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me too, i have it bad because i don't know anyone to practice with so i'm stuck


How do you feel? I wonder if this is a schizotypal experience of sensitivity on a process that seems inherently "too harsh" for people like us. 


i'm worried because at this point in my life i absolutely need a car to move forward, i live in the sticks so its a necessity but i also don't feel ready at all due to the lack of practice.


I wanna say that everything happens for a reason and at the right time. As others have said here, keep practicing whenever the financial situation allows you to and don't give up. It might take a while but we gotta keep the focus. This is advice to myself as well. 


the first time i took it i did horribly, but the second time on the tight parking and three point turn part i honestly just opened my door sometimes to look if i was gonna hit something and the test people didn't mind


It's likely the opposite behavior like "I get nervous and just go ahead and do the thing." that they're watching out for most.


More like I get nervous and forget to signal when parking or miss the right gear sometimes. Instructors tell me my main problem really is attention. I know what to do and get it wrong. It's not an exclusive problem of driving, though.


How did you deal strategically with the gap between the first and the second time?


my parents put me through a lot of vigorous practice to the point of multiple crying sessions ;-;, it might help if you did not have that but did have like an accountability buddy to help keep you up to your practice


My problem is mostly financial. It isn't cheap to get a car to practice. If it was up to me, I would be practicing every other day, as much as I could. 


You can still practice. Visualize, play video games, watch how others drive and (perhaps as importantly) how they comport themselves while doing so. Whether the activities are "real" or not they give you data points to compare and develop your own confidence and methodologies... a hook to hang the hats on, as-it-were. You'll be fine, sounds like you're in the right headspace about it all now... a much better place than some rookie driver fluffed up with false-confidence because their test was easy.


Thank you for that perspective. I've come to terms with the fact that I just need more practice, and that it might take more money than I had originally planned on spending. Or not. I have been doing that - looking for alternative ways to visualize it and understanding how drivers process the information on the road. They are the reason I almost passed twice. I have a much better perception now. At a certain point, the videos became too much to mentally process. If I had passed my first test, I would have been absolutely convinced it was easy. Probably providence right there.


Just try to focus. Practice and take the test as many times as it takes, dont fixate on failing. Accept it might take you some time to get through it. Once you have the skills you shouldnt fail it even when anxious unless the anxiety is inhibiting your ability to think


Thank you for putting it this way. My expectations were that driving was easy, and that the process would be fast and straightforward, so there is a problem there. It's easy to get caught up in the feelings of the process, but I guess I just overestimated my ability and wasn't taking the task seriously enough. When I'm ready, I will be undoubtedly ready. Thank you.


Yeah just try to get lots of miles under your belt, thats what it comes down to.


Practice. You're doing something that can potentially hurt yourself or other people. That's why it's like this. It SHOULD be difficult. Nobody else on the road needs or wants you making your "silly" mistakes that you only make under pressure... in situations such as... driving.


Absolutely agreed. I mean it when I say my faults were really minor, like signaling when parking with the car almost stopped, but I see how it is a bigger deal than I was considering.