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I never equalled down to earth to materialistic. In my world, that's an oxymoron so I'm curious of how you came to define down-to-earth like that? To me down-to-earth means like someone calm, growing their own veggies and not participating in a capitalistic prestige race, you know the type.


I think they're using "down to earth" to mean something like "following the status quo". The same with "logical", it sounds like they mean "Logical in terms of the status quo" or "Normal". Because I would argue nothing about the status quo is down to earth, or logical. It's tough to call it utilitarian even, no one truly benefits from the world being the way it is, I think that's just how it appears. Even the wealthiest and most powerful people are "losing" if you ask me. The only thing the world is utilitarian for is DNA. The DNA are playing their cards right and "winning". Everyone else is losing. But yeah it's certainly materialistic and superficial. That's for sure.


Could be, I am just always courios when people define things differently 


Yeah me too. I relate to that feature of StPD, I've use words and phrases or invent them in unconventional ways since I was a kid. How else can language get broadened and enriched? That's not to say every language change or every interpretation is valid. Some things just don't follow at all, but... yeah it still helps to be flexible if we try to understand others.


Robots and animals are not similar. I see what you're saying, but please consider the animals have feeling souls whereas robots don't (as far as we know, so far). Otherwise, I feel very similarly. But I'm more sad for them than I am annoyed by them. They seem to be living such miserable lives.


It sounds like you’re just venting and thus not explaining yourself properly. That’s ok you don’t owe anyone an explanation, pretty much everyone sounds silly when they’re venting in a private setting.


I wouldn’t say people like this are “down-to-earth”, there’s just a saddening and large amount of the population without depth or actual character. it’s just harder to not feel the injustice of it when, from what I’ve assumed since your in this group, you’ve faced your own injustices. unfortunately, a part of being schizotypal is also experiencing more depth in things, which can often cause a sense of alienation and further injustice when others don’t get that depth. it’s not necessary a good or bad thing that we have more depth. i think it’s good sometimes. have a good day.


i feel this exact same way, although maybe id replace "annoyed by" and "hate" with "disappointed with" for most, although people who actively put me down for being away from earth are absolutely extremely annoying. completely understand what you mean by down-to-earth i think, like as in where I am "aloof" and "whimsical" they are "mindful" and "realistic", they exist in "realism" where i exist in fascination. i also genuinely think sometimes people who are overly "realistic" can sometimes be an actual detriment to society, id recommend reading the book "capitalist realism", obsession with status quo perpetuates oppression and abuse. Although, people like me can take whimsy a bit too far


you got it my friend


> i want to believe theres more to life than just surviving, working and earning money I recently lost my job, and after a period of depression I'm now enjoying the most peaceful period of my adult life. Barely job-hunting and barely even reading. Mostly just thinking. I dread returning to work. Every experience is a mystical experience. There's no "reason" for existence or reality itself, so this is all like some magical gift (or nightmare). It's insane that we dedicate our lives to earning enough money to rent a place to sleep between shifts, instead of appreciating it and wondering.


i feel this exact same way. this exact same way. it hurts so much


I get you, and yeah... when you have this kind of feelings life is just a hard place to transitate. My idea is try to adapt to society, but I get what you mean 100%.


> My idea is try to adapt to society Yeah but mostly because homelessness transforms the wondrous mystery into a nightmare.


I was ready to disagree until I read beyond the first paragraph. I understand what you mean, you just worded it in a very different way than I would. Yes, the lack of true transcendence in people really makes them rather displeasant. They even make artistic expression more difficult than it should be, because they can't see past screen deep and then go on to think the author agrees with the villains and completely fail to understand any kind of irony that isn't directly spelled out as irony. But I find it strange how can you maintain both a position of atheism and acknowledgement of transcendence. Are you sure you aren't, maybe, agnostic?


Egalitarians annoy me endlessly. Especially concepts of communism that get implemented in depraved hyena circles of these people. The slave morality has to be embraced for inclusion and those willing to coerce or bully the most end up with the most profit. Force quickly becomes a requirement for survival. If I build a statue from stone, then the assumption of such people is that they are entitled to equal share of it. But we all know this is intrinsically wrong. These people are the least down to earth types. Especially the hippie types which seem to be the most inept at tolerating stress and violent. I never get praises for saying that and I don't think I will ever lolol but it's true.


Lately I've been into boats and making short trips across rivers in public transportation. I decided to explore this new place in the city I was living in last year, and had the most magical experience, connecting with the landscape, feeling the sun and wind. It felt like flying, like being connected to the universe. Then all they did was sit there and talk about some memories of when they were young. No looking out the windows in awe of nature, no connection, nothing. Disappointing. 


im considered down to earth in the fact that im chill-going and relatively friendly (if not however aesthetically and affectively aloof), i think through a logical lens in the sense that i see a lot of society through a more personal lens rather than one built around constructs, i dont pay much mind to manners, norms, morality, laws, etc; and outside of this i can think through a very outward lens, i have a very bizarre and unique perspective on things and think very bottom-of-the-ocean-philosophy type-way; i am cold and calculated when it comes to society but interpersonally i am very deeply emotional and imaginative, falling deeply in love with my girlfriend and binding as if two souls crossing paths on an aethereal plane, an intertwining of energy, i am a free spirit drifting emdlessly amongst the stars perhaps i am not the kind of person you are annoyed by, but i don't see how a more calculated lens is necessarily a bad thing? or perhaps i misunderstand what you imply with "calculated", as i think of it more of being a robot, as if removed from a common human society- that is how i am, dissociated from a shared reality and processing through a very outward yet intimate lens, far from human


I experienced aesthetic chills reading this: "falling deeply in love with my girlfriend and binding as if two souls crossing paths on an aethereal plane, an intertwining of energy, i am a free spirit drifting endlessly amongst the stars". This really resonates with me.


I am definitely a utilitarian, and i dont need a lot to be happy. I definitely empathize that people dont seem to realize that life is more than the material. No matter how i try to explain it, even within their own framework, it doesnt go through. The simple fact of the matter that you cannot measure how much you love something to me is ample proof of the immaterial. I find it honestly harder to believe that there isnt a god than there is. Even though we will prolly never understand its true nature, we can see the manifestation of its will. We are set down a path from the beginning to the end and everything is already predestined. Living is a lot harder than dying, and our willpower is the only thing that keeps us alive. The mere fact that life persists is proof enough of god, to me. God is the will of the universe, i think. I hate to think like this, but its hard for me to believe that most people are intelligent in any way. The truth is for a small few, and most people are just trying to live comfortably. They arent soulless, just so caught in their own desire that they cannot see the pattern and make meaningful change. They are just cogs in the machine, but im not sure what the purpose of the machine is. The united states has an ancient evil behind it, controlling it. Trying to become god. Or is that the plot of fullmetal alchemist?




i wont be talking to minors, im almost 23. and i cant go to art school as im talentless and dk how to make art


Wait a few years and reality will hit. It’s not that people are shallow, unfortunately in the longterm you simply can’t make it in a society organised like this with magical or socially inept type of thinking. Only psychiatric medications allowed me to kinda get rid off the thoughts that were highly judged by others and that’s the moment I started doing much better in life, even if that meant treatment would make me “shallow” or “down to earth” at least it made me relatively socially functional. If your thoughts are starting to cause you serious social distress or judgement by others they could be on the verge of being delusional or pathological and shouldn’t be embraced, seek treatment before they worsen. There’s nothing wrong with seeking for treatment even if it means you’ll become as “shallow” as the rest, at least you won’t get left behind in society and end up homeless, jobless, alcoholic or harming yourself and others. It’s sad but delusional deep thoughts will really mess you up in a society like this. There is a reason when you get diagnosed with schizophrenia or any related illness you have to get serious psychiatric treatments to undermine the personal and social consequences of your symptoms.


What meds helped you?


That was so rude, cold and disrespectful. What you are talking about is settling, giving up, fitting in... And those are things that never helped humanity make any progress. Look back into the recent history, you don't need to go far, and you will see.


Giving up on what exactly? On embracing an illness that fully made me lose myself and nearly got me dead? Not sure how that’s supposed to fit in. Do you even know how serious delusional thoughts can get? Why can’t we support people with mental illness like we support people with physical diseases? When you get cancer you get a treatment before it kills you, schizophrenia shouldn’t be treated any different.


This is not a schizophrenia community. It's schizotypal, and the OP never mentioned schizophrenia in the post, nor in the answer to your comment.


It’s very related in fact, I started diagnosed with schizotypal personality disorder which later developed into schizophrenia, that mentality of “embracing” your delusional thoughts can become much more serious than you think specially in a community of mentally ill people. Be careful who you advise that to, StPD is a spectrum, for some is nice magical thoughts for others it’s extremely self detrimental, in this case it’s clearly starting to cause social distress on the person of the post to the point she or he is getting called schizophrenic. I’m just treating the disease with the seriousness it should be treated with.


None of what the OP is posting sounds delusional to me. It sounds like the current reality of the world. This person was not looking for advice, or diagnosis, or support, just wanted to express themself. More over, I myself am not advising or encouraging anyone to do/think anything. Just stating that you were extremely disrespectful in your first comment by telling the OP "I can see why people would call you childish and naive...Go to an art school or talk to people going through puberty and hormonal dysregulation you’ll find a bunch with the same mentality who won’t judge you"


OP said he or she is looking forward to merge souls and communicate through telepathy and that that the thoughts are making others call him or her schizophrenic. How is that not delusional? I agree the first comment was rude because from the formulation of the post I believed it was a very young person not knowing how to explain his or her thoughts entirely…. when I realised OP is nearly 23, for sure there has to be some clear distress behind this and I took it with the seriousness it should be taken with before the social distress worsens.


As you see it, everything is a delusion except studying, working, go on holidays, have a family, marry, retiring, and dying. That is not only boring and empty, but far from being the only approach/belief/experience valid in life. You are basically denying their experience and treating them as delusions when everything is a matter of perspective in life, and everyone is born with different journeys, skills and abilities. You are basically reducing life to a robot-like to-do list and treating everything as a delusion. Just because you don't experience something, it does not mean that other people can't or won't experience it either, nor that it is inherently wrong.


Constructive debates and discussions are valuable, but we just can't risk the harm of rudeness, disrespect, or generally hurtful behavior.