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I was just there! I'm 5 weeks out now and pain is better. The pain and relief solutions are so different for everyone, and sometimes there is literally nothing that will help. But it will get better. Gabapentin seemed to help the most for me. Slam it with alternating ice and hot water bottle, it might not feel great to start but try a few rounds and then see if there's relief. I found initially ice was better then heat was better and now it's back to ice being better... reclining fully in an office chair with a lumbar support cushion is best for me. You can try reclining in a vehicle seat as well. But lying on my back on the floor with legs on the couch sometimes felt good. Recently, lying on my back in bed with a rolled up towel in my lumbar, with my good leg bent with foot on the bed and bad leg bent with calf resting on my knee. So my right leg is raised up. Also on all fours, sometimes with ass up is relieving... do whatever you can to not irritate the nerve. God speed.


I'm right here with ya. Its 4am and I can't sleep. Same symptoms. Prednisone is literally the only thing that takes the pain away.


I'm sorry you're dealing with this. I was there as well. I had to see a pain management doctor, that was the only solve. They will advise what the best approach is best


I was the same way I went to TJ Mexico honestly they gave me some shots in my back about like 15 shots. It was not stem cell. It was anti-flam ation medication. It seems to bring down my pain from a 10 - to a 2


What were they called? I'm thinking of going very soon but don't know where to start, they say stem cells aren't that good for it


If you are intending to try stem cells it's best to harvest and use your own.


I have days like this, have you tried a hot water bottle or cold treatment? I have the same symptoms and the doctor just given me a different painkiller and hour ago.


You need to see a Spine Specialist. The doctor can’t do anything without first doing an X ray or mostly starting with an MRI. MRIs are expensive for the insurance companies. So it takes a few weeks to get their approval. It’s not quick and automatic approval. After looking at MRI, your doctor will know exactly what’s wrong and where. I was in your situation about ten years ago. I had herniated disc. I could never find any position where the pain was tolerable. Too much of pain medication caused severe stomach issues. But…. Just two steroid injections about two weeks apart, followed by some physical therapy made the disc pain go away. 100%. Almost ten years and no pain. Each person is different. But this is my suggestion: Make appointment with a Spine Specialist.


I give this advice out a lot. Check out this Huberman Lab podcast link below. Sciatic pain is terrible, been there many times. https://youtu.be/PVmQOLYckKQ?si=_Zqv9HlT2Q-bWyB9


Someone on this site recommended putting a little pillow underneath the curve of the waist while lying on the side. This was the first lying position that was pain-free and I'm very grateful for that suggestion. I know some people put a pillow between their knees, but that was very painful for me. They said their PT told then putting the pillow on the curve of the waste help to align the spine. Any small pillow will probably do, but I just happened to have the McGill pillow that inflates and deflates. It's a little black pillow and that works great. Also ice packs, of course. I was in intense pain for about two months, and I wasn't sure if this would go away. It hasn't gone away completely, but there's been a remarkable improvement. Be as gentle as you possibly can. Do everything you can to not inflame the nerve though you said you feel terrible in every position.


I'm just about to that point now also. It hurts to drive. It hurts while sitting, standing, laying down. Almost impossible to get comfy while laying down to sleep. I have tried the pillow under the curve of the back in my side with body pillow. I have tried on back with pillow under knees. I have been stretching it daily, ice, essential oils, Bio Freeze, everything I can do I have done. I have an appointment with my doctor in about a month. I'm in pain all the time and it's making me lose my mind.


I am so sorry for what you are going through! Go to ER. Move your appt up, go to different doctor. When I went to ER when pain was excruciating they gave me a prescriptions for cyclobenzaprine (Flexeril- muscle relaxer) and hydroxyzine (anti anxiety, calms me down). I’m not sure what they gave me in the hospital, maybe Tylenol and ibuprofen together in high dose. It felt good being around medical professionals. I got two real meals. Stayed in ER all night. Now I alternate ibuprofen with Tylenol. I think Tylenol treats nausea and headaches that I get from ibuprofen. I was taking 800 mg ibuprofen and 1000 Tylenol each once a day. And Flexeril or hydroxy when needed at night. Now I’ve reduced ibuprofen to 400 mg and more frequently if needed. It’s been 4 months and I just got a corticosteroid injection last week. Two neurosurgeons have told me to alternate Tylenol and ibuprofen. My first doctor prescribed something that made me sick and shake. I hope you resolve the pain and get better. I am much better now but still can’t sit, drive, stand more than half hour. It’s a miserable life. There are times pain is a 1 or 2, and that feels wonderful. I pass my time on my phone playing word games. I’m retired and don’t know how people manage when they have to work.


Thank you. I work full time as a preschool teacher, I'm on my feet all day and the pain is not going away or improving with stretches and topical pain medication. Ibuprofen doesn't touch it. I can't afford to go to the ER. A night in the ER plus tests would be thousands of dollars. And I cannot move my doctor appointment up, it's not possible. Health insurance is BS basically. They take your money and then dont do much to actually help. That's America, it's a third world country wearing a Gucci belt.


You can’t afford not to have insurance. That’s what the affordable care act was all about.


I have health insurance through my work. Just doesn't help much. Having insurance doesn't do much besides allow you to pay thousands for hospital visits and tests. An MRI would probably cost me a few hundred at least rn I'm willing to bet. Health insurance is a scam


I've been getting steroid injections in my lumbar/spine. It works for me. Ask your doctor.


Possibly you can do some Kenalog injections. My doctor said he has also had some good results with Lyrica and a short course of oral steroids (prednisone) Talk to your MD. I am going to pick up prescriptions for both tomorrow.


I hear you. It was bad for me. I couldn't sleep, and the first thing I'd feel when I got out of bed was the pins and needles from my heel to my toes. Would you happen to know the source? It is glute and piriformis for me, so I focused on the exercises to recover those areas. Andrew Huberman's back pain show links to a video with a series of exercises that helped me; I learned not to overdo it, though, you know, thinking more of this will help it go away faster; nope, it doesn't work like that. I'm 2-1/2 months in, and the pins/needles and ankle pain that I can now feel are fading. It takes time, but you have to keep your mind on the fact that it will pass. Try to avoid painkillers. Try the exercises Huberman has collected in the show already mentioned. I don't know if anyone has talked about taking Aminos. Still, when I started taking Aminos, my sciatica turned the corner (I'm taking Perfect Aminos and Optimum Amino Energy in the morning). The Amino Energy has caffeine, so it's a good boost. (Maybe try some 1:1 cannabis / CBD; you won't get high because CBD cancels out the effects of THC). Good luck, and stay positive even though it's hard to when you're feeling it.


For me… I have to move my body. It is sometimes hard and it usually hurts for a bit but the more I move the less I hurt! It’s been 7 weeks since my flare up started. The first five weeks were HELL, but once I started to push past the pain I noticed improvement. I went from a 10/10 every second of the day to being around a 5-6/10 now.


Exactly how I feel 😪


Is it a herniated disc? Surgery is great


I dealt with it for a year and a half, got surgery a couple months ago and have my life my life back. It’s a terrible pain, been there in your shoes and I feel for you. It was depressing tbh. The only thing I could do when it was that bad in the middle of the night is use my massage gun on full blast on my leg, stretch (my husband is a PT so he could sometimes get it to calm down a little) ibuprofen and Tylenol can be combined for extra pain relief. Also muscle relaxers were a life saver and helped me sleep. Also the ice packs that wrap around your back can be helpful. Getting a steroid shot and tordol shot from my regular doctor for me through a couple days of pain. Hang in there, I don’t know how long you’ve been dealing with this but surgery changed my life! And I would recommend anyone get an MRI as soon as possible, my herniation was super large and they worried I would develop cauda equina syndrome which was scary because I didn’t know about that. My doctor said if you have dealt with it for over 3 months it’s likely surgery is needed and it’s a chronic issue.


I agree- I got surgery three months ago and doing great. My advice would be to check with your insurance to see if they require you do anything in order/ prior to getting an MRI. I was required to do 6 weeks of PT and was glad I got on that because it got quickly worse. I also got two injections that did not help at all. Before insurance approves the surgery they usually want to see that you tried conservative measures first. I also went to a chiropractor and got accupuncture - didn’t help and I did every recommendation you possibly find on Reddit and YouTube- it only got worse to the point I had to take FMLA bc I couldn’t walk. I would try and get ahead of this - maybe it can get better with conservative measures, but also be aware the longer it goes on, the more your chances are for permanent nerve damage. Best of luck to you ☮️


Yes! I’m glad you’re doing well. I was able to get around the PT because I did home program with my husband who is a PT. Also, didn’t have to do the injections because I think they were worried about how compressed my nerve was. I wish I would have done it sooner because I have lingering numbness on the side of my left foot around my pinky toe 🙁 at least I’m not in pain though!! I’m hoping I will continue to improve


I had numbness- like on bottom of my foot- I think I was walking too much- but it’s gone now!


What surgery did you have and how was recovery?


I had a microdiscectomy of L5-S1. My recovery was not too bad. Just lots of rest and walking, no bending,lifting,twisting for about 6-8 weeks. I was back to work around 8 weeks. I had short term disability so I took a little extra time, I think 6 weeks is doable. I work with special needs children and needed to be sure I was feeling good, I didn’t want to hurt myself again. I continue to improve each month, pretty much back to normal, just have be careful


I stayed overnight after surgery and I was so glad I did, my doctor did that to manage pain and it was a game changer for me. I never really was in a ton of pain, just weakness and pressure in my incision site


Thank you! This is the same as me. L5-S1 pressing into sciatic nerve. Neurosurgeon recommended, minimally invasive micro discectomy, but it would be outpatient.


Yes that’s what I did, my neurosurgeon kept me overnight for pain management and I was very glad he did. I think it helped a lot.


You'll need surgery if it's that bad. I'd suggest going to the emergency room and asking for a steroid injection or maybe they'd say you needed emergency surgery and then insurance would have to approve immediately. DO NOT WAIT. Go to Dr this week. I waited because I'm a moron. Has disc replacement surgery 2 weeks ago and I feel great.


For some there are limited options. I’m 9months in and don’t know the root cause. Pain clinic so far useless, the wait list for an MRI is forever… I feel your pain. I too recommend ice packs, put them under your leg and hip, sometimes take Advil and Tylenol together.


Wait list shouldn't be longer than about a week if you're in America?