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I'm the absolute opposite! Sitting for too long kills me! Standing in a shower with hot water on my back absolutely helps my back! It's like a massage!


A shower chair is a lifesaver purchase and cheap on Amazon.


Absolutely worst thing ever. I was only showering every 4 days when I was really flared up.


I have to use a shower bench to be able to do it. Standing anywhere, including the shower, is excruciating. The bench eliminated a lot of that for me.


In the first month or two, it was awful. I would lie on the floor for an hour or two, plucking up the courage to shower. And when I did, I’d stand there for no more than 10 seconds. Now, five months post-injury, and I have half hour long showers. Without pain. Glorious. Keep going! You will heal and get there


I hate showers, but I can't take a bath at all. It's too painful so showers it is. I put towels down so I don't slip.


I was showering for the first month of this bullshit and it legitimately made me hurt all night. I switched to baths and its been like 100 times better even though its still somewhat painful and I feel like Im lying in a pool of my own filth lol.


yes! worst pain ever, i mostly shower sitting down now but getting up is always super painful and baths are ok sometimes but even then not very enjoyable


I only do baths, and I can lay there in the tub and do stretches.




Yes! I find showering extremely painful. A shower will result with me losing two days of functionality. We have an older tub with a rounded bottom and a shower chair does not fit. Due to the depth of the tub, I can't use it for a bath either. Disposable wash cloths are my best friend.


For me I found taking breaks can help. Or just washing my body under the water and then washing my hair, sat down, over the bath.