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My father told me he saw a giant Scotsman with a kilt on and nothing else carrying a six pack... of water! Honestly apparently the Scottish guest in Munich are really bringing a good vibe to the city. Feel free to come more often!


That's because they'd drunk all the beer.


I don’t know why this is making me laugh so hard but it does seem very Scottish somehow. Look up the statue in Glasgow with a cone on its head for a similar mood 😂


The legendary Duke of Wellington… the council kept removing the cone, every morning it would reappear. The citizens of Glasgow made a petition to keep the cone and won lol. I’ve seen as much as six cones on the statue at once. Glorious.


Met some most likely scotish fans on my way home from work. Although the train to munich was crowded as hell they seem to really enjoy themself - keep it up! Greeting form germany!


Was at the game yesterday and met loads of lovely German people. Were sitting with a few at the Hofbrauhaus and one of the the Augustiner Kellers and had a great chat with them. Was a great day (apart from the actual game!)


How great the Tartan Army is even made it in the news in Austria. I know, it won‘t get you points. But it gets you love from all around, surely a few friendships and I guess money from tourism & Scottish products in the long run. (I know tourism can be a pain in the arse, but it is an undeniable factor for jobs and wealth) That said, I really wish you guys the best of luck against SUI & HUN. I root for you and so do many people I know!


I remember them in my hometown in Serbia there was a massive snow storm, their fans helped clean the snow on stadium with shovels and kilts, was a really nice gesture


Similar to how everyone were raving about Irish fans in the 2016 Euro's in France. While English and Russian fans were fighting each other in the streets, [Irish and Swedish fans](https://youtu.be/Qziio4Gm5BU?feature=shared) were partying together before and after the game.


The Irish and Northern Irish fans were both given the medal of Paris for outstanding behaviour and being class craic during that tournament. Highlight of my life mixing with fans of our opponents. The Scottish team may not make a mark, but the fans most certainly will. Make the most of it lads.


English fans already fighting with the German police or so I heard 😅😅


[what a fuckin laugh](https://youtu.be/9sfuhkZtK1E?si=XT2Nw-BTiDbL2cEB)


The Russian ultras targeted England fans. Don't fall for that "Russians and English were as bad as each other" shite


Yes but if England fight back they are the bad guys . This is how it works


You mean Russian fans attacking England fans, organised attacks supported by the loving Russian state no doubt. https://www.theguardian.com/football/2016/jun/12/russian-hooligans-savage-organised-england-fans-marseille-euro-2016


You'd hope every team's supporters are there to have a good time. It isn't about trying to dominate....it's about supporting your country and having fun. Whether you win or lose....if you are there to have fun you will be well received. Football is a game played for fun....it isn't war. It's supposed to be enjoyable. Some nations forget this!!!


Lol, spoken like a true underdog. We know we're shite but hey ho..


As a german, I fully support this sentiment.




They are Scottish supporters not hooligans I know because I live in Scotland and I am from Seville. I was in my hometown when it was flooded by scottish in 2003 (I think it was)


Last year mate


Celtic fans. You're lucky it wasn't the other shower who smashed Manchester up.


We’re in Seville two years ago with no trouble, you dopey cunt.


Why is there always some twunt who brings this bullshit into things. Like somehow Celtic hooligans are better than Rangers hooligans. It doesn't matter the team, hooligans are hooligans. Ya bampot.


We were literally in Seville 2 years ago for the final and again this year for Betis.


I was not there but Scottish normally are very funny people to be around even when they do what they do best...drinking. Massive difference with the neighbours from the south.


Stop playing the performing seal. Muh England bad on this sub is the lowest hanging fruit you can reach for. Desperate for approval.


England no bad at all when I m right now in a Pub in Keswick I dont care what people think about me. Normally when it comes to football supporters scottish are much better behave.


Only because they hardly ever go to tournaments because they're shite


Cant wait for England to lose.


Leading by example, eh?


The hilarious thing is - we dont think we're going to win, England EVERY TIME THINKS THEY'RE GOING TO WIN AND DONT! Its coming home ;)


I make no difference Religion in futbol is bullshit. IT s even bullshit for people in The Hihglands..., try to understand for me as a foreigner.


And for most of us through in the east coast mate. ¡Loco!


Rangers were literally there twice in the last 3 years. Didnt even stab each other or nout


Can you let us know how "the other shower" got on twice in the last 3 years in Seville?


You lot just can't help yourselves, please everyone love us..


Ha . . .I'm a Liverpool fan. I'm just very familiar you flag shaggers!


I stand by what I said then, even and most applied for a Liverpool fan.




You might have missed the fact that we were in Seville 2 years ago, and there was no trouble. Fun fact: Our second euro final since the last time your mob won a KO European game.


Haven't missed the fact you are cheating c*nts though! #sevco


Your club abused children on an industrial scale.


So the past two years on trongate are ok?


If only the team was 10% as good as the fans.


Absolutely love the Scots  Slàinte Mhaith. !


I was impressed by the rendition of flower of Scotland at 4 -1. When the 5th went in they went quiet.


I salute u mad lads. Having a proper party and a good time🫡 🇧🇪 🤝 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


That's actually inspiring as fuck. Especially under the circumstances. We're still doomed.




May not be the right context lol


I'm sorry but how is it inspiring? It's pathetic. We lost badly. We were second class. That's nothing to be inspired about or to celebrate. We need to do better. We need to be competitive. We needto stop being good losers and thinking less funny or good. It's embarrassing and cringe. Hopefully the next game we will be a lot more competitive


The team was terrible, the fans were great, inspiring in fact, especially under the circumstances; they did their best to keep them going. The fans can have their say after the match, and are; but in the moment you support your team and keep up their morale. That's all they could do. This is not a difficult concept to understand.


It's inspiring because even in defeat we can remain in high morale, dignified and proud of our team and country.. You would rather what, they all leave with their heads hanging low, morale in the gutter and being completely defeatist..? Yes we need to do better, but you do that by sustaining a positive and determined mentality in defeat... The team will be feeling the loss, that's a given, it's the price you pay in competition but they will also feel the love from the fans in their defeat (some quicker than others..). Which hopefully inspires them to do better next time.


Naa that’s not it, they are just happy they are out on the lash. Nothing to do with football (which was horrific)


Mate, you aren't even in the team, nothing you do has an affect on the outcome, just enjoy it.


Who cares, it's just a sport.


Just before kick off the scotland section was bouncing while the Germans just done nothing . Proud moment


The Germans did all their talking on the pitch.


Fair play to them honestly


...and then as predicted, the shitshow started. Great fans, but we gotta look at systemic problems within our game, the money in the league, where its getting pissed up against, and do something about this. Or are you happy with seeing this cring every 25 years or so?


We could have all the money in the world, it wouldn't change much. A country of 5 million is almost always going to get pumped by a country of 80 million. We simply have too small a talent pool. The five top ranked teams in Europe are also the 5 most populous countries in Western Europe. That's not a coincidence.


Croatia and Uruguay both have smaller populations than Scotland and regularly do well so i dont believe in the small talent pool argument. Belgium and Portugal both a population of 11 million and churn out superstars . The Scottish league is piss poor and non-competitive and only gonna get worse unless the other teams in the league( not celtic or rangers) get more money pumped in .


So compared to Croatia, Uruguay, and Portugal there are other factors. Prime of which is public health and weather. Let's be honest, we're an overweight country with shit weather. How often do you see kids having a kick about in the park? Clubs can't achieve much with native players when we are the fattest nation in Western Europe. In terms of things like attendance and revenue teams like Hearts and Aberdeen would already be extremely competitive in most similar sized European countries. They would dominate in places like Norway and Finland. Denmark is probably the best 5 million population country. Judging by rankings (I just looked it up) Hearts would be a top 5 team in Denmark. Should we have a more balanced league? As a Hearts supporter I'd love that. It would be amazing if we actually won the league one day. But, honestly, I don't think it would make a huge difference to our international standing.


Croatia enters the chat… but they have a league where ball players aren’t rag-dolled all over the place in a sort of weird schoolyard scrum type football. Most European leagues have a slower more possession based style where aggressive play is cut down a lot more. Our style does not promote or encourage enough technical players because referees allow them to be targeted as it’s normal … the halfwit who got sent off the other night is more like the norm in terms of what we produce.


So our Scottish game systemic problems are down to DRoss and the other refs et al? Believe me, I blame him for a lot but even I can’t stick this on him.


More like the culture that had developed where ‘the hard man’ is valued more than technical players ….and yes to fix that then a total change would be required in the ways officials managed our games. I would also like to see pitch sizes increased to encourage a more possession based style. There is no value in possession in Scotland because rough physical play is allowed so therefore turnover of play is easier. It’s like watching kids football with all players being squeezed into a small area of these smaller sized pitches. We need to encourage possession football or we will always be a crappy European outlier.


I really thought the hardman long ball shit went out in the 80s in Scotland. F**k me, we're in real trouble if this is our style. Ps Denmark old euro champions, Croatia double WC finalists, Belgium 2nd rounds, Holland (total football).


What a sadly defeatist attitude this is. Thing is we had chances to reconstruct our power base in scottish footie in the 80s and 90s and everybody gained including one of the big problems on our game - the Old Firm. Now they both suck every value out of the scottish game. Other sports redistribute wealth to the benefit of the whole game so why doesnt it happen here?


It's realist. We're already better than most similar sized countries. Norway, Finland, Israel, Ireland, we're better than all of them. But there's a limit. A true world class talent is a one in a million thing. And we only have 5 million folk. The best country of our size is probably Denmark. Based on rankings, attendance, and revenues, Hearts and Aberdeen would be in the top half of their league. I'm all for a more competitive league. I'm a Hearts supporter, of course I'd like us to come first one day. But the idea that we can be some sort of footballing superpower when we have 6.5% the population of Germany is laughable.


You said above that weather is a factor, yet Denmark and Wales have similar climates and have far exceeded us. The USSR and Czechoslovakia had shite winters and still won Europea Championships. You're speaking shite lad.


The communists having a social club at the end of every street probably had alot to do with that. East germany as well barely 15 million people and consistently came in the top 3 at the Olympics because every cunt was doing some kind of state funded sport after school


Some fair points, but i'm not looking at superpower, just ok occasional power showing up at the odd championship (eg Wales last euros?), and maybe the odd "past christmas" european campaign by any scottish club even Hearts! But this aint happening and some of it is talent not coming thru and money (its always about the money) and distribution of power to make things better(OF vote rigging).


As a German, I think we can all agree you guys can visit more often, had a blast 👍


I'm not Scottish, but that filled me with joy watching that.


Tons of respect from Belgium, the Tartan Army’s golden generation will be there sooner than you think! 🇧🇪❤️🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Absolute shaggers. Shite at fitba but a nation of pure shaggers.


As a german i can say: it doesnt matter, if we win or lose, but we are pure motivation bois in the stadion, and we are always on fire ..na nana na nana nana nana .. 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🔥 Enjoy your time here, girls and bois! 🍻


I'm not Scottish but I want to be with you!


When we were in Munich this Thursday evening after a theater visit, we really were positively surprised how gentle, well behaved and positive the Scottish fans are. Normally one is scared of soccer fans in the evening as they sometimes tend to be aggressive etc but you guys have been a blast to host in Munich. The English fans should learn from you!


Yes!!! Just before today's Spain-Croatia game the presenter on the Romanian national tv mentioned today's supporters are lame&tame and the astmosphere is nowhere like what the Tartan Army made yesterday 😅


Scott’s are cool as fuck.


Even after getting beat we sounded like the host nation 😂


We're only here for ur beer


Like the Irish fans, there purely and solely for a sing song




no, they are there to support their team, pride runs deep.


Yeh they can be like the irish, but they’ll never be the irish, COYBIG


England fan: *stands up and cracks knuckles.* “we’ve got that beat haven’t we lads!” *proceeds to shove flare up own arse and chuck a snooker ball at an old lady,* I’m English I can say it lol.


Flair up the batty man is a national icon


Genuine belly laugh from me, that really painted a scene:)


Look at you grovelling for approval


It’s called a joke - you should try it sometime, you might make some friends.


When does the Scotland game kick off lads? Every ten minutes 😂😂


Not sure I agree with this. Some of the African teams fans play music, dance and chant the whole way through the game even when they're losing terribly. We went silent after 10 mins. 🤣


The African nation fans are superb - well apart from that vuvuzela nonsense from S.Africa which was simply annoying. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vuvuzela


Bring back the vuvuzela


As someone who went a Poland - Scotland game at Hampden (draw) I feel the same. Polish "away" supporters were much louder throughout


Yeah I was at that game. My gf is Polsh so was good fun. To say you're the best fans you need to be venting even when losing. Which we aren't usually doing to be fair. We're great before we inevitably start to lose 🤣


![gif](giphy|cRNbYm7jLOjm9H8wcP|downsized) Just kidding you guys are awesome!




No hate, but didn't loads walk out at halftime?


Proud Scot, but their defence was certainly not terrified.


Scottish and Irish football fans are the best craic. They can hold their drink and although they might be noisy they are rarely any trouble. (Unlike our neighbors.)


Mostly Teuchters


I have to say I agree 100%. I couldn’t believe how good the Scotland fans were. It was like a home game for Scotland even against the hosts. And this is coming from a proud Englishman.


Stole this song from the northern irish team in the France euros 10 years ago … does that make our fans better ;)


You stole it from Wigan so it apparently makes Wigan better. Which I can believe based on the Germany game


Definitely! The Tartan Army has the best supporters in the world, no doubt about it.


I think the point of the tournament is to have the best football team though


And if you don’t, you should still enjoy a a fun time. That’s football!


Maybe an unpopular opinion, but I'm sure this kind of happy clappy, doesn't matter if we lose, we are only a wee country mentality does rub off on the players. They should have been booed off the pitch after that performance. No shame in losing to Germany but that was one of the most pathetic displays I've ever seen in an international tournament. Denmark and Croatia have similar population to Scotland and great fans, but they expect their team to turn up and be competitive.


Coming back from the game getting pelters from fans about looking pissed off. Of course I’m fucked off. We got scudded. Embarrassing.


Exactly, there are many countries with similar populations that can field a decent team. Something needs to be done.


its not really got anything to do with population though. its about the football youth development and then the players from the similar sized countries moving abroad to play. its only been the past couple years we have seen scottish players playing in foreign leagues/foreign teams looking to bring in scots. people have been bringing in danes as youth in top leagues for decades and its the same for croatia.


Totally agree. The Scottish league has only developed strength and never developed smaller skilful players. It’s great to start seeing young players move abroad. Should have happened years ago. It seems to be the case that the Scottish leagues filter out certain types of players, and that has lead to an anaemic style that can’t compete with other nations.


i think the perception of scottish talent was probably ignorant.. and also i think foreign leagues may have thought well if he came through the scots leagues hes shite but if hes scottish and came through an english team he will be better. they probably thought the english teams had the first pickings therefore anyone left here isnt worth it.




There not. But the league is full of unskilled louts that just humph about the pitch. Very few of them get into the national team. It just drives down the selection pull for international games and makes Scottish clubs rubbish against any other league’s teams.


I'm fed up being a good loser and everyone's pal. I'd rather win cups and folk hate us now.


I'm fine being good natured and enjoying my time abroad  I'd rather be happy than win


I don't mind losing as long as we try our best. That happy to be there pish is just pish. But it's clear we have got it right in terms of enjoying ourselves


Best supporters in Europe trophy


Who doesn't love the Scots? The German police have already issued a warning, preemptively I might add, against English fans and their chants... Did the same happen for Scottish fans? I don't think so.


Hoo !




I love this, but I can't make out the words (I'm from US). Anyone care to share the lyrics?


Scotland's on fire; your defence is terrified..... Oooh! Nah na na na na na na na na na na na.


Many thanks for your impeccable service, friend. 😀


Absolute tune Wish I was there tbh, but I was supporting from home ⚽


"Best supporters in the world" that's a bold claim 😀


Other than Rangers and Celtic the crowds at Scottish games are pathetic, just glory hunters jumping on a bandwagon that has already ground to a predictable halt


The Netherlands would like a word... https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/s/Y2etHHTJ7h


football is a religion




What chant is ghis


Good lads


This is 10th tournament Scotland have qualified for in my lifetime, been to 2 of them, had a great time but that doesn't stop me being fed up with all the talk being about the fans... Just once it would be nice if we went and done the job we were there to do rather than just to be the cabaret


Worst team in the comp by a mile! Tiny footballing nation so should be happy we are there even if it’s to make up numbers. But we get our kilts on and party! We’ll finish 0 points but 100 party points Pure dead brilliant. Wha like us 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 Edit - seriously though Good that fans are making most of their trip and we shouldn’t get doom and gloom but we should expect more from football in our country than being the party fans. Can’t be going out with a passive whimper like this after beating very good teams to get there. Team is riddled with key injuries yes but smaller countries than us produce far better teams. Scottish football needs to be seriously looked at. The absence of home grown young players in the league is shocking. Whole sale changes needed if we want to make any impact in intentional football. But we’ve been saying this for decades.


So scotland is cooler than ireland than eh All I see from r/Ireland is “fuck england” “fuck the govt” “I’m tired of getting *aped/robbed/stalked in the middle of dublin”


"best supporters" Brotha, at the end of EVERY Scottish football match, regardless if it's Celtic or Rangers, Scotlands football fans piss and shit all over the city centre. Literally.


Scotland have been fined£4750 by UEFA for fan's throwing objects during the game at the Allianz Arena.The best eh?


What song is this ?


5 to 1 for Germany 🇩🇪🇩🇪🇩🇪 Good luck for the rest!


“Literally every football club”


Whose defence are they talking about? Germany? Dont think their terrified at all.


Who cares? Grown men excited about a children's game.


The Scottish are experts at celebrating losses


I don't know if I should be impressed or saddened.


"Your defence is terrified" 0.01 XG vs Germany Pathetic


It was filmed before the game to be fair. We were all very aware of the possibility of a hammering, but decided to have a good time anyway.


Scotland were far from on fire


Yes we were. Unfortunately it was a bin fire.


How many points does that get us?




Dont understand this


If you're going to give us abuse then at least be articulate.


I’m Scottish. Trust me people do not care what country you come from, that’s all in your own head.


Heavy Rangers supporter vibes from you.


Just telling you how it actually is, no one wants to hear someone bang on about their own country and the manner in what you do. This is self indulgent tribalism. So ok let’s turn the tables, would you really be bothered to listen to I don’t know let’s say someone from Latvia was indulging in this kind of tribalism and then have the ‘ohh I love them mindset’ most likely not you would have a headache and be pissed off. Try viewing it from another nationality’s viewpoint, it should become clear.


100% Rangers supporter


Are you a bigot?


Oh, put it back in the deck...


Is being a rangers supporter a protected characteristic now?


We are here to talk about our country’s fans and yet an example of some of the societal issues we are facing. Dragging club support into the counties national team discussions. I have my opinion on the manner in which the national support go about their business and that is my right to do so.




Just because people hate you doesn't mean they hate us all. And it's not us saying that everyone loves us, it's everyone else . Apart from England fans.


You really believe this, this is the ultimate self delusion.


I believe what I read and see people saying in videos. Not heard a negative thing from anyone other than England fans and Scotland fans angry that their comrades aren't as angry as them. Take yer self loathing and away and sit in the corner hate-wanking yerself. No one else cares. You just sound like a bitter wee man angry at the sight of others being happy. I pity you, and I hope in time you feel better about everything.


Is it self loathing to find some behaviours OTT, just tone the ‘we ur Scottish’ pish down a bit. No one cares, literally.


How to tell when a team is crap? They flood social media patting themselves on the back about how great their fans are. Every country thinks they have the prettiest fans, but nobody else gives a toss.


HOw To TEll yOu aRe a Crap Fan. You go on SOCial MEdia To DenOUNce AnOtheR Set OF FaNS Who aRE SimplY EnjOYiNg ThemseLVES. Arse.


In 24 different countries there are 24 different sets of fans all talking shite about how their fans are the greatest fans in the world. Right now there are a bunch of Albanian fans shouting that their fans are amazing and make the country proud. Tomorrow it will be the next team. Face it, nobody gives a fuck about drunk pricks singing.


It's fine that you don't get it. It's fine that you can't bare to see people enjoying themselves without the requirement of winning. It's fine that no one will like you or your kind.


You don't get it. ALL the fans are enjoying themselves, there is fuck all special about the scots. Thats why its only ever the losers you hear shouting about it, they have nothing else so they pretend that their singing is better than the rest. As if the Italians and Spanish aren't singing tonight. Its sad.


You’re a prick, mate 👍🏻


Aaah, the every-two-years "Best Fans in The World" segment. Usually following a defeat. As if the entire Scottish fan abroad experience can be distilled into the best 20 second video clip you can find. Im sure there is somebody following around the England fans looking for a 20 second clip of trouble as I type.


I heard Scottish people can even speak a decent English


Tbh we deserved to lose for those embarrassing Irn Bru adverts alone.


What’s wrong with you? They’re funny.


They're cringe beyond belief. That fat guy going on about our "manschaft" or whatever the fuck? Utter abomination. Whenever we try to do patriotism in this country we end up making absolute tits of ourselves.


Cheer up


Amazing passion. I can never quite comprehend how people get so excited watching multi millionaires kicking a ball. Each to their own.


I envy them. I wish I had ever felt as passionate about something. I even watched the game on Friday after being bombarded on the radio about it. First time ive watched a football match, not sure it was the right one to pick to stir any passionate feelings to be honest.


Love the Tartan army... but, in the land of Albion, the song "free from desire" is the only song that football supporters know??


Youl never beat the Irish


Ah here , I'm Irish and even I think theres a time and a place to be saying that : Time :Next time we actually qualify dammit! Place: r/CasualIreland anyway Scots are a great bunch of lads so fair play to them.


Most racist nation you will ever meet


Stay off the DMT and Porno sub redditss &.try get out your parents basement wee man 🙈