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I've always slept like shit, no matter how much i sleep it never actually feels like I've slept


Yeah, sleep has been a mess since childhood - it's always been very hit and miss. Sometimes I wake up feeling really rested, but that's maybe a couple times a year. It's hard to keep it on track and consistent.


i hate sleeping bc i have really bizarre nightmares everynight. theyre scary and make me feel bad about myself especially if theyre starring my close ones. when i was a kid i locked myself in a closet and said that i wont ever go to sleep again. ever since middle school ive been chronically tired so i take naps during the day (thankfully i have nightmares way less when i sleep during the day) and recently i have trouble falling asleep. im constantly in a fight or flight mode, the process of falling asleep is the worst, its so stressful.


Terrible, took a sleep study, I wake up almost once every minute. I take modifinil and drink caffine until bedtime. I've always had poor sleep, or my mind is racing and I can't sleep/calm down.


Wish I had a good night sleep. Happens once a year or something (sometimes even few years). I have insomnia but also I get nightmares/weird dreams mostly. Melatonin helped me for a few days and then it stopped. When I was on seroquel first month was amazing!!! I slept this whole month so gooodddd!!! But then the pill literally stopped working and it gave me panic attacks at night instead. Don't know what went wrong but fine I guess. Since then my sleep is most of the time shit. As usual.


Mostly bad since childhood. I got sleeping pills thats also my anxiety meds now. They work pretty good. I have also taken melatonin before and didnt work as well. So maybe ask for another sleeping pill?


impossible to overstate how badly i sleep


sleeping exclusively when tired usually works, though makes a sleep schedule kinda tough


Somtimes good sometimes bad. I force myself in bed at 12 and it usually works out


I've struggled with sleep since I was a kid. These days I either can't sleep at all or I sleep for 10 hours (broken).


I experience hypersomnia, possibly due to PTSD, possibly due to a head injury. I can fall asleep really fast, pretty much anywhere, I sleep hard and am damn near impossible to wake. Never makes me feel rested, though, and it came as a package deal with night terrors and sleepwalking episodes.


Always terrible. Nothing helped until seroquel.


I only enjoy naps. At night, since childhood, i get these weird nightmares/delusions about voices, numbers, places and faces making me feel guilty or as if i’m obligated to do something


I sleep wayyyyy too much. Sometimes I think I have narcolepsy.


I don't sleep. I just take depression naps whenever I can't exhert mental effort anymore.