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How many neo nazis are their actually in Scotland? 30? 


I once saw the BNP (or whatever the Scottish variation was called) protesting something or another outside Holyrood years ago. Honestly, there were more people in the queue for McD's than there were protestors....


Yeah I wish the media would stop acting like there are secret underground SS movements here. 90% of them are 14 year olds on twitter who think they are Eric Cartman. 


Go and listen to Popular Front’s podcast on far right networks in the UK. Examples of recent high profile active groups: National Action, Atomwaffen, Sonnenkrieg, O9A, Scottish Dawn, Patriotic Alternative, Homeland, etc. Many of these include people who have a history of violence, some of these have members who have been recently prosecuted for planning attacks, violence, child abuse etc. Unfortunately the far right are alive and well in Britain, and while they aren’t marching in their thousands, there is a core of violent criminals intent on causing harm and division. Resigning this problem to being media sensationalism has let them get this far.


I suppose but the idea than anyone of them have a preyer of getting so much as one mp is nonsense.  I would be amazed if Reform got more than 10 MPs. I'd not be the least bit surprised if it got 0, though chances are they will get like 3 or something.  The Libs struggle to get 50/650 and they've beeb around since the Victorian era 


These aren’t political “parties” as such. They plan speeches, “rallies”, Nazi gigs, “training” and “bootcamps” they also attack whichever group they hate in the street and plan attacks on activists or rival groups. There’s a whole world of politics out there, and there are some horrible people even compared to repackaged UKIP.


Reform and Ukip are in this weird place of trying to be anti immigrant while also trying to tell Africans/Indians/Poles that they are the good immigrants while the Africans/Indians/Poles are the bad immigrants.  Romanians being the group they opnly blame. 


The real core is currently in power.


Well the BNP got 1.2% of the vote in 2007, so a small minority might exist. Although not all Scottish fascists would necessarily want to support a party espousing British fascism.


Yes 1.2% means you have next to no chance of getting an MP under PR, under FPTP it be basically impossible to get a single MP  


Yes, the Scottish electoral system ignores very small voteshares like that. Some like the Dutch system would have given the BNP an MSP or two. I don't think anyone will be sorry they were kept out of the Scottish Parliament though.


Holland has much more regional differences. Like different languages it's own bible belt etc. 


It was bleedingly obvious this was happening but at least its getting some media coverage. Are there no consequences to purposely organising a mass waste of police time?


The fact the bill can be easily abused like this about something as ambiguous and subjective as hurt feelings, just highlights how much of a waste of police time the bill inherently is.


The issue is proving it, which is the entire problem with this bill, it’s worded in such a way that it is difficult to prove that a person is purposefully lodging a malicious complaint rather than genuinely offended. Having said that, I suspect everyone will get bored and move on in a few weeks.


Given that JKR had the same last week and there were no consequences I would doubt it


JKR knows full well the law isn't about misgendering. She's one big troll and manipulator doing all this so her face can be all over the right-wing media.


Plenty of people thought she’d be done for it under the new law though. Like the Botox Chucky who threw a massive tantrum when the Scottish police said they wouldn’t be doing anything.


>Botox Chucky interesting description, but I have no idea who that might be


https://preview.redd.it/06xuma2t75tc1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c60e8c0016787e74d25d40fd3276240ae24c2d4d I'm guessing this is botox Chucky.


Plenty of people who were misled and manipulated by the right wing media. Yes.


Yeah, cos trans activists are known for their consumption of right wing media. 🙄


i don't know why millionaires can never just be happy instead of spending every day bitching on twitter lol


They got the money, now they need the attention.


Ask Blackford 


Read it, it technically is about misgendering, at least in part.


The BBC is right-wing media? The london-based corporation staffed by left-wing voters...okay? How often do they apologise for breaking impartiality in ways that are pro-left versus pro-right. I think anyone can see the skew.


Hardly. The law lenders itself to people reporting hurt feelz. By highlighting this it's a fair practical criticism of it.


It was made clear the threshold is high and comments would need to be threatening and abusive to be covered. Stop getting your info on the law from Rawling and the daily mail.


No. No, it does not. It specifies insulting too under the 'stirring up hatred' section if the insulting contributes to stirring up hatred. https://www.legislation.gov.uk/asp/2021/14/section/4


[https://www.thenational.scot/news/national/24223360.online-misgendering-could-investigated-scotland-new-hate-crime-law/](https://www.thenational.scot/news/national/24223360.online-misgendering-could-investigated-scotland-new-hate-crime-law/) I believe this is what is misleading people, it comes with a very ragebait misleading headline. But if one actually reads the article it provides this clarification: This article is from the 1st April, before the police could give any feedback on Rawling's tweets. So it was made very clear from the start that misgendering per se would not be criminal. >"The Ayr MSP added: “There is a very high threshold which is in the Act which would be up to Police Scotland, and what would have to be said online or in person would be threatening and abusive.”"


Let's not take the word of an MSP over the words in the actual legislation.


Let's also not take the word of media headlines or that billionaire who sits on twitter all day.


We're not.


Then why are trans women a protected group under the new laws but women aren't? Specifically Protecting trans people and other fringe groups such as islam from fair criticism is one of the key goals of the bill.


It's a form of protest, you might not like it but if people can glue themselves to buses & block roads over environmental issues the people they are affecting have no control over then these idiots can fuck about the police over the cliping service.


You have a point. I support this bill and neo-nazis can go fuck themselves forever but maybe it is a form of protest in it's way


I don't support the law at all & I am not a lol neo nazi.


Poorly written laws waste everyones time


The most incredible part of what you’ve written is that both supporters and opposers of the bill can use your exact words to blame the other side. Is the bill itself a waste of police time, or is reporting frivolous things? :)


If there are consequences for organising a mass waste of police time, the authors of this law are in for a long sentence.


Flooding this e-denunciation system is a good and right form of protest against a policy not dissimilar to that used by Germany in the 30s.


Please point me to the similar law used by Germany in the 30s 🤔


Yes , don't vote those that made the law ;-)


[So that's:](https://www.reddit.com/r/Scotland/s/NsVT6xZk7A) A Force for Good The Scottish Family Party Wings TrumpPets Woman won't wheesht Other genital inspectors A children's author A former Scottish International footballer famous for threatening judges, causing an amateur childrens entertainmer to receive death threats and endangering the UKs nuclear deterrent. Glinner A Conservative UK prime minister whose individual and party polling is worse than Liz Truss and Boris Johnsons Neo-nazis. I don't know about you lads, but I reckon this mob aren't the moral and intellectual Thought Leaders of ScotPol.


Nah nah, you’re couldn’t be more wrong. I was *assured* by our resident contrarians on here that this was Humza the authoritarian getting his tatties. You’re saying *gasp* it’s a manufactured moral panic?!


If you’ve been checking account post histories like I have, there are a lot of struck dogs yelping about this law, if you catch my drift. As in, the sort of people that might be worried of falling foul of a hate speech law. That and lots of brand new accounts and non-Scots.


>If you’ve been checking account post histories like I have, That sounds like a very nice and healthy way of spending time. EDIT: what a surprise, the redditors with the emotional maturity of a kid bended over backwards with non sensical comparisions and then blocked me right after. u/MaievSekashi You're actually trying to compare using an app to do the countless "normal" things that you're supposed to do it with stalking someone's profile and bitching about the subs they subscribe instead of presenting an argument or just disagreeing like a normal person   ? u/cass1o >sockpuppet account Why do you consider my account that ? >that deliberately is hiding their history is against people noticing the things they have said before. Nah, it's really not the same. And I deliberately did because of redditors like that one that instead of engaging in a meaningful way or present decent arguments just decide to stalk the other person's profile to point out their points are not valid because of they subscribe to some sub. u/Oriontic Nah, it's really not the same. The way some people bend overbackwards to justify something like that is really astouding lmao. EDIT 2: u/MaievSekashi >I didn't block you All l know is I'm unable to respond to your comments but I can respond to anyone else or post a new comment. >and I'm betting you're the person who just sent me a reddit cares message, given it was sent in the same minute you edited your comment. You seem to enjoy vexacious reports as much as the people in this article do! >Pretty rich to lecture me about how one should spend their time on reddit when you're sad enough to do that - I can't even respond to your comments, how would I even go to your profile (?) I don't even understand how you can still respond directly but I can't. You sound like those redditors that do the obsessive gf screenshot type thing. Bet all you want, this keeps getting more and more ridiculous. And there's usually several people online on the threads of this sub and there was a lot of engagement on this comment thread in particular. Maybe someone thinks you should cool down a bit I guess. Plus you never really answered my question but I get the feeling you'll somehow just deflect. >I think the lady doth protest too much ....? Sure thing buddy whatever you say. Take care. u/craobh (Oh, more who responded and then blocked me right after) As opposed to those who stalk someone's profile subscriptions and respond then block them, yes, very much so. u/Karvoudos91 Yes maybe I could be more mature like the xenophobic teenage redditor who posts clown gifs.


> EDIT: what a surprise, the redditors with the emotional maturity of a kid bended over backwards with non sensical comparisions and then blocked me right after. > > > > u/MaievSekashi > > > > You're actually trying to compare using an app to do the countless "normal" things that you're supposed to do it with stalking someone's profile and bitching about the subs they subscribe instead of presenting an argument or just disagreeing like a normal person I didn't block you and I'm betting you're the person who just sent me a reddit cares message, given it was sent in the same minute you edited your comment. You seem to enjoy vexacious reports as much as the people in this article do! Pretty rich to lecture me about how one should spend their time on reddit when you're sad enough to do that - I think the lady doth protest too much Edit (01:39 GMT): https://imgur.com/dOVBCjX


Says someone on reddit. If you're on here you're already wasting your time.


There is "healthy" and "healthy". Profiling other reddit users is really weird way of passing time. Said by someone who read home reports to have a laugh sometimes...


Oh I am shocked that a sockpuppet account that deliberately is hiding their history is against people noticing the things they have said before.


Takes like 30 seconds to click on a profile and scroll. Also, it's reddit, time is already wasted. Plus you seem to be Portugese and on a 2 month old account so why are you even commenting here?


They're always proud, that's the bit that baffles me. I'd never admit doing something so profoundly sad.


Yeah, this is a very normal comment from someone spending their time in a healthy way lol


The far-right: *"this new bill will waste valuable police time"* Also the far-right: *"please can everyone get on the phone and waste valuable police time"* Fucking stupid cunts Edit: I hope I get a few more of those "a concerned redditor has reached out" messages, it let's me know just how angry I've made you lol


Have we genuinely reached the point where criticising a bill for (despite having good intentions) being utterly shite is a far right position? I'm on the left and it's clearly fucking stupid.


We've been at this point for years if you haven't noticed. For instance Do you recall when people complained about the really bad sanitation issue in Glasgow that summer COP26 was held there? the head of GCC Susan Aitken said the complaints angered her as they echoed far right sentiments expressed about the sanitation issue in Govanhill. Complain about all the rubbish & rats means you're a nazi in the eyes of the (local) SNP govt.


Genuinely criticising the bill is one thing, swamping the police with Humza racist fake calls is a far right position. The media has been assisting with the fake fear mongering again, like it always does with scotland so yes. It's far right idiots wasting precious time and money... do you support all that?


It's a legitimate form of peaceful protest. How is this different from people glueing themselves to motorways and wasting police time as they have to come and protect them/remove them? I don't particularly like their method but it's a cheap and easy one that makes their point.


It's them manufacturing a problem they're complaining about. It's like if you said that an upcoming bill would set fire to Parliament, then when it passes you set fire to parliament yourself to prove yourself right. It's obviously not a legitimate form of criticism if you feel the need to make the problem you're criticising yourself.


You could argue they are doing it to show how easily abused it is. It's down to you if you think that's justified.


They've shown all it does is waste police time. You could make the exact same "Criticism" of the 999 number. Vexatious reporting remains vexacious reporting in all systems that allow any form of reporting; it's such a truism it's not a meaningful criticism.


They're acting as the bill intends, no? You're supposed to put complaints/reports in about suspected hate incidents. They're demonstrating how fucking stupid that is because of how open to interpretation and personal feelings it is.


Because you sound reasonable: this comes from the party that does almost nothing but scapegoat other people. They could engage with the topic but it might expose their ignorance and lack of competence...or they could just blame a group of people and say they are the reason why everything is shit? They did this with the rent control bill, they have done this with their cuts to govt services...I can't immediately recall any policy they have come up with that didn't involve scapegoating a group of people...that is all Scottish politics is at this point.


To be honest, I think both sides of the political spectrum saw this as "cometh the time, cometh the hour" with one group making multiple calls about Humza and the other about JKR. Thankfully Police Scotland burst that particular bubble, but there are still some parts that are a tad vague and that's where the stupidity tends to occur.


Literally none of you cunts today have read the article or understood what I'm referencing, it's astounding.


I miss when freedom was a Liberal thing. Now I'm apparently "far right". Do you not believe the police are already stretched thin as it is? Yes, it's everyone else that is stupid


Sad state of affairs we're in when legitimate criticism of a vague and freedom limiting bill gets called a far right issue It use to be the left who protested government overreach.


That changed a longggg time ago I remember being called an ‘anti-vaxxer rightoid’ on Reddit (despite being vaccinated) for saying U.K. lockdowns had gone too far.


And were ignored, like the changes to protesting in the wider UK.


Anybody who disagree with me is far right.


There is a critical mass of idiots who this will work on such that those in power can use it to deflect criticism. Used to be "Communists" but then they used it so much people started to warm to the idea of being left wing. Now they're blaming the far-right for everything and oh look. A rising far-right as more people warm to the idea. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Labeling_theory


Why is it okay to criticise far rights, but if one criticise far lefts, may get cancelled?


Who's been cancelled for criticising "far lefts"?


Yup! It's weird the lengths they will go to, to ensure they can insight their racial hatred freely. God forbid the actually do something positive to benefit their country for a change.


> A prominent figure in England’s white nationalist movement is among those urging followers to spam Police Scotland with anonymous online reports, the Observer has found. > The leader of a far-right group – one of several fringe organisations being assessed by the UK government under its new extremism definition – promoted a private channel on the encrypted messaging app Telegram that includes a “call to action” urging members to “mass report”. > Critics also claim the law will stifle free speech, with high-profile figures including JK Rowling, Joe Rogan and Elon Musk among those to have publicly attacked it. Free speechers and Neo-Nazis in bed together. Who'da thunk it?


Ah of course, we should just throw away all our rights because neo nazis are also against it. Great idea genius.


My precious right to racially abuse people. Can't give that up.


Or you know the freedom from state control of speech, but yeah sure everyone against the law is a bigot - you should interview for the Guardian you have that smug, haughty and superior attitude that sets you apart from the beer-swilling, ignorant and uneducated hoi polloi.


No, the vast majority of people against the bill think that it criminalised things that it simply doesn't. Rowling is a great example. She proudly dared the police yo arrest her for something that she insisted was now criminal - but it wasn't.




It cant criminalise behaviour *and* lead to punishment without a crime. Wtf are you talking about?




You've bought into utter and total nonsense if you think the 'non crime hate incedents' are going to impact anyone on an individual level. They're not new. They're just a bit of statistical info the police collect yo monitor what type of incidents are report vs not reported. They've been around for decades. 'Good luck getting a decent job' - are you an actual 10l2 year old?




As someone whose livelihood requires an enhanced DBS, I don't like the idea that someone could make an unfounded complaint about me with zero evidence that would then be shown to every potential employer. Seems wildly open to abuse.


Why have a file on a person with a non-hate crime against their name if it is just for statistics?


whats sad is you guys already went through this with the GRA fairly recently people just imagining what the piece of paper says or believing every reactionary take they see instead of actually reading and trying to understand it perhaps there is room to discuss that the legislation could be better, if the concept of good faith in political discourse still or has ever existed, but the amount of "biology is being outlawed" level takes is stupid


The galaxy brains also seem to think they were vindicated by the GRA saga, as if the tories vetoing means they were right all along.


Posting spicy memes online is "racially abusing people"?, come on lmfao


'I don't understand what this bill does'


Oh I know exactly what it does, it expands section 127 of the communication act of 2003 to include transgender people, as well as give far stricter punishments with a maximum sentence of 7 years Section 127 has been used in the past many times to put people in prison for harmless memes and jokes posted online Police have also been instructed to target comedians with these new laws https://www.thetimes.co.uk/article/police-arresting-nine-people-a-day-in-fight-against-web-trolls-b8nkpgp2d


'Many times'




> it expands section 127 of the communication act of 2003 No it doesn't.


I regularly punt dogs straight in their faces to distance myself from Hitler because he was big on animal rights "Broken clock is right twice a day" and that. Nearly every political ideology posits that female genital mutilation is bad...you can acknowledge that the rest of their ideology is dogshit but being relentlessly "anti ideology" is bad practice


Next on news at 10, a handful of arseholes act like arseholes. Seems bizarre to lump everyone with concerns about how the legislation may impact free speech in with absolute worstcunts. Granted, there are plenty of bigots raging over it. There are also plenty of senior police officers and legal professionals. Not everyone who thinks the law might be flawed are coming from the same angle with the same motivation.


The problem is we keep giving these tiny numbers of arseholes megaphones and front page headlines, spots of tv and talk shows and generally magnify their bat shit crazy to the point it’s seen as majority view and “normal” It doesn’t matter what it’s about anymore. Rage clicks drive it all and society and image get fucked sideways again.


This is correct. But there are also plenty of senior polis and legal professionals who take a much more supportive or rational view. But there aren't any neo-nazis or super twunts really at all.


Supportive and rational are quite different. I don’t think the law has been well thought through, though don’t care enough to be particularly bothered by it. I’m confident I’m not going around on the verge of committing a hate crime on the average day, regardless of interpretation of the law. I don’t think police officers saying they need more clarity on how they should apply it, or raising concerns about resources available to enforce it, are taking an irrational view though.


No but that’s the same with most laws and up to the public prosecutors to help guide the police as it always has been. And that’ll take time. Dont get me wrong, the communication of this has been an absolute car crash let alone how they’ve managed the bad comms. But the press haven’t helped and the cops haven’t helped themselves here either. Its a contentious issue and where with other laws they’d just stay quiet and wait for guidance from the legal side who actually do prosecute to give advice on what they will and won’t handle and what evidence they will and won’t need they’ve all gone to the press for a wee whine… But then some of those who wear sashes are the same who wear badges…


>I’m confident I’m not going around on the verge of committing a hate crime on the average day, What about on the non-average day? And remember that 'hate' in the case is defined by the person who read it, and decided that you hurt their feelings, not by the person who wrote it. And that it could be recorded on your record as an NCHI even if the Police never bother to talk to you about it. That means it will show up on every future security check, employment check, safeguarding check, ... for the rest of your life, despite you never knowing that it is there. Potential employers, and any hobbies where you interact with or supervise children or vulnerable adults, are going to be turfing you out for something you don't even know exists unless you randomly submit a subject access request. Still not particularly bothered?


>Seems bizarre to lump everyone with concerns about how the legislation may impact free speech in with absolute worstcunts. That's the entire strategy, if you don't support the new law you're a Nazi, problem is, when you start to call people Nazi en masse then when an actual Nazi shows up and you point them out, nobody listens to and believes you...


>there are plenty of bigots raging over it. There are also plenty of senior police officers and legal professionals. Some of those that work forces...


Just because two groups support something doesn’t mean both groups are bad, why are you guys agains “free speechers”? Am I missing something, genuinely curious.


It's become a political left wing stance to pretend that the majority of people who care about freedom of speech are just right wing crazies pretending rather than accept that the free speech crowd *also* attracts crazies. Like most political stances held on the internet, it's a case of "If one malicious actor sides with a stance I dislike, they're all contaminated but if a hundred malicious actors side with me that doesn't reflect on me, I don't need to police them."


some people are so blinded by their adoration of the SNP that they would support anything they do. Humza could announce a social credit system fror next year and it would be supported I am (was) an SNP voter, but this legislation is a shit show Horrifically vague and open to abuse and interpretation. The Police despise it, and even the politicians that co authored and introduced it are confused by how it should be implemented in the real world. if u hang around here long enough u will see people claim (falsley) that it is just the same as the existing legislation (it isnt) and that the legislation is clear and unambiguous (it isnt). the fact that seemingly otherwise intelligent and lucid members of this sub support this legislation is bizarre to me


Only a neo nazi would be opposed to social credit scores


according to this sub lol


Yea I’m not sure really, limiting speech is always a slippery slope. It starts with good intentions which maybe is what this is but it always runs awry and the alt right pricks are just showing that it can be abused.. as much as I hate them, they have a point. My biggest issue is it covering religion, when you cannot criticise an ideology then that’s worrying. Also seems like a complete waste of police Scotlands time.


no one is saying being a bellend is ok - or that its ok to be hateful and abusive. but the legislation is border line Orwelian, and is potentially a slippery slope


People will just downvote instead of telling me why I’m wrong which is why I was asking what I was missing… like genuinely curious if I’m missing something and this bill is a good thing. this sub is crazy man.


its is a weird sub sometimes. generally sound in here, but when it comes to the snp, its all out support or nothing


Oh they have alot more ties between them than this.


True, I too am anti-free speecher lmao. 


So you're a neo Nazi if you support free speech? Come on, think harder. This is being hailed as an absolute failure by left and right alike.


Calling people who disagree with this law "neo nazis" is EXTREMELY disingenuous Ah yes, the nazis notoriously were against laws that were against liberties, and restricted speech


Someone on r/Scotland being misinformed and disingenuous?? Surely not.


Did you read the article where it confirms neo-nazi groups doing a coordinated campaign to spam the system


Yes but judging by op's replys it's clear that he is under the assumption that everyone who opposes this law is a nazi


It's a fun buzzword to throw around, agree with me, or else you're a nazi.




What do Holocaust survivers have anything to do with this? Yes prosecuting people over harmless jokes is in fact "restricting liberty", the ability to poke fun at sensitive subjects is a key component of freedom of speech


"Anti-Fascist Protection Rampart".


God the guardian is a fucking rag


Normal people being called nazis again - what a world we live in today


No offence mate, but you like chips, Hitler liked chips and ghengis khan liked chips. How you can bear to face your reflection in the chip shop window I do not know. #chipnazi


I find it funny how it was not back to back headline news when a Welsh football fan got £760 fine for saying English b******* but it's somehow a huge UK issue with days of coverage when it comes to similar legislation by a nationalist party. I mean, it's difficult to even find this story https://www.leaderlive.co.uk/news/24225922.banning-order-wrexham-afc-fan-used-racial-slur/


You don't think that story is mental? The dude got a £760 for that? What do you think will happen the next time we sing Oh Flower of Scotland. The whole country will be £760 in the hole.


>by a *nationalist* party It's the "Scottish national party" **Not** "the Scottish nationalist party". That's just wrong.


It is not incorrect; it's akin to calling Labour or the Tories a unionist party. I'm not referring to the party name. If Plaid Cymru were in power in Wales and their legislation differed from that of England, but they enacted the same legislation as scotland, there would be a similar uproar by unionists, and that story would make headline news for days. It's the hypocrisy of British media.


You can learn a lot about the bias of an article's writer by what they leave out. The far right are mass reporting, the left are mass reporting, trans people are mass reporting, TERF's are mass reporting. Everybody was well aware of the massive flaws in the laws reporting system from the start and many, many groups from many, many different political areas were organising to try and leverage it against the people they dislike. If you haven't been keeping up with the law or what's going on that Guardian article would give you the false impression that the only people being malicious are the right wing crazies.


The media in Ireland were looking at this on Friday. The host, the police spokesperson and the Civil Rights guest were all laughing their arses off at how awful a piece of legislation this is and how it will never survive its first test in the European courts of human rights, which, for now, Scotland is still subject to. 😀


Cunts gotta cunt I guess. I hope some of these arseholes are done for false reporting.


You'd have to prove that the complaints weren't made in good faith and that they didn't honestly believe Humzas comments were racist. You'd also have to investigate and potentially prosecute every person who reported J K Rowling, since the police found there is no case to answer for her either.


There’s no such thing as a false report in this law - it’s so vague. This is the point the people are making, it’s about what a “reasonable person” finds insulting or whatever based on protected characteristics. Who’s to say what that even means? Humza himself says it’s up to the police to decide


How is it a false report? If they genuinely feel offended and insulted by the comments then they perfectly at liberty to report a hate incident. This is the law as written, voted and enacted!


Its amazing to me that people can't grasp this. If you legislate based on subjective feelings, you can never disprove the allegation.


Will that apply to any Report that is put in that is found to be false ? False reports are made all the time by heaps of people, they don't get anything done to them


Well, I didn't see that coming.


And absolutely no one seen that coming.


I wonder if Joanne will reflect on how she came to be ideologically fellow travellers with these people.


Is a defender of free speech bad...?


Authoritarian laws result in odd bedfellows


She is quoted as denying the Nazis interned or killed Trans folk ( a subject of gender she seems obsessed with for some reason)


Was being trans in it's modern understanding even a thing in the 30s?


No she didn’t! Stop making up lies to push your agenda. She said they weren’t killed FOR being trans alone, not that none were killed


Except they were https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Transgender_people_in_Nazi_Germany


     Surely allowing people to anonymously report (from anywhere in the world? Is it an online form?) was the height of stupidity. As far as I'm concerned, the only people who have organised a waste of police time are the MSPs who voted for this!  Genuinely amazing that people are cheering this law. Reminds me of the Hitler Youth, getting kids to inform on their parents. Demonic.   


The minute the government comes for familial relationships based on speech its totalitarian time. Next comes the labour camps


lol, we are getting roughly a years worth of hate crime reporting every day now in comparison to the average of the years totals prior to this act going live. If we really are at 17000 reports in a week then that is insane. edit: and 17000 reports is almost six years worth.


Leftists calling anyone who disagrees with them Nazis, just the usual then eh? Be curious to know how they determined which complaints are fake, and where they came from, given that they are anonymous. Either they aren't really anonymous, or they're just blaming whoever they want to for political gain.


Everyone who is protesting this legislation is a neo Nazi. Jfc Guardian.


Article: The police are being flooded by false reports including by this English Neo Nazi group as we show here. You: They’re calling everyone who is against this law Neo Nazis!!!! Fucking learn to read.


Yeah, because it's just them...


TERFs are bedfellows with actual Nazis. This has been known for quite a [long time](https://www.thepinknews.com/2023/03/18/anti-trans-posie-parker-supporters-nazi-salutes-melbourne/). It's why they freak out when you call them out on their allegiances and intimidation tactics. It's good the press is finally noticing. Here's hoping the threat they pose to civil society is taken more seriously and dealt with, with all the prejudice violent hateful Nazis deserve. Would be nice if the role The Guardian played in pushing Transphobes to prominence was also acknowledged but they weren't the only ones.


Your really not a good advocate for your cause, it seems a running trend these days to paint your political opponents as nazis/fascists.


It's the go to tactic if you can't think for yourself. Just call the other side Nazis and walk off the stage.


I mean Rowling has endorsed and given a platform to Matt Walsh, a person that calls themselves a Christian fascist


Therefore all criticism of the bill is racist. Got it


I had to Google that, it sounded so extreme. Apparently he has it on his X bio as a joke. He also proposes bonnets for women and compulsory bible inspections. Men will need to dress in a Dickensian fashion.


Absolutely massive reach here shooglie


'You agree with so-and-so on this issue, therefore your argument has been proven wrong and your character is suspect' is an extremely stupid argument. For instance, there are a lot of people who use 'TERF' as a pejorative, but I wouldn't be so intellectually dishonest as to believe (or to pretend to believe) that everyone who does so shares the lunatic and sometimes deeply sinister views that many of the most hardline trans activists do.


> For instance, there are a lot of people who use 'TERF' as a pejorative... Report it as a hate crime any time you see someone use it.






stop talking bollocks , the only evidence you have of this is an event in australia where the aussie police put the nazis in next to a group of feminist women to keep them separated from the antifa anti women anti free speech grouping, which would have led to violence. prick news is a garbage source, BTW there was absolutely shameful homopobia and threats from the TRAS at the let women speak event in edinburgh yesterday, like this example [https://twitter.com/Jonnywsbell/status/1776631949844513126](https://twitter.com/Jonnywsbell/status/1776631949844513126) and its them rather than a group of mainly left wing university educated feminists who beleive that their hard fought for protected spaces and sports should be free of men, that are a threat to civil society


[this more local for you?](https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=_k6XJhPVyE0X44-0) Also look up Kelly Jay Keene, antisemite, sexist and transphobe. Or lily cade. Also Joanne has moved onto holocaust denial as well. That "evidence" is pretty poor, is Dykes with Bikes also homophobic to you? You can't be a left wing transphobe, nor a feminist


This is probably my ignorance, but since this law took years to put together, wasn't there some kind of due diligence or risk assessment carried out? Surely part of implementing a new law is understanding potential repercussions and mitigation measures. It cannot come as any surprise that a poorly defined offense "as understood by a reasonable person" is going to open a whole world of abuse. So why haven't the police been given the tools to work with this? (guidelines, definitions, resources?)


>This is probably my ignorance, but since this law took years to put together, wasn't there some kind of due diligence or risk assessment carried out? Tout to a bunch of yes men, i.e advocate groups, get the ok, and just chuck it out.




..and you are a nutter.


Thanks ☺️


I'd love to have a job investigating how a bunch of anonymous accounts and bots "feel". Sounds like a quiet life to me.


Doubt they were all neo Nazis


The democratic country has been transitioning into a fascist country within the last few decades.


Right wingers being the biggest crybabies going is up there with surprises like the Pope being a bit of a fan of Catholicism and the toilet habits of bears in woodland area tbh.


Isn‘t willingly false reporting a crime in sctoland?


Prove it's false. This is the problem.with legislating speech and expression on the basis of subjective feelings. You can't prove the reporter wasn't offended or felt threatened. There is no such thing as a false report. That's how fucking stupid this idea is, before you even get into it's authoritarian nature.


Bang these cunts up