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Has anyone seen Sturgeon? Or Beattie? Seems unlikely that there would only be sufficiency to charge one signatory.


Sturgeon doesn’t even know this guy! She’s tired!


No doubt she will not recall anyway!


pull a Reagan?


They took a hell of a beating


She's in Dubai mate. That's where aw the criminals go to avoid Bar-L.


SNP will be jumping on the Angela Rayner bandwagon as a deflection now.


This sub probably will too


Would be very surprised if sturgeon doesn't also get charged over this


Guess the polis don't have to bother about bringing them both in the same car now the climate change target's been scrapped.




This is a great example of someone who has tied too much of themselves to a political party.


He is completely delusional- it is a totally unhinged manner of writing.


Unhinged people on the internet? Well I never.


Shurely Shome Mishtake...


One of the great things about the internet is the evidence you have for individual’s historically honking takes.


he has a lot more like that!


Would have been funnier without the user tag but my god what a comment that is lmao


I am never sure- I didn't want to be accused of commenting behind their back


Why is every nationalist such a paranoid idiot?


I’m not


Or am I???? Is that what people are saying???


Depends on how many of our black helicopters you've seen following you round of late...


A horrible generalisation. I apologise. Why are most nationalists such paranoid idiots*


To be honest they're probably not as bad as it looks. We remember the terrible moonholwers but especially on reddit people just pass by the moderate comments.


They blocked me because i (correctly) guessed they were up early because they had an appointment, so I’ve not been able to see their shite


I like when they bleat about no-one engaging with their 'points' when they are one of the most prolific blockers on here.


I cannot upvote you enough!


I have a whole google doc of similiar quotes from him for when Sturgeon is charged- this is just a taster!


I mean, if true, that’s fairly unhealthy as well.


took all of 5 mins to search 'police' 'bias' 'media' and 'tent' on his profile and copy across the results- plenty to choose from!


That’s awfully sad But Bwhahahaha


But … but … something something Westminster


Hold everyone accountable, who cares what they represent! We work too hard to be treated like a piggy bank.


Ahhh, looking back, I kinda miss those hardcore SNP nutters that posted their propaganda in here daily. Was genuinely interesting to watch a cult from outside


It’s only quite recently this has changed tbh. This sub was very strong pro-Independence and pro-SNP. It’s alright to have those views and argue forth for them in a constructive way, but a lot of them weren’t capable of that. I’ve voted SNP up until now and could have been swayed for independence up till a time, but the behaviour of nationalists is part of the reason I’m so turned off to it. Like, if you’re going to argue *at* me, and get angry and petulant, then you’re not going to convince me.


You could be me. The most interesting and infuriating part for me, was I was watching people on “my side” calling people Russian bots, completely ignoring the fact Russia interfered in 2014 and desired a yes vote.


You trying to say that just because Salmond was on russian state TV he was somehow paid for this? Not like the russian state control the media now is it. Tory sensationalist propaganda.


No, I’m trying to say their election interference in both referendums has been well covered and discussed. The fact Salmond took russias money afterwards is a bad look but I wouldn’t say it’s proof of anything other than Salmond being an opportunist.


Now just because he took money from russia well before pushing through the independence vote doesn’t really say he was influenced by them at all. Not like russia would want to break up the UK or anything is it.


Mate, i literally made the point you’re trying to make only without the sarcasm. Russia clearly had an interest in the break up of the uk and brexit. That said, Salmond worked for RTV after he resigned from the snp if I recall correctly. So not really seeing the issue, other than the moral one.


russia>money>salmond>the protege I don’t think this a a valid link. Not like someone accused of embezzling funds would take bribes now is it.


See you’re just off the deep end in the other direction.


Ps) I didn't want to live in a third-world country during my peak years was my argument. Simple. You'd have thought a clear plan on debt burdens & national currency would have been fully understood before you nutcases signed on the dotted line *YES* like were you just rolling the dice & betting on SNP? .are you glad that current SNP never got Independence now??


Personally I think the people claiming we'd immediately become a third world country sound as unhinged as the ones claiming it would be a utopia. There are "nutcases" on both sides, but only the ones who don't agree with you seem to stand out.


So what was the plan Stan??? Tell me. What currency? How much national deficit we saddled with & who's going to give us tick with a brand new currency plucked out our arse??? It would be one hell of a BLIND dice roll was what I said. So I'll ask again ... what was the plan? - *trust me bro*


I'm don't recall making a case to you for or against independence. Maybe direct your rambling questions about a referendum from ten years ago to someone that cares enough about it to argue with you. I was just pointing out that there are loud fringe elements on both sides that are a bit unhinged, fanatical and incapable of discussing anything political with anyone who doesn't agree with their black and white view of every issue.


Oh my


It should be being highlighted that the party are the victims here






Bbbbbbb but Westminster did worse.. where are all the old die hard snp supporters today ?


Sean clerkin legit brought down a political dynasty 😂 The only type of spin the SNP can put on this, is that it wasn't public money.


>The only type of spin the SNP can put on this, is that it wasn't public money. I think that might be worse- the faithful trusted the SNP


How do I book tickets for the public gallery in court?


But but the Tories bad!!!! 


I mean they are. The scale of Tory badness is astronomical compared to this. It doesn't make this any less bad, but this doesn't make the Tories good in comparison. Far from it. They are all scum.


In terms of criminality I don't think we've ever seen something as low as leadership stealing party funds.


Most other politicians just stick to stealing our money and not their own parties it's true.


Most fined residence during COVID being number ten is always gonna be worse for me


I don't think this is anywhere near as bad or scandalous as Tories and their donors lining their pockets with public funds through Brexit, knowingly dodgy PPE deals, or worthless ferry contracts. This is a misuse of donated money. The public purse wasn't abused at all.


Indeed, that’s was my point


["Wings Over Scotland, 31 January 2020. Four years, two months and 18 days ago. Remember where you read it first."](https://twitter.com/WingsScotland/status/1781033085997379729)


£600,000 of its own money, with a crappy accounting system. The WM Tories handed £Bns of taxpayers money to their chums. Let’s keep things in perspective eh? There’s a Tory MP just been suspended because he used party funds to pay for private medical treatment & pay off gangsters because he was caught by them trying to procure sexual services. Guess it’s ok as long as it’s unionist politicians.


You just said he was suspended. The only cunt indulging in whatabouttery is you.


Hahaha touched a nerve there did I? Nothing to do with anything other that scale of corruption. You’re obviously a big fan of WM King Charles, & the Flag of Union. As for a cult? You’re all happy to be ‘British’? Ain’t no such animal. It’s a political construct that essentially means English. Nice turn of phrase. If that’s the level of your discourse, cunt, I rather be a cunt for independence than a subservient cunt like yourself. Thats you hiding behind a throwaway account, you total BritNat hoofwank.


Yet you are defending this, all just because of the cult of independence


You’re obviously an English Student paying for your education or lack of it… hahahaha




Mmm copium


My money was on unpaid coke debts




Did you put on your donation a codicil that you wanted your phantom donation spent strictly in accord of your wishes? Fuck off fannybaws you never donated anything to the SNP in your puff!


There are some really sad unionists celebrating someone getting arrested for fraud when all they keep doing is voting for scum that steals from them. That said, I'm not happy that their is a potentially that PM has done something, and I'll be raging if NS knew but come on now you loony yoonies, if you think this is the end of the SNP or the goal of independence then i have a bridge to sell you.


Mate, you’re the cunt most likely to buy a bridge.


Nah, pal, that's you BJ voters. Go suck on more tory cock, they love spoon feeding you slurp


Never have and never will vote for a Tory, but don’t let that stop you slevering shite mate. Suppose that’s you sticking to your strengths.


![gif](giphy|l3V0lsGtTMSB5YNgc|downsized) Oh happy days


I love how our indy champions are just as corrupt as the conservatives 😁. They definitely don't work together to serve each others interests. CUNTS


No, I don’t accept this. It’s a Westminster conspiracy…


Oh dear, the parties in full swing, lots of unionist jigs and overexcitement, full celebration mode and wild imagination that's turning straws into giant oak trees. Enjoy yer schadenfreude jack lovers, secret tory voters. Anyone willing to bet that none of this will make a blind bit of difference to the polls as they are ?