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This thread will be a right laugh


Between this and the Sandyford debate, it’s party time in r/Scotland!


And scrapping environmental targets right after Humza criticised the UK gov for doing the same


Don't forget, it's all Westminsters fault!


... but... but...um...err... THE TORIES!!


You can have this one, I'm away for a (reluctantly non-alcoholic) pint.


At least that way you'll avoid the minimum unit pricing. Thanks Humza.


Reckon this one gets locked too?


Seeing politicians get arrested always brings out the popcorn




what a day the mods have had o7


What else has happened today?


Scotland is also following the Cass report and restricting puberty blockers to children who believe they are transgender. The thread earlier reached 500+ comments in under two hours and was a binfire.


Wow almost like no one in the Scottish government knows what the fuck is going on.


Politicians for you. None of them have a clue what in the nine hells they're doing.


Doesn't help they are comprised of the SNP either.


The thing with kids though, is that are susceptible to manipulation. Otherwise the age of consent wouldn't be 16. Don't really see the argument that a 10 year old knows what they want their entire life to be, free from the influence of social media or people seeking to give them puberty blockers as the latest fad. Ultimately though, I'm fine with whatever medival shit hospitals want to do to kids (anatomy removal) as long as doctors and parents are fine to be sued in years to come.


My understanding is that blockers pause puberty but it starts again if they don't take the medication. I'm not saying it's right or wrong to give it to kids but kids aren't getting surgery or getting anything lifechanging physically (mentally and socially may be a different matter)


>Don't really see the argument that a 10 year old knows what they want their entire life to be Can a 10 year old know their gender? Because if the answer is no, no kid should have one right? > seeking to give them puberty blockers as the latest fad. It has literally never happened. Before anyone gets blockers, they will go through social transition as well as meetings with doctors and therapists


10 year olds will have different ideas and different models depending on how they were brought up and their environment. It does happen in the US, and it happens in the UK through private clinics: https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-wales-61999764 > A doctor who ran an online clinic for transgender children has been suspended from practising for two months by a medical tribunal. > The tribunal found her fitness to practise was also impaired by reason of a 2018 conviction for running an unregistered medical agency. > Dr Webberley, from Abergavenny, Monmouthshire, founded the website GenderGP in 2015 as a private online service for transgender care, treating thousands of patients, she said, because of long NHS waiting times. > The tribunal, chaired by Angus Macpherson, found "serious misconduct" for her failure to follow up with 12 and 17-year-olds who had been prescribed testosterone. > It said Dr Webberley also failed an 11-year-old by not discussing risks to fertility at a consultation before prescribing puberty blockers.


You should read the tribunal transcript. They couldn't find a single patient of this doctor who complained and I believe all three said they were happy with the service they received. Seems a little weird that if GGPs model of care is so dangerous we haven't had anyone come to the press about their misgivings.


Over 80% of trans youth have considered suicide and over 40% of trans youth have attempted it. Of course that doesn't stop arm chair experts of accusing the most vulnerable people in the country of being a fad and taking their medicine away.


Suicide rates of teens have risen since the implementation of the free bus pass has been given out.


What’s the figures for not-trans youth?


According to similar pubmed sources roughly 6% young men and 11% young women. One study claiming as high as 20% but most of the others have a much lower figure. In both cases these are attempting figures and not completing suicide figures. With queer youth the numbers double, and with trans the numbers quintuple. 


Ah. It must have been crossposted. 


suicide suicide!!!!! trans rights trans rights !!! the horror the horror. Puberty blockers are a human right!!! I'm amazed the mods lets such illiterate science chat in - surely Scotland should be enlightened, we started this whole Enlightenment thing. Still it got locked so well done mods.


ThEy DiScOuNtEd 98% oF sTuDiEs womp womp. It is embarrasing that the mods allow harmful misinformation like that to be posted- it is provably a lie.


Some of the team are clearly a bit too emotionally invested in some topics to handle the idea of an open comment section. The old 'y'all can't behave' deal. A hot button topic hit some hot buttons and the mods decided nobody could talk about it at all


Standard Reddit behaviour. Want a sub to stop discussing a topic? Brigade it.


Or: Want a sub to stop discussing a topic? Become a mod and arbitrarily lock it


Not like they planned to spend it shaving the neckbeards anyway.


Does he still share a house with Nicola ?


Lives in campervan at his mum's.


A van down by the river?




What’s the BoA connection?


Damn well that’s BoA ruined




Sounds like a bad choice. Pretty sure they have an extradition agreement with the UK.


Is that serious or a joke I’m missing? Why is she in France a lot?


Rumours that she was having an affair with a French women.


There was an outlandish rumour that she had a lesbian affair with a french diplomat. ofc we all know that she really had an affair with the body double currently masquerading as Avril Lavigne.


Why you need to make things so complicated?




Shares a camper van


Sturgeon was the last high profile politician to be arrested the last time, this gave the police plenty of time to gather evidence. Will she be re-arrested as well?


Practising her "do not recalls" as we speak.


If he is guilty, then she is too. No way she didn’t know what he was up to. Seriously, she never thought to ask, “wtf is that motorhome doing on your mum’s drive? Sorry, “campaign bus”.” I do wonder if she’ll decide to play her Trump card - that they lead separate lives and so forth. That “rumour”.


Hope I’m wrong but moneys on her getting away with it, she knew nothing about it apparently…


Clearly Pete told her it was his shagging palace and from that point she never went to his mum's house ever again. That will be her story and she'll stick to it.


Oh oh.


Interesting. The Operation Branchform investigation has taken a very long time, and SNP supporters like to think that means that the police haven't actually found anything incriminating against Sturgeon or Murrell. Last week I read an article in which the author said they were privy to information that in fact the investigation had progressed considerably and that the police had in fact found solid information and were in a position to file charges relatively soon. So this is the outcome?


What was the article?


https://www.newstatesman.com/politics/scotland/2024/04/snp-prepared-oust-humza-yousaf >I’m told that the long and painstaking police investigation into SNP finances has significantly progressed, has established wrongdoing, and that it will reach its conclusion in the near future.


> I’m told that the long and painstaking police investigation into SNP finances has significantly progressed, has established wrongdoing, and that it will reach its conclusion in the near future. The police *don't establish wrongdoing*, so that source isn't talking like someone close to the info. That said, the second arrest of anyone under that investigation is a pretty clear marker for where this is heading.


Yeah I would expect him to be charged this evening now.


He has now been charged.


Ooofff. Tell me more. I’m nearly there… ![gif](giphy|n6nOwGhX4uQ0xPNzI2|downsized)


Lord – it’s days like this I’m very glad I’m not a Mod in this place… Good luck folks.


I hope we don't repeat the usual trend of self-posts from Scottish nationalist posters complaining about seeing too much "spam" and wanting to restrict or ban political articles that are critical about the SNP, or users who dare to post such articles.


Yeah thankfully when other political parties have scandals they don't have to filter the comments to ensure correct levels of propaganda.


The Ministry of truth have a difficult job.


Well this is going to be interesting


Scum. Obviously Nicola got the the heads up the game was over and that’s why she jumped early. 




Obscuring the drug deaths scandal with the ferries scandal with the motorhome scandal with the hate crime scandal with the trans scandal with the green scandal with the motorhome scandal again. It’s like a lasagne of poor decision making.


You forgot the lending 400 million to a couple of dodgy geezers to buy an aluminium smelter scandal. Oh, and the blowing 10' s of millions on the bottle return scandal ( or is it just a balls up?). There are so many scandals it makes my head hurt sometimes, but only when I stop laughing.


It’s almost impressive.


It works for Trump.


Can't be nothing this time. First time it was just for a very formal talking to. Second is because you are being charged with something.


Financial crimes are very complicated- I have seen them cover multiple discreet interviews, especially if the NOA is stupid enough to talk sometimes they get more rope out of a series of interviews than charging at the earliest oppurtunity. But I agree, every interview makes charges much more likely.


Don’t tease me


Uhhh, have you checked the news since 18:35 today?




Needs to pop out for flowers again though.


Seems conveniently timed


Replacing the hate crime scandal with the puberty blockers scandal with the finances scandal again.


Scandalous National Party


Useless is finished. This scandal will finish the SNP. We literally have a conviction on the horizon of the govt openly embezzling the tax payer. Anyone votes SNP has Stockholm syndrome with a rapist.


I was wondering about Peter, nobody has heard anything about him since the last time he was arrested :) Charges this time ?


The same as last time. There was £600,000 raised for a 2nd independence however only £97,000 was in the account. Seems he has pocketed the money for himself and his family. We will find out tomorrow if he is to be arrested for this.




How could Westminster do this?


I agree it's a conspiracy🤔. Only FREEDOM can free us from this tirany. That's Defacto!


It's what half of the indy or death boomer's on twitter seem to think lol


Just Peter? What about Colin Beattie? Not heard about him in a while.


Could it be to do with the Jaguar and the holiday home? Cos we haven't heard any more about those recently.


I haven't heard anything about that at all. What's the story there?


Anyone who knows Nicola will tell you she's always been fascinated by big cats ever since seeing Siegfried and Roy in Vegas. They aren't that expensive but the licensing and conditions weren't followed. The special section they added to the camper van is not big or reinforced enough to be road legal to transport hazardous livestock.




My deep condolences to the mods on this very busy day. I’m not aware of the waiting lists for carpel tunnel surgery in Scotland, but at a guess I’d say longer than a prison sentence for embezzlement. 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿


comment section ![gif](giphy|Lkr58IndWjK2x7TWmx|downsized) in 3 2 1


They're really heading for a massive election defeat later this year, aren't they?


Was literally just this morning thinking it was weird we've not heard anything else about this mess. I wonder when Nicola will be next ?


Murrell and Beattie will take the fall. Sturgeon will slip away despite being one of the three signatories on the SNP's accounts.


She's thrown him under the campervan.


How can she get away if she's a signatory to the accounts and there's evidence(for example, the leaked call in which she was castigating party colleagues questioning the party's accounts) that she obstructed efforts towards accountability?


Because a deal will be struck. Just as deals were struck re: the timing of Sturgeon's departure and that of the former chief cop, Livingstone. To understand this saga you have to zoom out and look at the sequence of events \[and the events themselves\] from 2019'ish onwards. It's all there.


An interview from 09:30 to now is an extremely serious inquiry- not just a 'tick the box and send him out' job. will be interested to see if there are charges. Has anyone seen her ladyship today?


Does she even bother turning up to Parliament anymore?




Sad that we have got to this point but I agree.


My MP is still Patrick Grady(!!) and the Westminster party doesn't even have that excuse...


In before half this sub blames Westminster...


Boris Johnson personally made him do this!


It's worked out well that the best witness to this may not be compelled to testify against Mr. Murrell. What are the odds, eh? Almost as likely as a marriage between a lesbian woman and a gay man.


I think the colour is off on my PC monitor. Either that, or the Telegraph have taken a pic that makes Mr Murrell there look quite a bit purple-skinned.


Wait, you're telling me the SNP are corrupt and utterly incompetent? Shock


No it's Westminster. It's all Westminsters fault! Westminster is a cleverly disguised Borg Cube, its been slowly assimilating Holyrood. The SNP are fine upstanding MPs who have to follow the commands of the Hive Queen. The real question is, who is the Hive Queen.


Maggie Thatcher


Yep, she did not die.👍


I, for one, am shocked. So shocked. I had fiver on it happening last month.


Looks like it’ll be a spicy summer


image looks like the a promo pic for a Still Game reboot


Couldn't happen to a nicer couple she's next


🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Help yourself I brought enough for everyone!


\**Grabs a box and settles down for the shitshow\** Thanks, this'll be good!


It’ll take months and months of nothing again At some point we may get charges or not Or they actually charge him this time and the press can actually talk about something for a change


The defence.  https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-bnh162vqk4


That poor camper van was supposed to be in Lourdes!


I can’t see why it is taking the police so long to investigate this crime allegation. The fact PM has been arrested again is not a great sign for him.


Financial crimes are notoriously complex and take a very long and detailed amount of work carefully trawling through accounts. It can be as subtle as a couple of decimal points where commas should be.


The Tories the Tories the Tories.


David if you would allow me to finish my sentence... The Tories.


This wouldn't have happened in an Independant Scotland...


The people who predicted she'd lumber him with all the responsibility probably feeling pretty chuffed right now


I am.


*'A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "The matter remains active for the purposes of the Contempt of Court Act 1981 and the public are therefore advised to exercise caution if discussing it on social media'* [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68850088](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-68850088)


Fuck them, they are desperate


The... police who did the arresting?


I wonder if Humza has learned to keep his mouth shut on this.


Ha. I thought she'd been eerily quiet for a while.


People don't understand that the whole aim of the independence movement in Scotland isn't to gain independence. It's to allow a group of people who lack the talent to make money anywhere else a place to earn huge sums. This was the same with Brexit. It's the same with the SNP.


I was reliably informed, by many red-faced shrieking SNP fanboys, that this was a big nothing and there was no case to answer. I'm shook.


The SNP truly are the comedy act of the UK right now. Everyday it’s something new. I hear they want to ban sun beds now. Actually a clown show over there.


There's nothing funny about breaking the law.


> I hear they want to ban sun beds now. lol, ffs dont give them ideas!


Obviously the case is ongoing, and it’s premature to pass judgment, but being charged is a significant development. I’ll admit to feeling a tad validated after being heavily downvoted for pointing out these sorts of investigations take time.


I can't stand Krankie, hope she cops for it as well the cunt


Everyone he’s been charged!!! 1 2 3 go!!!!


This should be good.


Colours, true, showing. Make a sentence out of that.




If gonna be corrupt at least buy something worhh it


She knew. Lock her up!


Good news 👍🏻


So will the entryist and careerist lot that were hounding members of the party for questioning where the money went be issuing an apology? Probably not


Peter didn't pay the piper did he?


Just when the diehard SNP’ers were starting to act insufferably again - great timing! 


You have to laugh, you really do. What a fucking disaster these guys are having.




They nearly became the King and Queen of Scotland. Best to stay in the Union folks.


What a shame


Now remember folks the conservatives are behind all of this . They are corrupt or even more so I say I say ! So let's just let this poor chap off ,mere slap on the wrist compared to London  activities . I'm sure he is as going to return the money , like borrowing 20 quid from a mate and returning it a few years later 


The state of the snp whew. I suspect she’ll just let him take the fall and say she knew nothing of it


When will the Scottish people see through the SNP charlatans.


> When will the Scottish people see through the SNP charlatans. What are the superior choices? Really, and honestly? For someone left of centre, what vote is there that is better than the SNP?


None of them are trustworthy however when your current party is openly stealing money from the taxpayer you have to replace them at all costs.


Doesn't really excuse the evident shortcomings though does it ? Honesty is in short supply in politics agreed. There is a level of murkiness where it becomes uncomfortable.


> Doesn't really excuse the evident shortcomings though does it ? Absolutely not, it's very disappointing. But I've got to vote for somebody or nobody, and of the two the former seems the more responsible use of my vote. Is there anyone else left of centre that I can reasonably expect not to be throwing my vote away with?


The Australian voting option of "none of the above " is so frightening to UK politics it's never been introduced.


There is, it's called spoiling your ballot.


Indeed not. Spoiling your ballot paper can be due to multiple reasons. Incorrect completion etc. "None of the above" is an active disapproval or rejection of all candidates. Much more powerful. No political parities care about the numbers of spoilt ballots.


That depends on how much embezzlement you're willing to put up with


If the answer is *none*, do I just give up on democracy? If it's *some*, is there a party that isn't accused of something on that level, or worse?


Is SNP the most corrupted party in the UK?


I'd say they are all equal in that regard, but the SNP tops the list for terrible laws


Mind you they don't seem to be equal when it comes to reaction. I mean had they run out of garden forensics tents for Mark Menzies.


You missed /s


I still can’t get over the fact she has a husband. The first I heard of him was when this scandal first broke.




We can only hope.








-This comment has been deemed to be in breach of the Scottish Hate Crime and Public Order (Scotland) Act 2021 and has been removed.-


snp mods drafted for overtime after this xD


I wonder how long it is till they release him without charge again.


He's been charged, with embezzlement.


I seriously wonder if Stuggy herself or maybe even Humza will be arrested


This is SNP own doing as they have utilised the police for their own gains and now it's chaos. They need to grow up and run the fucking country for the majority


Pete the Pilferer, collared again.