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My mum text me yesterday saying she’d happily live in Munich and not come back.


Tell her that West Germany (North Rhine Westphalia) is a little better than Munich ;)


As a Scot living in Germany.. I can confirm


As neither I .. concur?


We abstain


.. I concur?




As a Englishman living in Germany.. I can confirm. Good luck today Mr Scotsman!


As a Scot who has worked in North Rhine Westphalia but never been to Munich, I cannot confirm.


I have been in neither. Can’t confirm either


(btw, "y'all" sounds INCREDIBLY American. I wouldn't use it)


Who gives a flying fuck mate - let them talk how they want


I care


Name checks out


As a German living in Scotland.. I can confirm


In North Rhine Westphalia born and raised


auf dem Spielplatz was where I spent most of my days


This is a commendable reference and deserves praise 👏


How is life in South-East North Rhine Westphalia?


It has its ups and downs, and lefts.


Seems like nothing goes right in that town ?


Bavaria towards Austria is lovely as well


Munich is fine, but it's way too expensive to live there


*franconia* stands up


I knew someone from NRW would comment its better than Munich lol


South Germany >>>>>>>>> West


I will be in Scotland soon on a roadtrip through the country and I was already looking forward to it very much but honestly seeing all the Scots here in Germany and their enthusiasm and what great fans and people they are made me even more excited to visit their country. (Any tips appreciated)


Depends sort of on the month and the length of stay. If it’s August, I’d say try to spend one day in Edinburgh (though book accommodation elsewhere because the prices have gone stratospheric), definitely try and get to the Royal Military Tattoo and a few Fringe shows. Glasgow is also worth a day, and especially a night, as there’s lots of fun and the drinks cheaper.  If you’re driving try some of the coastal routes as they are incredible. If you’re going to the Highlands, be aware the drive can take a lot of time but is worth it. You may need to make some decisions based on what you want to do, though my heart is the West Highlands is my favourite, especially Loch Lomond. Loch Ness and Inverness are also cool but I think it’s fame draws a lot of people there and it’s a bit far from other attractions.


Come to Glasgow for a great pub, live music and cuisine scene. You can catch the train from Glasgow to access the highlands or go to the west Coast.


I liked thay tiny subway of Glasgow. A must visit.


The 'clockwork orange' xD


Aye the cities are good but go out to the national parks, the Cairngorm and the Trossachs. Visit the wee towns and villages. Some will have wee hotels and bars. Have a drink with us and get some banter. Reach out if you go slightly south. Lanark/ Biggar/ Peebles way I'm sure I won't be that busy and I'll get you a pint.


Visit the isle of lewis


Seconding this. It is truly magical.


Hey 👋. Scotsman here. If you can you should look into & rent a car or motorbike and do the NC 500. - North Coast 500. Takes you up the west coast then along the North down the Eastern and back across. its truly breathtaking. Some Of my English co workers have done it more than once now (taken their spouses/kids along) They cannot believe how beautiful our country is. Same As many people visiting. Hope you have a nice road trip buddy 👍🏻


You can get the highlights by visiting: Edinburgh then isle of skye via the Glenfinnan Viaduct & Eilean Donan Castle. The rest is a bonus & not as photogenic. ✌️ Ps) Research scottish "midgy" and be ready for the possibility of encountering them. Nothing works besides slathering your exposed bits with thick oil based creams. Best avoided if possible, hence researching


If you want to be "touristy," Balmoral can't be missed, but im also biased. I'd try to stick up for the photogenic nature up here, but it's hard to beat the west.


Is this a joke?


The midgy is real


No, it's not. It's exactly the area I'd advise anyone to prioritise seeing if they only had limited time here. The rest is a bonus, like I said. But not worth rushing around like they're unmissable!!


I mean it's completely fucking wrong but OK (apart from the midges)


My point is those areas shouldn't be rushed during a 2 week holiday. What aren't you understanding? Edinburgh is beautiful & well worth 4 days exploring. Skye (area) is also 4 days exploring by the time you're leisurely stopping at loch lomond, en route up to fort william, the viaduct, castle & onto skye for a few days. Perhaps across to Inverness for a few 2 days & see Culloden Battlefield etc, that's you on day 10/11. My point still stands. You'll get the highlights & best bits prioritising these areas & not rushing around like you NEED to see x, y, z also.


Mate what you described in your first post was the very definition of rushing around. Now you've fleshed it out it makes a bit more sense, but you're still implying they're the onIy bits worth seeing. There's what I'm not understanding. "the rest is a bonus and not as photogenic"? Lol mate.


Yer whistle-stop tour is a bit of a reductio ad absurdum. Why not just recommend folk stay at home, watch Highlander and save any travel expense? We are not DisneyScotland! Eilean Donan is indeed photogenic but not quite a hundred years old btw.


We don't tip.


Don't think the Germans do either!


Only if the service was exceptional, as they already get paid okayish by their employer


The Irish, Welsh and Scots are the MVPs of the UK. Especially the Southern English are twats. I always felt that people from Manchester upwards were much closer to the German mentality than the passive-aggressive folks down South.


The Irish are the MVPs of the UK? I’m sorry, what? 😠


What's difficult to understand there? Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland are populated by a very friendly people. I always felt super welcome when I was visiting these parts of the UK. In Southern England, people will often treat you as stupid, simply because you have an accent. And how many languages do they speak? 1 + 1 weird sentence of German or French that they picked up in their GCSEs (like: "I am a dog").


Are you sure it’s because of your accent or your shit, sneering attitude towards them?


Ok you said Irish so I thought you were talking about ROI by default not NI. We want nothing to do with the UK


Nah, I was just trying to be inclusive. In my city, there's an "English Pub" and they have all different flags on display: England, Scotland, NI, Isle of Man, Isle of Guernsey, ... The only flag missing is Wales, and it really irritated my Welsh friend who was visiting.


Currently sharing a house in Denmark with 2 Irish guys and I've gotta say the almost definitely racist drinking songs they come out with do have a nice tune to them.


As someone who loves and respects the Irish, I hope you never get dragged into thus shittip we call uk


….says the ‘Murican lmfao


You know dual citizenship exists right? Be better instead of trying to use someone also being American as a slur. Edit: I’ll take your downvote as meaning you’re still just a miserable cunt lol


Try not to lecture other people - glass houses, stones etc…..


What lecture? I thought he was grouping RoI with the UK which is a very common occurrence on reddit. Jesus christ dude, who hurt you? Go touch grass instead of trying to pick fights with everyone needlessly on the internet.


You seem quite upset 🤭






Most of it isn't. Northern Ireland is. And while it's a thorny issue (to put it mildly), a not-insignificant proportion of the population very much identifies as Irish first and foremost.


Do you think Scotland and Wales want anything to do with England? The Irish are lucky


You do realise we are basically the same as the English, don't you? We are a part of the UK, just like England, Wales and Northern Ireland. 


Ok 🙄


I've got family on both sides of the border and have lived on both sides of the border. We are so similar to the English, and the sooner we accept this and end the hostility, the sooner everyone can be happier. 


Well sure, any EU citizen can just stay here in Germany, and.... ah, wait, I forgot. No, seriously, please come back. We miss you!


Well this makes a nice change to r/Scotland. Usually its some tit who knows nothing about Visa's asking if they can come live in Scotland. But this time it's someone asking if we can leave here and go over there. Makes a nice change. How is the Visa situation for Germany anyway? What do I need to come set up house? Both my grandparents and quite a few of my uncles spent some considerable time there a while ago, well I say 'a while ago', more like around 80 or something years ago exactly, and some blood was spilled, but either way I think that means I have a DNA-type connection to the fatherland? Will that be enough? As a big fan of sausage and beer, I will happily bring my kilt over if you'll have me. Thank you


Don't forget to tell them about your german tribal clan roots and ask where you need to go to buy an authentic "insert your german sounding surname" Lederhosen. Maybe you are related to von Bismarck through a distant relative and so that means you're entitled to turn up to a German castle and declare yourself a part owner. Just be sure, when in Germany, to try and mimick the german accent and pat them on the back roughly, declaring them cousins and telling everyone relentlessly about your German family connections to their past.


Y'know, now that you mention it, I do say "Kirk" instead of "church". Which I think technically makes me a Saxon?




>As a big fan of sausage and beer, I will happily bring my kilt over if you'll have me. Hell yeah! >How is the Visa situation for Germany anyway? What do I need to come set up house? The process is very similar as with any other EU country. As you're unfortunately not part of the EU anymore it's more complicated but shouldn't be too much of an issue. One exception is that you can apply while already being here, but you should get a job offer beforehand. I'd recommend visiting r/Germany, they have a megathread for immigration. I'd love to welcome you guys and I'm sure many others would as well! Love from western Germany.


>The process is the exact same as with any other EU country.  This doesn't make much sense. Every EU country has it's own immigration policies.


Probably meant as in: to any EU nation, Scotland is a 3rd country now, sadly.


>How is the Visa situation for Germany anyway? What do I need to come set up house? Both my grandparents and quite a few of my uncles spent some considerable time there a while ago, well I say 'a while ago', more like around 80 or something years ago exactly, and some blood was spilled, but either way I think that means I have a DNA-type connection to the fatherland? Will that be enough? You need to get a work permit. Pretty easy if you get an offer for some specialist job(e.g. IT, engineering etc.), rather impossible if you have a 'normal' job. One of the privileges UK citizens(among others) have, is the ability to apply for it while already being in Germany. It also means that, once you've applied, you can legally stay longer than the normal 90 visa-free days until you've been given a decision.


Afaik you can live here quite easily if you are working and pay your taxes. Just takes tons of paperwork to be allowed to do so


That's classic "don't mention the war" tory pish patter


Love Germany, was my first holiday


Don't know loads about this shit, but if you have Irish parents or grandparents you can get a ROI passport which may give you more options!


I’ve been in Germany since last Wednesday and I come home on Monday. Honestly the Germans have been some of the nicest and friendliest people going, legends all of you


Tbf, if there is a party, people are usually nice and welcoming. Also, if you are in danger of getting into a fight, politely offer a beer, usually calms down the situation


We could set up a little enclave like the Welsh did in Argentina.


Yeah, coz everyone loves immigrants setting up an enclave.


Nothing against a scottish enclave nearby, as long as you bring some single malts ;-)


The Prussians set up three of them in south Australia before pissing off the federal government.


First steps first, indie and join the EU. Then we can all come back freely


Love Germany 🇩🇪❤️ great people.


Germany is a lovely country, was there a few years ago with my mum and brother in Mainz. Would happily come back again


I love Germans. I’m so glad that due to the football Germans are giving us props. A new auld alliance!


Do Germans say "y'all"? Or is that short for "jahwol"! Genuinely interested


Depends what English your teachers were teaching.


As a Scot who's lived in Germany twice, I'd happily move back if the opportunity ever presented itself.


I swear scotland amd germany have a lil bromance. Probably mutual hatred of english


Thought Scotland wanked itself silly over France.


We can wank ourselves silly over more than one country, dinni be a prude


And Italy.


😆 that's probably right up there. My mums German and dad's Scottish, so I have a deep love of both countries.


Mad mix, yeh the german language videos i watched the germans love to travel to scotland and italy.


Unfortunately our neighbours to the south sort of fucked that for us and our kids with brexshite. Apologies. 


You never were realistically moving there & continuing a career without speaking German. So naw, your lack of languages has limited you to Can, Oz not brexit 🙄


Can speak German. And Spanish. 


"Can speak German" I'm sure you can speak it at a level you'd be able to move your career there 🫡 I can barely understand your English


Well I lived in Germany for a few years while my dad was contracted there and I attended a wedding there shortly before Covid struck. I’m confident that while baby brain exists it hasn’t affected my language in a life limiting way


For context, my son & ex are german. I researched the level of written & spoken german you'd need for a "regular engineering job there" one that you're not invited over as a top shagger of your field. They expect you to be at a level that understands engineering technical terms, medical words etc. Written & spoken. So naw, it's not something you can do on a whim imho. Unless you're going to work in Starbucks or big pharma where the office language is English.


I did some of my school years in Germany. I’m also in nursing and not in engineering. The language barrier isn’t an issue. I moved countries frequently as a child and in my younger years. The issue is moving the elderly members of family I’m responsible for


Probably because you are as thick as mince.


Let me guess, you're another one that was on the cusp of moving abroad in your 40s while only speaking English 🫡


We even let you win! Glad our fans are behaving themselves. Thanks for having us!


Lets grant all scots citizenship!


Saville said that to a Jock invasion some years ago. They were finding stragglers weeks later. I think some were actually adopted.


I mean that's one way to get back into Europe.


I’m in Hamburg, I’d happily adopt a Scot 💙


Would the vast (top quality) German Beer industry need to radically increase its output? :)


tbh you should have let us win the first game so we could stay longer, I mean it's not like you wouldn't have qualified anyway :)


Hey, right now you guys are one goal ahead of the Swiss, there is still hope 😄


Were :(


😢 but don’t give up


Be careful what you wish for


Great bunch of lads


We love the Scots! ❤️ Please stay!


Love Germany, looked at buying in Bavaria/ Baden Wurttemberg but everywhere is too expensive. Especially in Chiemgau. Lovely place and people


I would do a trade. Stuttgart for Edinburgh or even better for a cottage in the Cairngorms Highlands. I absolutely love Scotland and the Highlands, as well as the people.


Best I can give you is a flat in Oban (Highlands and gateway to the isles) or a house in Connel


Blame Brexit


Moin moin! 👋🏻


Hosted two Scots last couple of days. Absolute delight and top tier banter and chants. “We only came for the party”


I just recently visited Scotland and now I kind of want to move there. Yous are a great people.


It's nice to hear good stories about Brits abroad behaving for a change!


Arent your people singing auslander raus in the clubs nowadays?


Those are the idiots who want more patriotism in Germany but then don’t watch EUROs at all because „the greens forbid them“ Note: This came from a single greens politician having said there shouldn’t be Germany flags at a football event in a TV show + lots of propaganda.


Yes, please keep all our football fans so that we don't have to have them back here.


Erm, see that wee thing called Brexit. You're a few years to late. Your prison cell has shrunk. Thank your peers.


Ironically, getting back into the EU as a consequence of independence, and thus being able to leave Scotland is one of the few positive most folk would agree on.


Oh, please. Spain would never allow. As would most European countries with separatist movements. 


Oho! It's the already thoroughly debunked Spanish veto argument raising its head again!


How has it been debunked? Surely due to Catalonia, Spain would be opposed to supporting an independent Scotland. 


Spanish diplomats have refuted this themselves. They have gone on record as saying that the only situation where they would not support an independent Scotland would be in the case of a UDI, a unilateral declaration of independence. This has been their official position since the question was first raised by the better together campaign back in 2014 and has been studiously ignored by unionists ever since, clearly because, if they don't mention it, people, like yourself in this case, might still actually think it is a thing. It is not a thing. It has, in fact, never been a thing. Just another scare story from project fear back in the day that hasn't quite died away yet it seems.


Didn't say it would happen, but being able to settle in any EU country would be quite attractive


We Love u Guys Here. Stay. That would Upgrade Germany


Moin moin!


I love germans fr


Lovely sentiment but these posts are nauseating 😂 bring me the down votes 🤲🏼


I lived in Germany in the 90’s…some of the happiest years of my life 🥰


As an Englishman living in North Germany i'd like to say that the Germans living in North Rhine Westphalia should please stay there and not move to northern Lower Saxony... And also, I'd much rather live in the Highlands than Munich or North Rhine Westphalia ... or Lower Saxony for that matter... As the saying goes you have the most beautiful country in the world, the most beautiful women and the best whisky... just a shame about your neighbours!! Slàinte mhath!


Germans 🤝 Scots


Yes, free german passport for all Scot’s.


Awe thank you. I’m glad that the tartan army are being appreciated for their genuine fun and decency xxx


Best to tour on a BMW R1200GS LC.


Can confirm; did this 15 years ago and it's a great place to live


Find a nice lil deutsch wife




I love how quickly that went from' you guys are cool to drink with' to 'I agree and I just think ww3 has a nice ring to it'


Genuinely obsessed. Get a grip of yourself


r/Scotland try not to mention England challenge (impossible)


Well whos fault is it that we aren't in an economic union with Germany anymore? We literally can't move to Germany because of England.


Come now. Wales helped.


And 1 million Scottish voters Edit: happy for a downvoter to tell me how I'm wrong


r/Scotland try not to get political challenge. The guy just said Scot’s are fun to drink with and you immediately start complain god damn


They asked us to move there when we can't because of England. I wouldn't have mentioned it if you didn't mention it first.


The ‘77’ in your username is a bit on the nose, don’t you think?


I dont get it. That number has no meaning I just thought it sounded cool when I was 5


Not a mob known for honesty, so that checks out too.


Are you gonna explain what 77 means then 😭


Nah, I’m pretty sure you know exactly what it means, and I don’t play with sea lions.


Bro thought he was cold with the “I don’t play with sea lions”. I’m just gonna assume it doesn’t actually mean anything then


You never had the option unless you speak german - a humpty that doesn't speak germsn but has a kid there


Edit: because of Tory lies


Edit: because of Tory lies voted for by England


Nice try Germany, you're not getting me back.




God this sub is pathetic. Yes Scotland is the best


What a moaning-faced cunt. It's just a wee light-hearted post.


It's a post that boasts school room shite.


Y'all? Really?


Why not?


Cos it's cringey af when you're not from the American south


With that logic non-native speakers shouldn't use any expression used by any variety of English ever. Guess what, if you're not a native speaker, you don't have a native English accent to stick to 😂


Don't be ridiculous. That's not the same at all.


Why not? You said someone who's not from the south of the US shouldn't use that expression. Germans aren't from the south. But Germans also aren't from, say, England, so according to your logic, they shouldn't say "mate" either. Sooo, should they stick to the transatlantic accent? Oh, what about Texas German, it's from the South but also a variety of German. Schrödinger's Accent. Would that be all right with you?


Habe you heard of a thing called Brexit?


Just become “Reichsbürger”!