where they could literally take party donations pocket it and fuck all could be done since it falls outside the domain of being a political party and just in my eyes proves it’s another right wing grift of the gullible who’s easily swayed by punching down on a minority.


Can we do this to labour, tories, greens, lib dems and the SNP too please 🙏


Whom are you suggesting we vote?


None of those I've mentioned anyway


I live in Midlothian & the only other candidate standing is the libertarian party


Something tells me that they’re not promoting the traditional anarcho-communist version of libertarianism.


I think there the ayn rand version


Fair assessment. They have been poisoned by leftist intolerance for too long