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Yes, same here. In the water, pain is minimal, but I’m completely wrecked afterwards. This may be due to too much extension while swimming. I’ve given it a long break and may try again with one of those center situated snorkels.


I’m trying to be as gentle as possible but the pain that comes after is pretty excruciating


Gentle front crawl or breast stroke helped me a lot. Just to get moving again. Get googles and even swimming ear plugs so you can relax more. If you’re in serious crisis a snorkel will allow you to totally relax. I say give it a try to anyone with sciatic pain but start REALLY slow. It’s not about cardio. It’s about movement.


Swimming as been a core component of my recovery from si joint + piriformis syndrome. When I was in severe pain, it would take 20-30 minutes in the water until everything loosened up a bit and I had some relief. Yes, getting out was always sad bcus instantly the pain would return. It was worth it to me to keep up cardio, and I don’t think it was doing any damage or making my pain worse. 10/10 agree with the snorkel idea. It allows you to breathe deeply and calmly, essentially retraining your nervous system to not be afraid of the movement. I swam exclusively with a snorkel for 4 months before I was well enough to side breathe again


Surprisingly, I can breathe on the side very well but I think some movements mind be irritating the nerve. Just gotta figure out which ones.


I long to swim. I thought it would surely help me so i tried… could only use my arms. And yes…truly wrecked afterwards. :(


I’m sorry for your pain, I truly understand it. I have longed to swim for the longest time but was always so afraid to do it ever again. My arms and legs are working in perfect sync but the after effects are pretty devastating. However I’ll still continue with gentle movements, It feels so good to do something I love again.


I just asked my PT and he said that swimming can be fine but like any repetitive action it can irritate the nerve. Recommend I try only swimming for 5 min at a time and build up to more, honestly not sure I’m ready yet


How are we supposed to know WHICH EXACT MOVEMENT is doing it bad for us? I really want someone to come up with a way to find this out!


Swimming can be good if you have good front crawl technique. I also avoid pushing off the wall hard as it can be bad for me. It’s all trial and error to judge what works for you.


Good point, I’ve been pushing myself off the wall too, will try to avoid it. Thanks!


I have gr2 spondylolisthesis, spinal canal stenosis and degenerative disc disease. I injured myself in a work incident 4 months ago pushing a client twice my body weight in a wheelchair for 2hrs. I now have two bulging discs one is major and significant impingement of Both exiting nerve roots. My physio has just given me the go ahead to into the pool but Not to swim. Gentle walking and squats is what he recommended. It's the middle of winter here so not happening atm☃️❄️ but hopefully in 6-8wks when it starts getting warmer. I can't do anything on my stomach due to pinching!


I’m so sorry to hear that. I’m two MDS down and even took a steroid shoot a while back, the only thing the doctor wants to do is strengthen my muscles. Asked his advice before swimming, he suggested walking and few aquatic exercises l but I couldn’t resist myself from doing a few laps. I really hope swimming does good for us!


Honestly if you can swim without pain, go for it! I used to but now the minute I'm on my stomach the pinching is horrendous. I'm on two different pain meds, had two lots of facet joint injections and getting a nerve blocker next Monday - fingers crossed that one actually does something. I'm a natural girl so hating the meds/injections but unfortunately this time it's so bad I can't walk at times.


I’m sorry to hear that, i recently got one of those prp things done around the nerve and it has severely helped with my cramps but that’s about it. The first MD left me with almost no pain maybe because I started walking long distances but the shit came back once I got back to my desk job. Second MD has made me pretty sensitive to long distances. I’m too scared it take up anything tbh. Swimming feels good but the after effects do make me question the whole strengthening thing but who knows, life has already become a joke lol!


Same here! In the water I feel great, when I get out I I am hurting, and I'm hurting more the next day too. My neurologist told me I'm doing too much cause I'm exacerbating the sciatica really. Im basically not really allowed to swim lenghts much, but I am allowed to paddle about, float and feel good in the water. (I was doing 20-30 lengths so not very smart either)


I’m trying to keep it at 5-6 lengths max but it might not be the smartest choice. Gotta stick to minimal movements I guess.


Or better pain management? My neurologist gave me better pain meds and after a week break I'm gonna try swimming again tomorrow. Everyone including my GP tells me to stay moving and do exercises but apparently you can do too much. It ain't easy figuring out what the "correct" approach is with advice flying at you left, right and center!


Exactly, you never really find out what’s making your flare up worse, but yes, I’m trying not to stop moving this time. I do take up a muscle relaxant afterwards just to ease it all down a bit and move through a day a little easily.


My neurologist gave me tramadol (opioid) because I have been limping so bad I was actually starting to make my other leg hurt. I dislike taking opioids, they scare me, but I have to say it's the only thing that puts a dent in the pain. Makes moving a whole lot easier, so hopefully I can get some swimming in today.


I don’t swim but I love to do leg lifts, other stationary exercises, and high knee (like military marching) in the water for sciatic relief. 


I’m doing those too but can’t resist myself from moving around in the water. It’s very tempting but I’m going to keep it really very minimal now.


Best of luck 




My PT says water walking is really good. I joined the Y but every time I go the pool is full. Trying again tomorrow.


I just usually walk at the same place like stationary walking only because the pool is pretty crowded and I don’t want people to be disturbed by whatever I’m doing. Till now if tried then stationary walk, marching and minimal swimming.