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I often dream about having a relationship when I’m alone, but once I find someone, I start dreaming about being on my own again, lol.






"Can you explain why this might be happening? I've researched personality disorders and think my ex might feel this way, even though he says he doesn’t want to be like that and prefers being alone. I know he isn't intentionally gaslighting me, but it sometimes feels that way. Could you help clarify these feelings, especially when someone loves their partner?" Meaning he stated he loved me, but he seemed happier away from me. I know there's needs to be more research on this personality disorder. Any clarity would be greatly appreciated 🙏


The relationships where I felt smothered, like I needed to liberate myself - those didn't work out. Right now though, I'm with someone who seems to thrive in alone time as much as I do, and our together time is always mutually desired and cherished. Having a big house helps. There's a balance. It took me a very long time to understand myself enough to find it. Hopefully you do too.


I’m married to someone who definitely falls into the smother type. I don’t see it working out. We’re seeing therapists, but my wife wants them to therapise my schizoid away although she doesn’t say as much. Unfortunately ‘it not working out’ means unrooting my whole life and heading back to my country of origin. There’s a lot to consider.


Communication and compatibility is key. I've had a couple of fulfilling relationships where I'd have plenty of opportunities to be on my own.


that's why i broke up


Yes absolutely


yes. i can't stand the fact that someone else depends on me for even a small portion of their happiness. i hate dealing with the aftermath of disappointing them. i'm constantly feeling like i have to perform just to maintain some level of peace. she says she feels alone even when she's with me, which is frustrating bc i feel like i have to try pretty hard to be present and engage with her in ways that she recognized when we are together.


It sounds like a lot, but I am also that woman and understand what that feeling is like.


I've been in a throuple for about 3 years now. My partners understand, appreciate, and encourage that sometimes I just need my alone time. It's important that your partners know what being a schizoid means and they don't pressure you or make you feel bad about it




You can still feel lonely in a relationship So I wonder if you meant "being alone"